903 resultados para Pulsões
We report on an optical interference method to fabricate arrayed holes on metal nickel foil and aluminum film deposited on glass substrate by means of five-beam interference of femtosecond laser pulses. Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope observations revealed that arrayed holes of micrometre-order were fabricated on both metal foil and metal film. The present technique allows one-step, large-area, micrometric processing of metal materials for potential industrial applications.
We report on an optical interference method for transferring periodic microstructures of metal film from a supporting substrate to a receiving substrate by means of five-beam interference of femtosecond laser pulses. Scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy revealed microstructures with micrometer-order were transferred to the receiving substrate. In the meanwhile, a negative copy of the transferred structures was induced in the metal film on the supporting substrate. The diffraction characteristics of the transferred structures were also evaluated. The present technique allows one-step realization of functional optoelectronic devices. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.
We obtain Au and Ag nanoparticles precipitated in glasses by irradiation of focused femtosecond pulses, and investigate the nonlinear absorptions of the glasses by using Z-scan technique with ns pulses at 532 nm. We observe the saturable absorption behavior for An nanoparticles precipitated glasses and the reverse saturable ones for Ag ones. We also obtain, by fitting to the experimental results in the light of the local field effect near and away from the surface plasmon resonance, chi(m)((3)) = 4.5 x 10(-7) and 5.9 x 10(-8) esu for m the imaginary parts of the third-order susceptibilities for Au and Ag nanoparticles, respectively. The nonlinear response of Au nanoparticles in the glass samples arises mainly from the hot-electron contribution and the saturation of the interband transitions near the surface plasmon resonance, whereas that of Ag nanoparticles in the glass samples from the interband transitions. These show that the obtained glasses can be used as optoelectronic devices suiting for different demands. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The structure of the titanate glass is destroyed during irradiation by the femtosecond laser pulses, and (TiO6)(8-) and (TiO4)(4-) anion units are exsolved from the network of the titanate glass. These anion units are rearranged to form some crystals such as anatase and Ba2TiO4 crystals. By Raman spectroscopy, it is found that these crystals have a strong dependence on the intensity of the femtosecond laser pulses. The relation between the generation of these crystals and space distribution of the femtosecond laser power intensity is qualitatively explained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report the space selective precipitation of Pd nanoparticles in Pd2+ -doped silicate glass by ultrashort laser pulses irradiation and further annealing. Absorption spectra, transmission electron microscopy, refractive index measurement and Z-scan technique demonstrated that metallic Pd nanoparticles were precipitated in the glass sample after irradiation by an 800-nm femtosecond laser and subsequent annealing at 600 degrees C. We discuss a refractive index change and nonlinear absorption that combines the precipitation of Pd nanoparticles. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report on photoreduction of Ag+ in aluminoborate glasses induced by irradiation of a femtosecond laser. Novel fluorescence was observed in the femtosecond laser irradiated glass when excited by a 365 nm ultraviolet lamp. Optical absorption, emission, and electron spin resonance spectra of the glass samples demonstrated that after the laser irradiation, portions of silver ions near the focused part of the laser beam inside the glass were reduced to silver atoms, which resulted in the formation of the characteristic fluorescence. The observed phenomenon may have promising applications in the fabrication of functional optical devices.
Compact femtosecond laser operation of Yb:Gd2SiO5 (Yb:GSO) crystal was demonstrated under high-brightness diode-end-pumping. A semiconductor saturable absorption mirror was used to start passive mode-locking. Stable mode-locking could be realized near the emission bands around 1031, 1048, and 1088 nm, respectively. The mode-locked Yb: GSO laser could be tuned from one stable mode-locking band to another with adjustable pulse durations in the range 1 similar to 100 ps by slightly aligning laser cavity to allow laser oscillations at different central wavelengths. A pair of SF10 prisms was inserted into the laser cavity to compensate for the group velocity dispersion. The mode-locked pulses centered at 1031 nm were compressed to 343 fs under a typical operation situation with a maximum output power of 396 mW. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.
Este trabalho de dissertação desenvolve o tema da direção do tratamento na clínica da esquizofrenia, a partir da teoria psicanalítica da psicose. Partimos das elaborações de Freud sobre o narcisismo e de seus esclarecimentos acerca do fenômeno da palavra tomada como coisa e da linguagem de órgão. Desenvolvemos os conceitos lacanianos de foraclusão do Nome-do-Pai e do Estádio do espelho, assim como o retorno do simbólico no real e a exterioridade do esquizofrênico em relação ao laço social. Baseamo-nos na hipótese de que a foraclusão do Nome-do-Pai impossibilita o atravessamento do Estádio do espelho na esquizofrenia, acarretando grandes obstáculos para que o sujeito se constitua como um corpo e se torne alguém que sustenta uma unidade corporal. Em consequência, surge o fenômeno hipocondríaco em que o sujeito experimenta o corpo como o Outro absoluto, expressão radical da impossibilidade de alcançar qualquer unificação das pulsões através do significante. Finalmente, aplicamos esses conceitos no estudo de dois casos clínicos visando demonstrar que a paranoização é uma direção possível do tratamento psicanalítico na clínica da esquizofrenia.
