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In traditional criminal investigation, uncertainties are often dealt with using a combination of common sense, practical considerations and experience, but rarely with tailored statistical models. For example, in some countries, in order to search for a given profile in the national DNA database, it must have allelic information for six or more of the ten SGM Plus loci for a simple trace. If the profile does not have this amount of information then it cannot be searched in the national DNA database (NDNAD). This requirement (of a result at six or more loci) is not based on a statistical approach, but rather on the feeling that six or more would be sufficient. A statistical approach, however, could be more rigorous and objective and would take into consideration factors such as the probability of adventitious matches relative to the actual database size and/or investigator's requirements in a sensible way. Therefore, this research was undertaken to establish scientific foundations pertaining to the use of partial SGM Plus loci profiles (or similar) for investigation.


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A partir d'un terrain ethnographique réalisé au sein d'une équipe mobile de soins palliatifs d'un hôpital universitaire, cette thèse de doctorat porte sur les médicaments dans le contexte de la fin de vie. Au carrefour d'une socio-anthropologie de la maladie grave, du mourir et des médicaments, elle interroge les rapports à la morphine, ainsi qu'à certains psychotropes et sédatifs utilisés en soins palliatifs. Entre temporalité vécue et temporalité institutionnelle, les manières d'investir le temps lorsqu'il est compté, y sont centrales. Dans une dimension microsociale, les résultats montrent que l'introduction de certains médicaments comme la morphine et l'entrée en scène d'une équipe mobile de soins palliatifs sont des points de repère et peuvent sonner comme une annonce, sorte de sanction, dans la trajectoire incertaine de la personne malade. En outre, les médicaments permettent d'agir sur « le temps qui reste » en plus de soulager les symptômes lorsque la maladie grave bascule en maladie incurable. Ils font l'objet d'usages détournés du but initial de soulagement des symptômes pour repousser, altérer ou accélérer la mort dans une perspective de maîtrise de sa fin de vie. Dans une dimension mésosociale, ce travail considère les médicaments à la base d'échanges entre groupements professionnels sur fond d'institutionnalisation des soins palliatifs par rapport à d'autres segments de la médecine actifs dans la gestion de la fin de vie. Dans une médecine caractérisée par l'incertitude et les décisions -avec une teinte toute particulière en Suisse où le suicide assisté est toléré - les médicaments en soins palliatifs peuvent être considérés comme des instruments de mort, qu'ils soient redoutés ou recherchés. Interrogeant les risques de reproduire un certain nombre d'inégalités de traitements à l'approche de la mort, qui s'accentuent dans un contexte de plus en plus favorable aux pratiques euthanasiques, ce travail se propose, en définitive, de discuter le temps contraint de la mort dans les institutions hospitalo-universitaires, entre acharnement et abstention thérapeutique.¦-¦Based on ethnographie fieldwork conducted within a palliative care mobile team in an academic hospital, this doctoral thesis focuses on medicines used in end of life contexts. At the intersection of a socio-anthropology of illness, dying and pharmaceuticals, the relations to morphine, as well as to some psychotropic and sedative drugs used in palliative care are questioned. Between "lived" experiences of temporality and institutional temporality, the ways by which actors invest time when it is counted, appeared to be central. In a microsocial dimension, the results showed that introducing drugs such as morphine, as well as the arrival of a palliative care mobile team, are landmarks and sound like an announcement, a sort of sanction, during the uncertain trajectory of the ill person. In addition, medicines can act on "the remaining time" when severe illness shifts into incurable illness. Indeed, medicines are being diverted from the initial aim of symptom relief in order to defer, alter or hasten death in a perspective of control over one's death. In a mesosocial dimension, pharmaceuticals are seen as core to professional exchanges and to palliative care institutionalisation compared to other active medical segments in end of life care. In a medical context characterised by uncertainty and decision-taking-with a special shade in Switzerland where assisted suicide is tolerated - palliative medicines can be seen as instruments of death, whether sought or feared. Questioning the risks of reproducing treatment inequalities at the approach of death, which are accentuated in a context increasingly favorable to euthanasia practices, this study aims, ultimately, at discussing death's constrained time in academic hospitals, between therapeutic intervention and abstention.


