978 resultados para Potência musical


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INTRODUÇÃO: O Running Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) tem sido considerado um teste válido para avaliação anaeróbia. Entretanto, como a superfície e o calçado podem afetar alguns parâmetros mensurados durante o exercício, isso pode modificar os parâmetros do RAST. OBJETIVO: Comparar as variáveis do RAST mensuradas utilizando chuteiras na grama (RAST CG) e tênis na pista (RAST TP). MÉTODOS: Oito jogadores de futebol (da categoria sub-17) participaram do estudo. Os participantes realizaram dois RAST (intervalo > 24 h). O RAST consistiu em seis corridas máximas de 35m com 10s de intervalo passivo entre cada corrida. O tempo de cada esforço foi registrado para determinação da potência pico (PP), potência média (PM) e índice de fadiga (IF). Após o sexto esforço, amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas para determinação da lactacidemia ([Lac]). RESULTADOS: Durante o RAST TP, a PP (763,1 ± 87,2 W) e PM (621,6 ± 68,1 W) foram significativamente superiores às PP e PM mensuradas em RAST CG (PP = 667,3 ± 67,0 W e PM = 555,9 ± 74,7 W), enquanto que as [Lac] observadas em RAST TP (7,3 ± 1,8 mmol.L-1) foram significativamente inferiores às mensuradas em RAST CG (9,9 ± 3,2 mmol.L-1). No entanto, o IF não foi significativamente diferente (RAST TP = 32,5 ± 8,3%; RAST CG = 34,1 ± 6,6%). Significativas correlações foram observadas entre as PM (r = 0,90) e as [Lac] (r = 0,72). CONCLUSÃO: Podemos concluir que as variáveis do RAST são influenciadas pela superfície e calçado utilizados, com valores superiores observados em RAST TP.


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A memória operacional e a atividade musical ativam áreas encefálicas recíprocas e homólogas, contudo não há evidências se o treino musical pode ampliar a capacidade da memória operacional. Objetivo: Avaliar o desempenho do treino musical sob a memória operacional em crianças de 9 e 10 anos de idade, praticantes de treino musical e sem experiência musical. PARTICIPANTES: Crianças Iniciantes (n=20), Veteranas (n=20) e Grupo Controle (n=20). MATERIAIS: Instrumentos computadorizados para avaliação da memória operacional. RESULTADOS: Crianças veteranas apresentaram melhores pontuações no BCPR (Teste de Repetição de Pseudopalavras para crianças brasileiras) e em subtestes da AWMA (Avaliação Automatizada da Memória Operacional). CONCLUSÃO: O treino musical parece ter contribuído para o desenvolvimento da memória operacional em crianças veteranas no programa de treino musical.


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a deposição de óxido de alumínio no campo operatório do cirurgião-dentista durante a utilização do sistema de abrasão a ar em consultório odontológico, bem como a efetividade da sucção de alta potência na captação desse pó. Por meio de um dispositivo para a coleta das partículas nos locais correspondentes às posições e distâncias de trabalho do profissional, dentes artificiais foram abrasionados. O sistema de sucção empregado para aspiração das partículas foi o de alta potência com sugador de saliva convencional e sugador com abertura ampliada por funil. A mensuração das partículas foi determinada pela quantidade em massa de óxido de alumínio depositada em placas de Petri. Os resultados obtidos por meio de estatística descritiva gráfica revelaram que a maior quantidade de pó se encontrava a 20 cm do operador e na posição de trabalho 9h, quando foi utilizado o sugador de saliva convencional. Uma vez comprovado que a sucção não é totalmente eficiente na aspiração do pó de óxido de alumínio, reforça-se a importância da proteção individual apropriada para o emprego seguro do sistema de abrasão a ar para pacientes e, principalmente, para os profissionais que trabalham com este tipo de tecnologia.


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Action-research is a model of scientific investigation which is not widely used in musical teaching, even considering its relevant application in the social sciences. David Tripp (2005) classifies it as a type of action-investigation which is used to define any process that follows a cycle where the practice is improved by the systematic oscillation from acting in the field of practice to investigating into it. With the approval by the Brazilian National Congress of Law 17,769, on August 18, 2008, and with the supplementary legislation, we understand that its use in the musical education would be beneficial. This justification has motivated the writing of this article, which approached the characteristics, functions and usefulness of the action-research. The consulted authors were, among others, D. Tripp, M. Thiollent, Maria A. Franco, G. Morceau, and Maria G. de Miranda. Two examples of Master's dissertations which adopted this type of research were mentioned.


