968 resultados para Postural sway


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Lewy bodies (LB) in the central nervous system are associated with several different clinical syndromes including Parkinson's disease (PD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Long term follow up of PD patients finds up to 78% eventually develop dementia, most of these patients exhibiting fluctuating cognition and visual hallucinations similar to DLB and with extensive cortical LB at autopsy. alpha-Synuclein positive, neuritic pathology, in the putamen of DLB and Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD), may contribute to postural-instability gait difficulty, parkinsonism, diminished levodopa responsiveness and increased neuroleptic sensitivity. Cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms improve with cholinesterase inhibitor treatment in both patient groups. DLB and PDD should be seen as different points on a spectrum of LB disease. Distinguishing them as separate disorders may be useful in clinical practice, but may be of limited value in terms of investigating and treating the underlying neurobiology.


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Abstract concepts like numbers or time are thought to be represented in the more concrete domain of space and the sensorimotor system. For example, thinking of past or future events has a physical manifestation in backward or forward body sway, respectively. In the present study, we investigated the reverse effect: can passive whole-body motion influence the processing of temporal information? Participants were asked to categorize verbal stimuli to the concepts future or past while they were displaced forward and backward (Experiment 1), or upward and downward (Experiment 2). The results showed that future related verbal stimuli were categorized faster during forward as compared to backward motion. This finding supports the view that temporal events are represented along a mental time line and that the sensorimotor system is linked to that representation. We showed that body motion is not just an epiphenomenon of temporal thoughts. Passive whole-body motion can influence higher-order temporal cognition.


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The first cases of early-onset progressive polyneuropathy appeared in the Alaskan Malamute population in Norway in the late 1970s. Affected dogs were of both sexes and were ambulatory paraparetic, progressing to non-ambulatory tetraparesis. On neurologic examination, affected dogs displayed predominantly laryngeal paresis, decreased postural reactions, decreased spinal reflexes and muscle atrophy. The disease was considered eradicated through breeding programmes but recently new cases have occurred in the Nordic countries and the USA. The N-myc downstream-regulated gene (NDRG1) is implicated in neuropathies with comparable symptoms or clinical signs both in humans and in Greyhound dogs. This gene was therefore considered a candidate gene for the polyneuropathy in Alaskan Malamutes. The coding sequence of the NDRG1 gene derived from one healthy and one affected Alaskan Malamute revealed a non-synonymous G>T mutation in exon 4 in the affected dog that causes a Gly98Val amino acid substitution. This substitution was categorized to be "probably damaging" to the protein function by PolyPhen2 (score: 1.000). Subsequently, 102 Alaskan Malamutes from the Nordic countries and the USA known to be either affected (n = 22), obligate carriers (n = 7) or healthy (n = 73) were genotyped for the SNP using TaqMan. All affected dogs had the T/T genotype, the obligate carriers had the G/T genotype and the healthy dogs had the G/G genotype except for 13 who had the G/T genotype. A protein alignment showed that residue 98 is conserved in mammals and also that the entire NDRG1 protein is highly conserved (94.7%) in mammals. We conclude that the G>T substitution is most likely the mutation that causes polyneuropathy in Alaskan Malamutes. Our characterization of a novel candidate causative mutation for polyneuropathy offers a new canine model that can provide further insight into pathobiology and therapy of human polyneuropathy. Furthermore, selection against this mutation can now be used to eliminate the disease in Alaskan Malamutes.


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BACKGROUND: A key aspect of representations for object recognition and scene analysis in the ventral visual stream is the spatial frame of reference, be it a viewer-centered, object-centered, or scene-based coordinate system. Coordinate transforms from retinocentric space to other reference frames involve combining neural visual responses with extraretinal postural information. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examined whether such spatial information is available to anterior inferotemporal (AIT) neurons in the macaque monkey by measuring the effect of eye position on responses to a set of simple 2D shapes. We report, for the first time, a significant eye position effect in over 40% of recorded neurons with small gaze angle shifts from central fixation. Although eye position modulates responses, it does not change shape selectivity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data demonstrate that spatial information is available in AIT for the representation of objects and scenes within a non-retinocentric frame of reference. More generally, the availability of spatial information in AIT calls into questions the classic dichotomy in visual processing that associates object shape processing with ventral structures such as AIT but places spatial processing in a separate anatomical stream projecting to dorsal structures.


