957 resultados para RDK stimuli


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Purpose: To determine relationship between the magnitude of intraocular pressure (IOP) during a fixed-duration episode of acute elevation and the loss of retinal function and structure 4 weeks later in rats.

Methods: Unilateral elevation of IOP (105 minutes) was achieved manometrically in adult Brown Norway rats (9 groups; n = 4 to 8 each, 10–100 mm Hg and sham control). Full-field ERGs were recorded simultaneously from treated and control eyes 4 weeks after IOP elevation. Scotopic ERG stimuli were white flashes (26.04 to 2.72 log cd.s.m^-2). Photopic ERGs were recorded (1.22 to 2.72 log cd.s.m22) after 15 min of light adaptation (150 cd/m2). Relative amplitude (treated/control, %) of ERG components versus IOP was described with a cummulative normal function. Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) layer density was determined post mortem by histology.

Results: All ERG components failed to recover completely normal amplitudes by 4 weeks after the insult if IOP was 70 mmHg or greater during the episode. There was no ERG recovery at all if IOP was 100 mmHg. Outer retinal (photoreceptor) function demonstrated the least sensitivity to prior acute IOP elevation. ERG components reflecting inner retinal function were correlated with post mortem RGC layer density.

Conclusions: Retinal function recovers after IOP normalization, such that it requires a level of acute IOP elevation approximately 10 mmHg higher to cause a pattern of permanent dysfunction similar to that observed during the acute event. There is a ‘threshold’ for permanent retinal functional loss in the rat at an IOP between 60 and 70 mmHg if sustained for 105 minutes or more.


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Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels comprise a group of nonselective calcium-permeable cationic channels, which are polymodal sensors of environmental stimuli such as thermal changes and chemicals. TRPM8 and TRPA1 are cold-sensing TRP channels activated by moderate cooling and noxious cold temperatures, respectively. Both receptors have been identified in trigeminal ganglion neurones, and their expression in nonneuronal cells is now the focus of much interest. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular and functional expression of TRPA1 and TRPM8 in dental pulp fibroblasts.
Human dental pulp fibroblasts were derived from healthy molar teeth. Gene and protein expression was determined by polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting. Cellular localization was investigated by immunohistochemistry, and TRP functionality was determined by Ca(2+) microfluorimetry.
Polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting showed gene and protein expression of both TRPA1 and TRPM8 in fibroblast cells in culture. Immunohistochemistry studies showed that TRPA1 and TRPM8 immunoreactivity co-localized with the human fibroblast surface protein. In Ca(2+) microfluorimetry studies designed to determine the functionality of TRPA1 and TRPM8 in pulp fibroblasts, we showed increased intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) in response to the TRPM8 agonist menthol, the TRPA1 agonist cinnamaldehyde, and to cool and noxious cold stimuli, respectively. The responses to agonists and thermal stimuli were blocked in the presence of specific TRPA1 and TRPM8 antagonists.
Human dental pulp fibroblasts express TRPA1 and TRPM8 at the molecular, protein, and functional levels, indicating a possible role for fibroblasts in mediating cold responses in human teeth.


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Sounds such as the voice or musical instruments can be recognized on the basis of timbre alone. Here, sound recognition was investigated with severely reduced timbre cues. Short snippets of naturally recorded sounds were extracted from a large corpus. Listeners were asked to report a target category (e.g., sung voices) among other sounds (e.g., musical instruments). All sound categories covered the same pitch range, so the task had to be solved on timbre cues alone. The minimum duration for which performance was above chance was found to be short, on the order of a few milliseconds, with the best performance for voice targets. Performance was independent of pitch and was maintained when stimuli contained less than a full waveform cycle. Recognition was not generally better when the sound snippets were time-aligned with the sound onset compared to when they were extracted with a random starting time. Finally, performance did not depend on feedback or training, suggesting that the cues used by listeners in the artificial gating task were similar to those relevant for longer, more familiar sounds. The results show that timbre cues for sound recognition are available at a variety of time scales, including very short ones.


