975 resultados para Power oscillations monitoring
The Brugada syndrome is a rare condition, and due to its mutating manner of presentation it may be difficult to diagnose. We report one case and discuss the diagnostic aspects and the clinical outcome of one patient with characteristic findings of this syndrome. These findings are especially defined by J-ST elevation in the right leads of serial electrocardiographic records, wide oscillations of J points and ST segments during 24-hour Holter monitoring, and nocturnal sudden death. We stress the importance of the Holter monitor findings for diagnostic complementation. Through this method it is possible to establish a correlation between vigil activities and sleep and the variability of the degree of impairment in ventricular repolarization.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between microalbuminuria with ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in normotensive individuals with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Thirty-seven patients underwent determination of the rate of urinary excretion of albumin through radioimmunoassay and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Their mean age was 26.5±6.7 years, and the mean duration of their disease was 8 (1-34) years. Microalbuminuria was defined as urinary excretion of albumin > or = 20 and <200µg/min in at least 2 out of 3 urine samples. RESULTS: Nine (24.3%) patients were microalbuminuric. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the microalbuminuric patients had higher mean pressure values, mainly the systolic pressure, during sleep as compared with that in the normoalbuminuric patients (120.1±8.3 vs 110.8±7.1 mmHg; p=0.007). The pressure load was higher in the microalbuminuric individuals, mainly the systolic pressure load during wakefulness [6.3 (2.9-45.9) vs 1.6 (0-16%); p=0.001]. This was the variable that better correlated with the urinary excretion of albumin (rS=0.61; p<0.001). Systolic pressure load >50% and diastolic pressure load > 30% during sleep was associated with microalbuminuria (p=0.008). The pressure drop during sleep did not differ between the groups. CONCLUSION: Microalbuminuric normotensive insulin-dependent diabetic patients show greater mean pressure value and pressure load during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, and these variables correlate with urinary excretion of albumin.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between 24-hour ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring and the prognosis of patients with advanced congestive heart failure. METHODS: We studied 38 patients with NYHA functional class IV congestive heart failure, and analyzed left ventricular ejection fraction, diastolic diameter, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring data. RESULTS: Twelve deaths occurred. Left ventricular ejection fraction (35.2±7.3%) and diastolic diameter (72.2±7.8mm) were not correlated with the survival. The mean 24-hour (SBP24), waking (SBPw), and sleeping (SBPs) systolic pressures of the living patients were higher than those of the deceased patients and were significant for predicting survival. Patients with mean SBP24, SBPv, and SBPs > or = 105mmHg had longer survival (p=0.002, p=0.01 and p=0.0007, respectively). Patients with diastolic blood pressure sleep decrements (dip) and patients with mean blood pressure dip <=6mmHg had longer survival (p=0.04 and p=0.01, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, SBPs was the only variable with an odds ratio of 7.61 (CI: 1.56; 3704) (p=0.01). Patients with mean SBP<105mmHg were 7.6 times more likely to die than those with SBP > or = 105 mmHg CONCLUSION: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring appears to be a useful method for evaluating patients with congestive heart failure.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of the quality of sleep on the nocturnal physiological drop in blood pressure during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. METHODS: We consecutively assessed ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, the degree of tolerance for the examination, and the quality of sleep in 168 patients with hypertension or with the suspected "white-coat" effect. Blood pressure fall during sleep associated with a specific questionnaire and an analogical visual scale of tolerance for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring were used to assess usual sleep and sleep on the day of examination. Two specialists in sleep disturbances classified the patients into 2 groups: those with normal sleep and those with abnormal sleep. RESULTS: Fifty-nine (35 %) patients comprised the abnormal sleep group. Findings regarding the quality of sleep on the day of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring as compared with those regarding the quality of sleep on a usual day were different and were as follows, respectively: total duration of sleep (-12.4±4.7 versus -42.2±14.9 minutes, P=0.02), latency of sleep (0.4±2.7 versus 17±5.1 minutes, P<0.001), number of awakenings (0.1±0.1 versus 1.35±0.3 times, P<0.001), and tolerance for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (8±0.2 versus 6.7±0.35, P=0.035). An abnormal drop in blood pressure during sleep occurred in 20 (18%) patients in the normal sleep group and in 14 (24%) patients in the abnormal sleep group, P=0.53. CONCLUSION: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring causes sleep disturbances in some patients, and a positive association between quality of sleep and tolerance for the examination was observed.
