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Este trabalho tem por objeto a análise dos critérios de submissão de atos de concentração envolvendo fundos de investimento para apreciação pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE), com enfoque nos fundos de private equity. Nos últimos anos os fundos de investimento têm adquirido crescente importância na economia brasileira em setores estratégicos. No entanto, o tratamento pela autoridade antitruste brasileira das operações destes veículos se revela instável resultando em certa insegurança sobre quais devem ser submetidas ao controle de concentrações. Assim, este trabalho propõe uma forma de se acessarem essas operações que ao mesmo tempo atenda aos objetivos visados com o controle das estruturas no Direito Concorrencial brasileiro e não crie obstáculos à atuação destes importantes veículos para a economia moderna. Para tanto, buscou-se respaldo na experiência de países onde a tradição antitruste e o fenômeno analisado são muito mais antigos do que no Brasil. No entanto, uma vez que nem mesmo nestes países a questão está livre de revisões periódicas e alguma controvérsia, este trabalho não tem como pretensão apresentar uma solução definitva para o problema. O primeiro capítulo expõe o objeto de estudo, seu funcionamento e sua importância para a economia. No segundo capítulo são abordados os objetivos do controle de estruturas no Brasil, os critérios de conhecimento de operações pela autoridade concorrencial brasileira e a sua interpretação pelo CADE, notadamente no que toca aos fundos de investimento. No terceiro capítulo são abordadas as ligações estruturais entre concorrentes mais relevantes do ponto de vista concorrencial quando se trata de aquisições perpetradas por fundos de investimento: participações minoritárias e interlocking directorates.


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The representation of women in crime fiction has traditionally been a complicated one. Consistently forced into secondary characters (assistants, girlfriends, or damsels in distress) the most active role a female character could aspire to was that of the femme fatale, a pit of perdition, an unwelcome distraction for a man looking for truth and justice. This traditional approach to the genre has been challenged in the last decades by women acting as detectives, trusted with solving their cases in a hostile male world. Similarly, the traditional white male protagonist has been contested by fictions where ethnic minorities are not just consigned to the criminal world, but where detectives are members of ethnic groups, and can use their knowledge of the community to solve the case. This essay focuses on the crossroads of ethnic and women’s detective fiction, specifically the Gloria Damasco series by Chicana writer Lucha Corpi and the graphic novel Chicanos (Trillo and Risso, 1996). Both protagonists (Gloria Damasco, a Chicana clairvoyant detective, and “poor, ugly, and a detective” Alejandrina Yolanda Jalisco) must face both the dangers of investigating criminal cases and discrimination in their professional surroundings due to their gender and ethnicity. By contrasting these texts, the essay elucidates the importance of specific cultural products, their connection to (and defiance of) canonical forms of the genre, and their rejection of generic and gender expectations.


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This creative Capstone project, Privy Private Eye: A Guidebook for Travelers Who Have to Go, contains a nonfiction compendium of brief reviews of public restrooms in the Dallas, Texas area. To inform readers about facilities that are safe (and a few that should be avoided), Privy Private Eye contains reviews and ratings of restrooms in gas stations, restaurants, and retail centers. These appraisals will be featured in a full-length manuscript that may be published in the near future as a travel guide. Also contained herein, before the creative portion of the project itself, is a reflective paper describing the project, its creation, and its position within the context of published travel guides.


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In this qualitative study we explored how gender shapes the women´s experiences of living with Fibromyalgia and how it affects their private lives. Through thematic analysis of data from 13 in-depth interviews in Spain, we identified 7 themes which reflect that these women feel remorse and frustration for not being able to continue to fulfil the gender expectation of caring for others and for the home. This research contributes to a better understanding into what suffering from fibromyalgia implies for women and provides insights into how family and providers can support women with fibromyalgia in order to achieve a beneficial lifestyle.


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In order to equip architecture students with ambitious detail designing ability, related courses of the architecture programs should deal with subjects which are rather rare and unusual for real life practices in order to prevent students copying standard details. In 2015 an innovative project brief has been given to architecture students of Istanbul Technical University. The scenario given in the brief is to design a research station for the first group of Turkish scientist, to be built in one of the coldest and most arid regions on earth; the Antarctica. The performance requirements given in the brief were determined to prevent the students from copying details from any kind of resources as the total number of details generated in real life for those conditions are very limited and specific. The method used has demonstrated a great success and creative detail solutions were generated by the students. In the paper, the innovative coursework brief for bettering the detail design ability of architecture students is explained and the output of the studio is presented.


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collected and arranged for publication by William Rhinelander Stewart.


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This one-page document contains the handwritten laws of an unnamed Harvard College religious society. The document is dated January 10, 1723 and includes the signatures of twenty-six students in the Harvard Classes of 1724 through 1728.