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Early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) is required to improve therapeutic responses. Indeed, a clinical diagnosis of resting tremor, rigidity, movement and postural deficiencies usually reflect >50% loss of the nigrostriatal system in disease. In a step to address this, quantitative diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DTI) was used to assess nigrostriatal degeneration in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) intoxication model of dopaminergic nigral degeneration. We now demonstrate increased average diffusion (p<0.005) and decreased fractional anisotropy (p<0.03) in the substantia nigra (SN) of 5- to 7-day MPTP-treated animals when compared to saline controls. Transverse diffusivity demonstrated the most significant differences (p < or = 0.002) and correlated with the numbers of SN dopaminergic neurons (r=-0.75, p=0.012). No differences were found in the striatum, corpus callosum, cerebral cortex, or ventricles. These results demonstrate that DTI may be used as a surrogate biomarker of nigral dopaminergic neuronal degeneration.


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Syncope describes a sudden and brief transient loss of consciousness (TLOC) with postural failure due to cerebral global hypoperfusion. The term TLOC is used when the cause is either unrelated to cerebral hypoperfusion or is unknown. The most common causes of syncopal TLOC include: (1) cardiogenic syncope (cardiac arrhythmias, structural cardiac diseases, others); (2) orthostatic hypotension (due to drugs, hypovolemia, primary or secondary autonomic failure, others); (3) neurally mediated syncope (cardioinhibitory, vasodepressor, and mixed forms). Rarely neurologic disorders (such as epilepsy, transient ischemic attacks, and the subclavian steal syndrome) can lead to cerebal hypoperfusion and syncope. Nonsyncopal TLOC may be due to neurologic (epilepsy, sleep attacks, and other states with fluctuating vigilance), medical (hypoglycemia, drugs), psychiatric, or post-traumatic disorders. Basic diagnostic workup of TLOC includes a thorough history and physical examination, and a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). Blood testing, electroencephalogram (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, echocardiography, head-up tilt test, carotid sinus massage, Holter monitoring, and loop recorders should be obtained only in specific contexts. Management strategies involve pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions, and cardiac pacing.


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A growing number of studies in humans demonstrate the involvement of vestibular information in tasks that are seemingly remote from well-known functions such as space constancy or postural control. In this review article we point out three emerging streams of research highlighting the importance of vestibular input: (1) Spatial Cognition: Modulation of vestibular signals can induce specific changes in spatial cognitive tasks like mental imagery and the processing of numbers. This has been shown in studies manipulating body orientation (changing the input from the otoliths), body rotation (changing the input from the semicircular canals), in clinical findings with vestibular patients, and in studies carried out in microgravity. There is also an effect in the reverse direction; top-down processes can affect perception of vestibular stimuli. (2) Body Representation: Numerous studies demonstrate that vestibular stimulation changes the representation of body parts, and sensitivity to tactile input or pain. Thus, the vestibular system plays an integral role in multisensory coordination of body representation. (3) Affective Processes and Disorders: Studies in psychiatric patients and patients with a vestibular disorder report a high comorbidity of vestibular dysfunctions and psychiatric symptoms. Recent studies investigated the beneficial effect of vestibular stimulation on psychiatric disorders, and how vestibular input can change mood and affect. These three emerging streams of research in vestibular science are—at least in part—associated with different neuronal core mechanisms. Spatial transformations draw on parietal areas, body representation is associated with somatosensory areas, and affective processes involve insular and cingulate cortices, all of which receive vestibular input. Even though a wide range of different vestibular cortical projection areas has been ascertained, their functionality still is scarcely understood.


