878 resultados para Pregnancy - Follicular rupture
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of lineage of oocytes donors on the number and quality of oocytes obtained through ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration in Nellore breed cows derived from two lineages of bulls (Karvadi; K and Taj-Mahal; T). Both maternal (Km and Tm) and paternal (Kp and Tp) lineages, as well as their combinations were investigated. Oocyte aspirations were repeatedly performed with an aspiration interval of 15 days in 56 donor females. Recovered cumulus oocyte-complexes (COCs) were counted, morphologically examined and classified into seven categories (grades from I to VII) according to the number of layers of the cumulus oocyte and cytoplasm appearance. The mean number of oocytes retrieved from donors of lineage Tp-Tm was significantly higher (28.23±1.92, P<0.05) than those obtained from lineages Kp-Tm, Kp-Km, and Tp-Km (21.34±1.32, 21.28±1.73, and 16.72±1.31, respectively). There was no significant difference in the mean number of recovered oocytes between donors of lineages Kp-Km and Kp-Tm, whereas animals of lineage Tp-Km yielded the lowest number of oocytes. Higher mean number of grade III oocytes was recovered from donors of lineage Kp than lineage Tp (10.11±0.66 versus 8.79±0.58, respectively), with more grade III oocytes being obtained in both lineages as compared to the others. Paternal lineage did not influence the quality of recovered oocytes in any other category, but both Kp and Tp yielded a great mean number of oocytes graded as I, II, and III (3.14±0.21; 4.93±0.33, and 10.11±0.66 versus 3.19±0.21, 5.59±0.44, and 8.79±0.58, respectively) than those classified as IV, V, VI, and VII. However, when considering the data from the maternal lineage significantly more oocytes (P<0.05) of grade I, II and III were obtained from Taj-Mahal (11.67 ± 0.67, 5.9±0.42 and 3.64±0.25, respectively) than for lineage Karvadi, with similar results for oocytes of grades IV, V, VI, and VII. Similarly to the paternal lineage, the number of oocytes of grade III was superior (P<0.05) when compared to other categories for both lineages. In conclusion, we demonstrate here a direct influence of lineage of oocyte donor on the production and quality of oocytes obtained through ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration in Nellore cows.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of maternal lead poisoning during pregnancy on the development of the jaw (Meckel's cartilage) of rat fetuses by histologic and morphometric methods. Pregnant rats received a single intraperitoneal injection of 2.5 mg of lead acetate/100g body weight on the 10th day of pregnancy. Meckel's cartilage of fetuses of the lead-treated group showed smaller volume density and size of the lacunae, as well as modification of the lacunae shape. Moreover, the number density of lacunae and the volume density of the matrix increased significantly in the Meckel's cartilage in treated group fetuses. The results suggest that lead poisoning during the period of organogenesis can induce disturbances in the development and differentiation of the fetal stomatognathic system. Reducing the consumption of alcoholic beberages and smoking cessation by women in childbearing age, along with a strict policy of control of the environmental lead exposure can bring great benefits to the future generations of children.
The use of medicinal plants among pregnant women and lactating is a common practice in diverse countries. However, many medicinal plants are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactating, due to various adverse effects, such as teratogenic, embryotoxic and abortive effects, exposing these women, their fetus and babies to health unknown risks. Thus, the purpose of this commentary, was to analyze the perception about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women and lactating registered in the "baby on board" NGO, Araraquara, São Paulo state, Brazil, between 2010 at 2013. The group was constituted by 48 women, between the first and last trimester of pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding. Information was collected during group meetings by oral interview, using a questionnaire, as script. The nature of the study was a qualitative analysis. The results were based on reports about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women during group meetings: use, indication of use, knowledge about risks. All participants received written and oral information about the study and they gave a written informed consent. The use of medicinal plants is a reality among pregnant and lactating women of the "baby on board" NGO. They reported that they feel that "natural" products are not harmful for their health. The primary information sources for the majority of women about medicinal plants during pregnancy are family, neighbors and herbalists. The plants most cited (in popular name in Brazil) were: senna, chamomile, boldo, lemon balm, lemon grass. They were used mainly for: nausea, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, intestinal and abdominal pain, anxiety, intestinal constipation and low milk production. The pregnant and lactating women lacked knowledge about the health risks of the use of medicinal plants and herbal medicines in pregnancy and lactation. They also reported difficulties in clarifying some questions about the use of medicinal plants with their doctors. The results of the present study showed that educative actions about the rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and breastfeeding could be part of the operating protocols to promote the maternal and child health programs in Araraquara. Thus, our results also suggest the importance of creating institutionalized places, to the implementation of continued education programs about rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and lactation. These targeted programs are not only for health professionals, but also for community members, pregnant women and breastfeeding. Our results pointed out the importance of guidance of doctors and healthcare professionals on the scientific studies about medicinal plants and herbal medicines and the risk/benefit of using herbs during pregnancy. Finally, it is noted the importance of the health professionals to inform women of childbearing on risks to their health, as well as on possibilities of utilization of herbs during fertile period, giving special attention to the potential risk of self-medication.
