973 resultados para Productive disposition


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In this report we have attempted to evaluate the ecological and economic consequences of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Although our initial approach was to rely on published accounts, we quickly realized that the body of published literature deahng with hypoxia was limited, and we would have to conduct our own exploratory analysis of existing Gulf data, or rely on published accounts from other systems to infer possible or potential effects of hypoxia. For the economic analysis, we developed a conceptual model of how hypoxia-related impacts could affect fisheries. Our model included both supply and demand components. The supply model had two components: (1) a physical production function for fish or shrimp, and (2) the cost of fishing. If hypoxia causes the cost of a unit of fishing effort to change, then this will result in a shift in supply. The demand model considered how hypoxia might affect the quality of landed fish or shrimp. In particular, the market value per pound is lower for small shrimp than for large shrimp. Given the limitations of the ecological assessment, the shallow continental shelf area affected by hypoxia does show signs of hypoxia-related stress. While current ecological conditions are a response to a variety of stressors, the effects of hypoxia are most obvious in the benthos that experience mortality, elimination of larger long-lived species, and a shifting of productivity to nonhypoxic periods (energy pulsing). What is not known is whether hypoxia leads to higher productivity during productive periods, or simply to a reduction of productivity during oxygen-stressed periods. The economic assessment based on fisheries data, however, failed to detect effects attributable to hypoxia. Overall, fisheries landings statistics for at least the last few decades have been relatively constant. The failure to identify clear hypoxic effects in the fisheries statistics does not necessarily mean that they are absent. There are several possibilities: (1) hypoxic effects are small relative to the overall variability in the data sets evaluated; (2) the data and the power of the analyses are not adequate; and (3) currently there are no hypoxic effects on fisheries. Lack of identified hypoxic effects in available fisheries data does not imply that effects would not occur should conditions worsen. Experience with other hypoxic zones around the globe shows that both ecological and fisheries effects become progressively more severe as hypoxia increases. Several large systems around the globe have suffered serious ecological and economic consequences from seasonal summertime hypoxia; most notable are the Kattegat and Black Sea. The consequences range from localized loss of catch and recruitment failure to complete system-wide loss of fishery species. If experiences in other systems are applicable to the Gulf of Mexico, then in the face of worsening hypoxic conditions, at some point fisheries and other species will decline, perhaps precipitously.


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The continental shelf adjacent to the Mississippi River is a highly productive system, often referred to as the fertile fisheries crescent. This productivity is attributed to the effects of the river, especially nutrient delivery. In the later decades of the 2oth century, though, changes in the system were becoming evident. Nutrient loads were seen to be increasing and reports of hypoxia were becoming more frequent. During most recent summers, a broad area (up to 20,000 krn2) of near bottom, inner shelf waters immediately west of the Mississippi River delta becomes hypoxic (dissolved oxygen concentrations less than 2 mgll). In 1990, the Coastal Ocean Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration initiated the Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP) study of this area to test the hypothesis that anthropogenic nutrient addition to the coastal ocean has contributed to coastal eutrophication with a significant impact on water quality. Three major goals of the study were to determine the degree to which coastal productivity in the region is enhanced by terrestrial nutrient input, to determine the impact of enhanced productivity on water quality, and to determine the fate of fixed carbon and its impact on living marine resources. The study involved 49 federal and academic scientists from 14 institutions and cost $9.7 million. Field work proceeded from 1990 through 1993 and analysis through 1996, although some analyses continue to this day. The Mississippi River system delivers, on average, 19,000 m3/s of water to the northern Gulf of Mexico. The major flood of the river system occurs in spring following snow melt in the upper drainage basin. This water reaches the Gulf of Mexico through the Mississippi River birdfoot delta and through the delta of the Atchafalaya River. Much of this water flows westward along the coast as a highly stratified coastal current, the Louisiana Coastal Current, isolated from the bottom by a strong halocline and from mid-shelf waters by a strong salinity front. This stratification maintains dissolved and particulate matter from the rivers, as well as recycled material, in a well-defined flow over the inner shelf. It also inhibits the downward mixing of oxygenated surface waters from the surface layer to the near bottom waters. This highly stratified flow is readily identifiable by its surface turbidity, as it carries much of the fine material delivered with the river discharge and resuspended by nearshore wave activity. A second significant contribution to the turbidity of the surface waters is due to phytoplankton in these waters. This turbidity reduces the solar radiation penetrating to depth through the water column. These two aspects of the coastal current, isolation of the inner shelf surface waters and maintenance of a turbid surface layer, precondition the waters for the development of near bottom summer hypoxia.


