959 resultados para Portland Harbor


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A reciprocal relationship exists between the cytochrome P-450 content and d-aminolaevulinate synthetase activity in adult rats. In young rats the basal d-aminolaevulinate synthetase activity is higher and the cytochrome P-450 content is lower compared with the adult rat liver. Administration of allylisopropylacetamide neither induces the enzyme nor causes degradation of cytochrome P-450 in the young rat liver, unlike adult rat liver. Allylisopropylacetamide fails to induce d-aminolaevulinate synthetase in adrenalectomized–ovariectomized animals or intact animals pretreated with successive doses of the drug, in the absence of cortisol. The cortisol-mediated induction of the enzyme is sensitive to actinomycin D. Allylisopropylacetamide administration degrades microsomal haem but not nuclear haem. Haem does not counteract the decrease in cytochrome P-450 content caused by allylisopropylacetamide administration, but there is evidence for the formation of drug-resistant protein-bound haem in liver microsomal material under these conditions. Phenobarbital induces d-aminolaevulinate synthetase under conditions when there is no breakdown of cytochrome P-450. On the basis of these results and those already published, a model is proposed for the regulation of d-aminolaevulinate synthetase induction in rat liver.


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Successive administrations of allylisopropylacetamide, a potent porphyrinogenic drug, increase liver weight, microsomal protein and phospholipid contents. There is an increase in the rate of microsomal protein synthesis in vivo and in vitro. The drug decreases microsomal ribonuclease activity and increases NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity. Phenobarbital, which has been reported to exhibit all these changes mentioned, is a weaker inducer of delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase and increases the rate of haem synthesis only after a considerable time-lag in fed female rats, when compared with the effects observed with allylisopropylacetamide. Again, phenobarbital does not share the property of allylisopropylacetamide in causing an initial decrease in cytochrome P-450 content. Haematin does not counteract most of the biochemical effects caused by allylisopropylacetamide, although it is quite effective in the case of phenobarbital. Haematin does not inhibit the uptake of [2-(14)C]allylisopropylacetamide by any of the liver subcellular fractions.


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The Caucasus region is a hotspot of biodiversity and is one of the few areas in the Northern Hemisphere which harbor Pleistocene glacial refugia. The region encompasses Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the southernmost European Russia, NE Turkey, and northern Iran. The study on fungal composition of the Caucasus region and its connection and possible contribution to the present mycota of Europe has largely escaped empirical scrutiny. Using taxonomic surveys, phylogenetic reconstruction methods, haplotype analysis, and similarity tests, this study has aimed to, 1) summarize the knowledge on the occurrence of corticioids and polypores in the Caucasus region, 2) resolve the phylogenetic relationships of selected, resupinate wood-inhabiting basidiomycetes for which the Caucasus region is currently the mere, or one of the noteworthy areas of distribution, and, 3) assess the similarity of Caucasian corticioid fungi to those of Europe and important areas in the Northern Hemisphere, and to examine the significance of the Caucasus region as a glacial refugium for these fungi. This study provides the first catalogue of corticioids and polypores (635 species) occurring in the Caucasus region. The phylogeny and systematics of the Caucasian resupinate taxa in focus has been resolved and the usefulness of some morphological characters has been re-evaluated. In this context, four new genera and two new species were described and five new combinations were proposed, two of which were supplemented with modern descriptions. The species composition of corticioids in the Caucasus region is found to be distinctly more similar to Europe and North America than to East Asia and India. The highest molecular diversity and within population pairwise distance for Peniophorella praetermissa has been detected in the Caucasus and East Asia, with the isolates of the latter area being highly divergent from the European ones. This, and the assignment of root haplotype to the Caucasian isolates in a haplotype network for Phlebia tuberucalta and P. livida, call attention to the role of the Caucasus region in shaping the current mycota of Europe.