There are only 10 reported cases of pancreatic hemangiomas in adults, only one of them causing digestive bleeding. We present a case of variceal bleeding and portal hypertension caused by a pancreatic hemangioma. The patient had 19 year-old and was received at her 16th week of pregnancy. She had massive hematemesis, controlled after variceal band ligation. Her image exams revealed a cystic lesion of 164 cm³ in the pancreas tail and signs of portal hypertension. Two months after, the ultrassonographic exam documented the lesion growth, achieving 200 cm³ at that time. The patient was submitted to distal pancreatectomy, and the histopathological analysis revealed a pancreatic hemangioma of 11 x 9 x 8 cm. Therefore, we report the second case of digestive bleeding caused by a pancreatic hemangioma, which had a well documented growth during the pregnancy. Additionally, we review the previous reports of pancreatic hemangiomas and discuss the hypothesis of hormonal infl uence on the natural history of these tumors.
Twenty six Murrah female river buffaloes, between 45 and 70 d post-partum, empty, multiparae, with an average live weight of 675 ± 56 kg, and average body condition of 3.5 points, in a 1 to 5 scale, were used to determine the concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, total protein and insulin-like growth factor type I(IGF-I) in the follicular fluid. The fluid was collected from dominant follicles, with diameters between 8 and 12 mm, by in vivo follicular aspiration. The oestrous cycle stage was not taken into account. The wave of follicular development was synchronized six days prior to the collection. Biochemical analyses of glucose and cholesterol were performed by the enzymatic colorimetric method with the utilization of commercial kits of Glicose (GOD-PAP) and Cholesterol (CHOD-PAP) (Kovalent), respectively. For the determination of total protein, the commercial kit total Protein (Kovalent), method Biuret, was employed. Readings were carried out through absorption spectrophotometry with visible light. Through the radioimmunoanalysis (RIA) technique the concentration of IGF-I was obtained using commercial kits of IRMA IGF-I (IMMUNOTECH). Descriptive statistics was used, by applying the PROC MEANS procedure of the SAS (2009) statistical package. Glucose concentrations (4.0 ± 0.75 mmol/L) and IGF-I (340 ± 129.83 ng/mL) showed higher values in female river buffaloes and dairy cows regarding those reported in other studies. However, cholesterol levels (0.51 ± 0.12 mmol/L) and total proteins (58.4 ± 4.43 g/L) were lower. Results indicate that there is a relationship between the concentration of biochemical indicators, the nutritional aspects, the diameter of the aspired follicles and the productive period.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work aimed to evaluate the pregnancy rate and follicular diameter using EB or GnRH on the insertion of progesterone implant (D0) in lactating beef cows. Two groups were tested in two experiments. In Exp. 1 were used 61 Nelore cows divided into two groups: G-BE (n = 32) and G-GnRH (n = 29), on D0 was inserted P4 implant (CIDR ) and applied 2 mL of BE (G-BE) or 2.5 mL GnRH (G-GnRH). In D9 was performed ultrasonography (U.S.) to measure the diameter of the dominant follicle (DF) present in the ovary and the implant was removed, with concomitant administration of 2.5 mL of PGF2a and estradiol cypionate (ECP ) followed by calves removal. After 48 hours all the cows were inseminated and the calves returned. In Exp. 2 50 cows were used following the same protocol described above, but the pregnancy was assessed without performing ovarian US. There was no difference (p>0.05) in pregnancy rate between treatments, BE (55%) or GnRH (41%), but the follicular diameter was significantly higher (p<0.05) in pregnant cows treated with EB (10.7 mm vs. 8.5 mm) and in cows treated with GnRH there was no difference (p>0.05) between pregnant and no pregnant cows (11.6 mm vs. 10.2 mm). We concluded the use of GnRH on D0 did not improve the pregnancy rate in lactating beef cows and follicular diameter was greater (p <0.05) in pregnant cows compared to non-pregnant only in G-BE.
Outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) rupture was first noted in isolated mitochondria in which the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) had lost its selective permeability. This phenomenon referred to as mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) refers to a permeabilized inner membrane that originates a large swelling in the mitochondrial matrix, which distends the outer membrane until it ruptures. Here, we have expanded previous electron microscopic observations that in apoptotic cells, OMM rupture is not caused by a membrane stretching promoted by a markedly swollen matrix. It is shown that the widths of the ruptured regions of the OMM vary from 6 to 250 nm. Independent of the perforation size, herniation of the mitochondrial matrix appeared to have resulted in pushing the IMM through the perforation. A large, long focal herniation of the mitochondrial matrix, covered with the IMM, was associated with a rupture of the OMM that was as small as 6 nm. Contextually, the collapse of the selective permeability of the IMM may precede or follow the release of the mitochondrial proteins of the intermembrane space into the cytoplasm. When the MPT is a late event, exit of the intermembrane space proteins to the cytoplasm is unimpeded and occurs through channels that transverse the outer membrane, because so far, the inner membrane is impermeable. No channel within the outer membrane can expose to the cytoplasm a permeable inner membrane, because it would serve as a conduit for local herniation of the mitochondrial matrix. Anat Rec, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The effects of estradiol benzoate (EB) and estradiol cypionate (EC) on induction of ovulation after a synchronized LH surge and on fertility of Bos indicus females submitted to timed AI (TAI) were evaluated. In Experiment 1, ovariectomized Nelore heifers were used to evaluate the effect of EB (n = 5) and EC (n = 5) on the circulating LH profile. The LH surge timing (19.6 and 50.5 h; P = 0.001), magnitude (20.5 and 9.4 ng/mL; P = 0.005), duration (8.6 and 16.5 h; P = 0.001), and area under the LH curve (158.6 and 339.4 ng/mL; P = 0.01) differed between the EB and EC treatments, respectively. In Experiment 2 (follicular responses; n = 60) and 3 (pregnancy per AI; P/AI; n = 953) suckled Bos indicus beef cows submitted to an estradiol/progesterone-based synchronization protocol were assigned to receive one of two treatments to induce synchronized ovulation: 1 mg of EB im 24 h after progesterone (P4) device removal or 1 mg of EC im at P4 device removal. There was no difference (P > 0.05) between EB and EC treatments on follicular responses (maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle, 13.1 vs. 13.9 mm; interval from progesterone device removal to ovulation, 70.2 vs. 68.5 h; and ovulation rate, 77.8 vs. 82.8%, respectively). In addition, P/AI was similar (P < 0.22) between the cows treated with EB (57.5%; 277/482) and EC (61.8%; 291/471). In conclusion, despite pharmacologic differences, both esters of estradiol administered either at P4 device removal (EC) or 24 h later (EB) were effective in inducing an LH surge which resulted in synchronized ovulations and similar P/AI in suckled Bos indicus beef cows submitted to TAI. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Imbalanced matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression, including MMP-2, has been demonstrated in pre-eclampsia. However, little is known about the effect of polymorphisms in MMP-2 gene on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. We examined whether two functional MMP-2 polymorphisms (g.-1306C>T and g.-735C>T) are associated with pre-eclampsia and/or gestational hypertension and whether these polymorphisms affect therapeutic responses in women with these conditions. We studied 216 healthy pregnant women (HP), 185 patients with gestational hypertension (GH) and 216 patients with pre-eclampsia (PE). They were stratified as responsive or non-responsive to antihypertensive therapy according to clinical and laboratorial parameters of therapeutic responsiveness. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood and genotypes for g-1306C>T and g.