1000 resultados para Pioger, Fr. de
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ett antal grundskolelärare beskriver sin egen undervisning i matematik och hur de arbetar med problemlösning i matematik. Forskningsfrgan som jag formulerade för att nå mitt syfte var: Vad har lärarna för erfarenheter och inställning till matematik och vilket tillvägagångssätt använder de för att nå eleverna med problemlösning? För att få svar på min forskningsfrga valde jag en hermeneutisk metod då jag arbetade med enkäter och intervjuer. Datainsamlingsmetoden var dels 21 enkätsvar och dels 5 intervjuer med verksamma matematiklärare. I studien skildras hur mina informanter beskriver sin undervisning i matematik och hur de arbetar med problemlösning. Läromedlet styr ofta undervisningen men alla arbetar bredvid läromedlet på olika sätt, bland annat genom problemlösning. Kommunikation mellan lärare och elever samt mellan elever och elever är något som genomsyrar hela denna studie. Ett resultat av studien är att elever via matematiska problem lär sig för livet. I vardagen löser både elever och vuxna människor vardagliga problem och matematiska problem ger eleven metoder för att finna lösning på ett problem även om det inte har med matematik att göra. Många av informanterna hänvisade också till läroplanen och kursplanen där det faktiskt står att elever skall lösa problem för att fungera som individer i det samhälle vi lever i. Mina informanters syn på problemlösning stämmer väl överens med vad som står i gällande styrdokument. Enligt informanterna är det är väldigt flexibelt hur man kan undervisa i problemlösning även om tillvägagångssätten ofta liknar varandra. Allt frn att arbeta enskilt till klassvis förekom och infallsvinklarna för att finna problemlösning var många. Läromedel, internetsidor och arbetsmaterial frn många olika håll användes för att arbeta med problemlösning.
Begreppet ”fasfel” är ett förvirrat begrepp inom ljud- och musikproduktion. Fasfel – eller fasutsläckningar som det mer allmänt kallas – är ett problem som bl.a. uppkommer då flera mikrofoner används samtidigt. Ett sådant tillfälle är vid inspelning av akustiskt trumset. Mina frgeställningar leder till att fasställa vilka tekniker som lämpar bäst sig för att motverka fasutsläckningar vid inspelning och mixning av akustiskt trumset, i den mån att de inte släcker ut trummornas grundtoner, samt om bättre ljudkvalité faktiskt uppnås genom detta och hur skillnaderna i så fall uppfattas.Ett lyssningstest har genomförts där ett tjugotal personer som alla har vana inom ljud- och musikproduktion, har fått lyssna på ett antal ljudklipp med trummor inblandade. Trummorna har i varje grupp motverkats av fasutsläckningar på ett eller annat sätt. Deras uppgift har sedan varit att bedöma ljudklippens ljudkvalité.Resultatet visar att det går att motverka fasutsläckning av ett trumsets trummors grundtoner, och att skillnader i ljudkvalité finns – till fördel för de ljudklipp som motverkats frn fasutsläckningar. Speciellt en av dessa tekniker bevarade trummornas grundtoner bäst. Dock är skillnaderna små, och flera anser dem vara obetydliga. Huruvida jobbet att motverka fasutsläckningarna är värt det eller inte, beror således frn fall till fall; det beror helt enkelt på vilken ljudkaraktär på trummorna som eftersträvas.
Det nystartade digitaltryckeriet Digaloo planerar att inom en snar framtid införa ICC-hantering i sittarbetsflöde. Med anledning av detta har en studie utförts där antalet erfordrade ICC-profiler undersöktssamt vilka akromatiska inställningar som bäst lämpar sig för tryckeriets HP Indigo Press 1000.Testtryckning utfördes på sex av Digaloos mest använda papperskvaliteter. Genom inläsning av testkartorhar de olika papperskvaliteternas reproducerbara färgrymder åskådliggjorts. Grundat på resultatetfrn denna testtryckning framställdes ICC-profiler för valda papperskvaliteter. Dessa genereradesmed olika inställningar för akromatisk repro och TIC (Total Ink Coverage). Vid en andra testtryckninganvändes dessa ICC-profiler för konvertering av mellanton-, natt- och snöbilder, vilka trycktespå olika papperskvaliteter.Resultatet frn den första testtryckningen visar att HP Indigo Press 1000 återger störst förgrymd påpapperskvaliteten Silverblade Silk, tätt följd av Silverblade Art. De minsta färgrymderna reproduceraspå Lessebo Linné Gultonat och Lessebo Linné Naturvit.Vid perceptuell bedömning av de olika bilderna blev resultatet att bäst tryckresultat uppnås medpappersspecifika ICC-profiler. Detta gäller dock endast i två av tre fall. Vid bedömning av bäst lämpadTIC ansågs den idag på Digaloo använda nivån som mycket dålig. Genom att antingen sänka eller höjadenna nivå bedömdes tryckresultatet öka i kvalitet.Slutligen visar studien även att akromatik i form av UCR ger bäst bildåtergivning i mellanton- ochnattbilder på de valda papperskvaliteterna. De olika graderna av GCR i snöbilder anses dock passaolika bra beroende på vilken papperskvalitet som används.