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Seagrass ecosystems are protected under the federal "no-net-loss" policy for wetlands and form one of the most productive plant communities on the planet, performing important ecological functions. Seagrass beds have been recognized as a valuable resource critical to the health and function of coastal waters. Greater awareness and public education, however, is essential for conservation of this resource. Tremendous losses of this habitat have occurred as a result of development within the coastal zone. Disturbances usually kill seagrasses rapidly, and recovery is often comparatively slow. Mitigation to compensate for destruction of existing habitat usually follows when the agent of loss and responsible party are known. Compensation assumes that ecosystems can be made to order and, in essence, trades existing functional habitat for the promise of replacement habitat. While ~lant ingse agrass is not technically complex, there is no easy way to meet the goal of maintaining or increasing seagrass acreage. Rather, the entire process of planning, planting and monitoring requires attention to detail and does not lend itself to oversimplification.


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Over the past one hundred and fifty years, the landscape and ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest coastal region, already subject to many variable natural forces, have been profoundly affected by human activities. In virtually every coastal watershed from the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Cape Mendocino, settlement, exploitation and development of resou?-ces have altered natural ecosystems. Vast, complex forests that once covered the region have been largely replaced by tree plantations or converted to non-forest conditions. Narrow coastal valleys, once filled with wetlands and braided streams that tempered storm runoff and provided salmon habitat, were drained, filled, or have otherwise been altered to create land for agriculture and other uses. Tideflats and saltmarshes in both large and small estuaries were filled for industrial, commercial, and other urban uses. Many estuaries, including that of the Columbia River, have been channeled, deepened, and jettied to provide for safe, reliable navigation. The prodigious rainfall in the region, once buffered by dense vegetation and complex river and stream habitat, now surges down sirfiplified stream channels laden with increased burdens of sediment and debris. Although these and many other changes have occurred incrementally over time and in widely separated areas, their sum can now be seen to have significantly affected the natural productivity of the region and, as a consequence, changed the economic structure of its human communities. This activity has taken place in a region already shaped by many interacting and dynamic natural forces. Large-scale ocean circulation patterns, which vary over long time periods, determine the strength and location of currents along the coast, and thus affect conditions in the nearshore ocean and estuaries throughout the region. Periodic seasonal differences in the weather and ocean act on shorter time scales; winters are typically wet with storms from the southwest while summers tend to be dry with winds from the northwest. Some phenomena are episodic, such as El Nifio events, which alter weather, marine habitats, and the distribution and survival of marine organisms. Other oceanic and atmospheric changes operate more slowly; over time scales of decades, centuries, and longer. Episodic geologic events also punctuate the region, such as volcanic eruptions that discharge widespread blankets of ash, frequent minor earthquakes, and major subduction zone earthquakes each 300 to 500 years that release accumulated tectonic strain, dropping stretches of ocean shoreline, inundating estuaries and coastal valleys, and triggering landslides that reshape stream profiles. While these many natural processes have altered, sometimes dramatically, the Pacific Northwest coastal region, these same processes have formed productive marine and coastal ecosystems, and many of the species in these systems have adapted to the variable environmental conditions of the region to ensure their long-term survival.


