966 resultados para Political group


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Abstract: The Museum of Natural History, La Plata, Argentina, houses a ceramic collection of the A-Group and C-Group cultures from Nubian tombs at Serra West (AA and ACS cemeteries), on the west bank of the Nile in Lower Nubia. It has been originated from the division after the excavations made by the Franco-Argentine Archaeological Expedition in Sudan between 1961 and 1963, as part of the UNESCO campaigns to save the Nubian monuments.


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Resumen: A finales de la década del treinta, especialmente luego de la visita de Maritain en 1936 a la Argentina, surgieron con mucha fuerza una serie de debates dentro de los círculos intelectuales católicos argentinos. Uno de los temas tratados, entre otros, fue el valor de la democracia y, especialmente, su posible justificación como sistema político y su concordancia con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Sin embargo, aun aquellos que defendían la democracia no representaban un grupo homogéneo: tanto las fuentes intelectuales a las que recurrían como los fundamentos antropológicos de sus argumentaciones eran diversas. El presente artículo se propone desarrollar la defensa de la democracia que hicieron R. Pividal y A. Duhau, dos de estos intelectuales católicos. Como intentaré demostrar, aun cuando coinciden en resaltar el valor de la democracia y su plena concordancia con el catolicismo, la recurrencia a autores diversos (Maritain y a través de él la oposición a Maurras y Rousseau en un caso y Adam Smith y el Liberalismo escocés en el otro) generan que las argumentaciones de uno y otro difícilmente coincidan en mucho más que en esa positiva valoración que hacen del sistema democrático.


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Adopting Yoshizawa's two-scale expansion technique, the fluctuating field is expanded around the isotropic field. The renormalization group method is applied for calculating the covariance of the fluctuating field at the lower order expansion. A nonlinear Reynolds stress model is derived and the turbulent constants inside are evaluated analytically. Compared with the two-scale direct interaction approximation analysis for turbulent shear flows proposed by Yoshizawa, the calculation is much more simple. The analytical model presented here is close to the Speziale model, which is widely applied in the numerical simulations for the complex turbulent flows.


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For a n-dimensional vector fields preserving some n-form, the following conclusion is reached by the method of Lie group. That is, if it admits an one-parameter, n-form preserving symmetry group, a transformation independent of the vector field is constructed explicitly, which can reduce not only dimesion of the vector field by one, but also make the reduced vector field preserve the corresponding ( n - 1)-form. In partic ular, while n = 3, an important result can be directly got which is given by Me,ie and Wiggins in 1994.


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Resumen: Hannah Arendt y Walter Benjamin examinan los fenómenos asociativos de masa, multitud y populacho. Ambos sustraen tales grupos del ámbito político y los sitúan en el ámbito social. En Los orígenes del totalitarismo, Arendt indaga la noción de populacho o mob en el contexto del fenómeno imperialista. Asocia el carácter del populacho con el de la clase burguesa y posiciona ambos grupos en la emergencia de los nacionalismos tribales, ambos antecesores del totalitarismo. La masa es consustancial con los regímenes totalitarios. La apatía cívica, el cinismo y el derrumbe de las costumbres burguesas no alcanzan para explicar el fenómeno totalitario. El hombre masa ha perdido incluso el interés por sí mismo y el gusto por las asociaciones no partidarias. Walter Benjamin reflexiona literariamente los fenómenos de la bohème y de la multitud (crowd), a través de la poesía de Baudelaire y los relatos de Poe. El primer grupo incluye los conspiradores profesionales, cuyo aislamiento y resentimiento los emparenta con los miembros del mob. La falta de pertenencia y la ausencia de vínculos los conduce al activismo, sin un programa de acción. En el contexto de su reflexión sobre el fenómeno de la multitud, Benjamin indaga el impacto de las condiciones de vida moderna en las conductas automatizadas de los individuos. Los comportamientos reflejos, las respuestas automatizadas y los clichés, son las notas que también Arendt encuentra en el hombre “normal” y diluido en la masa, como lo evidenció la conducta de Eichmann durante el proceso en Jerusalén


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Trade and relations between the southern Levant and other regions of the Near East (mainly Egypt) during the Early Bronze Age (ca. 3,600–2,300 BC) have been the subject of many studies. Research concerning the exchange of local commodities was almost ignored or was discussed in parochial studies, focusing on specific archaeological finds. It is the intention of this paper to present the results of recent research of the exchange of commodities provided by archaeological data from excavations in the Southern Levant with regard to economic theories on the exchange-value of goods and exchange networks. Conclusions regarding the type of society and the forms of government in the Southern Levant during the Early Bronze Age are also presented.