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A total of 22 patients suffering from idiopathic Parkinson's disease and 20 age-matched volunteers were questioned about autonomic disturbances and all underwent four non-invasive tests examining cardiovascular reflexes. Significantly more autonomic disturbances were reported by the patients than by the controls. Resting blood pressure was significantly decreased in patients taking dopamine agonists, whereas it was normal in those patients who only received levodopa and anticholinergics. Resting heart rate and resting beat-to-beat variation were normal in the patients, as were the blood pressure response to standing and the postural heart rate response. No pathological response to the Valsalva manoeuvre could be detected. On the other hand, the heart rate variation evoked by deep breathing as well as the blood pressure response and the heart rate response to sustained isometric exercise were significantly diminished in the patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease. These findings indicate a central disturbance of cardiovascular reflex control, whereas the corresponding peripheral pathways seem to be normal.


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While forms of ethics based upon authenticity and recognition are holding sway in contemporary philosophical debates (Ferrara, Honneth, Fraser, etc.), many of the implications of both processes – conceptual, moral, political – are still insufficiently reflected upon. The talk will offer a “critique” (in the Kantian sense) of both, based upon an analysis of the “semiotics” of authenticity and the resulting perpetuation of a regime of authority of experts, as well as commenting upon the striking absence of the realm of literature and the arts from this debate, except in some references to a rather abstract notion of Aesthetics. It will also critically revaluate the concept of agency implicit in an ethics of authenticity and recognition.


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The objectives of this study were to describe a new spinal cord injury scale for dogs, evaluate repeatability through determining inter-rater variability of scores, compare these scores to another established system (a modified Frankel scale), and determine if the modified Frankel scale and the newly developed scale were useful as prognostic indicators for return to ambulation. A group of client-owned dogs with spinal cord injury were examined by 2 independent observers who applied the new Texas Spinal Cord Injury Score (TSCIS) and a modified Frankel scale that has been used previously. The newly developed scale was designed to describe gait, postural reactions and nociception in each limb. Weighted kappa statistics were utilized to determine inter-rater variability for the modified Frankel scale and individual components of the TSCIS. Comparisons were made between raters for the overall TSCIS score and between scales using Spearman's rho. An additional group of dogs with surgically treated thoracolumbar disk herniation was enrolled to look at correlation of both scores with spinal cord signal characteristics on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ambulatory outcome at discharge. The actual agreement between raters for the modified Frankel scale was 88%, with a weighted kappa value of 0.93. The TSCIS had weighted kappa scores for gait, proprioceptive positioning and nociception components that ranged from 0.72 to 0.94. Correlation between raters for the overall TSCIS score was Spearman's rho=0.99 (P<0.001). Comparison of the overall TSCIS score to the modified Frankel score resulted in a Spearman's rho value of 0.90 (P<0.001). The modified Frankel score was weakly correlated with the length of hyperintensity of the spinal cord: L2 vertebral body length ratio on mid-sagittal T2-weighted MRI (Spearman's rho=-0.45, P=0.042) as was the overall TSCIS score (Spearman's rho=-0.47, P=0.037). There was also a significant difference in admitting modified Frankel scores (P=0.029) and admitting overall TSCIS scores (P=0.02) between dogs that were ambulatory at discharge and those that were not. Results from this study suggest that the TSCIS is an easy to administer scale for evaluating canine spinal cord injury based on the standard neurological exam and correlates well with a previously described modified Frankel scale.


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The World Health Organization estimates there are about 585,000 maternal deaths each year, with 98% of the maternal deaths in developing countries. Access to family planning methods is one method to decrease maternal mortality and morbidity. ^ The U.S. was the leader in providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries to enable women to have this access. The election of Ronald Regan changed the course of U.S. support; abortion became a central factor in the political decision-making with regards to the financial support of international family planning. ^ One factor that may sway policy-makers' decisions is the influence of ideological interest groups, Political Action Committees funding of candidates in relation to votes on bills that impacted on financial support of international family planning and the amount spent by these groups on lobbyist was reviewed. Pro-choice funding of candidates was greater for the four of the fives votes supporting family planning. Pro-Choice lobbyist spending was $185,000 vs. $8,184,000 spent by Pro-Life ideological groups. ^