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This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted along the continental shelf of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico (GOM), encompassing 70,062 square kilometers of productive marine habitats located between the Mississippi Delta and Tampa Bay, August 13–21, 2010 on NOAA Ship Nancy Foster Cruise NF-10-09-RACOW. Synoptic sampling of multiple ecological indicators was conducted at each of 50 stations throughout these waters using a random probabilistic sampling design. At each station samples were collected for the analysis of benthic community structure and composition; concentrations of chemical contaminants (metals, pesticides, TPHs, PAHs, PCBs, PBDEs) in sediments and target demersal biota; sediment toxicity; nutrient and chlorophyll levels in the water column; and other basic habitat characteristics such as depth, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, CDOM fluorescence, sediment grain size, and organic carbon content. Discrete water samples were collected just below the sea surface, in addition to any deeper subsurface depths where there was an occurrence of suspicious CDOM fluorescence signals, and analyzed for total BTEX/TPH and carcinogenic PAHs using immunoassay test kits. Other indicators of potential value from a human-dimension perspective were also recorded, including presence of any vessels, oil rigs, surface trash, visual oil sheens in sediments or water, marine mammals, or noxious/oily sediment odors. The overall purpose of the survey was to collect data to assess the status of ecosystem condition and potential stressor impacts throughout the region, based on these various indicators and corresponding management thresholds, and to provide this information as a baseline for determining how such conditions may be changing with time. In addition to the original project goals, both the scientific scope and general location of this project are relevant to addressing potential ecological impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. While sample analysis is still ongoing, a few preliminary results and observations are reported here. A final report will be completed once all data have been processed.


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Land-based pollution is commonly identified as a major contributor to the observed deterioration of shallow-water coral reef ecosystem health. Human activity on the coastal landscape often induces nutrient enrichment, hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, toxic contamination and other stressors that have degraded the quality of coastal waters. Coral reef ecosystems throughout Puerto Rico, including Jobos Bay, are under threat from coastal land uses such as urban development, industry and agriculture. The objectives of this report were two-fold: 1. To identify potentially harmful land use activities to the benthic habitats of Jobos Bay, and 2. To describe a monitoring plan for Jobos Bay designed to assess the impacts of conservation practices implemented on the watershed. This characterization is a component of the partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established by the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) in Jobos Bay. CEAP is a multi-agency effort to quantify the environmental benefits of conservation practices used by private landowners participating in USDA programs. The Jobos Bay watershed, located in southeastern Puerto Rico, was selected as the first tropical CEAP Special Emphasis Watershed (SEW). Both USDA and NOAA use their respective expertise in terrestrial and marine environments to model and monitor Jobos Bay resources. This report documents NOAA activities conducted in the first year of the three-year CEAP effort in Jobos Bay. Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the project and background information on Jobos Bay and its watershed. Chapter 2 implements NOAA’s Summit to Sea approach to summarize the existing resource conditions on the watershed and in the estuary. Summit to Sea uses a GIS-based procedure that links patterns of land use in coastal watersheds to sediment and pollutant loading predictions at the interface between terrestrial and marine environments. The outcome of Summit to Sea analysis is an inventory of coastal land use and predicted pollution threats, consisting of spatial data and descriptive statistics, which allows for better management of coral reef ecosystems. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the monitoring plan to assess the ecological response to conservation practices established by USDA on the watershed. Jobos Bay is the second largest estuary in Puerto Rico, but has more than three times the shoreline of any other estuarine area on the island. It is a natural harbor protected from offshore wind and waves by a series of mangrove islands and the Punta Pozuelo peninsula. The Jobos Bay marine ecosystem includes 48 km² of mangrove, seagrass, coral reef and other habitat types that span both intertidal and subtidal areas. Mapping of Jobos Bay revealed 10 different benthic habitats of varying prevalence, and a large area of unknown bottom type covering 38% of the entire bay. Of the known benthic habitats, submerged aquatic vegetation, primarily seagrass, is the most common bottom type, covering slightly less than 30% of the bay. Mangroves are the dominant shoreline feature, while coral reefs comprise only 4% of the total benthic habitat. However, coral reefs are some of the most productive habitats found in Jobos Bay, and provide important habitat and nursery grounds for fish and invertebrates of commercial and recreational value.


