925 resultados para Picture and Image Generation
LHE (logarithmical hopping encoding) is a computationally efficient image compression algorithm that exploits the Weber–Fechner law to encode the error between colour component predictions and the actual value of such components. More concretely, for each pixel, luminance and chrominance predictions are calculated as a function of the surrounding pixels and then the error between the predictions and the actual values are logarithmically quantised. The main advantage of LHE is that although it is capable of achieving a low-bit rate encoding with high quality results in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and image quality metrics with full-reference (FSIM) and non-reference (blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator), its time complexity is O( n) and its memory complexity is O(1). Furthermore, an enhanced version of the algorithm is proposed, where the output codes provided by the logarithmical quantiser are used in a pre-processing stage to estimate the perceptual relevance of the image blocks. This allows the algorithm to downsample the blocks with low perceptual relevance, thus improving the compression rate. The performance of LHE is especially remarkable when the bit per pixel rate is low, showing much better quality, in terms of PSNR and FSIM, than JPEG and slightly lower quality than JPEG-2000 but being more computationally efficient.
En hidrodinámica, el fenómeno de Sloshing se puede definir como el movimiento de la superficie libre de un fluido dentro de un contenedor sometido a fuerzas y perturbaciones externas. El fluido en cuestión experimenta violentos movimientos con importantes deformaciones de su superficie libre. La dinámica del fluido puede llegar a generar cargas hidrodinámicas considerables las cuales pueden afectar la integridad estructural y/o comprometer la estabilidad del vehículo que transporta dicho contenedor. El fenómeno de Sloshing ha sido extensivamente investigado matemática, numérica y experimentalmente, siendo el enfoque experimental el más usado debido a la complejidad del problema, para el cual los modelos matemáticos y de simulación son aun incapaces de predecir con suficiente rapidez y precisión las cargas debidas a dicho fenómeno. El flujo generado por el Sloshing usualmente se caracteriza por la presencia de un fluido multifase (gas-liquido) y turbulencia. Reducir al máximo posible la complejidad del fenómeno de Sloshing sin perder la esencia del problema es el principal reto de esta tesis doctoral, donde un trabajo experimental enfocado en casos canónicos de Sloshing es presentado y documentado con el objetivo de aumentar la comprensión de dicho fenómeno y por tanto intentar proveer información valiosa para validaciones de códigos numéricos. El fenómeno de Sloshing juega un papel importante en la industria del transporte marítimo de gas licuado (LNG). El mercado de LNG en los últimos años ha reportado un crecimiento hasta tres veces mayor al de los mercados de petróleo y gas convencionales. Ingenieros en laboratorios de investigación e ingenieros adscritos a la industria del LNG trabajan continuamente buscando soluciones económicas y seguras para contener, transferir y transportar grandes volúmenes de LNG. Los buques transportadores de LNG (LNGC) han pasado de ser unos pocos buques con capacidad de 75000 m3 hace unos treinta años, a una amplia flota con una capacidad de 140000 m3 actualmente. En creciente número, hoy día se construyen buques con capacidades que oscilan entre 175000 m3 y 250000 m3. Recientemente un nuevo concepto de buque LNG ha salido al mercado y se le conoce como FLNG. Un FLNG es un buque de gran valor añadido que solventa los problemas de extracción, licuefacción y almacenamiento del LNG, ya que cuenta con equipos de extracción y licuefacción a bordo, eliminando por tanto las tareas de transvase de las estaciones de licuefacción en tierra hacia los buques LNGC. EL LNG por tanto puede ser transferido directamente desde el FLNG hacia los buques LNGC en mar abierto. Niveles de llenado intermedios en combinación con oleaje durante las operaciones de trasvase inducen movimientos en los buques que generan por tanto el fenómeno de Sloshing dentro de los tanques de los FLNG y los LNGC. El trabajo de esta tesis doctoral lidia con algunos de los problemas del Sloshing desde un punto de vista experimental y estadístico, para ello una serie de tareas, descritas a continuación, se han llevado a cabo : 1. Un dispositivo experimental de Sloshing ha sido configurado. Dicho dispositivo ha permitido ensayar secciones rectangulares de tanques LNGC a escala con movimientos angulares de un grado de libertad. El dispositivo experimental ha sido instrumentado para realizar mediciones de movimiento, presiones, vibraciones y temperatura, así como la grabación de imágenes y videos. 