Customers put their printing suppliers to severe claims for shorter production time and faster deliveries.Printers always look for new solutions to increase the satisfaction of their customers. Oneexample of such a solution is web to print, where the customers book their printed matters atInternet.The solution involves design of printed matter by using templates that are made unique for thecustomer's printed matter. Web to print is suitable for reiterated printed matters. By using templatesthe customer doesn´t have to redo their layout for every new edition. Bromma tryck AB hasinvested the system CiPublisher, which is applied for the customer to make their printed matter atInternet.The purpose of the examination work is to investigate the needs of the customers of Brommatryck for a web to print solution and how such a system should be adapted.The result shows that the customer who is in need of a web to print solution wish such a system tobe easy managed and also usable. The customer inquiry also shows that most of the customers primarydesire for start using such a solution is that it will save time and also simplify the process formanufacturing of printing matters.
The report describes the production of graphic correspondence and marketing material for DUCIS(Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies).A logotype symbol is created on the basis of an element from the Celtic art, and a graphic material thatharmonies with this ideal of style is built around the symbol. A unique visiting card, correspondence cardand letterhead is produced to strengthen the identity of DUCIS outwards.The work proceeds with an international education folder which is an important element in the marketingwork for the MA-education which starts in the autumn of 2003. Two posters, one for the opening ofDUCIS in may 2003 and one for a conference in 2004, are produced. Finally, a redesign of the book coverfor NIS, Nordic Irish Studies, is carried out.The report describes the working process consisting of meetings, practical work and other elementswithin the process. The conclusion is that the work has been quite successful and that this, to a largeextent, depended on an engaged and supporting commissioner. The commissioner also is very satisfi edwith the results.The in-depth studies of the project is about the art and design of the Celtic culture throughout history.The text gives an account for the history and expressions of Celtic art from its birth, 2800 years ago, untilits death in 13th century Ireland and Scotland. Special attention is payed to the golden age of ChristianCeltic art on the british islands, the era from which the pattern of the DUCIS logotype originates.
Conqueror for Indigo is production treated with an active chemical to maximize the ink adhesion.ArjoWiggins has found that another chemical, the candidate compound, would improve the propertiesof the paper. ArjoWiggins therefore wish to replace the current compound. To strengthenthe patent requirements for ink adhesion needs to be determined. A theory is developed to whychemicals with certain properties maximize the ink adhesion. Experiments are performed but theresults are inaccurate. The reason for ink adhesion is still unknown.Paper treated with the candidate compound is produced in a production trial and the paper evaluated.The paper shows decreased ink adhesion compared to paper treated with current compoundbut gives higher whiteness, longer shelf life and the formulation is preferred by the milldue to health and safety reasons.
This Degree Project is a cooperativ work with the advertising agency PAX in Falun and the industrial companyRemote Control, who constructs and sells actuators for the global market.The assignment concerns bringing out a graphic profile, or with another expression a Design Management, forRemote Control AB graphic materials. Remote Control AB has a quality certification ISO 9000 and is workingwith, when this report was wrote, an environment certification ISO 14001.The Company has been paid attention to Internet and other media.The supervisors are familiar to that Design Management is a soon coming competition element, like quality andenvironment management.This Degree project contains research, analysis and the construction of graphic material. The research has beencommitted most of the time to trace the customer, the market and the competitor, because its the most importantphase. It’s also important looking at competitor’s way of working with marketing management, so you can separatethem from the own company.
This project has been made in cooperation with Stora Enso Research Centre Falun (Research). Thebackground of the project is that Research has customers who demand a method to measure the quantityof varnish online in offset printing. The aim with the project is to investigate if any test method correlateswith the quantity of varnish and to improve the understanding of the variables in the varnishingunit. The goal with the project is to develop a functional method. Two printing trials have beenperformed. The aim with the first trial was to investigate how different factors in the printer influencedthe quantity of varnish using reduced factoranalysis. The aim of the second trial was to analyse onlya reduced numbers of factors in the varnishing unit. The methods that were used to measure the varnishingquantity are weighing, IR-analysis, gloss, whiteness and brightness. Results from the projectshow that the weighing method does not work in this study due to basis weight variations of the sheets.The results from weighing did not agree with the results from the other methods. On the other handthere is a strong correation between the IR- and the glossmethods.
The Lugnetgymnasium in Falun has a graphic education that supplies a color printer, which is availablefor the students in their hall. The printer is a Ricoh AFC 6513 and it is a model that can handlevariable data. It was bought in the autumn of 2002. The teachers of the graphic education want to makeuse of the variable data function and procure a variable data software. The purpose of this project is toevaluate variable data software’s, so that the most suitable choice of software can be made for the graphiceducation. To be able to make this choice, criterions has been made what the variable data softwarewill fulfil. Different software’s of variable data has been examined and a summary was made whichtells what software that fulfils all the criterions. The software’s that seemed appropriate for the graphiceducation were PrintShop Mail and Personalizer-X. Adecision which one of these software’s thatwill be purchase was made by the teachers on the graphic education. Tests and a more detailed studyon the software’s have been done. The information has later been presented for the teachers. They madea decision, which were Personalizer-X. After this decision, an easier manual for Personalizer-X wasmade. The purpose with the manual is that the students on the graphic education, quickly and easy canget started with the use of variable data.