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Octopuses are commonly taken as bycatch in many trap fisheries for spiny lobsters (Decapoda: Palinuridae) and can cause significant levels of within-trap lobster mortality. This article describes spatiotemporal patterns for Maori octopus (Octopus maorum) catch rates and rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) mortality rates and examines factors that are associated with within-trap lobster mortality in the South Australian rock lobster fishery (SARLF). Since 1983, between 38,000 and 119,000 octopuses per annum have been taken in SARLF traps. Catch rates have fluctuated between 2.2 and 6.2 octopus/100 trap-lifts each day. There is no evidence to suggest that catch rates have declined or that this level of bycatch is unsustainable. Over the last five years, approximately 240,000 lobsters per annum have been killed in traps, representing ~4% of the total catch. Field studies show that over 98% of within-trap lobster mortality is attributable to octopus predation. Lobster mortality rates are positively correlated with the catch rates of octopus. The highest octopus catch rates and lobster mortality rates are recorded during summer and in the more productive southern zone of the fishery. In the southern zone, within-trap lobster mortality rates have increased in recent years, apparently in response to the increase in the number of lobsters in traps and the resultant increase in the probability of octopus encountering traps containing one or more lobsters. Lobster mortality rates are also positively correlated with soak-times in the southern zone fishery and with lobster size. Minimizing trap soak-times is one method currently available for reducing lobster mortality rates. More significant reductions in the rates of within-trap lobster mortality may require a change in the design of lobster traps.


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Juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, from natal streams in California’s Central Valley demonstrated little estuarine dependency but grew rapidly once in coastal waters. We collected juvenile chinook salmon at locations spanning the San Francisco Estuary from the western side of the freshwater delta—at the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers—to the estuary exit at the Golden Gate and in the coastal waters of the Gulf of the Farallones. Juveniles spent about 40 d migrating through the estuary at an estimated rate of 1.6 km/d or faster during their migration season (May and June 1997) toward the ocean. Mean growth in length (0.18 mm/d) and weight (0.02 g/d) was insignificant in young chinook salmon while in the estuary, but estimated daily growth of 0.6 mm/d and 0.5 g/d in the ocean was rapid (P≤0.001). Condition (K factor) declined in the estuary, but improved markedly in ocean fish. Total body protein, total lipid, triacylglycerols (TAG), polar lipids, cholesterol, and nonesterified fatty acids concentrations did not change in juveniles in the estuary, but total lipid and TAG were depleted in ocean juveniles. As young chinook migrated from freshwater to the ocean, their prey changed progressively in importance from invertebrates to fish larvae. Once in coastal waters, juvenile salmon appear to employ a strategy of rapid growth at the expense of energy reserves to increase survival potential. In 1997, environmental conditions did not impede development: freshwater discharge was above average and water temperatures were only slightly elevated, within the species’ tolerance. Data suggest that chinook salmon from California’s Central Valley have evolved a strong ecological propensity for a ocean-type life history. But unlike populations in the Pacific Northwest, they show little estuarine dependency and proceed to the ocean to benefit from the upwelling-driven, biologically productive coastal waters.


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黄土丘陵沟壑区是黄土高原的主体部分,也是具有特殊景观格局的生态-经济敏感区,保护环境、发展生产始终是其面临的双重任务。小流域既是区域的优势景观单元。文章试以小流域为基础,研究黄土丘陵沟壑区的优化生态-生产范式。根据内容,论文可分为5个部分: 首先,论文系统总结了黄土高原的几个主要特点,如黄土地貌,土壤侵蚀等。本章节重点介绍了小流域治理的发展历程及其特点,以及小流域的治理现状。其次,综合阐述了黄土高原丘陵沟壑区的生态经济背景,指出:小流域为黄土丘陵沟壑区的优势景观单元,是区域治理与发展的基本单元;并提出区域治理与开发的生态与生产定位。第三,详细研究了区域小流域景观生态学特点;同时探讨了作为一个复合生态系统,小流域景观功能及其发展变化特点。结合第二部分,提出了黄土丘陵沟壑区小流域优化生态-生产范式的5项原则。第四,具体分析了安塞纸坊沟流域自然资源环境与社会经济基础,依据范式建立的原则,根据净第一性生产力等环境、社会经济等指标,建立流域的优化生态-经济空间结构。最后,在第四部分的基础上,提出区域小流域优化生态-生产范式的空间体系组成以及组成范式的关键措施和核心组分。