2. Los impactos de olas generadas dentro de una sección rectangular de un LNGC sujeto a movimientos regulares forzados han sido estudiados mediante la caracterización del fenómeno desde un punto de vista estadístico enfocado en la repetitividad y la ergodicidad del problema. 3. El estudio de los impactos provocados por movimientos regulares ha sido extendido a un escenario más realístico mediante el uso de movimientos irregulares forzados. 4. El acoplamiento del Sloshing generado por el fluido en movimiento dentro del tanque LNGC y la disipación de la energía mecánica de un sistema no forzado de un grado de libertad (movimiento angular) sujeto a una excitación externa ha sido investigado. 5. En la última sección de esta tesis doctoral, la interacción entre el Sloshing generado dentro en una sección rectangular de un tanque LNGC sujeto a una excitación regular y un cuerpo elástico solidario al tanque ha sido estudiado. Dicho estudio corresponde a un problema de interacción fluido-estructura. Abstract In hydrodynamics, we refer to sloshing as the motion of liquids in containers subjected to external forces with large free-surface deformations. The liquid motion dynamics can generate loads which may affect the structural integrity of the container and the stability of the vehicle that carries such container. The prediction of these dynamic loads is a major challenge for engineers around the world working on the design of both the container and the vehicle. The sloshing phenomenon has been extensively investigated mathematically, numerically and experimentally. The latter has been the most fruitful so far, due to the complexity of the problem, for which the numerical and mathematical models are still incapable of accurately predicting the sloshing loads. The sloshing flows are usually characterised by the presence of multiphase interaction and turbulence. Reducing as much as possible the complexity of the sloshing problem without losing its essence is the main challenge of this phd thesis, where experimental work on selected canonical cases are presented and documented in order to better understand the phenomenon and to serve, in some cases, as an useful information for numerical validations. Liquid sloshing plays a key roll in the liquified natural gas (LNG) maritime transportation. The LNG market growth is more than three times the rated growth of the oil and traditional gas markets. Engineers working in research laboratories and companies are continuously looking for efficient and safe ways for containing, transferring and transporting the liquified gas. LNG carrying vessels (LNGC) have evolved from a few 75000 m3 vessels thirty years ago to a huge fleet of ships with a capacity of 140000 m3 nowadays and increasing number of 175000 m3 and 250000 m3 units. The concept of FLNG (Floating Liquified Natural Gas) has appeared recently. A FLNG unit is a high value-added vessel which can solve the problems of production, treatment, liquefaction and storage of the LNG because the vessel is equipped with a extraction and liquefaction facility. The LNG is transferred from the FLNG to the LNGC in open sea. The combination of partial fillings and wave induced motions may generate sloshing flows inside both the LNGC and the FLNG tanks. This work has dealt with sloshing problems from a experimental and statistical point of view. A series of tasks have been carried out: 1. A sloshing rig has been set up. It allows for testing tanks with one degree of freedom angular motion. The rig has been instrumented to measure motions, pressure and conduct video and image recording. 2. Regular motion impacts inside a rectangular section LNGC tank model have been studied, with forced motion tests, in order to characterise the phenomenon from a statistical point of view by assessing the repeatability and practical ergodicity of the problem. 3. The regular motion analysis has been extended to an irregular motion framework in order to reproduce more realistic scenarios. 4. The coupled motion of a single degree of freedom angular motion system excited by an external moment and affected by the fluid moment and the mechanical energy dissipation induced by sloshing inside the tank has been investigated. 5. The last task of the thesis has been to conduct an experimental investigation focused on the strong interaction between a sloshing flow in a rectangular section of a LNGC tank subjected to regular excitation and an elastic body clamped to the tank. It is thus a fluid structure interaction problem.