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We investigated tree sway and crown collision behavior of even-aged lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) stands of different structure in Alberta, Canada, to examine how these factors might affect loss of leaf area as stands mature. The Two Creeks stand (TC) had high density and slender trees, while the Chickadee stand (CH) had stout trees. The TC stand was then thinned (TCT) to reduce the stand density. For each stand, simultaneous tree sways of a group of 10 trees were monitored with biaxial clinometers during wind speed of 5 m/s (canopy top). Crown collisions were reconstructed by combining sway displacement of individual trees with their respective crown dimensions. Comparing the sway statistics between stands with contrasting mean bole slenderness (TC and CH) indicated that more slender trees have greater sway displacements, faster sway speeds, and a greater depth of collision. Disturbance by thinning increased sway displacements, sway speeds, and depth of collisions at TCT. Tree sway patterns were circular in shape and not aligned with wind direction, but patterns were elongated after thinning. This demonstrates the high frequency of crown collision experienced by stands with slender trees and supports the notion that crown collisions result in empty space between crowns of trees.


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El crecimiento sostenido de las actividades humanas, particularmente de aquellas que se realizan en postura sedente y la frecuencia de patologías ocasionadas por el mantenimiento de dicha postura, plantean la conveniencia del estudio del bienestar en el uso de equipamiento concebido para sentarse. El propósito del trabajo es lograr un conjunto de recomendaciones y una guía para el análisis del confort postural en productos y puestos de trabajo a partir del diagnóstico de los diseños de asientos actualmente disponibles en el mercado local, en particular: sillas, taburetes, butacas de vehículos, aplicándose en el estudio la metodología propia de la ergonomía.


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Bioseguridad en un sentido amplio es definida como: vida libre de peligros. Medidas de bioseguridad son acciones que contribuyen para la seguridad de la vida, en el dia a dia de las personas (ej. Cinturon de seguridad, senda peatonal). Las normas de bioseguridad engloban todas las medidas que buscan evitar riesgos fisicos (radiacion o temperatura), ergonomicos (posturales), quimicos (sustancias toxicas), biologicos (agentes infecciosos) y psicologicos (como el estres). Cada tanto, cuando hay conflictos gremiales, aparecen en las noticias hospitales que tienen ratas o cucarachas, y recien ahi se toman algunas medidas correctivas, per0 la mayoria de las instalaciones de servicios de salud no cuentan con servicios de control de plagas, o si 10s tienen no son efectivos, mas por causas administrativas que tecnicas. Es inadmisible la presencia de invertebrados y vertebrados (no humanos) en hospitales y centros de salud. Se proponen algunas medidas para mejorar la bioseguridad en esas instalaciones.


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El presente estudio descriptivo realizo durante 2012 tiene por objetivo determinar si la evaluación periódica (cada 4 meses) de la "Condición Física Saludable" (CFS), con su respectivo asesoramiento del Lic. en educación fisca, del nutricionista y del kinesiólogo mejora la condición física del personal. La Evaluación CFS es un conjunto de tests físico, metabólico, morfológicos y coordinativos que valoran el estado de la capacidad de rendimiento psicofísica de una persona en un momento dado. Estos valores tienen relación directa con el estado de salud y con el rendimiento laboral. Variable a medir. Composición corporal. Peso, Talla, IMC, Masa Grasa, grasa visceral y masa muscular. Indice Cintura Cadera. Capacidades funcionales. Tensión arterial Saturación de oxigeno y Frecuencia Cardiaca Test Físicos: Test de Wells. Test de recuperación cardiovascular. VO2 indirecto: Test del cajón (OMS). Evaluación postural: Observación Kinesiológica. Capacidad Coordinativa: Equilibrio estático. Resultados al año de trabajo. El 22de los empleados disminuyo la masa grasa. Un 19disminuyo el IMC. El 16mejoro los niveles de recuperación cardiovascular. El 21de los empleados aumento su masa muscular El 22mejoro su equilibrio estático. El 22mejoro la flexibilidad del tronco. El 11mejoro su Vo2. Conclusiones El 54de las personas que realizaron el programa de evaluación de la condición física saludable mejoraron al menos en una de las variables de la condición física