El presente estudio pretende arribar a la construcción de un modelo explicativo del comportamiento político a partir de la contribución que los marcos sociales (norma sociales, normas de ciudadanía, ideología, confianza política) y sociocognitivos (inteligencia afectiva, interés político, eficacia política, conocimiento político, sentimiento de comunidad) mostraron, en términos de relaciones entre las variables, sobre el mismo. Nuestra atención se centra no sólo al comportamiento político de la ciudadanía -que es donde se desarrollaron la mayor parte de los estudios-, sino a las elites de poder constitutivas del sistema político (jueces, legisladores provinciales y representantes de instituciones del gobierno y de organismos no gubernamentales). Asimismo, pretende establecer las diferencias que puedan evidenciarse en torno a la relación de estas variables con el comportamiento político entre los distintos colectivos estudiados en el ámbito de la ciudad de Córdoba. Para ello se realizara una primera etapa de estudio instrumental, con el objeto de analizar las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos a utilizar en la operacionalización de las variables. Para ello se tomara una muestra accidental de 250 personas entre 18 y 65 años de edad. Posteriormente, se realizarán dos etapas de estudio ex post facto, con la finalidad de construir los modelos planteados. En la primera de ellas, se trabajará con una muestra accidental de 100 representantes de los grupos de poder estudiados y en la segunda con una muestra probabilística de 500 ciudadanos cordobeses entre 18 y 65 años de edad.
La utilización de energía eólica es un hecho cada vez más común en nuestro mundo como respuesta a mitigar el creciente aumento de demanda de energía, los aumentos constantes de precio, la escasez de combustibles fósiles y los impactos del cambio climático, los que son cada día más evidentes.Consecuentemente, el interés por la participación de esta nueva forma de generación de energía en sistema eléctrico de potencia ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años. La incorporación de generación de origen eólico en el sistema eléctrico de potencia requiere de un análisis detallado del sistema eléctrico en su conjunto, considerando la interacción entre parques y unidades de generación eólica, plantas de generación convencional y el sistema eléctrico de potencia. La integración de generación de origen renovable en el sistema eléctrico de potencia convencional presenta nuevos desafíos los que pueden ser atribuidos a características propias de este tipo de generación, por ejemplo la fluctuación de energía debido a la naturaleza variable del viento, la naturaleza distribuida de la generación eólica y las características constructivas y método de conexión de los distintos modelos de turbinas eólicas al sistema.La finalidad de este proyecto de investigación consiste en investigar el impacto sobre un mercado de sistema eléctrico competitivo causado por el agregado de generación de origen eolico. Como punto de partida se pretende realizar modelos de plantas de generacion eolica para luego incorporarlos a los modelos de sistemas eléctricos y realizar estudios de de despacho económico, flujo de cargas, análisis transitorio y estudios dinámicos del sistema.
Los mecanismos de producción y reproducción de la influencia política es una importante área de estudio de la ciencia política en las últimas décadas. En la misma se han disputado diferentes teorías, desde las que plantean la influencia predominante de grupos de poder y sectores corporativos tanto en las decisiones del estado como en las no decisiones, hasta los que plantean que existe la puja de diferentes intereses dentro del Estado pero que no existe ningún grupo predominante. El análisis de redes (network analysis) permite estudiar este objeto mediante la observación de la estructura de relaciones de los actores influyentes dentro de la política provincial. En esta area de estudio, este proyecto propone estudiar de qué manera se produce y reproduce la influencia política en la Provincia de Córdoba.Las hipótesis que plantea el proyecto son las siguientes: H1- La estructura del poder socio-político provincial adquiere una configuración reticular en la que existe un núcleo de actores que representan intereses tradicionales organizados y permite un escaso acceso de nuevas organizaciones que defienden intereses sociales difusos. H2- En el proceso de influencia sociopolítica provincial operan mecanismos de influencia interpersonales directos e indirectos (Brokerage) que permiten a los actores acceder e influir en los decisores públicos. H3- En el proceso de influencia socio-política interviene una diversidad de recursos de poder que los actores utilizan para influir las políticas públicas. Para esto se propone como objetivos del proyecto los siguientes: 1- Identificar y analizar la estructura de poder e influencia que subyace a la política provincial. 2- Analizar los intereses, actores y sectores incluidos y excluidos de la estructura de influencia política. 3- Analizar los mecanismos y recursos de producción y reproducción del poder y la influencia. 4- Analizar las áreas de política del estado provincial que resultan lugar de influencia de los actores y sectores que configuran la estructura de poder socio-política. 5- Analizar el sistema de decisión colectiva (policy domain) en dos áreas de política provincial. 6- Analizar los recursos que posibilitan a los actores ejercer poder e influencia en las áreas de políticas estudiadas. Para la verificación empírica de las hipótesis se realiza un diseño de investigación que incluye el mapeo y análisis de dos tipos de redes políticas diferentes, la "red de influencia en la política provincial" y la red de influencia en un "área de políticas públicas". La reconstrucción de las redes políticas se realizará mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas a actores sociales y políticos en un muestreo no probabilístico de tipo "bola de nieve". La investigación pretende realizar un aporte a la comprensión de la coordinación política y, en tal sentido, espera alcanzar una adecuada descripción y comprensión de los procesos de influencia y de estructuración del poder en la Provincia de Córdoba.