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants typically incorporate one or various auxiliary boilers operating in parallel to the solar field to facilitate start up operations, provide system stability, avoid freezing of heat transfer fluid (HTF) and increase generation capacity. The environmental performance of these plants is highly influenced by the energy input and the type of auxiliary fuel, which in most cases is natural gas (NG). Replacing the NG with biogas or biomethane (BM) in commercial CSP installations is being considered as a means to produce electricity that is fully renewable and free from fossil inputs. Despite their renewable nature, the use of these biofuels also generates environmental impacts that need to be adequately identified and quantified. This paper investigates the environmental performance of a commercial wet-cooled parabolic trough 50 MWe CSP plant in Spain operating according to two strategies: solar-only, with minimum technically viable energy non-solar contribution; and hybrid operation, where 12 % of the electricity derives from auxiliary fuels (as permitted by Spanish legislation). The analysis was based on standard Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology (ISO 14040-14040). The technical viability and the environmental profile of operating the CSP plant with different auxiliary fuels was evaluated, including: NG; biogas from an adjacent plant; and BM withdrawn from the gas network. The effect of using different substrates (biowaste, sewage sludge, grass and a mix of biowaste with animal manure) for the production of the biofuels was also investigated. The results showed that NG is responsible for most of the environmental damage associated with the operation of the plant in hybrid mode. Replacing NG with biogas resulted in a significant improvement of the environmental performance of the installation, primarily due to reduced impact in the following categories: natural land transformation, depletion of fossil resources, and climate change. However, despite the renewable nature of the biofuels, other environmental categories like human toxicity, eutrophication, acidification and marine ecotoxicity scored higher when using biogas and BM.
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles are capable of placing a nuclear warhead at more than 5,000 km away from its launching base. With the lethal power of a nuclear warhead a whole city could be wiped out by a single weapon causing millions of deaths. This means that the threat posed to any country from a single ICBM captured by a terrorist group or launched by a 'rogue' state is huge. This threat is increasing as more countries are achieving nuclear and advanced launcher capabilities. In order to suppress or at least reduce this threat the United States created the National Missile Defense System which involved, among other systems, the development of long-range interceptors whose aim is to destroy incoming ballistic missiles in their midcourse phase. The Ballistic Missile Defense is a high-profile topic that has been the focus of political controversy lately when the U.S. decided to expand the Ballistic Missile system to Europe, with the opposition of Russia. However the technical characteristics of this system are mostly unknown by the general public. The Interception of an ICBM using a long range Interceptor Missile as intended within the Ground-Based Missile Defense System by the American National Missile Defense (NMD) implies a series of problems of incredible complexity: - The incoming missile has to be detected almost immediately after launch. - The incoming missile has to be tracked along its trajectory with a great accuracy. - The Interceptor Missile has to implement a fast and accurate guidance algorithm in order to reach the incoming missile as soon as possible. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle deployed by the interceptor boost vehicle has to be able to detect the reentry vehicle once it has been deployed by ICBM, when it offers a very low infrared signature, in order to perform a final rendezvous manoeuvre. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle has to be able to discriminate the reentry vehicle from the surrounding debris and decoys. - The Kinetic Kill Vehicle has to be able to implement an accurate guidance algorithm in order to perform a kinetic interception (direct collision) of the reentry vehicle, at relative speeds of more than 10 km/s. All these problems are being dealt simultaneously by the Ground-Based Missile Defense System that is developing very complex and expensive sensors, communications and control centers and long-range interceptors (Ground-Based Interceptor Missile) including a Kinetic Kill Vehicle. Among all the technical challenges involved in this interception scenario, this thesis focuses on the algorithms required for the guidance of the Interceptor Missile and the Kinetic Kill Vehicle in order to perform the direct collision with the ICBM. The involved guidance algorithms are deeply analysed in this thesis in part III where conventional guidance strategies are reviewed and optimal guidance algorithms are developed for this interception problem. The generation of a realistic simulation of the interception scenario between an ICBM and a Ground Based Interceptor designed to destroy it was considered as necessary in order to be able to compare different guidance strategies with meaningful results. As a consequence, a highly representative simulator for an ICBM and a Kill Vehicle has been implemented, as detailed in part II, and the generation of these simulators has also become one of the purposes of this thesis. In summary, the main purposes of this thesis are: - To develop a highly representative simulator of an interception scenario between an ICBM and a Kill Vehicle launched from a Ground Based Interceptor. -To analyse the main existing guidance algorithms both for the ascent phase and the terminal phase of the missiles. Novel conclusions of these analyses are obtained. - To develop original optimal guidance algorithms for the interception problem. - To compare the results obtained using the different guidance strategies, assess the behaviour of the optimal guidance algorithms, and analyse the feasibility of the Ballistic Missile Defense system in terms of guidance (part IV). As a secondary objective, a general overview of the state of the art in terms of ballistic missiles and anti-ballistic missile defence is provided (part I).