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The electronic spectra of one-dimensional nanostructured systems are calculated within the pure hopping model on the tight-binding Hamiltonian. By means of the renormalization group Green's function method, the dependence of the density of states on the distributions of nanoscaled grains and the changes of values of hopping integrals in nanostructured systems are studied. It is found that the frequency shifts are dependent rather on the changes of the hopping integrals at nanoscaled grains than the distribution of nanoscaled grains.


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[ES] Hoy en día, cualquier partido político debe utilizar el marketing para analizar su mercado y posicionarse en el mismo con una estrategia adecuada. Para ello, el papel de la investigación comercial resulta fundamental, dado que nos permite detectar las necesidades y deseos de los electores, pudiendo el partido adoptar decisiones tendentes a satisfacerlas.


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL EBM HISTORY References CANADA Overview Activities to date Integrated Management implementation in Canada Objectives, indicators and reference points Assessment approaches Research directions for the future Management directions for the future References JAPAN Overview Conservation and sustainable use of marine living resources Harvest control by TAC system Stock Recovery Plan and effort regulation system Stock enhancement by hatchery-produced juvenile release Conservation and sustainable develop-ment on coastal waters The implementation of ecosystem-based management PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Overview Current actions Output control Input control Summer fishing ban Enhance ecosystem health REPUBLIC OF KOREA Initiatives and actions of ecosystem-based management in Korea Current ecosystem-based management initiatives in Korea Precautionary TAC-based fishery management Closed fishing season/areas Fish size- and sex-controls Fishing gear design restrictions Marine protected areas (MPA) RUSSIA Existing and anticipated ecosystem-based management initiatives Issues related to the implementation of ecosystem-based management UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Definitions and approaches to ecosystem-based fishery management in the United States Present U.S. legislative mandates relating to ecosystem-based fishery management Target species Bycatch species Threatened or endangered species Habitats Food webs Ecosystems Integration of legislative mandates into an ecosystem approach Scientific issues in implementing ecosystem-based approaches References DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPENDICES Appendix 10.1 Study group membership and participants Appendix 10.2 Terminology definitions Appendix 10.3 Present state of implementing ecosystem-based fishery management in Alaska: Alaska groundfish fisheries Appendix 10.4 Present state of implementing ecosystem-based fishery management off the West Coast of the United States: Pacific Coast groundfish fisheries Appendix 10.5 Descriptions of multi-species and ecosystem models developed or under development in the U.S. North Pacific region that might be used to predict effects of fishing on ecosystems Appendix 10.6 A potential standard reporting format (developed by Australia, and currently being used by the U.S.A in their contribution to this report) (83 page document)


