996 resultados para Progress.


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Background: The methods used for evaluating wound dimensions, especially the chronic ones, are invasive and inaccurate. The fringe projection technique with phase shift is a non-invasive, accurate and low-cost optical method. Objective: The aim is to validate the technique through the determination of dimensions of objects of known topography and with different geometries and colors to simulate the wounds and tones of skin color. Taking into account the influence of skin wound optical factors, the technique will be used to evaluate actual patients’ wound dimensions and to study its limitations in this application. Methods: Four sinusoidal fringe patterns, displaced ¼ of period each, were projected onto the objects surface. The object dimensions were obtained from the unwrapped phase map through the observation of the fringe deformations caused by the object topography and using phase shift analysis. An object with simple geometry was used for dimensional calibration and the topographic dimensions of the others were determined from it. After observing the compatibility with the data and validating the method, it was used for measuring the dimensions of real patients’ wounds. Results and Conclusions: The discrepancies between actual topography and dimensions determined with Fringe Projection Technique and for the known object were lower than 0.50 cm. The method was successful in obtaining the topography of real patient’s wounds. Objects and wounds with sharp topographies or causing shadow or reflection are difficult to be evaluated with this technique.


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This thesis work is focused on the use of selected core-level x-ray spectroscopies to study semiconductor materials of great technological interest and on the development of a new implementation of appearance potential spectroscopy. Core-level spectroscopies can be exploited to study these materials with a local approach since they are sensitive to the electronic structure localized on a chemical species present in the sample examined. This approach, in fact, provides important micro-structural information that is difficult to obtain with techniques sensitive to the average properties of materials. In this thesis work we present a novel approach to the study of semiconductors with core-level spectroscopies based on an original analysis procedure that leads to an insightful understanding of the correlation between the local micro-structure and the spectral features observed. In particular, we studied the micro-structure of Hydrogen induced defects in nitride semiconductors, since the analysed materials show substantial variations of optical and electronic properties as a consequence of H incorporation. Finally, we present a novel implementation of soft x-ray appearance potential spectroscopy, a core-level spectroscopy that uses electrons as a source of excitation and has the great advantage of being an in-house technique. The original set-up illustrated was designed to reach a high signal-to-noise ratio for the acquisition of good quality spectra that can then be analyzed in the framework of the real space full multiple scattering theory. This technique has never been coupled with this analysis approach and therefore our work unite a novel implementation with an original data analysis method, enlarging the field of application of this technique.


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Si procede ad un’analisi diacronica delle tre redazioni del commento dantesco di Benvenuto da Imola (dalle "recollectae" bolognesi e ferraresi al "Comentum"), considerando il testo benvenutiano quale «opera umana o lavoro in fieri», di cui rappresentare «drammaticamente la vita dialettica», così come il Contini iniziava a fare, negli anni ’30, con gli ʻscartafacciʼ ariosteschi. Secondo tale impostazione, si prende in esame la multiforme attitudine pedagogica di Benvenuto, di cui si indica, con riferimento ad altri commentatori coevi, danteschi e non, il contesto operativo. Nella seconda parte si ricostruisce, in senso sempre diacronico, la problematica oscillazione del commentatore tra tendenze avanguardistiche in direzione umanistico-petrarchesca e strenua apologia del testo dantesco. Nella terza ed ultima parte sono vagliate le originali idee benvenutiane riguardo alla lingua e alla poesia della Commedia, delle quali si ripercorre, attraverso l’esame delle varianti redazionali, la progressiva messa a fuoco. Obiettivo dell’elaborato, insomma, è restituire una descrizione organica e problematica della ricerca dantesca, "in progress", portata avanti da Benvenuto da Imola.


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The success of first generation drug-eluting stents, namely by reducing restenosis and the need of repeat revascularization procedures is hampered by some limitations affecting device safety. Intense research efforts helped to identify these shortcomings and direct research to develop newer generation drug-eluting stents with the potential to circumvent these drawbacks. This review will discuss limitations of early generation drug-eluting stents, focus on solutions provided by newer generation devices, and shed light on unresolved issues and potential future solutions.


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Intrapartum translabial ultrasound (ITU) has the potential to objectively and quantitatively assess the progress of labour. The relationships between the different ITU parameters and their development during normal term labour have not been studied.