Rising demand for food, fiber, and biofuels drives expanding irrigation withdrawals from surface water and groundwater. Irrigation efficiency and water savings have become watchwords in response to climate-induced hydrological variability, increasing freshwater demand for other uses including ecosystem water needs, and low economic productivity of irrigation compared to most other uses. We identify three classes of unintended consequences, presented here as paradoxes. Ever-tighter cycling of water has been shown to increase resource use, an example of the efficiency paradox. In the absence of effective policy to constrain irrigated-area expansion using "saved water", efficiency can aggravate scarcity, deteriorate resource quality, and impair river basin resilience through loss of flexibility and redundancy. Water scarcity and salinity effects in the lower reaches of basins (symptomatic of the scale paradox) may partly be offset over the short-term through groundwater pumping or increasing surface water storage capacity. However, declining ecological flows and increasing salinity have important implications for riparian and estuarine ecosystems and for non-irrigation human uses of water including urban supply and energy generation, examples of the sectoral paradox. This paper briefly considers three regional contexts with broadly similar climatic and water-resource conditions – central Chile, southwestern US, and south-central Spain – where irrigation efficiency directly influences basin resilience. The comparison leads to more generic insights on water policy in relation to irrigation efficiency and emerging or overdue needs for environmental protection.
Ao escolher o tema A recepção da teologia de Bonhoeffer na América Latina, a intenção é problematizar a influência exercida pelo teólogo alemão Dietrich Bonhoeffer na teologia latino-americana, tratando-se do aporte de seus textos em solo latinoamericano, mas também de sua leitura, seleção e re-escritura crítica até nossos dias, quando completamos um século de seu nascimento. A investigação propõe-se a visibilizar o que em sua mensagem e/ou biografia, e de que forma, entusiasmou uma geração de jovens teólogos(as) protestantes e católicos latino-americanos(as), a partir de meados do século XX. Tomou-se por lócus fundamental à Escola Superior de Teologia (EST), da IECLB, ao ecumênico Instituto Superior Evangélico de Estudos Teológicos (ISEDET), de Buenos Aires, Argentina, também a um organismo para-eclesiástico, a Igreja e Sociedade na América Latina (ISAL). A base material privilegiada foi a produção teológica registrada em suas coleções de revistas periódicas, respectivamente, Estudos Teológicos, Cuadernos de Teología e Cristianismo y Sociedad. No entanto, também são analisadas algumas obras de teólogos católicos, dentre eles, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Jon Sobrino, Juan Luis Segundo e Frei Betto; textos referenciais que trazem à luz sua influência sobre a teologia caribenha; além de outros materiais que evidenciam os antigos e novos intérpretes. Os conceitos mobilizadores desta pesquisa são: discurso, conforme o expressam Michel Foucault e Eni Orlandi; memória, a partir de Maurice Halbwacks e Jacques Le Goff; dialética, Leandro Konder; fenomenologia, Husserl, Heidegger; marcas, Carlo Ginzburg e imagem/imaginário, Castoriadis.(AU)