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北京市郊区可持续景观生态规划及优化生态生产范式研究是指要遵循区域自然地理要素的分异规律,以土地利用现状格局为基础,以景观生态学原理和可持续发展准则为理论指导,以景观空间分析为具体研究内容来揭示区域土地利用类型结构、功能的异质性和有序性,以期提出优化的土地利用格局。本论文主要通过大量数据、图件的收集、野外考察与调查,文献查阅与数据处理、分析,得出以下主要结论: 一、理论方面 基于景观生态学理论——景观要素,空间结构与生态学过程,景观动态,异质性,等级结构,连接度以及景观的时空性等,以北京地区为例阐述了景观生态学理论如何合理地整合于生态建设与保育之中,并重点阐释了北京生态建设与保育“小三圈”格局的结构与功能,该系统包括山区外圈层、郊区平原中圈层和城区内圈层,其目标要实现:(1)山区发挥以水源涵养、水土保持防护为主的生态功能;(2)郊区创建农田、林地、草地异质性的人工稀树草原景观,形成带、网、片、点相结合的绿网系统;(3)城区以自身绿化和美化为主。同时,本研究针对我国的区域可持续发展进一步提出更加有效的建设性意见:(1)开展区域生态适宜性评价;(2)区域水平的土地利用格局、动态以及预测性研究;(3)进行区域可持续景观生态规划,建立区域优化生态生产范式,最终实现可持续发展目标。 二、研究方法方面 利用空间自相关指数,并结合“城-郊-乡”梯度分析法研究景观格局对尺度(包括粒度、幅度、方向)变化的响应。得出以下主要结论: 1、景观格局对于尺度变化有着不同的响应,随着空间粒度的增加,空间自相关均呈下降趋势;随着幅度的增加,空间自相关基本不变;人类干扰较多的景观几乎不受“划区效应”的影响;不同的数据类型,同一数据类型的不同景观对于尺度的变化均有着不同的响应。 2、沿“城-郊-乡”样带,空间自相关呈阶梯状增加趋势。景观空间自相关大小顺序:林牧景观>林果景观>农田景观>都市景观>都市化景观,人为干扰较多的景观具有较低的空间自相关,但对尺度的变化表现出较强的敏感性。 三、实例研究 北京市郊区可持续景观生态规划及优化生态生产范式研究是以昌平区为例,从昌平区经济与产业结构现状分析出发、以昌平区土壤理化性状分析为背景,以景观格局现状、动态,以及土地利用内部转移格局与过程、驱动因素分析为主要内容,并且重点探讨了昌平区城镇化的过程特征及空间特征,得出以下主要结论: 1、昌平区GDP配比方式,以及昌平区农村GDP结构模式均为“三二一”。昌平区在北京市农业中的地位,以及农业在昌平区GDP中所处地位均弱化。截止2001年,昌平区农业产值中,牧业>种植业>渔业>林业,牧业居于首位,占到46.70%,而传统种植业也正以小汤山为龙头向现代化、高科技、高效化的“六种农业”转化。总体讲,农业的粮食生产功能在昌平区已不再是一个重要功能,传统种植业正逐步地让位于畜牧业(人工牧草)、林业(疏林、苗圃),突出体现了具有良好生态学效益的牧草、林果在未来大农业发展中的战略地位。 2、昌平土壤肥力状况良好,景观分区与土壤理化性质是吻合的。基于土壤理化基质,昌平区应形成林、灌、草为主的山区景观,园林式城镇、林、果、灌相结合的山前倾斜平原景观,以及农、林、草配置的生态农业景观和花卉、种苗、绿化带相辉映的绿色生态住宅景观。 3、从1989~2001年期间,研究区内土地利用景观经历了很大的变化。土地利用景观的量变主要体现在城镇用地的迅速扩张和耕地的锐减,而土地利用类型的变化则体现在水田、传统菜地的逐渐消失,以及2001年后人工牧草的大面积推广种植。景观格局在不同景观分区的差异也得以论证,中北部山麓平原卫星城镇、旅游林果区(III)具有最高的多样性和最低的优势度、聚集度,中南部平原高科技、都市生态农业区(II)的多样性最低,而优势度、聚集度最高,对于南部平原都市边缘、城镇住宅区(I)各指标则介于III和II区之间。 4、从1989~2001年期间,土地利用的内部转移主要体现在耕地向城镇用地的大面积转移,其次,传统菜地转向城镇用地和其他种植耕地,而人工牧草是由部分耕地转移而来的。城镇化、水资源短缺和农业政策是主要驱动因素。土地利用的内部转移具有明显的区域差异,中北部山麓平原卫星城、旅游林果区体现出卫星城镇的发展,南部平原都市边缘住宅区则反映出北京都市边缘的向外扩张,而中南部平原高科技都市农业区则正向现代化的、高科技都市农业示范区发展。 5、昌平区三种主要的城镇化模式,即都市边缘带状城镇扩展模式、交通主轴线状城镇扩展模式和卫星城面状城镇扩展模式。研究表明,昌平区的城镇化主要集中在1989~1996年期间。 基于昌平区的产业与经济结构现状,土壤养分状况,景观结构现状、动态,土地利用转移方向,并且结合昌平区自然地理分异规律,社会经济因素对昌平区进行了可持续景观规划,昌平区应遵循的四个景观分区为:北部中低山生态保护、生态旅游区;中北部山麓平原卫星城镇、旅游林果区;中南部平原高科技、都市生态农业区;南部平原都市边缘、城镇住宅区。 最后作为总结、归纳,我们提出昌平区优化生态生产范式,昌平区的发展应定位于(1)生态环境保护与水源涵养的生态功能;(2)教育、示范、创新功能;(3)生活功能,并且遵循自然地域分异规律原则、因地制宜原则、生态主导性原则、统筹兼顾原则,大力发展昌平区经济的优势产业,即畜牧业、林果业和旅游业,突出肉羊、苹果、牧草和林木种苗等四个具有昌平特色的主导产业。 景观生态学;景观空间格局;可持续景观生态规划;土地利用变化;优化生态生产范式;北京昌平区