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Si le passage d'un calcul rénal est souvent considéré comme un événement médical mineur, quoique très douloureux, de plus en plus d'études indiquent qu'il doit être pris au sérieux puisqu'il peut indiquer un risque cardiovasculaire augmenté. Nous revoyons ici les études qui associent risque cardiovasculaire et calcul rénal et les liens physiopathologiques qui les unissent. Nous montrons que la lithiase est un événement intervenant tôt dans la vie d'un individu à risque de développer des complications cardiovasculaires. Ainsi, la lithiase ne doit pas être banalisée, mais doit être considérée comme une première alerte devant inciter le médecin traitant à recenser précocement les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires et à mettre en place une stratégie de prévention. Cette approche pourrait permettre de diminuer l'incidence d'événements cardiovasculaires chez les patients formeurs de lithiases. Most of the time, kidney stones are considered as minor, but painful events. However, several studies have recently shown an association between kidney stone and an increased cardio-vascular risk. We review here these studies and explore the underlying pathophysiological hypotheses. At the end, we propose that lithiasis should be considered as a red flag intervening early during life-time and allowing a check of cardiovascular risk factors and early preventive intervention. Such approach may be successful in reducing the incidence of cardio-vascular events in stone formers.


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Résumé : Contexte clinique et objectifs: l'intubation oro-trachéale peut être plus difficile chez les patients obèses morbides (index de masse corporelle BMI > 35 kg/m2) que chez les patients non-obèses. Récemment, de nouveaux instruments permettant une intubation assistée au moyen d'une caméra ont été développés. Notre expérience pratique avec la vidéolaryngoscopie nous a conduit à l'hypothèse que celle-ci pourrait améliorer la vision laryngoscopique chez cette population spécifique et de ce fait faciliter l'intubation. Le but de cette étude était donc d'évaluer le bénéfice du vidéolaryngoscope sur le grade de laryngoscopie chez le patient obèse morbide. Résultats : le grade laryngoscopique fut abaissé de manière significative avec le vidéolaryngoscope comparé à la vision directe avec un laryngoscope standard. Lorsque le grade laryngoscopique était plus grand que 1 à la laryngoscopie directe, il fut dans la grande majorité des cas (93% des patients) abaissé avec le vidéolaryngoscope. Chez les 7 % restant, le grade laryngoscopique resta identique. Conclusions : chez le patient obèse morbide, l'utilisation du vidéolaryngoscope améliore de manière significative la visualisation du larynx et de ce fait facilite l'intubation. Une application systématique de ce procédé pourrait donc permettre de réduire l'incidence d'une intubation difficile ainsi que ses conséquences chez cette population de patients. Summary : Background and objective: Tracheal intubation may be more difficult in morbidly obese patients (body mass index >35 kgM-2) than in the non-obese. Recently, new video-assisted intubation devices have been developed. After some experience with videolaryngoscopy, we hypothesized that it could improve the laryngoscopic view in this specific population and therefore facilitate intubation. The aim of this study was to assess the benefit of a videolaryngoscope on the grade of laryngoscopy in morbid obesity. Methods: We studied 80 morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery. They were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group was intubated with the help of the videolaryngoscope and in the control group the screen of the videolaryngoscope was hidden to the intubating anaesthesiologist. The primary end-point of the study was to assess in both groups the Cormack and Lehane direct and indirect grades of laryngoscopy. The duration of intubation, the number of attempts needed as well as the minimal SPO2 reached during the intubation process were measured. Results: Grade of laryngoscopy was significantly lower with the videolaryngoscope compared with the direct vision (P < 0.001). When the grade of laryngoscopy was higher than one with the direct laryngoscopy (n = 30), it was lower in 28 cases with the videolaryngoscope and remained the same only in two cases (P < 0.001). The minimal SPO2 reached during the intubation was higher with the videolaryngoscope but it did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions: In morbidly obese patients, the use of the videolaryngoscope significantly improves the visualization of the larynx and thereby facilitates intubation.


