896 resultados para Professional practices
The increase in total health care expenditures in France can be explained by three distinct factors : the purely demographic effect (namely, the increase in the proportion of elderly people, given that health expenditure is an increasing function of age) ; the changes in morbidity at a given age ; the changes in practices, for a given age and morbidity level (e.g technological progress). The aim of this paper is basically to disentangle, evaluate and interpret the respective effects of these three factors. [Extrait introduction p. 3]
Tutkielman tavoitteet: Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää miten branditunnettuutta voidaan kasvattaa yritysasiantuntijapalveluiden markkinoilla toimivassa tytäryhtiössä yleensä, ja erityisesti case yrityksessä. Vaikka yritysasiantuntijapalvelualan markkinointia on tutkittu melko paljon, ovat tutkimukset keskittyneet pääasiallisesti henkilökohtaiseen myyntityöhön ja suhdemarkkinointiin. Myös branditunnettuuden kehittämistä on tutkittu, mutta enimmäkseen kuluttajamarkkinoilla. Tutkimusmetodologiat: Tutkimus on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena deskriptiivis-analyyttisenä case-tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuus perustuu kirjallisuuskatsaukseen ja empiirinen tutkimus puolistrukturoituun teemahaastatteluun.. Haastateltaviksi valittiin tutkittavan case organisaation ylin johto, sekä viestinnästä ja markkinoinnista vastaava henkilö. Tutkimustulokset ja päätelmät: Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi ehdotus siitä, millä tavoin case-yritys voisi kasvattaa branditunnettuuttaan potentiaalisten asiakkaidensa keskuudessa. Ehdotus etenee teoriarakenteen mukaisesti muodostaen mallin jossa kaikki viestintäprosessin oleelliset vaiheet on käyty läpi. Branditunnettuus rakennetaan viestintäprosessissa johon kuuluu: kohdeyleisönidentifiointi, viestinnän tavoitteiden asettaminen, viestin suunnittelu, viestintäkanavien valinta ja toimenpiteiden suunnittelu.
As production and use of nanomaterials in commercial products grow it is imperative to ensure these materials are used safely with minimal unwanted impacts on human health or the environment. Foremost among the populations of potential concern are workers who handle nanomaterials in a variety of occupational settings, including university laboratories, industrial manufacturing plants and other institutions. Knowledge about prudent practices for handling nanomaterials is being developed by many groups around the world but may be communicated in a way that is difficult for practitioners to access or use. The GoodNanoGuide is a collaborative, open-access project aimed at creating an international forum for the development and discussion of prudent practices that can be used by researchers, workers and their representatives, occupational safety professionals, governmental officials and even the public. The GoodNanoGuide is easily accessed by anyone with access to a web browser and aims to become a living repository of good practices for the nanotechnology enterprise. Interested individuals are invited to learn more about the GoodNanoGuide at http://goodnanoguide.org.
Ce travail a pour objectif d'étudier l'évolution du métier de médecin de premier recours à la lumière du réel de son activité. Afin de pallier les lacunes de la littérature, nous proposons d'investiguer les perceptions et les pratiques rapportées de médecins de premier recours, considérant leur activité comme située dans un contexte spécifique. Un cadre théorique multiréférencé, intégrant les apports de Bischoff (2012), de la théorie de l'activité (Engeström et al., 1999), de l'ergonomie (Daniellou, 1996 ; Falzon, 2004a; Leplat, 1997) et de certains courants de la psychologie du travail (Curie et al., 1990 ; Curie, 2000b ; Malrieu, 1989) permet de tenir compte de la complexité du travail des médecins de premier recours. Une méthodologie mixte, alliant une approche qualitative par entretiens semi-structurés (n=20) à une approche quantitative par questionnaire (n=553), a été développée. Les résultats de l'analyse thématique des entretiens mettent en évidence trois thèmes majeurs : l'Evolution du métier (Thème 1), caractérisé par les changements perçus, les demandes des populations qui consultent et les paradoxes et vécus des médecins ; les Ajustements et supports (Thème 2) mis en place par les médecins pour faire face aux changements et aux difficultés de leur métier ; les Perceptions et les attentes par rapport au métier (Thème 3), mettant en avant des écarts perçus entre la formation et la réalité du métier. La partie quantitative permet de répondre aux questionnements générés à partir des résultats qualitatifs et de généraliser certains d'entre eux. Suite à l'intégration des deux volets de l'étude, nous présentons une nouvelle modélisation du métier de médecin de premier recours, soulignant son aspect dynamique et évolutif. Cette modélisation rend possible l'analyse de l'activité réelle des médecins, en tenant compte des contraintes organisationnelles, des paradoxes inhérents au métier et du vécu des médecins de premier recours. L'analyse des limites de cette étude ouvre à de nouvelles perspectives de recherche. A l'issue de ce travail, nous proposons quelques usages pragmatiques, qui pourront être utiles aux médecins de premier recours et aux médecins en formation, non seulement dans la réalisation de leur activité, mais également pour le maintien de leur équilibre et leur épanouissement au sein du métier. - This study aims to investigate the evolution of primary care physicians' work, in the light of the reality of their activity. In order to overcome the