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. DECADAL-SCALE CLIMATE EVENTS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Basin-scale Patterns 1.3 Long Time Series in the North Pacific 1.4 Decadal Climate Variability in Ecological Regions of the North Pacific 1.5 Mechanisms 1.6 References 2. COHERENT REGIONAL RESPONSES 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Central North Pacific (CNP) 2.3 California Current System (CCS) 2.4 Gulf of Alaska (GOA) 2.5 Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands 2.6 Western North Pacific (WNP) 2.7 Coherence in Regional Responses to the 1998 Regime Shift 2.8 Climate Indicators for Detecting Regime Shifts 2.9 References 3. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF MARINE RESOURCES 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Response Time of Biota to Regime Shifts 3.3 Response Time of Management to Regime Shifts 3.4 Provision of Stock Assessment Advice 3.5 Decision Rules 3.6 References 4. SUGGESTED LITERATURE 4.1 Climate Regimes 4.2 Impacts on Lower Trophic Levels 4.3 Impacts on Fish and Higher Trophic Levels 4.4 Impacts on Ecosystems and Possible Mechanisms 4.5 Regimes and Fisheries Management APPENDIX 1: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE CENTRAL NORTH PACIFIC A1.1 Introduction A1.2 Physical Oceanography A1.3 Lower Trophic Levels A1.4 Invertebrates A1.5 Fishes A1.6 References APPENDIX 2: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT SYSTEM A2.1 Introduction A2.2 Physical Oceanography A2.3 Lower Trophic Levels A2.4 Invertebrates A2.5 Fishes A2.6 References APPENDIX 3: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE GULF OF ALASKA A3.1 Introduction A3.2 Physical Oceanography A3.3 Lower Trophic Levels A3.4 Invertebrates A3.5 Fishes A3.6 Higher Trophic Levels A3.7 Coherence in Gulf of Alaska Fish A3.8 Combined Standardized Indices of Recruitment and Survival Rate A3.9 References APPENDIX 4: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE BERING SEA AND ALEUTIAN ISLANDS A4.1 Introduction A4.2 Bering Sea Environmental Variables and Physical Oceanography A4.3 Bering Sea Lower Trophic Levels A4.4 Bering Sea Invertebrates A4.5 Bering Sea Fishes A4.6 Bering Sea Higher Trophic Levels A4.7 Coherence in Bering Sea Fish Responses A4.8 Combined Standardized Indices of Bering Fish Recruitment and Survival Rate A4.9 Aleutian Islands A4.10 References APPENDIX 5: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE WESTERN NORTH PACIFIC A5.1 Introduction A5.2 Sea of Okhotsk A5.3 Tsushima Current Region and Kuroshio/Oyashio Current Region A5.4 Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea A5.5 References (168 page document)


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This review focuses on modelling ocean circulation and its variability in the subarctic North Pacific; it addresses issues specific to that region, and not the subject of ocean modelling in general. The performance of existing models is assessed in relation to observations in the upper ocean, intermediate waters and deep/abyssal waters. (PDF contains 87 pages)


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This is a report of PICES Working Group 3 (Coastal Pelagic Fishes) for 1993 and the first Annual Report of the Subarctic Gyre Working Group (WG-6). (PDF contains 131 pages)


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The spray of emulsified fuel, composed of diesel fuel, water and methanol can make micro-explosion under high temperature conditions, and the viscosity and the atomization characteristics of emulsion have significant effects on the micro- explosion of emulsions. To clarify the combustion mechanism of water-in-oil emulsion sprays, combustion bomb experiments were carried out, and the droplet group micro- explosions in W/O fuel emulsion sprays in a high-pressure, high-temperature bomb were observed clearly by a multi-pulsed, off-axis, image-plane ruby laser holocamera and continuously by a high-speed CCD camera.The viscosity and atomization characteristics of emulsions were also studied experimentally. The experimental results show that the higher concentration of the aqueous phase (water-methanol) (<50%) increases the viscosity of the emulsions, especially for higher agent concentration, and higher aqueous phase concentration and higher viscosity results in lager Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD). The experiment results also show that the different kinds of emulsifying agents, with different Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance (HLB) values, have significant influence on the viscosity of the emulsions.


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The Grimsby Institute wanted to create an infrastructure that would enable staff and students to use more mobile technology to enhance learning. They have improved the wifi connectivity in college and streamlined the software used to access college areas, as well as encouraging individuals to use their own technology. So far this has had a positive impact on retention and simplified the support that the college needs to provide, as well as saving the organisation money through some strategic changes.


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This project aimed to investigate and review candidates for providing an authoritative, widely used unique identifier for organisations involved in research in the UK. Specifically, we undertook to: ● clarify a representative but not comprehensive set of use cases for the UK research community to use organisational identifiers (orgIDs); ● survey and interview a small number of well-informed people in the field in order to create and prioritise a list of desirable features for the provision of orgIDs and potential services built around them; ● check the use cases and these required features against four possible candidate orgIDs and their providers; ● inform the Working Group of our conclusions and, if appropriate, make recommendations for adoption by the UK research community.