967 resultados para Public involvement
Les réformes administratives du secteur public, regroupées sous l'appellation de la Nouvelle gestion publique, affectent durablement le contexte dans lequel travaillent les agents publics, questionnant leurs valeurs et motivations, voire plus fondamentalement leur identité professionnelle. La confrontation actuelle des modes de fonctionnement privé et public a le mérite de soulever l'interrogation sur la spécificité de ce qui anime ces deux domaines d'action humaine. Bien que certaines études fassent état de l'existence d'un ethos spécifique au secteur public, il est souvent réduit aux questions abstraites de valeurs ou aux motivations individuelles des agents. Or l'ethos public est plus qu'une collection de valeurs particulières comme la poursuite de l'impartialité ou l'intégrité. C'est aussi plus que la somme des motivations individuelles. L'ethos public, c'est une conception du vivre ensemble qui permet de concrétiser des valeurs dans l'action et qui peut soutenir une visée éthique du bien commun. Voilà ce qu'une étude exploratoire nous permet d'avancer. Cette recherche vise à comprendre, à partir de récits de vie de gestionnaires publics et du concept d'identité narrative, comment ils en sont venus à comprendre et interpréter la spécificité du secteur public et comment cet ethos se caractérise pour eux en termes de relations et d'interactions sociales avec leur personnel, les politiques, les groupes d'acteurs avec lesquels ils interagissent et les citoyens. Considérant le rôle essentiel exercé par les gestionnaires publics dans le fonctionnement du système politico-administratif, et l'importance des dynamiques sociales pour le fonctionnement et l'intégrité de l'action de l'État, les résultats de cette recherche sont très utiles pour une réflexion approfondie sur les réformes en cours.
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (HSSPS), like all public authorities, is required under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 (‘the Act’) in carrying out its functions, powers and duties, to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity and good relations among 9 specific categories of people. In fulfilling these obligations, the Department is required to submit its policies and programmes to formal assessment of the equality implications arising from them through Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs). åÊ
What abortion laws a liberal political community ought to have? Much has been said about the moral problem of abortion, but there has not been yet (to my knowledge) a fully articulate account of the bearing of the competing answers to this ethical problem on liberal public reason. The first part of my project consists in a critical review of the different attempts to solve the various philosophical puzzles, both metaphysical and moral, posed by the abortion problem. Why is it wrong to kill beings like you and me? By answering this question we shall gain a better insight into those properties we have that give us such strong reasons against killing beings like us. Here we face a tremendous philosophical diffuculty, for it is not possible to determine what the robustest account of the wrongness of killing is without dealing with deeper metaethical and metaphysical problems. Indeed, consequentialist and nonconsequentialist moral theories differ in what it is that makes an action morally wrong -is it just the outcome of the action as compared with the outcomes of its alternatives? Or is it something else? Also, what are we essentially? Is the foetus merely our precursor? Then killing a foetus is relevantly similar to contraception. Or is the foetus one of us? If so, when we kill it, are we depriving it of a future as valuable as ours? Perhaps the relation of identity (the fact that it is its future as opposed to someone else's) doesn't matter. That may be because the foetus is an aggregate of biological and psychological facts and perhaps aggregates are not substances. Or maybe it is a substance but only psychological realtions matter, not personal identity. The second part of my project has to do with the different status these metaphisical and ethical positions ought to have in liberal public reason. Though this is the part in which most research is still needed, my own intuition is that, given the depth of the philosphical views in competition, restrictive abortion laws ought to be considered unrespectful to citizens' autonomy.
Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Service Delivery Agreement (SDA) 2002-03.
Les multiples réformes qui ont touché les administrations publiques ont profondément transformé l'environnement de travail des employés, les projetant dans une ère nouvelle appelée ici "l'après-fonctionnariat". Ils font actuellement face à de nouvelles conditions d'emploi et manières de travailler ayant pour objectif de rendre le service public davantage performant. Avec quels impacts sur leurs identités et leurs motivations au travail ? Voici les résultats d'une recherche réalisée en Suisse.
OBJECTIVES: Religious issues may be neglected by clinicians who are treating psychotic patients, even when religion constitutes an important means of coping. This study examined the spirituality and religious practices of outpatients with schizophrenia compared with their clinicians. Clinicians' knowledge of patients' religious involvement and spirituality was investigated. METHODS: The study sample included 100 patients of public psychiatric outpatient facilities in Geneva, Switzerland, with a diagnosis of nonaffective psychosis. Audiotaped interviews were conducted with use of a semistructured interview about spirituality and religious coping. The patients' clinicians (N=34) were asked about their own beliefs and religious activities as well as their patients' religious and clinical characteristics. RESULTS: Sixteen patients (16 percent) had positive psychotic symptoms reflecting aspects of their religious beliefs. A majority of the patients reported that religion was an important aspect of their lives, but only 36 percent of them had raised this issue with their clinicians. Fewer clinicians were religiously involved, and, in half the cases, their perceptions of patients' religious involvement were inaccurate. A few patients considered religious practice to be incompatible with treatment, and clinicians were seldom aware of such a conflict. CONCLUSIONS: Religion is an important issue for patients with schizophrenia, and it is often not related to the content of their delusions. Clinicians were commonly not aware of their patients' religious involvement, even if they reported feeling comfortable with such an issue.
All Ireland Statement on Public Health and Nursing
"Making Life Better" is the public health strategy for Northern Ireland 2013-2023. It is designed to provide direction for policies and actions to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Northern Ireland and to reduce inequalities in health.
From June 1 to July 1 1999, an outbreak involving 25 cases of hepatitis A occurred in a public school in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since these cases were notified to the State Health Department, the National Reference Center for Hepatitis Viruses (CNRHV) was required to investigate the extent of hepatitis A virus (HAV) dissemination. Blood samples from all students were tested for IgM and total anti-HAV antibodies using a commercial enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA). At the same time, a questionnaire was completed in order to identify possible risk factors for HAV infection. The environmental investigation showed that there was no fecal contamination of the water supply. The epidemiological investigation demonstrated that almost 50% of this population was susceptible to HAV infection and probably person-to-person transmission was the principal mode of virus dissemination. In this situation, a massive vaccination campaign could control the HAV infection.
This statement represents one outcome of a series of workshops, in Newry, attended by senior nurses from the North and South of Ireland. Our nursing vision of public health emerged through lively debate and creative discussion until broad consensus has now been reached on the definition scope, principles and activities of public health for nurses in Ireland Download the Report here