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Ce travail s'intéresse à la problématique du suicide à partir de l'émergence en Suisse, vers la fin des années '90, de la prévention du suicide comme préoccupation sociale et politique. Au début, ce sont les milieux associatifs qui ont soulevé à cette question en percevant le suicide comme le reflet d'une souffrance d'origine sociale. Par la suite, la prévention du suicide est progressivement devenue une problématique de santé publique appréhendée essentiellement sous le registre médical comme étant le symptôme d'une pathologie psychiatrique. Après une première partie consacrée aux processus sociopolitiques et aux transformations morales touchant le suicide et sa prévention, ce travail approfondit, au travers d'un terrain ethnographique, la prise en charge des personnes présentant des problématiques suicidaires au sein d'un service d'urgences psychiatriques.Malgré une approche se voulant biopsychosociale, l'analyse des discours et des pratiques soignantes montre que la dimension sociale est largement négligée, conduisant à une médicalisation de situations de détresse qui sont principalement de nature sociale. En effet, parmi la population qui fréquente le service, on observe une surreprésentation de personnes issues des classes sociales défavorisées présentant souvent des trajectoires biographiques particulièrement difficiles. Au fil des entretiens avec les patients émerge une analyse voyant la souffrance psychique et la prise en charge psychiatrique comme étant aujourd'hui une manière d'obtenir une reconnaissance sociale et symbolique. Les problématiques suicidaires peuvent ainsi être interprétées comme une forme d'expression, un langage au travers duquel s'exprime la position sociale défavorisée.En adoptant une posture militante construite à partir de la réalité ethnographique, les problématiques suicidaires sont analysées comme l'expression d'une condition d'oppression liée à un cadre social et économique de plus en plus contraignant, à des rapports de pouvoir inégaux ainsi qu'à une lecture individualisante, médicalisante et pathologisante des problèmes sociaux.The present thesis discusses suicide prevention in Switzerland, which emerged as a social and political issue at the end of the '90s. At first, this question was taken up by associations considering suicide as a reflection of social suffering. Thereafter, suicide prevention gradually became a public health matter conceived with a medical approach as a symptom of a psychiatric disease. The first part of this work analyzes the sociopolitical process and moral transformations concerning suicide and its prevention. The second part is based on an ethnographic fieldwork conducted in a psychiatric emergency unit that attends people who have tried to attempt their life or consider doing it. Through the analysis of discourses and practices of the medical staff, this research shows that the social aspect of suicide is widely neglected, leading to a medicalization of social problems. In fact, amongst patients attending the emergency unit, there is an over-­-representation of people from disadvantaged classes having very difficult life stories. Interviews with patients also revealed that psychic suffering and psychiatric treatment is nowadays a way to get social and symbolical recognition. Suicidal problems can be understood as a language expressing a disadvantaged social position. By adopting a militant position constructed from the ethnographic reality, suicide is analyzed as the expression of an oppressed condition related to a more and more restricted social and economic situation, to unequal power relations as well as to an individualistic, medical and pathological interpretation of social problems.