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‘Temporally urgent’ reactions are extremely rapid, spatially precise movements that are evoked following discrete stimuli. The involvement of primary motor cortex (M1) and its relationship to stimulus intensity in such reactions is not well understood. Continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) suppresses focal regions of the cortex and can assess the involvement of motor cortex in speed of processing. The primary objective of this study was to explore the involvement of M1 in speed of processing with respect to stimulus intensity. Thirteen healthy young adults participated in this experiment. Behavioral testing consisted of a simple button press using the index finger following median nerve stimulation of the opposite limb, at either high or low stimulus intensity. Reaction time was measured by the onset of electromyographic activity from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle of each limb. Participants completed a 30 min bout of behavioral testing prior to, and 15 min following, the delivery of cTBS to the motor cortical representation of the right FDI. The effect of cTBS on motor cortex was measured by recording the average of 30 motor evoked potentials (MEPs) just prior to, and 5 min following, cTBS. Paired t-tests revealed that, of thirteen participants, five demonstrated a significant attenuation, three demonstrated a significant facilitation and five demonstrated no significant change in MEP amplitude following cTBS. Of the group that demonstrated attenuated MEPs, there was a biologically significant interaction between stimulus intensity and effect of cTBS on reaction time and amplitude of muscle activation. This study demonstrates the variability of potential outcomes associated with the use of cTBS and further study on the mechanisms that underscore the methodology is required. Importantly, changes in motor cortical excitability may be an important determinant of speed of processing following high intensity stimulation.


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Deficits in sensitivity to visual stimuli of low spatial frequency and high temporal frequency (so-called frequency-doubled gratings) have been demonstrated both in schizophrenia and in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Such basic perceptual functions are ideal candidates for molecular genetic study, because the underlying neural mechanisms are well characterized; but they have sometimes been overlooked in favor of cognitive and neurophysiological endophenotypes, for which neural substrates are often unknown. Here, we report a genome-wide association study of a basic visual endophenotype associated with psychological disorder. Sensitivity to frequency-doubled gratings was measured in 1060 healthy young adults, and analyzed for association with genotype using linear regression at 642758 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. A significant association (P=7.9×10) was found with the SNP marker rs1797052, situated in the 5′-untranslated region of PDZK1; each additional copy of the minor allele was associated with an increase in sensitivity equivalent to more than half a standard deviation. A permutation procedure, which accounts for multiple testing, showed that the association was significant at the α=0.005 level. The region on chromosome 1q21.1 surrounding PDZK1 is an established susceptibility locus both for schizophrenia and for ASD, mirroring the common association of the visual endophenotype with the two disorders. PDZK1 interacts with N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors and neuroligins, which have been implicated in the etiologies of schizophrenia and ASD. These findings suggest that perceptual abnormalities observed in two different disorders may be linked by common genetic elements. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society.


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Time features in two key ways in cognition, each of which is discussed in turn in this chapter: time is processed as a dimension of stimuli or events, and time is represented as a framework in which events can be located. Section 1 examines the first of these from a developmental perspective, by reviewing research on age-related changes in the accuracy of duration processing. The Piagetian approach linked changes in duration processing to the development of a concept of time as a dimension of events separable from other event dimensions. This is contrasted with recent research conducted within the framework of Scalar Expectancy Theory, which models development in terms of changes in components of specialized timing mechanisms. Section 2 discusses developmental changes in the temporal frameworks that children use to represent the locations of events. Although as adults, we represent times as locations on a linear framework stretching from the past, to the present, and into the future, this way of representing time is not developmentally basic. A model is proposed of developmental stages in the acquisition of a mature temporal framework. The chapter concludes by considering two themes that cut across Section 1 and 2: the issue of whether there are both qualitative and quantitative change in children’s temporal abilities, and the link between temporal and spatial cognition.


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This article addresses gender differences in laughter and smiling from an evolutionary perspective. Laughter and smiling can be responses to successful display behavior or signals of affiliation amongst conversational partners—differing social and evolutionary agendas mean there are different motivations when interpreting these signals. Two experiments assess perceptions of genuine
and simulated male and female laughter and amusement social signals. Results show male simulation can always be distinguished. Female simulation is more complicated as males seem to distinguish cues of simulation yet judge simulated signals to be genuine. Females judge other female’s genuine signals to have higher levels of simulation. Results highlight the importance of laughter and smiling in human interactions, use of dynamic stimuli, and using multiple methodologies to assess perception.