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Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of nuclear proteins was several-fold higher in the pachytene spermatocytes than in the premeiotic germ cells of the rat. Among the histones of the pachytene nucleus, histone subtypes H2A, H1 and H3 were poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated. Based on the immunoaffinity fractionation procedure of Malik, Miwa, Sugimara & Smulson [(1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 2554-2558] we have fractionated DNAase-II-solubilized chromatin into poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated chromatin (PAC) and non-poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated chromatin (non-PAC) domains on an anti-[poly(ADP-ribose)] IgG affinity matrix. Approx. 2.5% of the pachytene chromatin represented the PAC domains. A significant amount of [alpha-32P]dATP-labelled pachytene chromatin (labelled in vitro) was bound to the affinity matrix. The DNA of pachytene PAC domains had internal strand breaks, significant length of gaps and ligatable ends, namely 5'-phosphoryl and 3'-hydroxyl termini. On the other hand, the PAC domains from 18 h regenerating liver had very few gaps, if any. The presence of gaps in the pachytene PAC DNA was also evident from thermal denaturation studies. Although many of the polypeptides were common to the PAC domains of both pachytene and regenerating liver, the DNA sequences associated with these domains were quite different. A 20 kDa protein and the testis-specific histone H1t were selectively enriched in the pachytene PAC domains. The pachytene PAC domains also contained approx. 10% of the messenger coding sequences present in the DNAase-II-solubilized chromatin. The pachytene PAC domains, therefore, may represent highly enriched DNA-repair domains of the pachytene nucleus.


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THE flowfield due to transverse injection of a round sonic jet into a supersonic flowis a configuration of interest in the design of supersonic combustors or thrust vector control of supersonic jets. The flow is also of fundamental interest because it presents separation from a smooth surface, embedded subsonic regions, curved shear layers, strong shocks, an unusual development of the injected jet into a kidney-shaped streamwise vortex pair, and a wake behind the jet. Although the geometry is simple, the flow is complex and is a good candidate for assessing the behavior of turbulence models for high-speed flow, beginning with the corresponding two-dimensional flow shown in Fig. 1. At the slot, an underexpanded sonic jet expands rapidly into the supersonic crossflow. Expansion waves reflect at the jet boundary, coalesce, and give rise to a Mach surface (Mach disk for round jets).


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Ability of the beta-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin to inhibit the response to lutropin (luteinizing hormone, LH) was tested in the immature rat ovarian system and pregnant-mare-serum-gonadotropin-primed rat ovarian system with progesterone production being used as the response. Human chorionic gonadotropin beta-subunit was found to inhibit human and ovine lutropin-stimulated progesterone production. At a constant dose of lutropin, inhibition was dependent on the concentration of beta-subunit. When concentration of the beta-subunit was kept constant at 5.0 microgram/ml and the concentration of lutropin was varied, the inhibition was maximum at the saturating concentration of the native hormone. The alpha-subunit of the human chorionic gonadotropin did not inhibit the response to lutropin. The lutropin/beta-subunit ratio required to produce an inhibition of response was much lower than that required to bring about an observable inhibition of binding.