Ao escolher o tema A recepção da teologia de Bonhoeffer na América Latina, a intenção é problematizar a influência exercida pelo teólogo alemão Dietrich Bonhoeffer na teologia latino-americana, tratando-se do aporte de seus textos em solo latinoamericano, mas também de sua leitura, seleção e re-escritura crítica até nossos dias, quando completamos um século de seu nascimento. A investigação propõe-se a visibilizar o que em sua mensagem e/ou biografia, e de que forma, entusiasmou uma geração de jovens teólogos(as) protestantes e católicos latino-americanos(as), a partir de meados do século XX. Tomou-se por lócus fundamental à Escola Superior de Teologia (EST), da IECLB, ao ecumênico Instituto Superior Evangélico de Estudos Teológicos (ISEDET), de Buenos Aires, Argentina, também a um organismo para-eclesiástico, a Igreja e Sociedade na América Latina (ISAL). A base material privilegiada foi a produção teológica registrada em suas coleções de revistas periódicas, respectivamente, Estudos Teológicos, Cuadernos de Teología e Cristianismo y Sociedad. No entanto, também são analisadas algumas obras de teólogos católicos, dentre eles, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Jon Sobrino, Juan Luis Segundo e Frei Betto; textos referenciais que trazem à luz sua influência sobre a teologia caribenha; além de outros materiais que evidenciam os antigos e novos intérpretes. Os conceitos mobilizadores desta pesquisa são: discurso, conforme o expressam Michel Foucault e Eni Orlandi; memória, a partir de Maurice Halbwacks e Jacques Le Goff; dialética, Leandro Konder; fenomenologia, Husserl, Heidegger; marcas, Carlo Ginzburg e imagem/imaginário, Castoriadis.(AU)
We have used electron cryo-microscopy and image analysis to examine the native structure of immature, protease-deficient (PR−) and mature, wild-type (WT) Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV). Maturational cleavage of the Gag polyprotein by the viral protease is associated with striking morphological changes. The PR− MuLV particles exhibit a rounded central core, which has a characteristic track-like shell on its surface, whereas the WT MuLV cores display a polygonal surface with loss of the track-like feature. The pleomorphic shape and inability to refine unique orientation angles suggest that neither the PR− nor the WT MuLV adheres to strict icosahedral symmetry. Nevertheless, the PR− MuLV particles do exhibit paracrystalline order with a spacing between Gag molecules of ≈45 Å and a length of ≈200 Å. Because of the pleomorphic shape and paracrystalline packing of the Gag–RNA complexes, we raise the possibility that assembly of MuLV is driven by protein–RNA, as well as protein–protein, interactions. The maturation process involves a dramatic reorganization of the packing arrangements within the ribonucleoprotein core with disordering and loosening of the individual protein components.
As part of our attempts at understanding fundamental principles that underlie the generation of nondividing terminally differentiated progeny from dividing precursor cells, we have developed approaches to a quantitative analysis of proliferation and differentiation of oligodendrocyte type 2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cells at the clonal level. Owing to extensive previous studies of clonal differentiation in this lineage, O-2A progenitor cells represent an excellent system for such an analysis. Previous studies have resulted in two competing hypotheses; one of them suggests that progenitor cell differentiation is symmetric, the other hypothesis introduces an asymmetric process of differentiation. We propose a general model that incorporates both such extreme hypotheses as special cases. Our analysis of experimental data has shown, however, that neither of these extreme cases completely explains the observed kinetics of O-2A progenitor cell proliferation and oligodendrocyte generation in vitro. Instead, our results indicate that O-2A progenitor cells become competent for differentiation after they complete a certain number of critical mitotic cycles that represent a period of symmetric development. This number varies from clone to clone and may be thought of as a random variable; its probability distribution was estimated from experimental data. Those O-2A cells that have undergone the critical divisions then may differentiate into an oligodendrocyte in each of the subsequent mitotic cycles with a certain probability, thereby exhibiting the asymmetric type of differentiation.