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松嫩平原农牧交错区位于松嫩平原的西部,中国北方农牧交错带的最东端;具有独特的地质环境特点,环境问题突出,是我国生态脆弱地区之一,及世界三大苏打盐碱土集中分布区之一。近年来,由于人为的不合理利用和开垦、以及粗放的生产模式,使该地区生态系统严重受损,土地沙漠化、水土流失、盐碱化、土地生产力下降等生态环境问题日益突出。因此,建立一个适合该地区生态环境条件、社会经济发展状况的优化生态-生产范式是必要而紧迫的。 本论文以松嫩平原农牧交错区为研究对象,以其典型地段为切入点,通过大量数据的收集、文献资料的查阅、野外考察与测定、室内分析处理等,得出了以下主要结论: 一、生态-地理环境背景分析 松嫩平原农牧交错区是多种生态-地理环境危害并存的区域,其中包括盐碱化、沙漠化、气候灾害、水资源短缺等等。当前,沙化土地和盐碱化土地的面积已占该地区土地总面积的34.27 %,并且呈逐年递增的趋势。松嫩平原农牧交错区气候灾害频发,主要是旱灾、水灾、风灾。此外,水资源短缺以及水质问题,同样影响着农业生产及社会经济发展。造成松嫩平原农牧交错区多种生态-地质环境危害并存的主要影响机制是:该地区自身的地质-地理环境特点、气候因素和人类活动的综合效应,并且人类活动日益成为主要驱动因子。 二、实例研究 松嫩平原农牧交错区优化生态-生产范式研究是以长岭县为例,通过对长岭县景观格局变化分析、土壤格局分布、农牧业生产特点、以及农业可持续性评价等,得出以下结论: 1、对研究区内土地利用格局分析表明:1980 ~ 2000年,在土地利用类型没有发生变化的基础上,表现为各土地利用类型面积上的增减;草地、林地大面积地向农田转移,农田面积明显增加;大规模地开垦农田,已经导致了景观的优势度增加,破碎度增加,多样性下降,这最终将使整个景观趋于更加不稳定。 2、长岭县土壤总体水平较差,障碍性土壤占长岭县总土地面积的55.38 %。从土地利用变化对不同地势条件下土壤理化性状影响分析,结果表明:(1)地势相对高的平台地,土壤肥力较高,且开垦对土壤理化性质的影响相对较小,更适合农业开发;(2)低地原生植被为草甸草原,其养分状况也比较好,但其地势较低,易发生水渍和盐碱化;(3)坡地是当地土壤养分最为贫瘠地区,也是风沙土较集中分布的区域,对其开垦会增大土壤的风蚀和水蚀,使土壤养分状况严重下降。 3、对研究区牧草资源分布格局、牧草资源承载力和利用现状等进行分析,结果表明:放牧系统提供的牧草资源已不能满足当地畜牧业对牧草资源的需求。草地提供的牧草资源仅能满足总牧草需求的16.6 %,放牧系统提供的牧草仅占总牧草需求的47.3 %;玉米秸秆转化为牧草资源的潜力巨大,经估算,占总牧草资源的78.3 %,其承载力为总牧草需求的2.4倍。当前,农牧交错区牧草资源的粗蛋白含量普遍偏低,不能完全满足动物生产的需要,制约了当地畜牧业发展。根据当地畜牧业现状、牧草资源潜力,我们提出:应在合理利用当地牧草资源的基础上,有计划地建立高产优质、富含粗蛋白的人工牧草基地,实现畜牧业可持续发展与生态保护的协调统一。 4、长岭县是以第一产业为主,即农业生产为主要经济来源。对农业生产结构的分析表明:农牧业生产占总农业产值的90 %以上,并以种植业为主,种植业一直占总农业产值60 %以上。受当地气候条件、土壤格局分布的限制,单一粮食生产、粗放的生产模式以及对天然草地资源的过分依赖,最终导致该地区农牧业发展缓慢,经济条件落后。 5、在上述分析的基础上,作者提出了长岭县优化生态-生产范式,即以高效农业生产、生活圈,水土保持和自然生态保育圈、牧草生产基地及生态功能保护圈的三圈等级系统。以此为依据,对土地利用格局进行调整,通过粮、草、经多元农业结构的建设,在合理利用与保护草地的基础上,使长岭县畜牧业走向产业化的发展模式。