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To assess the impact of admission to different hospital types on early and 1-year outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Between 1997 and 2009, 31 010 ACS patients from 76 Swiss hospitals were enrolled in the AMIS Plus registry. Large tertiary institutions with continuous (24 hour/7 day) cardiac catheterisation facilities were classified as type A hospitals, and all others as type B. For 1-year outcomes, a subgroup of patients admitted after 2005 were studied. Eleven type A hospitals admitted 15987 (52%) patients and 65 type B hospitals 15023 (48%) patients. Patients admitted into B hospitals were older, more frequently female, diabetic, hypertensive, had more severe comorbidities and more frequent non-ST segment elevation (NSTE)-ACS/unstable angina (UA). STE-ACS patients admitted into B hospitals received more thrombolysis, but less percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Crude in-hospital mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were higher in patients from B hospitals. Crude 1-year mortality of 3747 ACS patients followed up was higher in patients admitted into B hospitals, but no differences were found for MACE. After adjustment for age, risk factors, type of ACS and comorbidities, hospital type was not an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality, in-hospital MACE, 1-year MACE or mortality. Admission indicated a crude outcome in favour of hospitalisation during duty-hours while 1-year outcome could not document a significant effect. ACS patients admitted to smaller regional Swiss hospitals were older, had more severe comorbidities, more NSTE-ACS and received less intensive treatment compared with the patients initially admitted to large tertiary institutions. However, hospital type was not an independent predictor of early and mid-term outcomes in these patients. Furthermore, our data suggest that Swiss hospitals have been functioning as an efficient network for the past 12 years.


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The widespread incidence of enterococci resistant to ampicillin, vancomycin and aminoglycosides, the first-line anti-enterococcal antibiotics, has made the treatment of severe enterococcal infections difficult and alternatives should be explored. We investigated the activity of daptomycin combined with linezolid against three Enterococcus faecalis and four Enterococcus faecium strains resistant to standard drugs used for therapy. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined by the broth dilution method. Drug interactions were assessed by the checkerboard and time-kill methods. Synergy was defined by a fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) of ≤0.5 or a ≥2 log10 CFU/mL killing at 24 h with the combination in comparison with killing by the most active single agent. Indifference was defined by a FICI > 0.5-4.0 or a 1-2 log10 CFU/mL killing compared with the most active single agent. MICs of daptomycin were 2-4 μg/mL for E. faecalis and 2-8 μg/mL for E. faecium. MICs of linezolid were 1-2 μg/mL for all bacteria. In the checkerboard assay, five isolates showed synergism (FICI < 0.5) and two showed indifference (FICIs of 0.53 and 2). Killing studies revealed synergy of daptomycin plus linezolid against four isolates (2.2-3.7 log10 CFU/mL kill) and indifference (1.1-1.6 log10 CFU/mL kill) for the other three strains. Antagonism was not observed. In conclusion, the combination of daptomycin and linezolid had a synergistic or indifferent effect against multidrug-resistant enterococci. Additional studies are needed to explore the potential of this combination for severe enterococcal infections when first-line antibiotic combinations cannot be used.


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OBJECTIVE: Skeletal Muscle Biopsy is a minor surgical procedure for the diagnosis of different neuromuscular pathological conditions and has recently gained popularity also in the research field of age-related muscular modifications and sarcopenia. Few studies focused on the application of mini-invasive muscular biopsy in both normal and pathological conditions. The aim of our study was to describe a mini invasive ultrasound-guided skeletal muscular biopsy technique in complete spinal cord injured (SCI) patients and healthy controls with a tri-axial end-cut needle. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Skeletal muscle biopsies were collected from 6 chronic SCI patients and 3 healthy controls vastus lateralis muscle with a tri-axial end cut needle (Biopince© - Angiotech). Muscle samples were stained for ATPase to determine fibers composition, moreover, gene expression of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and prostaglandin E2 receptor has been analyzed by Real Time RT-PCR. RESULTS: All the procedures were perfomed easily without failures and complications. Control tissue was macroscopically thicker than SCI one. Control specimen displayed an equal distribution of type I and type II fibers, while SCI sample displayed a prevalence of type II fibers SCI specimen displayed a significant reduction in COX-1 gene expression. This mini-invasive approach was easy, accurate and with low complication rate in performing skeletal muscle biopsy in both SCI patients and controls. CONCLUSIONS: This technique could be useful in conditions in which the overall quantity of specimen required is small like for molecular biology analysis. For histological diagnostic purposes and/or conditions in which the original tissue is already pathologically modified, this technique should be integrated with more invasive techniques.