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In this paper we study the main modalities of music education in Brazil and how they can be compared to different views worldwide. Recognition that modern practices in music education are inserted in contemporary knowledge paradigms shows their relevance to a changing world. According to this contemporary paradigm the practices included herein point to alternatives in the relationship between men and themselves, men and other men and men and the environment. They also encourage cooperation, the relationship among the arts, the conduction of actions ruled by the principles of ecology and the recovery of values lost or weakened.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship of maximal aerobic power and the muscular strength (maximal isotonic strength and vertical jump explosive power) with the running economy (RE) in endurance athletes. Twenty-six male runners (27.9 ± 6.4 years; 62.7 ± 4.3 kg; 168.6 ± 6.1 cm; 6.6 ± 3.1% of body fat) performed in different days the following tests: a) incremental test to determine the maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) and the intensity corresponding to the V̇O2max (IV̇O2max); b) constant-velocity treadmill run to determine RE; c) 1-RM test in the leg press and; d) maximal vertical jump test (VJ). V̇O2max (63.8 ± 8.3 ml/kg/min) was significantly correlated (r = 0.63; p < 0.05) with RE (48.0 ± 6.6 ml/kg/min). However, the IV̇O2max (18.7 ± 1.1 km/h), the maximal isotonic strength (230.3 ± 41.2 kg) and the VJ (30.8 ± 3.8 cm) were not significantly correlated with RE. One concludes that the maximal aerobic power can explain in part the inter-individual RE variability in endurance athletes. However, maximal isotonic strength and explosive strength seem not to be associated with RE values observed in this group of athletes.


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The perceived exertion has been a target of several investigations, many times with association with objective physiological indicators in exercise. Recently, the identification of the perceived exertion threshold (PET) was proposed in the water running, which presented no difference in relation to the critical velocity. Theoretically, both parameters would be indicators of the maximum steady state of variables such as V̇O2 and blood lactate. The objective of this work was to verify the coincidence between PET, critical power (PCrit) and an indicator of maximum V̇O2 steady state (PCrit') in cycle ergometer. Eight male participants were submitted to progressive effort test in order to determine V̇O2peak (46.7 ± 8.5 ml/kg/min) and to four rectangular tests until exhaustion for the estimation of the critical power model parameters, PET and PCrit'. The hyperbolic relation between mechanical power and time spent for the V̇O2peak to be reached in each test was used for the PCrit' estimation, considered as the asymptote in the power axis, and the portion of the anaerobic work capacity (CTAnaer) depleted up to the establishment of the V̇O2peak (CTAnaer'). In order to identify PET, the straight lines angular coefficients of the perceived exertion in time (ordinate) and the powers used (abscissa) were adjusted to a linear function that provided a point in the power axis in which the perceived exertion would be kept indefinitely stable. The parameters PCrit and CTAnaer were estimated by means of the power-time non-linear equation. In order to compare the estimations of PET, PCrit and PCrit', the analysis of variance ANOVA for repeated measurements was employed, and the associations were established through the Pearson correlation. CTAnaer and CTAnaer' were compared through the t test. PET (180 W ± 61 W), PCrit (174 W ± 43 W) and PCrit' (176 W ± 48 W) were not significantly different and the correlations were of 0.92-0.98. CTAnaer' (14,080 ± 5,219 J) was lower than CTAnaer (22,093 ± 9,042 J). One concludes that the PET predicts the intensity of PCrit and PCrit' with accuracy.


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This paper discusses two pitch detection algorithms (PDA) for simple audio signals which are based on zero-cross rate (ZCR) and autocorrelation function (ACF). As it is well known, pitch detection methods based on ZCR and ACF are widely used in signal processing. This work shows some features and problems in using these methods, as well as some improvements developed to increase their performance. © 2008 IEEE.


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This text aims to argument about the historic relation between Mário de Andrade's project to Brazilian music (his national sound utopia, as Arnaldo Contier called it) and one of its possible realization with bossa nova. The text presents in general lines the Andradian project, its committed character, its incursions in the problems of popular and erudite and its filiations to the national obsession with formation. It exposes punctually the possible comprehension of bossa nova as a modernist project, suggesting a logicality of continuity in Brazilian musical experience.