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The Earth s climate is a highly dynamic and complex system in which atmospheric aerosols have been increasingly recognized to play a key role. Aerosol particles affect the climate through a multitude of processes, directly by absorbing and reflecting radiation and indirectly by changing the properties of clouds. Because of the complexity, quantification of the effects of aerosols continues to be a highly uncertain science. Better understanding of the effects of aerosols requires more information on aerosol chemistry. Before the determination of aerosol chemical composition by the various available analytical techniques, aerosol particles must be reliably sampled and prepared. Indeed, sampling is one of the most challenging steps in aerosol studies, since all available sampling techniques harbor drawbacks. In this study, novel methodologies were developed for sampling and determination of the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols. In the particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS), aerosol particles grow in saturated water vapor with further impaction and dissolution in liquid water. Once in water, the aerosol sample can then be transported and analyzed by various off-line or on-line techniques. In this study, PILS was modified and the sampling procedure was optimized to obtain less altered aerosol samples with good time resolution. A combination of denuders with different coatings was tested to adsorb gas phase compounds before PILS. Mixtures of water with alcohols were introduced to increase the solubility of aerosols. Minimum sampling time required was determined by collecting samples off-line every hour and proceeding with liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The laboriousness of LLE followed by GC-MS analysis next prompted an evaluation of solid-phase extraction (SPE) for the extraction of aldehydes and acids in aerosol samples. These two compound groups are thought to be key for aerosol growth. Octadecylsilica, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB), and mixed phase anion exchange (MAX) were tested as extraction materials. MAX proved to be efficient for acids, but no tested material offered sufficient adsorption for aldehydes. Thus, PILS samples were extracted only with MAX to guarantee good results for organic acids determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). On-line coupling of SPE with HPLC-MS is relatively easy, and here on-line coupling of PILS with HPLC-MS through the SPE trap produced some interesting data on relevant acids in atmospheric aerosol samples. A completely different approach to aerosol sampling, namely, differential mobility analyzer (DMA)-assisted filter sampling, was employed in this study to provide information about the size dependent chemical composition of aerosols and understanding of the processes driving aerosol growth from nano-size clusters to climatically relevant particles (>40 nm). The DMA was set to sample particles with diameters of 50, 40, and 30 nm and aerosols were collected on teflon or quartz fiber filters. To clarify the gas-phase contribution, zero gas-phase samples were collected by switching off the DMA every other 15 minutes. Gas-phase compounds were adsorbed equally well on both types of filter, and were found to contribute significantly to the total compound mass. Gas-phase adsorption is especially significant during the collection of nanometer-size aerosols and needs always to be taken into account. Other aims of this study were to determine the oxidation products of β-caryophyllene (the major sesquiterpene in boreal forest) in aerosol particles. Since reference compounds are needed for verification of the accuracy of analytical measurements, three oxidation products of β-caryophyllene were synthesized: β-caryophyllene aldehyde, β-nocaryophyllene aldehyde, and β-caryophyllinic acid. All three were identified for the first time in ambient aerosol samples, at relatively high concentrations, and their contribution to the aerosol mass (and probably growth) was concluded to be significant. Methodological and instrumental developments presented in this work enable fuller understanding of the processes behind biogenic aerosol formation and provide new tools for more precise determination of biosphere-atmosphere interactions.


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The oxidative metabolic potential of Setaria digitata, a filarial parasite found in the intraperitoneal cavity of cattle, was investigated. These worms showed active wriggling movements which were not affected by respiratory poisons such as cyanide, rotenone and malonate. They also possessed cyanide-insensitive and glucose-independent oxygen consumption pathways. By differential centrifugation of sucrose homogenates, a fraction containing mitochondria-like particles was obtained in which the activity of the marker enzyme, succinate dehydrogenase, was recovered. This fraction catalysed succinate- and NADH-dependent reduction of both cytochrome c and dyes. Oxygen uptake found with succinate, NADH and ascorbate as substrates was not sensitive to cyanide. Cytochromes could not be detected in either this fraction or homogenates of the worms. H2O2 generation with a number of substrates and lipid peroxidation by measuring malondialdehyde formed as well as by accompanying oxygen uptake were demonstrated in the mitochondria-like particles. A lipid quinone, possibly with a short side chain and related to ubiquinone, was detected in the worms. The results suggested the existence of two cyanide-insensitive oxygen-consuming reactions in Setaria: one respiratory substrate-independent lipid peroxidation, and a second substrate-dependent reaction that requires an auto-oxidizable quinone but not a cytochrome system.


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The positive homotropic binding of tetrahydrofolate to monkey liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase was abolished on preincubating the enzyme with NADH and NADPH. NAD+ was a negative heterotropic effector, whereas NADP+ was without effect. The allosteric effects of nicotinamide nucleotides on the serine hydroxymethyltransferase, reported for the first time, lead to a better understanding of the regulation of the metabolic interconversion of folate coenzymes.