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The aim of this study was to assess the effect of providing environmental enrichment in the form of perches and string on the behaviour and welfare of commercial broiler chickens. Houses containing ~23 000 broiler chickens were assigned to one of four treatments in a 2×2 factorial design. Treatments involved two levels of access to perches (P) (present (24/house) ‘+P’ or absent ‘−P’) and two levels of access to string (S) (present (24/house) ‘+S’ or absent ‘−S’). All houses contained windows, and 30 straw bales were provided from day 10 of the rearing cycle. Treatments were applied in one of four houses on a single farm, and were replicated over four production cycles. Behaviour and leg health were observed in weeks 3 to 5 of the rearing cycle. Production performance and environmental parameters were also measured. There was an interaction between perches and age in the percentage of birds observed lying, with higher percentages of birds observed lying in the +P treatment than in the −P treatment during weeks 4 and 5. There was also a significant interaction between string and age in the percentage of birds observed in locomotion, with higher percentages observed in locomotion in the −S treatment than in the +S treatment during weeks 4 and 5. There was also an interaction between string and age in average gait scores, with lower gait scores in the +S treatment than in the −S treatment during weeks 3 and 5 but not within week 4. Daytime observations showed that perches and strings were used frequently, with one bout of perching occurring approximately every 80 s/perch, and one bout of pecking at string occurring every 78 s/string on average. There was a significant effect of age on use of perches (P<0.001) and string (P<0.001), with perching peaking during week 5 and string pecking peaking during week 3. We conclude that commercial broilers in windowed houses with access to straw bales display an interest in additional enrichment stimuli in the form of perches and string, and therefore that these stimuli have the potential to improve welfare. In addition, provision of string as a pecking device appeared to positively influence walking ability. However, this effect was numerically small, was only shown in certain weeks and was not reflected in the other leg health measure (latency to lie). The results also showed an apparent negative effect of string and perches on the activity levels of birds (recorded away from the immediate vicinity of these enrichments) towards the end of the production cycle. These results emphasise the need for further research into optimum design and layout of enrichment stimuli for modern broilers in windowed houses to ensure that their provision leads to clear welfare benefits.


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The particular microenvironment of the skeletal muscle can be the site of complex immune reactions. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) mediate inflammatory stimuli from pathogens and endogenous danger signals and link the innate and adaptive immune system. We investigated innate immune responses in human muscle. Analyzing TLR1-9 mRNA in cultured myoblasts and rhabdomyosarcoma cells, we found constitutive expression of TLR3. The TLR3 ligand Poly (I:C), a synthetic analog of dsRNA, and IFN-gamma increased TLR3 levels. TLR3 was mainly localized intracellularly and regulated at the protein level. Poly (I:C) challenge 1) activated nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB), 2) increased IL-8 release, and 3) up-regulated NKG2D ligands and NK-cell-mediated lysis of muscle cells. We examined muscle biopsy specimens of 6 HIV patients with inclusion body myositis/polymyositis (IBM/PM), 7 cases of sporadic IBM and 9 nonmyopathic controls for TLR3 expression. TLR3 mRNA levels were elevated in biopsy specimens from patients with IBM and HIV-myopathies. Muscle fibers in inflammatory myopathies expressed TLR3 in close proximity of infiltrating mononuclear cells. Taken together, our study suggests an important role of TLR3 in the immunobiology of muscle, and has substantial implications for the understanding of the pathogenesis of inflammatory myopathies or therapeutic interventions like vaccinations or gene transfer.


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Chronic cough is a common symptom that can be a daunting challenge for clinicians since treatment of the underlying cause does not always provide adequate relief, an obvious cause can remain elusive, and current antitussives have fairly poor efficacy and undesirable side-effects. Patients with chronic cough typically describe a range of sensory symptoms suggestive of upper-airway and laryngeal neural dysfunction. Additionally, patients often report cough triggered by low-level physical and chemical stimuli, which is suggestive of cough-reflex hyperresponsiveness. Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying peripheral and central augmentation of the afferent cough pathways have been identified, and compelling evidence exists for a neuropathy of vagal sensory nerves after upper-respiratory viral infections or exposure to allergic and non-allergic irritants. In this Personal View, we argue that chronic cough is a neuropathic disorder that arises from neural damage caused by a range of inflammatory, infective, and allergic factors. In support of this idea, we discuss evidence of successful treatment of chronic cough with agents used for treatment of neuropathic pain, such as gabapentin and amitriptyline. Regarding cough as a neuropathic disorder could lead to new, more effective antitussives.


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A huge variety of proteins are able to form fibrillar structures(1), especially at high protein concentrations. Hence, it is surprising that spider silk proteins can be stored in a soluble form at high concentrations and transformed into extremely stable fibres on demand(2,3). Silk proteins are reminiscent of amphiphilic block copolymers containing stretches of polyalanine and glycine-rich polar elements forming a repetitive core flanked by highly conserved non-repetitive amino-terminal(4,5) and carboxy-terminal(6) domains. The N-terminal domain comprises a secretion signal, but further functions remain unassigned. The C-terminal domain was implicated in the control of solubility and fibre formation(7) initiated by changes in ionic composition(8,9) and mechanical stimuli known to align the repetitive sequence elements and promote beta-sheet formation(10-14). However, despite recent structural data(15), little is known about this remarkable behaviour in molecular detail. Here we present the solution structure of the C-terminal domain of a spider dragline silk protein and provide evidence that the structural state of this domain is essential for controlled switching between the storage and assembly forms of silk proteins. In addition, the C-terminal domain also has a role in the alignment of secondary structural features formed by the repetitive elements in the backbone of spider silk proteins, which is known to be important for the mechanical properties of the fibre.