Two factors that contribute to the progression of Parkinson disease are a brain defect in mitochondrial respiration and the generation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by monoamine oxidase (MAO). Here we show that the two are linked. Metabolism of the neurotransmitter dopamine, or other monoamines (benzylamine, tyramine), by intact rat brain mitochondria suppresses pyruvate- and succinate-dependent electron transport. MAO inhibitors prevent this action. Mitochondrial damage is also reversed during electron flow. A probable explanation is that MAO-generated H2O2 oxidizes glutathione to glutathione disulfide (GSSG), which undergoes thiol-disulfide interchange to form protein mixed disulfides, thereby interfering reversibly with thiol-dependent enzymatic function. In agreement with this premise, direct addition of GSSG to mitochondria resulted in similar reversible inhibition of electron transport. In addition, the monoamines induced an elevation in protein mixed disulfides within mitochondria. These observations imply that (i) heightened activity and metabolism of neurotransmitter by monoamine neurons may affect neuronal function, and (ii) apparent defects in mitochondrial respiration associated with Parkinson disease may reflect, in part, an established increase in dopamine turnover. The experimental results also target mitochondrial repair mechanisms for further investigation and may, in time, lead to newer forms of therapy.
We present a new map showing dimeric kinesin bound to microtubules in the presence of ADP that was obtained by electron cryomicroscopy and image reconstruction. The directly bound monomer (first head) shows a different conformation from one in the more tightly bound empty state. This change in the first head is amplified as a movement of the second (tethered) head, which tilts upward. The atomic coordinates of kinesin·ADP dock into our map so that the tethered head associates with the bound head as in the kinesin dimer structure seen by x-ray crystallography. The new docking orientation avoids problems associated with previous predictions; it puts residues implicated by proteolysis-protection and mutagenesis studies near the microtubule but does not lead to steric interference between the coiled-coil tail and the microtubule surface. The observed conformational changes in the tightly bound states would probably bring some important residues closer to tubulin. As expected from the homology with kinesin, the atomic coordinates of nonclaret disjunctional protein (ncd)·ADP dock in the same orientation into the attached head in a map of microtubules decorated with dimeric ncd·ADP. Our results support the idea that the observed direct interaction between the two heads is important at some stages of the mechanism by which kinesin moves processively along microtubules.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generated in response to wounding can be detected at wound sites and in distal leaf veins within 1 hr after wounding. The response is systemic and maximizes at about 4–6 hr in both wounded and unwounded leaves, and then declines. The timing of the response corresponds with an increase in wound-inducible polygalacturonase (PG) mRNA and enzyme activity previously reported, suggesting that oligogalacturonic acid (OGA) fragments produced by PG are triggering the H2O2 response. Systemin, OGA, chitosan, and methyl jasmonate (MJ) all induce the accumulation of H2O2 in leaves. Tomato plants transformed with an antisense prosystemin gene produce neither PG activity or H2O2 in leaves in response to wounding, implicating systemin as a primary wound signal. The antisense plants do produce both PG activity and H2O2 when supplied with systemin, OGA, chitosan, or MJ. A mutant tomato line compromised in the octadecanoid pathway does not exhibit PG activity or H2O2 in response to wounding, systemin, OGA, or chitosan, but does respond to MJ, indicating that the generation of H2O2 requires a functional octadecanoid signaling pathway. Among 18 plant species from six families that were assayed for wound-inducible PG activity and H2O2 generation, 14 species exhibited both wound-inducible PG activity and the generation of H2O2. Four species, all from the Fabaceae family, exhibited little or no wound-inducible PG activity and did not generate H2O2. The time course of wound-inducible PG activity and H2O2 in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves was similar to that found in tomato. The cumulative data suggest that systemic wound signals that induce PG activity and H2O2 are widespread in the plant kingdom and that the response may be associated with the defense of plants against both herbivores and pathogens.