Detta examensarbete har utförts på papperstillverkaren Arjo Wiggins’ forskningscenter i Beaconsfield,England. Företaget har planer på att börja tillverka en ny papperskvalitet för bläckstråleskrivare, varförsyftet med arbetet har varit att testa och utvärdera olika sammansättningar av kemikalier som lämparsig för bestrykning av bläckstrålepapper.Ett stort antal bestrykningar har testats med varierande resultat. Det svåraste har visat sig vara attnå en tillräckligt hög grad av vattenhållfasthet. Resultaten förbättrades något då baspapperetbyttes frn ett limmat och kalandrerat papper till ett olimmat, okalandrerat papper. I övrigt visade sigbindemedlen ha större påverkan på bestrykningens egenskaper än pigmenten. Utskriftskvaliteten haröverlag varit god.
Choosing a new plastic material for a container includes several different steps. In this case,the Finnish company Hackman needed a new type of packaging material for theircutlery- and kitchentool series »Hackman tools«. The project was carried out in cooperationwith the design agency Ytterborn & Fuentes, which has Hackman as a client.Several different demands were put on the material in order to fulfill as many of the clientswishes as possible. The most urgent problem with the existing container was the difficultysfor the customer to clearly see the contents in the container. Because of this problemthe customer tried to open the container in the shop. To avoid this from happening,Hackman wanted a more transparent plastic material that still fulfilled all other necessaryproperties such as strength, viscosity, printability, sealability and exhaustion strength.The final result and recommendation of a polypropylen-plastic (Evacast) was based ondetailed studies of packaging plastics and their properties as well as discussions with plasticconvertersand suppliers. The recommended plastic is avaliable in several different modelsthat fulfill all demands on material properties, environmental aspects, cost aspects and transparency.Apart from the material problem the project also included drafting some sketches and ideason new construction solutions for the container. The construction of the exsisting containerwas also a problem because of its complexity. As a result of the change of material it has beenpossible to simplify the construction.
Redesign av personaltidningen Energitrycket samt anpassning för kopiering och publicering för webben
This degree project has been carried out on the commission of AB Borlänge Energi. The purpose of thisproject was to redesign the magazine Energitrycket. The magazine should inform about the current eventsat the company. The work consisted of redesign of the existing magazine and adjustment to copying andpublishing on the web.This project also contains a research about how paper and colour affect the print results. It shows thatthe maximum contrast and sharp image reproduction is best achieved on woodfree, coated, calenderedpaper with high whiteness. An uncoated, light yellow paper is however to recommend for a printed matterswith a lot of text.It also shows that every production unit reproduces colours differently. To get a good colour reproductionand a good communication between these units, they must be calibrated, and well-functioningICC-profiles must be created.
The following degree project deals with the production of an ICC-profile, this in the form ofproducing ICC-profiles for VTAB Backa. The company previously had their own profile butthey weren’t satisfied, so earlier this year they started using the TU standard profile, but theyalso wanted a complement to this in form of a profile created for solely their printing press.The separation settings used when creating the new profiles were based on information fromTU and their profile. Two basic profiles were created and then edited to obtain a better result.The test printings made with the edited profiles showed that the less adjustments that are made,the better. It was also discovered that the TU standard profile eliminates the highlight toneswhiles the new profiles are somewhat darker. VTAB Backa has at the end of this degree projectdesided to conduct more test printings before making their decision.
This degree project was intendet to construct and design packaging for beauty care. At the requestof AssiDomän Frvi the project group were instructed to innovate creative packagesmade of their cardboard Frvi Bright.Three different packages have been developed. Two of them are for child care products and onepackage is for several bath products. These results show that there are possibilities to create creativeand different packages of the cardboard Frvi Bright.The report also enters deeply into the special qualities of Frvi Bright and studies of packagingdesign.
The purpose of this degree project is to come up with a new package to Renat Brännvin for »Vin & SpritAB« and make the product more attractive on the market of bars, restaurants and hotels. The commissionhas included to decide the material of the package, whether it´s possible to manufacture the productand to make an estimation of the costs.The conditions that »Vin & Sprit AB« set up was to make the product attractive to a younger targetgroup, in this case people from 20 to 40 years old. As Renat Brännvin is considered to be a product of firstclass it´s of great importance that the package reflects the look of a premium product.At first we looked at the history of the company »Vin & Sprit AB« and Renat Brännvin. We decidedthat the package schould consist of a bottle, glasses and a device used when serving the liquor. To getinspiration before sketching we studied different kinds of bottles, glasses and serving devices. We madea lot of different sketches to start with after which we consult with Ingrid Florén – our supervisor from»Vin & Sprit AB« – agreed on one. That one we developed and we made more accurate sketches in 3DStudioMAX.At last we looked at the opportunities to produce the bottle by questioning different manufacturers. Wewanted to know the limitations to consider when making a bottle.