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Major ampullate silk fibers of orb web-weaving spiders have impressive mechanical properties due to the fact that the underlying proteins partially fold into helical/amorphous structures, yielding relatively elastic matrices that are toughened by anisotropic nanoparticulate inclusions (formed from stacks of beta-sheets of the same proteins). In vivo the transition from soluble protein to solid fibers involves a combination of chemical and mechanical stimuli (such as ion exchange, extraction of water and shear forces). Here we elucidate the effects of such stimuli on the in vitro aggregation of engineered and recombinantly produced major ampullate silk-like proteins (focusing on structure-function relationships with respect to their primary structures), and discuss their relevance to the storage and assembly of spider silk proteins in vivo. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This chapter describes the behaviour that protects wild fish from predators, the external stimuli that elicit such behaviour, how it is affected by nutrient status and its link with stress physiology. The way antipredator behaviour develops is considered, including how inherited differences and experience influence this process, as are costs of showing effective antipredator behaviour and how these are traded off against its obvious benefits. Although cultured fish are protected against predation, they may still experience encounters with predators and much husbandry practice may be perceived by farmed fish as a potential threat. The problems for production, welfare and the environment caused by antipredator responses in cultured fish are discussed, as are problems arising from the fact that the behaviour of released fish may deviate from that shown by fish reared in nature. Potential solutions to such problems are reviewed, based on selecting appropriate fish for culture and on using husbandry practices that reduce the incidence of antipredator responses and, where fish are cultured for release, that mitigate the effects of domestication and captive rearing. Finally, some ways in which fish farmers can make use of the natural antipredator responses of their fish to improve the effectiveness of farming operations are discussed.


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The ways in which fish use space in nature are described, distinguishing between movements within a home range, dispersal and directed migration, as are the mechanisms that determine how fish use space. The external stimuli to which fish respond, how they use these cues to find their way around and the role of hormones in migration are also covered. An account is then given of how movement and orientation change with age, the evidence for inherited differences in these aspects of behaviour and environmental effects on development of space use patterns. The benefits that accrue to fish from moving in particular ways are described, as are adverse consequences of such movements, in the form of energetic costs and exposure to predators and pathogens. The ways in which benefits and costs are balanced against each other are discussed, with special reference to diurnal vertical migration. Although cultured fish usually inhabit confined spaces, their natural patterns of orientation and movement can cause a number of problems in aquaculture and some of these are described. Such problems are amenable to biological solutions and these are considered in the final section of this chapter, which also looks at the potential for using what is known about how fish move about to improve the effectiveness of general husbandry practices.


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Objectives: Interference between a target and simultaneous maskers occurs both at the cochlear level through energetic masking and more centrally through informational masking (IM). Hence, quantifying the amount of IM requires a strict control of the energetic component. Presenting target and maskers on different sides (i.e., dichotically) reduces energetic masking but provides listeners with important lateralization cues that also drastically reduce IM. The main purpose of this study (Experiment 1) was to evaluate a "switch" manipulation aiming at restoring most of the IM despite dichotic listening. Experiment 2 was designed to investigate the source of the difficulty induced by this switching dichotic condition.

Design: In Experiment 1, the authors presented 60 normal-hearing young adults with a detection task in which a regularly repeating target was embedded in a randomly varying background masker. The authors evaluated spatial masking release induced by three different dichotic listening conditions in comparison with a diotic baseline. Dichotic stimuli were presented in either a nonswitching or a switching condition. In the latter case, the presentation sides of dichotic target and maskers alternated several times throughout 10 sec sequences. The impact of the number of switches on IM was investigated parametrically, with both pure and complex tone sequences. In Experiment 2, the authors compared performance of 13 young, normal-hearing listeners in a monotic and dichotic version of the rapidly switching condition, using pure-tone sequences.

Results: When target and maskers switched rapidly within sequences, IM was significantly stronger than in nonswitching dichotic sequences and was comparable with the masking effect induced by diotic sequences. Furthermore, Experiment 2 suggests that rapidly switching target and maskers prevent listeners from relying on lateralization cues inherent to the dichotic condition, hence preserving important amounts of IM.

Conclusions: This paradigm thus provides an original tool to isolate IM in signal and maskers having overlapping spectra.