The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the effect wind energy has on the Electricity Supply Industry in Ireland. Wind power generation is a source of renewable energy that is in abundant supply in Ireland and is fast becoming a resource that Ireland is depending on as a diverse and secure of supply of energy. However, wind is an intermittent resource and coupled with a variable demand, there are integration issues with balancing demand and supply effectively. To maintain a secure supply of electricity to customers, it is necessary that wind power has an operational reserve to ensure appropriate backup for situations where there is low wind but high demand. This dissertation examines the affect of this integration by comparing wind generation to that of conventional generation in the national grid. This is done to ascertain the cost benefits of wind power generation against a scenario with no wind generation. Then, the analysis examines to see if wind power can meet the pillars of sustainability. This entails looking at wind in a practical scenario to observe how it meets these pillars under the criteria of environmental responsibility, displacement of conventional fuel, cost competitiveness and security of supply.
Due to the global crisis o f climate change many countries throughout the world are installing the renewable energy o f wind power into their electricity system. Wind energy causes complications when it is being integrated into the electricity system due its intermittent nature. Additionally winds intennittency can result in penalties being enforced due to the deregulation in the electricity market. Wind power forecasting can play a pivotal role to ease the integration o f wind energy. Wind power forecasts at 24 and 48 hours ahead of time are deemed the most crucial for determining an appropriate balance on the power system. In the electricity market wind power forecasts can also assist market participants in terms o f applying a suitable bidding strategy, unit commitment or have an impact on the value o f the spot price. For these reasons this study investigates the importance o f wind power forecasts for such players as the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Independent Power Producers (IPPs). Investigation in this study is also conducted into the impacts that wind power forecasts can have on the electricity market in relation to bidding strategies, spot price and unit commitment by examining various case studies. The results o f these case studies portray a clear and insightful indication o f the significance o f availing from the information available from wind power forecasts. The accuracy o f a particular wind power forecast is also explored. Data from a wind power forecast is examined in the circumstances o f both 24 and 48 hour forecasts. The accuracy o f the wind power forecasts are displayed through a variety o f statistical approaches. The results o f the investigation can assist market participants taking part in the electricity pool and also provides a platform that can be applied to any forecast when attempting to define its accuracy. This study contributes significantly to the knowledge in the area o f wind power forecasts by explaining the importance o f wind power forecasting within the energy sector. It innovativeness and uniqueness lies in determining the accuracy o f a particular wind power forecast that was previously unknown.
This project focused on the investigation and the development of a chemical sensing system for the determination of chromium Cr6+ and a bio-reactor followed by electrochemical detection at a glassy carbon electrode, for the determination of organochlorine compounds. The conjugation of Cr6+ with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide was studied at various types of electrodes such as glassy carbon, ultra-trace epoxy-graphite, chemically or un-modified carbon-paste and dropping-mercury. The cyclic voltammetric behaviour of the complex was also investigated. In addition, the possibility of developing a chemical sensor, Le. an electrochemical probe capable of sensing Cr6+ through its complexation with 1,5-diphenylacarbazide was studied. The conjugations of l-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, 2,4-dichloronitrobenzene and ethacrynic, which are electrophilic organochlorine compounds, with reduced glutathione, were studied in order to test the bioreactor developed, based on the immobilisation of glutathione s-transferase. This was carried out at different types of electrodes such as glassy-carbon, gold, silver, platinum, epoxy-graphite, hangingmercury, and ferrocene-modified rotating-disc electrodes.