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This paper proposes and describes a high power factor AC-AC converter for naval applications using Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG). The three-phase output voltages of the PMG vary from 260 Vrms (220 Hz) to 380 Vrms (360 Hz), depending on load conditions. The proposed converter consists of a Y-/ΔY power transformer, which provides electrical isolation between the PMG and remaining stages, and a twelve-pulse uncontrolled rectifier stage directly connected to a single-phase inverter stage, without the use of an intermediary DC-DC topology. This proposal results in more simplicity for the overall circuitry, assuring robustness, reliability and reduced costs. Furthermore, the multipulse rectifier stage is capable to provide high power factor and low total harmonic distortion for the input currents of the converter. The single-phase inverter stage was designed to operate with wide range of DC bus voltage, maintaining 120 Vrms, 60 Hz output. The control philosophy, implemented in a digital signal processor (DSP) which also contains protection routines, alows series connections between two identical converters, achieving 240 Vrms, 60 Hz total output voltage. Measured total harmonic distortion for the AC output voltage is lower than 2% and the input power factor is 0.93 at 3.6kW nominal load. © 2010 IEEE.


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Musical genre classification has been paramount in the last years, mainly in large multimedia datasets, in which new songs and genres can be added at every moment by anyone. In this context, we have seen the growing of musical recommendation systems, which can improve the benefits for several applications, such as social networks and collective musical libraries. In this work, we have introduced a recent machine learning technique named Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) for musical genre classification, which has been demonstrated to be similar to the state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques, but much faster for some applications. Experiments in two public datasets were conducted against Support Vector Machines and a Bayesian classifier to show the validity of our work. In addition, we have executed an experiment using very recent hybrid feature selection techniques based on OPF to speed up feature extraction process. © 2011 International Society for Music Information Retrieval.


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In this paper the point estimation method is applied to solve the probabilistic power flow problem for unbalanced three-phase distribution systems. Through the implementation of this method the probability distribution functions of voltages (magnitude and angle) as well as the active and reactive power flows in the branches of the distribution system are determined. Two different approaches of the point estimation method are presented (2m and 2m+1 point schemes). In order to test the proposed methodology, the IEEE 34 and 123 bus test systems are used. The results obtained with both schemes are compared with the ones obtained by a Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS).


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The maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is the maximal quantity of energy that can be produced by the aerobic metabolism in certain time unity. It can be determined direct or indirectly by predictive equations. The objective of this study was to make a specific predictive equation to determine the VO 2max from boys aged 10-16 years-old. Forty-two boys underwent a treadmill running ergospirometric test, with the initial velocity set at 9 km/h, until voluntary exhaustion. By the multiple linear regression was possible to develop the following equation for the indirect determination of the VO 2max: VO2max (ml/min) = -1574.06 + (141.38 x Vpeak) + (48.34 * Body mass), with standard error of estimate = 191.5 ml/min (4.10 ml/kg/min) and coefficient of determination = 0.934. We suggest that this formula is appropriate to predict VO2max for this population.


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The literature investigated the effects of chronic baroque music auditory stimulation on the cardiovascular system. However, it lacks in the literature the acute effects of different styles of music on cardiac autonomic regulation. To evaluate the acute effects of baroque and heavy metal music on heart rate variability (HRV) in women. The study was performed in 21 healthy women between 18 and 30 years old. We excluded persons with previous experience with music instrument and those who had affinity with the song styles. All procedures were performed in the same sound-proof room. We analyzed HRV in the time (standard deviation of normal-to-normal respiratory rate (RR) intervals, root-mean square of differences between adjacent normal RR intervals in a time interval, and the percentage of adjacent RR intervals with a difference of duration greater than 50 ms) and frequency (low frequency [LF], high frequency [HF], and LF/HF ratio) domains. HRV was recorded at rest for 10 min. Subsequently they were exposed to baroque or heavy metal music for 5 min through an earphone. After the first music exposure they remained at rest for more 5 min and them they were exposed again to baroque or heavy metal music. The sequence of songs was randomized for each individual. The power analysis provided a minimal number of 18 subjects. Shapiro-Wilk to verify normality of data and analysis of variance for repeated measures followed by the Bonferroni test for parametric variables and Friedman's followed by the Dunn's post-test for non-parametric distributions. During the analysis of the time-domain indices were not changed. In the frequency-domain analysis, the LF in absolute units was reduced during the heavy metal music stimulation compared to control. Acute exposure to heavy metal music affected the sympathetic activity in healthy women.