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A unique hybrid pathway has been proposed for de novo heme biosynthesis in Plasmodium falciparum involving three different compartments of the parasite, namely mitochondrion, apicoplast and cytosol. While parasite mitochondrion and apicoplast have been shown to harbor key enzymes of the pathway, there has been no experimental evidence for the involvement of parasite cytosol in heme biosynthesis. In this study, a recombinant P. falciparum coproporphyrinogen III oxidase (rPfCPO) was produced in E. coli and confirmed to be active under aerobic conditions. rPfCPO behaved as a monomer of 61 kDa molecular mass in gel filtration analysis. Immunofluorescence studies using antibodies to rPfCPO suggested that the enzyme was present in the parasite cytosol. These results were confirmed by detection of enzyme activity only in the parasite soluble fraction. Western blot analysis with anti-rPfCPO antibodies also revealed a 58 kDa protein only in this fraction and not in the membrane fraction. The cytosolic presence of PfCPO provides evidence for a hybrid heme-biosynthetic pathway in the malarial parasite. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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SHMT (serine hydoxymethyltransferase), a type I pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme, catalyses the conversion of L-serine and THF (tetrahydrofolate) into glycine and 5,10 -methylene THE SHMT also catalyses several THF-independent side reactions such as cleavage of P-hydroxy amino acids, trans-amination, racemization and decarboxylation. In the present study, the residues Asn(341), Tyr(60) and Phe(351), which are likely to influence THF binding, were mutated to alanine, alanine and glycine respectively, to elucidate the role of these residues in THF-dependent and -independent reactions catalysed by SHMT. The N341A and Y60A bsSHMT (Bacillus stearothermophilus SHMT) mutants were inactive for the THF-dependent activity, while the mutations had no effect on THF-independent activity. However, mutation of Phe(351) to glycine did not have any effect oil either of the activities. The crystal structures of the glycine binary complexes of the mutants showed that N341A bsSHMT forms an external aldimine as in bsSHMT, whereas Y60A and F351G bsSHMTs exist as a Mixture of internal/external aldimine and gem-diamine forms. Crystal structures of all of the three Mutants obtained in the presence of L-allo-threonine were similar to the respective glycine binary complexes. The structure of the ternary complex of F351G bsSHMT with glycine and FTHF (5-formyl THF) showed that the monoglutamate side chain of FTHF is ordered in both the subunits of the asymmetric unit, unlike in the wild-type bsSHMT. The present studies demonstrate that the residues Asn(341) and Tyr(60) are pivotal for the binding of THF/FTHF, whereas Phe(351) is responsible for the asymmetric binding of FTHF in the two subunits of the dimer.


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A thiamin-binding protein was isolated and characterized from chicken egg white by affinity chromatography on thiamin pyrophosphate coupled to aminoethyl-Sepharose. The high specificity of interaction between the thiamin-binding protein and the riboflavin-binding protein of the egg white, with a protein/protein molar ratio of 1.0, led to the development of an alternative procedure that used the riboflavin-binding protein immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose as the affinity matrix. The thiamin-binding protein thus isolated was homogeneous by the criteria of polyacrylamide-gel disc electrophoresis, double immunodiffusion and sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, had a mol.wt. of 38,000 +/- 2000 and was not a glycoprotein. The protein bound [14C]thiamin was a molar ratio of 1.0, with dissociation constant (Kd) 0.3 micrometer.


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Induction of ornithine decarboxylase elicited in response to nerve-growth factor in target organs is greatly decreased by preincubation of these tissues with cytoskeletal poisons such as vinblastine, diamide, cytochalasin B and colchicine. These results are interpreted as evidence for the involvement of receptor-associated cytoskeletal structures in mediating the nerve-growth-factor-specific induction of ornithine decarboxylase.


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1. Mevalonate pyrophosphate decarboxylase of rat liver is inhibited by various phenyl and phenolic acids. 2. Some of the phenyl and phenolic acids also inhibited mevalonate phosphate kinase. 3. Compounds with the phenyl-vinyl structure were more effective. 4. Kinetic studies showed that some of the phenolic acids compete with the substrates, mevalonate 5-phosphate and mevalonate 5-pyrophosphate, whereas others inhibit umcompetitively. 5. Dihydroxyphenyl and trihydroxyphenyl compounds and p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate, a hypocholesterolaemic drug, had no effect on these enzymes. 6. Of the three mevalonate-metabolizing enzymes, mevalonate pyrophosphate decarboxylase has the lowest specific activity and is probably the rate-determining step in this part of the pathway.


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