A articulação entre a psicanálise e a música, mais especificamente a produzida a partir do paradigma de Arnold Schönberg, renovado por John Cage, se mostra emblemática para pensar a constituição do sujeito em Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan, bem como para refletir sobre a escuta clínica, o ato analítico enquanto poético, e a escrita pulsional do sujeito como resposta à invocação da voz. O momento de estruturação do sujeito implica a dimensão de musicalidade da linguagem que permite o ato da fala. O sujeito nasce em um ponto em que o significante (simbólico) escreve no real do corpo um possível, um começo, uma marca que invoca uma nota e uma letra, sendo estes os dois aspectos da linguagem: a musicalidade (continuidade) e a fala (descontinuidade em movimento). Este ponto escreve e cria um vazio no sujeito que está e estará sempre em pulsação. Se o real grita caoticamente, é possível que se cante e se musique a vida com a criação de notas singulares, efeito do movimento desejante e de uma escrita pelo circuito da pulsão invocante na partitura já dada pelo Outro e face aos encontros com pedaços de real. A música tem a capacidade de retirar o sujeito de uma surdez de seu próprio desejo, o convocando a recriar a linguagem por seus atos. O paradigma de Schönberg, bem como a música criada a partir deste momento, nos dá a ouvir um saber-fazer com a voz no qual a dimensão equivocante (de equivoco e de invocação) da linguagem pode ressurgir por uma via nova. A transmissão de um saber-fazer com o objeto voz por ele efetuado se apresenta como uma radicalização do efeito de verdade do real, ressoando borromeanamente sobre o simbólico e o imaginário, invocando o momento originário do sujeito, de um começo sempre a recomeçar, que se faz ouvir como uma invocação de musicar a vida de uma maneira ética, estética e poética. É através dos eixos acima expostos que nos é possível sustentar, com Lacan, uma prática clínica orientada para além da repetição em direção a um significante novo. Trata-se de uma orientação que parte dos encontros com o real aos quais o sujeito é confrontado ao acaso visando o movimento renascente pelo qual ele pode re-escutar o inaudito do real contínuo perdido, o que faz com que seu ritmo singular possa ser, uma vez mais e de modo inédito, reinventado. A psicanálise pode ser, portanto, entendida como uma prática invocante, como uma abertura para que o sujeito possa, com entusiasmo, musicar a vida.
We investigate mechanisms of laser induced damage thresholds (LIDTs) of multi-layer dielectric gratings (AIDG,). It is found that the laser damage thresholds of MDGs and unstructured dielectric multi-layer coatings (the substrate of MDG) are 3.15J/cm(2) and 9.32 J/cm(2), respectively, at 1064nm (12ns) with the Littrow angle 51.2 degrees and the TEM00 mode. The laser-induced damage mechanism of multi-layer dielectric is presented with the analysis of the following factors: The dominant factor is the pollution on the corrugated surface, which is induced by the complex manufacture process of multi-layer dielectric gratings; another is the electric field distribution along the corrugated surface. The third reason is due to the reduction in stoichiometry of oxide films, resulting from the manufacture process of etching.
A new model for analyzing the laser-induced damage process is provided. In many damage pits, the melted residue can been found. This is evidence of the phase change of materials. Therefore the phase change of materials is incorporated into the mechanical damage mechanism of films. Three sequential stages are discussed: no phase change, liquid phase change, and gas phase change. To study the damage mechanism and process, two kinds of stress have been considered: thermal stress and deformation stress. The former is caused by the temperature gradient and the latter is caused by high-pressure drive deformation. The theory described can determine the size of the damage pit. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
We design and experimentally demonstrate some negative dispersion mirrors with optimized Gires-Tournois interferometers. The mirror structure is composed of 38 alternating Ta2O5 and SiO2 layers and could be regarded as two sections: high-reflectivity section consisting of a series of quarter-wavelength optical thickness stacks and negative-dispersion section consisting of only 13 layers. The designed mirrors exhibit the expected performance. These mirrors were fabricated by using ion beam sputtering. By adopting such mirrors, dispersion of a mode-locked femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser has been compensated for mostly. With two series of the mirrors, 32 fs and 15 fs pulses have been obtained respectively.