The appraisal of anaerobic digestion in Ireland to develop improved designs and operational practice
Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion treating sewage sludge was investigated at five full-scale sewage treatment plants in Ireland. The anaerobic digestion plants are compared and evaluated in terms of design, equipment, operation, monitoring and management. All digesters are cylindrical, gas mixed and heated Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTR), varying in size from 130m3 to 800m3. Heat exchanger systems heat all digesters. Three plants reported difficulties with the heating systems ranging from blockages to insufficient insulation and design. Exchangers were modified and replaced within one year of operation at two plants. All but one plant had Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems installed. Parameter monitoring is a problem at all plants mainly due to a lack of staff and knowledge. The plant operators consider pH and temperature the most important parameters to be measured in terms of successful monitoring of an anaerobic digester. The short time taken and the ease at which pH and temperature can be measured may favour these parameters. Three laboratory scale pilot anaerobic digesters were operated using a variety of feeds over at 144-day period. Two of the pilots were unmixed and the third was mechanically mixed. As expected the unmixed reactors removed more COD by retention of solids in the digesters but also produced greater quantities of biogas than the mixed digester, especially when low solids feed such as whey was used. The mixed digester broke down more solids due to the superior contact between the substrate and the biomass. All three reactors showed good performance results for whey and sewage solids. Scum formation occurred giving operational problems for mixed and unmixed reactors when cattle slurry was used as the main feed source. The pilot test was also used to investigate which parameters were the best indicators of process instability. These trials clearly indicated that total Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) concentrations was the best parameter to show signs of early process imbalance, while methane composition in the biogas was good to indicate possible nutrient deficiencies in the feed and oxygen shocks. pH was found to be a good process parameter only if the wastewater being treated produced low bicarbonate alkalinities during treatment.
Univariate statistical control charts, such as the Shewhart chart, do not satisfy the requirements for process monitoring on a high volume automated fuel cell manufacturing line. This is because of the number of variables that require monitoring. The risk of elevated false alarms, due to the nature of the process being high volume, can present problems if univariate methods are used. Multivariate statistical methods are discussed as an alternative for process monitoring and control. The research presented is conducted on a manufacturing line which evaluates the performance of a fuel cell. It has three stages of production assembly that contribute to the final end product performance. The product performance is assessed by power and energy measurements, taken at various time points throughout the discharge testing of the fuel cell. The literature review performed on these multivariate techniques are evaluated using individual and batch observations. Modern techniques using multivariate control charts on Hotellings T2 are compared to other multivariate methods, such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The latter, PCA, was identified as the most suitable method. Control charts such as, scores, T2 and DModX charts, are constructed from the PCA model. Diagnostic procedures, using Contribution plots, for out of control points that are detected using these control charts, are also discussed. These plots enable the investigator to perform root cause analysis. Multivariate batch techniques are compared to individual observations typically seen on continuous processes. Recommendations, for the introduction of multivariate techniques that would be appropriate for most high volume processes, are also covered.
There are presently over 182 RBC plants, treating domestic wastewater, in the Republic of Ireland, 136 of which have been installed since 1986. The use of this treatment plant technology, although not new, is becoming increasingly popular. The aim of this research was to assess the effects that a household detergent has on rotating biological contractor treatment plant efficiency. Household detergents contribute phosphorus to the surrounding environment and can also remove beneficial biomass from the disc media. A simple modification was made to a conventional flat disc unit to increase the oxygen transfer of the process. The treatment efficiency of the modified RBC (with aeration cups attached) was assessed against a parallel conventional system, with and without degergent loading. The parameters monitored were chemical oxygen demand (COD), bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrates, phosphates, dissolved oxygen, the motors power consumption, pH, and temperature. Some microscopic analysis of the biofilm was also to be carried out. The treatment efficiency of both units was compared, based on COD/BOD removal. The degree of nitrification achievable by both units was also assessed with any fluctuations in pH noted. Monitoring of the phosphorus removal capabilities of both units was undertaken. Relationships between detergent concentrations and COD removal efficiencies were also analysed.