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The development of cost-effective and reliable methods for the synthesis and separation of asymmetric compounds is paramount in helping to meet society’s ever-growing demand for chiral small molecules. Of these methods, chiral heterogeneous supports are particularly appealing as they allow for the reuse of the chiral source. One such support, based on the synergy between chiral organic units and structurally stable inorganic silicon scaffolds are periodic mesoporous organosilicas (PMOs). In the work described herein, I examine some of the factors governing the transmission of chirality between chiral dopants and prochiral bulk phases in chiral PMO materials. In particular, the exploration of 1,1’-binaphthalene-bridged chiral dopants with a focus on the point of attachment into the materials. Moreover, the effects of ordering in the materials are examined and reveal that chirality transfer is more facile in materials with molecular-scale order then those containing amorphous walls. Secondly, the issues surrounding the synthesis and purification of aryl-triethoxysilanes as siloxane precursors are addressed. Both the introduction of a two-carbon linker and the direct attachment of allyl and mixed allyldiethoxysilane species are explored. This work demonstrates that allyldiethoxysilanes are ideal, in that they are stable enough to permit facile synthesis, while still being able to hydrolyze completely to produce well-ordered materials. Lastly, the production of new bulk phases for chiral PMO materials is examined by introducing new prochiral nitrogen-containing siloxane precursors. Biphenyldiamine and bipyridine-bridged siloxane precursors are readily synthesized on reasonable scales. Their use as the bulk siloxane precursor in the production of PMO materials however, is precluded by insufficient gelation and additional siloxane precursors are necessary for the production of ordered materials. In addition to the research detailed above that forms the body of this thesis, two short works are appended. The first details the production of polythiophene assemblies mediated through coordination nanospaces, while the second explores the production of N-heterocyclic carbene functionalized gold nanoparticles through ligand exchange.


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Flow, recharge and transport dynamics in fractured rock aquifers with low lying rock outcrops is a largely unexplored area of study in hydrogeology. The purpose of this thesis is to examine these topics in an agricultural area in Eastern Ontario. The study consists of a regional scale groundwater quality study, an infiltration experiment that considers bacteria transport from the ground surface to a well, and a numerical modelling study that tests the parameters that affect surface infiltration of a tracer from a rock outcrop to a deeper horizontal fracture. In the water quality study, approximately 65% of the samples contained total coliform, 16% contained E. coli, and 1% contained nitrate-N at greater than 5 mg/L. Occurrence of E. coli increased when considering seasonality, where wells were drilled on rock outcrops, and for shallow well intervals. Nitrate-N did not occur above the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality (Health Canada, 2012) of 10 mg/L. Rapid arrival times were observed in the infiltration study for both the microspheres (30 minutes) and a dye tracer (45 minutes) in a well approximately 6.0 m in horizontal and 2.8 m in vertical distance from the tracer source. Transport velocities were approximately 38.9 m/day for the dye tracer and 115.2 m/day for the colloidal tracer. Results of the model runs indicate that overburden can provide an effective protective layer to transport in fractures, that high groundwater velocities occur in larger fracture apertures and higher gradients dilute tracer concentrations, and that lower groundwater velocities occur with smaller fracture apertures and lower gradients result in elevated tracer concentrations. Lower rainfall rates, larger fracture apertures, early tracer time, larger gradients, and lower water levels maintained unsaturated conditions for longer time periods such that tracer transport was delayed until saturated conditions were attained. The overall heterogeneity of this aquifer environment creates a source water protection conundrum where the water quality is generally good, while transport can occur very quickly in proximity to rock outcrops and in areas with limited overburden.


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The Camposanto of Pisa is an extraordinarily complex and evocative monument, which has captured the imagination of pilgrims, both religious and secular, for centuries. The late Medieval and early Renaissance wall paintings that line the perimeter of the portico surrounding a vast inner courtyard, are unparalleled in early Italian art, not only for their striking variety of composition and narrative complexity, but also for the sheer grandeur of their proportion. However, the passage of time has scarred the structure of the Camposanto and inflicted terrible damage on its wall paintings. This thesis explores the material reality of the Camposanto as experienced over three centuries through the eyes of British travelers. In order to situate the Camposanto mural cycle within an historical and cultural context, the first chapter provides an overview of the construction and decoration of the monument. Notably, Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), the Italian Humanist often recognized as the father of art history, included numerous descriptions of the Camposanto murals in his highly influential text Vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori, ed architettori. Accordingly, the second chapter provides an analysis of Vasari’s descriptions and reflects upon the influence that the Renaissance author may have had upon the subsequent British reception of the Camposanto murals. The third chapter utilizes three centuries of travel writing in order to investigate the aesthetic impact of the Camposanto mural cycle upon British tourists from the seventeenth through to the nineteenth century.