985 resultados para Phase-shifted


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Sol-gel processing followed by H2 reduction is used to produce dispersions of nanosized Pb in amorphous SiO2 and ultrafine γ Al2O3 matrices. A depression of 3–5K in Pb melting point is reported. The size and shape of these metastable particles in molten and solid state are discussed in the light of the experimental observations and expectations from the intersection group theory for equilibrium shape.


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Aqueous solutions of Al and Mg nitrates have been spray pyrolysed at 673 K to synthesize powders with compositions varying between MgO and MgAl2O4. This has been carried out with the aim of studying phase selection and phase evolution in this system. The powders have been subsequently heat treated and the sequence of phases characterised by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Metastable extensions of the different phase fields have been calculated based on functions which predict the equilibrium phase diagram accurately. The appearance of phases is closely related to the temperature and to the non-stoichiometry in different compositional ranges of the system. The sequence of phase evolution has been correlated to the thermodynamics of nucleation in the system.


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An efficient load flow solution technique is required as a part of the distribution automation (DA) system for taking various control and operations decisions. This paper presents an efficient and robust three phase power flow algorithm for application to radial distribution networks. This method exploits the radial nature of the network and uses forward and backward propagation to calculate branch currents and node voltages. The proposed method has been tested to analyse several practical distribution networks of various voltage levels and also having high R/X ratio. The results for a practical distribution feeder are presented for illustration purposes. The application of the proposed method is also extended to find optimum location for reactive power compensation and network reconfiguration for planning and day-to-day operation of distribution networks.


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Electric power utilities are installing distribution automation systems (DAS) for better management and control of the distribution networks during the recent past. The success of DAS, largely depends on the availability of reliable database of the control centre and thus requires an efficient state estimation (SE) solution technique. This paper presents an efficient and robust three-phase SE algorithm for application to radial distribution networks. This method exploits the radial nature of the network and uses forward and backward propagation scheme to estimate the line flows, node voltage and loads at each node, based on the measured quantities. The SE cannot be executed without adequate number of measurements. The extension of the method to the network observability analysis and bad data detection is also discussed. The proposed method has been tested to analyze several practical distribution networks of various voltage levels and also having high R:X ratio of lines. The results for a typical network are presented for illustration purposes. © 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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The present report illustrates the phenomenon of phase separation leading to the splitting of solid solution structured Ag-Co nanoparticles into pure Ag and pure Co nanoparticles upon isothermal annealing inside a transmission electron microscope. In bulk, Ag-Co system shows negligible mutual solubility into a single phase solid solution structure upto a very high temperature. The Ag-Co nanoparticle splitting revealed that room temperature, solid solution atomic configuration, between bulk immiscible Ag and Co atoms coexisting in a nano-sized particle, is a kinetically frozen atomic arrangement and not a thermodynamically stable structure. The observed phase separation behavior resulting in particle splitting at high temperatures can be used to produce devices for sensor applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Our in situ x-ray diffraction and Raman measurements of Yb2Ti2O7 pyrochlore show that it undergoes a reversible structural phase transition from cubic pyrochlore to a monoclinic phase at similar to 28.6 GPa. Analysis of the x-ray data shows the transition to be thermodynamically first order and the high pressure phase to be substitutionally disordered. These experimental results are supported by our first principles calculations. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3681300]


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The present study provides an electrodeposition based synthesis method for producing solid solution structured Ag-Ni nanoparticles. It was also observed that the room temperature stable solid solution configuration for the electrodeposited Ag-Ni nanoparticle was a kinetically frozen atomic arrangement and not a thermodynamically stable structure as upon annealing of the Ag-Ni nanoparticles in the ambient atmosphere the solid solution structure decomposed producing phases that were oxides of Ag and Ni. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.esl120008] All rights reserved.


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The Linear phase(LP) Finite Impulse Response(FIR) filters are widely used in many signal processing systems which are sensitive to phase distortion. In this article, we obtain a canonic lattice structure of an LP-FIR filter with a complex impulse response. This lattice structure is based on some novel lattice stages obtained from some properties of symmetric polynomials.This canonic lattice structure exploits the redundancy in the zeros of an LP-FIR filter.