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The coastal zone along the west coast of India is very productive with a mean secondary production rate of 5.89 mg C/m super(3)/day. Statewise, maximum zooplankton standing stock was observed off Maharashtra. The existing yield of fishery from the surveyed region has been compared with the estimated sustainable fishery potential.


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A productive fishing ground for rock perch (Epinephelus fasciatus) was located off Ratnagiri between 17 degree 00' to 17 degree 10' N latitude and 72 degree 20' to 72 degree 30' E longitude, around a depth of 96m during November, 1983. An average catch of 2 ton/hr. was recorded. Length frequency studies of E. fasciatus indicate the probability of a nursery ground consisting of three brood stocks. Hydrographic studies of the ground revealed that the bottom water was oxygen deficient below a strong thermocline extending from 15-75 m depth with the recorded bottom temperature amounting to 20.5 degree C.


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Fishes impart the most profound influence on the floral-faunistic characteristics of an aquatic ecosystem. Oreochromis mossambicus, an exotic fish accidentally introduced in the Powai lake, India, caused considerable changes in the growth pattern of Indian major carps, ultimately reducing the productive potential of the lake from 33.0 to 11.9 kh/ha. Powai lake is used exclusively for angling for sport. The angling pressure based on the "creel census" from 1955 to 1976 gives a clear picture of the trends in the fishery therein. A considerable decline, ranging from 171 to 400% in the average weight of Indian major carps was recorded.


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The present paper deals with the physico-chemical data of 13 rainfed and drainable dry bundhs of Bhilwara District (India). All the dry bundhs studied showed a slightly alkaline pH ranging from 7.5 to 8.5. Electrical conductivity ranged from 2 to 8 millimhos/cm. Organic carbon in sediment fluctuated from 0.30 to 0.75%. Nitrogen, phosphate and potassium levels were fairly good, at 30 to 50 and 24 to 36 mg/100 g of soil respectively. Based on these data it was inferred that these dry bundhs were highly productive and suitable for freshwater fish culture.