-735C>T polymorphisms were determined by real-time PCR using Taqman allele discrimination assays. Haplotype frequencies were inferred using the PHASE 2.1 program. The distributions of MMP-2 genotypes and haplotypes were similar in HP, GH and PE patients (p > 0.05). In addition, we found no significant differences in MMP-2 genotype or haplotype frequencies when GH or PE patients were classified as responsive or non-responsive to antihypertensive therapy (p > 0.05). Our results suggest that MMP-2 polymorphisms do not affect the susceptibility to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. In parallel, MMP-2 polymorphisms apparently do not affect the responsiveness to antihypertensive therapy of women with these hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Haplotypes formed by polymorphisms (T-786C, rs2070744; a variable number of tandem repeats in intron 4, and Glu298Asp, rs1799983) of the eNOS gene were associated previously with gestational hypertension (GH) and preeclampsia (PE). However, no study has explored the Tag SNPs rs743506 and rs7830 in these disorders. The aim of the current study was to compare the distribution of the genotypes and haplotypes formed by the five eNOS polymorphisms mentioned among healthy pregnant (HP, n = 122), GH (n = 138), and PE (n = 157). The haplotype formed by "C b G G C" was more frequent in HP compared to GH and PE (p = 0.0071), which is supported by previous findings that demonstrated the association of the combination "C b G" with a higher level of nitrite (NO marker). Our results suggest a protective effect of the haplotype "C b G G C" against the development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Manipulation of follicle development to ensure optimal oocyte quality and conception rates in cattle
Over the last several decades, a number of therapies have been developed that manipulate ovarian follicle growth to improve oocyte quality and conception rates in cattle. Various strategies have been proposed to improve the responses to reproductive biotechnologies following timed artificial insemination (TAI), superovulation (SOV) or ovum pickup (OPU) programmes. During TAI protocols, final follicular growth and size of the ovulatory follicle are key factors that may significantly influence oocyte quality, ovulation, the uterine environment and consequently pregnancy outcomes. Progesterone concentrations during SOV protocols influence follicular growth, oocyte quality and embryo quality; therefore, several adjustments to SOV protocols have been proposed depending on the animal category and breed. In addition, the success of in vitro embryo production is directly related to the number and quality of cumulus oocyte complexes harvested by OPU. Control of follicle development has a significant impact on the OPU outcome. This article discusses a number of key points related to the manipulation of ovarian follicular growth to maximize oocyte quality and improve conception rates following TAI and embryo transfer of in vivo-and in vitro-derived embryos in cattle.
The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation among low-income pregnant women living in Brazil. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of 831 women surveyed during 20 to 30 weeks of pregnancy using the Self-Report Questionnaire-20. The prevalence of suicidal ideation was 6.3%. The factors associated with suicidal ideation were common mental disorders, single partner status, past psychiatric history, and smoking tobacco. All cases of suicidal ideation were associated with common mental disorders.
There is a molecular crosstalk between the trophoblast and maternal immune cells of bovine endometrium. The uterine cells are able to secrete cytokine/chemokines to either induce a suppressive environment for establishment of the pregnancy or to recruit immune cells to the endometrium to fight infections. Despite morphological differences between women and cows, mechanisms for immune tolerance during pregnancy seem to be conserved. Mechanisms for uterine immunesuppression in the cow include: reduced expression of major histocompatability proteins by the trophoblast; recruitment of macrophages to the pregnant endometrium; and modulation of immune-related genes in response to the presence of the conceptus. Recently, an eGFP transgenic cloned embryo model developed by our group showed that there is modulation of foetal proteins expressed at the site of syncytium formation, suggesting that foetal cell can regulate not only by the secretion of specific factors such as interferon-tau, but also by regulating their own protein expression to avoid excessive maternal recognition by the local immune system. Furthermore, foetal DNA can be detected in the maternal circulation; this may reflect the occurrence of an invasion of trophoblast cells and/or their fragment beyond the uterine basement membrane in the cow. In fact, the newly description of exosome release by the trophoblast cell suggests that could be a new fashion of maternal-foetal communication at the placental barrier. Additionally, recent global transcriptome studies on bovine endometrium suggested that the immune system is aware, from an immunological point of view, of the presence of the foetus in the cow during early pregnancy.