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A finite-element scheme based on a coupled arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian and Lagrangian approach is developed for the computation of interface flows with soluble surfactants. The numerical scheme is designed to solve the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations and an evolution equation for the surfactant concentration in the bulk phase, and simultaneously, an evolution equation for the surfactant concentration on the interface. Second-order isoparametric finite elements on moving meshes and second-order isoparametric surface finite elements are used to solve these equations. The interface-resolved moving meshes allow the accurate incorporation of surface forces, Marangoni forces and jumps in the material parameters. The lower-dimensional finite-element meshes for solving the surface evolution equation are part of the interface-resolved moving meshes. The numerical scheme is validated for problems with known analytical solutions. A number of computations to study the influence of the surfactants in 3D-axisymmetric rising bubbles have been performed. The proposed scheme shows excellent conservation of fluid mass and of the total mass of the surfactant. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Investigations into the variation of self-diffusivity with solute radius, density, and degree of disorder of the host medium is explored. The system consists of a binary mixture of a relatively smaller sized solute, whose size is varied and a larger sized solvent interacting via Lennard-Jones potential. Calculations have been performed at three different reduced densities of 0.7, 0.8, and 0.933. These simulations show that diffusivity exhibits a maximum for some intermediate size of the solute when the solute diameter is varied. The maximum is found at the same size of the solute at all densities which is at variance with the prediction of the levitation effect. In order to understand this anomaly, additional simulations were carried out in which the degree of disorder has been varied while keeping the density constant. The results show that the diffusivity maximum gradually disappears with increase in disorder. Disorder has been characterized by means of the minimal spanning tree. Simulations have also been carried out in which the degree of disorder is constant and only the density is altered. The results from these simulations show that the maximum in diffusivity now shifts to larger distances with decrease in density. This is in agreement with the changes in void and neck distribution with density of the host medium. These results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of the levitation effect. They suggest that the effect of disorder is to shift the maximum in diffusivity towards smaller solute radius while that of the decrease in density is to shift it towards larger solute radius. Thus, in real systems where the degree of disorder is lower at higher density and vice versa, the effect due to density and disorder have opposing influences. These are confirmed by the changes seen in the velocity autocorrelation function, self part of the intermediate scattering function and activation energy. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3701619]


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The diamond films were deposited onto a wurtzite gallium nitride (GaN) thin film substrate using hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD). During the film deposition a lateral temperature gradient was imposed across the substrate by inclining the substrate. As grown films predominantly showed the hexagonal phase, when no inclination was applied to the substrate. Tilting the substrate with respect to the heating filament by 6 degrees imposed a lateral temperature gradient across the substrate, which induced the formation of a cubic diamond phase. Diamond grains were predominantly oriented in the (100) direction. However, a further increase in the substrate tilt angle to 12 degrees, resulted in grains oriented in the (111) direction. The growth rate and hence the morphology of diamond grains varied along the inclined substrate. The present study focuses on the measurements of dominant phase formation and crystal orientation with varying substrate inclination using orientation-imaging microscopy (OIM). This technique enables direct examination of individual diamond grains and their crystallographic orientation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Te-rich Si15Te85-xGex (1 <= x <= 11) glasses are found to exhibit an anomalous phase separations with germanium composition. The structural transformation of o-GeTe crystalline phase from o-GeTe with a = 11.76 angstrom, b = 16.59 angstrom, c = 17.44 angstrom, to high pressure o-GeTe with a new reduced lattice parameters a = 10.95 angstrom, b = 4.03 angstrom, c = 4.45 angstrom, is observed at T-c3 in the composition range 6 <= x <= 11. Raman studies support the possible existence of high pressure o-GeTe phase which is observed in X-ray diffraction experiments. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3696862]


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Freestanding crystalline PbZrO3 nanoparticles with an average size of 15 nm were synthesized by the modified sot gel method and characterized by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. Dielectric studies indicated that the paraelectric to antiferroelectric phase transition in the PbZrO3 nanoparticles was observed around at 205 degrees C which was at 233 degrees C for PbZrO3 bulk material. A single leaky ferroelectric loop was observed instead of an antiferroelectric double hysteresis loop which may be because of the defects such as grain boundaries and the pores in the sample because the sample was not sintered at higher temperatures to retain the nanoscale dimension of the PbZrO3 particles.


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We report gas phase mid-infrared spectra of 1- and 2- methyl naphthalenes at 0.2 cm(-1) resolution. Assignment of observed bands have been made using scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) calculations where the force fields rather the frequencies are scaled to find a close fit between observed and calculated bands. The structure of the molecules has been optimized using B3LYP level of theory in conjunction with standard 6-311G** basis set to obtain the harmonic frequencies. Using the force constants in Cartesian coordinates from the Gaussian output, scaled force field calculations are carried out using a modified version of the UMAT program in the QCPE package. Potential energy distributions of the normal modes obtained from such calculations helped us assign the observed bands and identify the unique features of the spectra of 1- and 2-MNs which are important for their isomeric identification.