The three single-headed monomeric myosin I isozymes of Acanthamoeba castellanii (AMIs)—AMIA, AMIB, and AMIC—are among the best-studied of all myosins. We have used AMIC to study structural correlates of myosin’s actin-activated ATPase. This activity is normally controlled by phosphorylation of Ser-329, but AMIC may be switched into constitutively active or inactive states by substituting this residue with Glu or Ala, respectively. To determine whether activation status is reflected in structural differences in the mode of attachment of myosin to actin, these mutant myosins were bound to actin filaments in the absence of nucleotide (rigor state) and visualized at 24-Å resolution by using cryoelectron microscopy and image reconstruction. No such difference was observed. Consequently, we suggest that regulation may be affected not by altering the static (time-averaged) structure of AMIC but by modulating its dynamic properties, i.e., molecular breathing. The tail domain of vertebrate intestinal brush-border myosin I has been observed to swing through 31° on binding of ADP. However, it was predicted on grounds of differing kinetics that any such effects with AMIC should be small [Jontes, J. D., Ostap, E. M., Pollard, T. D. & Milligan, R. A. (1998) J. Cell Biol. 141, 155–162]. We have confirmed this hypothesis by observing actin-associated AMIC in its ADP-bound state. Finally, we compared AMIC to brush-border myosin I and AMIB, which were previously studied under similar conditions. In each case, the shape and angle of attachment to F-actin of the catalytic domain is largely conserved, but the domain structure and disposition of the tail is distinctively different for each myosin.
PALI (release 1.2) contains three-dimensional (3-D) structure-dependent sequence alignments as well as structure-based phylogenetic trees of homologous protein domains in various families. The data set of homologous protein structures has been derived by consulting the SCOP database (release 1.50) and the data set comprises 604 families of homologous proteins involving 2739 protein domain structures with each family made up of at least two members. Each member in a family has been structurally aligned with every other member in the same family (pairwise alignment) and all the members in the family are also aligned using simultaneous superposition (multiple alignment). The structural alignments are performed largely automatically, with manual interventions especially in the cases of distantly related proteins, using the program STAMP (version 4.2). Every family is also associated with two dendrograms, calculated using PHYLIP (version 3.5), one based on a structural dissimilarity metric defined for every pairwise alignment and the other based on similarity of topologically equivalent residues. These dendrograms enable easy comparison of sequence and structure-based relationships among the members in a family. Structure-based alignments with the details of structural and sequence similarities, superposed coordinate sets and dendrograms can be accessed conveniently using a web interface. The database can be queried for protein pairs with sequence or structural similarities falling within a specified range. Thus PALI forms a useful resource to help in analysing the relationship between sequence and structure variation at a given level of sequence similarity. PALI also contains over 653 ‘orphans’ (single member families). Using the web interface involving PSI_BLAST and PHYLIP it is possible to associate the sequence of a new protein with one of the families in PALI and generate a phylogenetic tree combining the query sequence and proteins of known 3-D structure. The database with the web interfaced search and dendrogram generation tools can be accessed at http://pa uling.mbu.iisc.ernet.in/~pali.
Human functional neuroimaging techniques provide a powerful means of linking neural level descriptions of brain function and cognition. The exploration of the functional anatomy underlying human memory comprises a prime example. Three highly reliable findings linking memory-related cognitive processes to brain activity are discussed. First, priming is accompanied by reductions in the amount of neural activation relative to naive or unprimed task performance. These reductions can be shown to be both anatomically and functionally specific and are found for both perceptual and conceptual task components. Second, verbal encoding, allowing subsequent conscious retrieval, is associated with activation of higher order brain regions including areas within the left inferior and dorsal prefrontal cortex. These areas also are activated by working memory and effortful word generation tasks, suggesting that these tasks, often discussed as separable, might rely on interdependent processes. Finally, explicit (intentional) retrieval shares much of the same functional anatomy as the encoding and word generation tasks but is associated with the recruitment of additional brain areas, including the anterior prefrontal cortex (right > left). These findings illustrate how neuroimaging techniques can be used to study memory processes and can both complement and extend data derived through other means. More recently developed methods, such as event-related functional MRI, will continue this progress and may provide additional new directions for research.