limitations of the literature, we propose to focus on primary care physicians' reported perceptions and practices, considering their activity as situated in a specific context. The theoretical framework refers to Bischoff (2012), Activity theory (Engeström et al., 1999), ergonomy (Daniellou, 1996; Falzon, 2004a; Leplat, 1997) and work psychology (Curie et al., 1990 ; Curie, 2000b ; Malrieu, 1989) and enables to take into account the complexity of primary care physicians' work. This mixed methods study proposes semi-structured interviews (n=20) and a questionnaire (n=553). Thematic analysis of interviews points out three major themes : Evolution of work (Theme 1) is characterised by perceived changes, patients' expectations and paradoxes ; Adjustments and supports (Theme 2), that help to face changes and difficulties of work ; Perceptions related to work, including differences between work reality as represented during medical education/training and actual work reality. Quantitative part of the study enables to answer questions generated from qualitative results and to generalise some of them. Integration of qualitative and quantitative results leads to a new modelling of primary care physicians ' work, that is dynamic and evolutionary. This modelling is useful to analyse the primary care physicians' activity, including organisational constraints, paradoxes of work and how primary care physicians are experiencing them. Despite its limitations, this study offers new research perspectives. To conclude, we state pragmatic recommendations that could be helpful to primary care physicians in private practice and junior doctors, in order to realise their activity, to maintain their balance and to sustain their professional fulfilment.
El projecte és una anàlisi profunda sobre l'evolució de la formació professional agrària a Catalunya, sobretot en els darrers vint-i-cinc anys. Parteix de la recollida i recopilació de totes les dades disponibles respecte a la formació, tan reglada o inicial, com la contínua; amb la corresponent anàlisi de les dades. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi, i de l'experiència viscuda i la visió des del lloc de treball que ocupa l'autor en l'actualitat -cap de servei de formació agrària-, s'arriba a plantejaments sobre els desajustaments que s'hi veuen en la formació agrària, i les possibles perspectives de futur de la mateixa.
Requirements-relatedissues have been found the third most important risk factor in software projects and as the biggest reason for software project failures. This is not a surprise since; requirements engineering (RE) practices have been reported deficient inmore than 75% of all; enterprises. A problem analysis on small and low maturitysoftware organizations revealed two; central reasons for not starting process improvement efforts: lack of resources and uncertainty; about process improvementeffort paybacks.; In the constructive part of the study a basic RE method, BaRE, was developed to provide an; easy to adopt way to introduce basic systematic RE practices in small and low maturity; organizations. Based on diffusion of innovations literature, thirteen desirable characteristics; were identified for the solution and the method was implemented in five key components:; requirements document template, requirements development practices, requirements; management practices, tool support for requirements management, and training.; The empirical evaluation of the BaRE method was conducted in three industrial case studies. In; this evaluation, two companies established a completely new RE infrastructure following the; suggested practices while the third company conducted continued requirements document; template development based on the provided template and used it extensively in practice. The; real benefits of the adoption of the method were visible in the companies in four to six months; from the start of the evaluation project, and the two small companies in the project completed; their improvement efforts with an input equal to about one person month. The collected dataon; the case studies indicates that the companies implemented new practices with little adaptations; and little effort. Thus it can be concluded that the constructed BaRE method is indeed easy to; adopt and it can help introduce basic systematic RE practices in small organizations.
This article explores possible histories of plant exchanges and plant naming tied to the slave trade between East Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands. The subsequent 'marronnage' of slaves on these islands - their escape from captivity, sometimes to live in mountain hideouts - continues to inspire cultural references. Inspired by the use of the adjective 'marron/marronne' for a number of plants on Reunion Island, we compile evidence of plant exchanges and plant naming from ecological records, historical accounts and the use of descriptive, emotive or symbolic vernacular names as clues for deepening our knowledge of historical societies and environments. The evidence from the Mascarenes opens a window into the role of the African diaspora in plant introduction, diffusion, domestication and cultivation. We document that maroons relied on a variety of wild, escaped and cultivated plants for their subsistence. We also highlight the role of marronnage in the popular and literary imaginary, with the result that many plants are named 'marron/marrone' in a metaphorical sense. Finally, we identify a few plants that may have been transported, cultivated, or encouraged in one way or another by maroons. Along the way, we reflect on the pitfalls and opportunities of such interdisciplinary work.
PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine the neuro-mechanical and metabolic adjustments in the lower limbs induced by the running anaerobic sprint test (the so-called RAST). METHODS: Eight professional football players performed 6 × 35 m sprints interspersed with 10 s of active recovery on artificial turf with their football shoes. Sprinting mechanics (plantar pressure insoles), root mean square activity of the vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF), and biceps femoris (BF) muscles (surface electromyography, EMG) and VL muscle oxygenation (near-infrared spectroscopy) were monitored continuously. RESULTS: Sprint time, contact time and total stride duration increased from the first to the last repetition (+17.4, +20.0 and +16.6 %; all P < 0.05), while flight time and stride length remained constant. Stride frequency (-13.9 %; P < 0.001) and vertical stiffness decreased (-27.2 %; P < 0.001) across trials. Root mean square EMG activities of RF and BF (-18.7 and -18.1 %; P < 0.01 and 0.001, respectively), but not VL (-1.2 %; P > 0.05), decreased over sprint repetitions and were correlated with the increase in running time (r = -0.82 and -0.90; both P < 0.05). Together with a better maintenance of RF and BF muscles activation levels over sprint repetitions, players with a better repeated-sprint performance (lower cumulated times) also displayed faster muscle de- (during sprints) and re-oxygenation (during recovery) rates (r = -0.74 and -0.84; P < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively). CONCLUSION: The repeated anaerobic sprint test leads to substantial alterations in stride mechanics and leg-spring behaviour. Our results also strengthen the link between repeated-sprint ability and the change in neuromuscular activation as well as in muscle de- and re-oxygenation rates.
En aquest article, s'hi destaca la importància de la socialització ocupacional; més concretament del concepte de "carrera", com a element clau de la socialització adulta. Per aixó, es revisen algunes aportacions de la sociologia biogràfica al tema de la "carrera" docent. Aquesta revisió afronta la doble dimensió, teorica i metodológica, dels recents estudis sobre la interrelació entre trajectòria vital, personal,del mestre i els seus contextos organitzatius i socio-històrics.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to survey current practices in European epilepsy monitoring units (EMUs) with emphasis on safety issues. METHODS: A 37-item questionnaire investigating characteristics and organization of EMUs, including measures for prevention and management of seizure-related serious adverse events (SAEs), was distributed to all identified European EMUs plus one located in Israel (N=150). RESULTS: Forty-eight (32%) EMUs, located in 18 countries, completed the questionnaire. Epilepsy monitoring unit beds are 1-2 in 43%, 3-4 in 34%, and 5-6 in 19% of EMUs; staff physicians are 1-2 in 32%, 3-4 in 34%, and 5-6 in 19% of EMUs. Personnel operating in EMUs include epileptologists (in 69% of EMUs), clinical neurophysiologists trained in epilepsy (in 46% of EMUs), child neurologists (in 35% of EMUs), neurology and clinical neurophysiology residents (in 46% and in 8% of EMUs, respectively), and neurologists not trained in epilepsy (in 27% of EMUs). In 20% of EMUs, patients' observation is only intermittent or during the daytime and primarily carried out by neurophysiology technicians and/or nurses (in 71% of EMUs) or by patients' relatives (in 40% of EMUs). Automatic detection systems for seizures are used in 15%, for body movements in 8%, for oxygen desaturation in 33%, and for ECG abnormalities in 17% of EMUs. Protocols for management of acute seizures are lacking in 27%, of status epilepticus in 21%, and of postictal psychoses in 87% of EMUs. Injury prevention consists of bed protections in 96% of EMUs, whereas antisuffocation pillows are employed in 21%, and environmental protections in monitoring rooms and in bathrooms are implemented in 38% and in 25% of EMUs, respectively. The most common SAEs were status epilepticus reported by 79%, injuries by 73%, and postictal psychoses by 67% of EMUs. CONCLUSIONS: All EMUs have faced different types of SAEs. Wide variation in practice patterns and lack of protocols and of precautions to ensure patients' safety might promote the occurrence and severity of SAEs. Our findings highlight the need for standardized and shared protocols for an effective and safe management of patients in EMUs.