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Abundance data of copepods were derived from vertical Multinet hauls at 10 stations, carried out in the northern Benguela upwelling system in December 2009 (FRS Africana) and September/October 2010 (RRS Discovery). Three transects along ~ 17°S, 19°S and 23°S with three stations each (neritic, shelf break, oceanic) and one station at 21°S were analysed for copepod abundance. Maximum sampling depth was either close to the seafloor (neritic and shelf break stations) or 700 m (2009) and 1000 m (2010) for the oceanic stations. Calanoid copepod species and stages were identified and enumerated separately. Adult females, males and copepodite stage 5 (C5) (in case of C. carinatus and N. minor) were included in the abundance calculations. Abundance is expressed as number of individuals per m**3, calculated from the volume of water filtered (calibrated flowmeter, Hydro-Bios) and the maximum sampling depth at each station.
Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number MSM18/5 with research vessel "Maria S. Merian" from 22.08.-20.09.2011 (from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay) in front of Angola and northern Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after 15N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 6 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta 15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta 15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.
Ichthyoplankton density (fish eggs and larvae) and bulk zooplankton biomass in January/February 2011 were determined for 38 stations in the northern Benguela upwelling system, based on oblique Multinet hauls during the FS Maria S. Merian MSM17/3 cruise. A HYDROBIOS Multinet, type Midi (0.25 m**2 mouth area) was equipped with five nets of 500 µm-mesh size, temperature and oxygen probes, and an inner and outer flow meter to monitor the net's trajectory (for volume filtered calculations) as well as net clogging. The Multinet was handled over the side, towed horizontally at 2 knots. Winch speed when fearing was 0.5 or 0.3 m/s, heaving velocity 0.2 - 0.3 m/s. The Multinet was towed obliquely at 38 stations sampling the upper 200 m of the water column, which were divided into five different depth strata after inspection of temperature and oxygen concentration depth profiles. Ichthyoplankton densities and zooplankton biomass were calculated for each depth stratum (=single net) from total abundance and the volume of water filtered [individuals per m**3 and g wet weight per m**3, respectively]. In addition, densities and biomass were integrated over the area for each station [individuals per m**2], as sum of calculations for each net: Sum ([individuals per m**3]*Delta (depth bot[m]-depth top [m]).
Ichthyoplankton density (fish eggs and larvae) and bulk zooplankton biomass in October 2011 were determined for 22 stations in the northern Benguela upwelling system, based on oblique Multinet hauls during the FS Maria S. Merian MSM19/1b cruise. A HYDROBIOS Multinet, type Midi (0.25 m**2 mouth area) was equipped with five nets of 500 µm-mesh size, temperature and oxygen probes, and an inner and outer flow meter to monitor the net's trajectory (for volume filtered calculations) as well as net clogging. The Multinet was handled over the side, towed horizontally at 2 knots. Winch speed when fearing was 0.5 or 0.3 m/s, heaving velocity 0.2 - 0.3 m/s. The Multinet was towed obliquely at 22 stations sampling the upper 200 m of the water column, which were divided into five different depth strata after inspection of temperature and oxygen concentration depth profiles. Ichthyoplankton densities and zooplankton biomass were calculated for each depth stratum (=single net) from total abundance and the volume of water filtered [individuals per m**3 and g wet weight per m**3, respectively]. In addition, densities and biomass were integrated over the area for each station [individuals per m**2], as sum of calculations for each net: Sum ([individuals per m**3]*Delta (depth bot[m]-depth top [m]).
Respiration rates and electron transport system (ETS) activities were measured in dominant copepod species from the northern Benguela upwelling system in January-February 2011 to assess the accuracy of the ETS assay in predicting in vivo respiration rates. Individual respiration rates varied from 0.06 to 1.60 µL O2/h/ind, while ETS activities converted to oxygen consumption ranged from 0.14 to 4.46 µL O2/h/ind. ETS activities were significantly correlated with respiration rates (r**2 = 0.79, p = 0.0001). R:ETS ratios were lowest in slow-moving Eucalanidae (0.11) and highest in diapausing Calanoides carinatus copepodids CV (0.76) while fast-moving copepods showed intermediate R:ETS (0.23-0.37). 82% of the variance of respiration rates could be explained by differences in dry mass, temperature and the activity level of different copepod species. Three regression equations were derived to calculate respiration rates for diapausing, slow- and fast-moving copepods, respectively, based on parameters such as body mass and temperature. Thus, knowledge about the activity level and behavioral characteristics of copepod species can significantly increase the predictive accuracy of metabolic models, which will help to better understand and quantify the impact of copepods on nutrient and carbon fluxes in marine ecosystems.
The morphology of ~45,000 bedforms from 13 multibeam bathymetry surveys was used as a proxy for identifying net bedload sediment transport directions and pathways throughout the San Francisco Bay estuary and adjacent outer coast. The spatially-averaged shape asymmetry of the bedforms reveals distinct pathways of ebb and flood transport. Additionally, the region-wide, ebb-oriented asymmetry of 5% suggests net seaward-directed transport within the estuarine-coastal system, with significant seaward asymmetry at the mouth of San Francisco Bay (11%), through the northern reaches of the Bay (7-8%), and among the largest bedforms (21% for lambda > 50 m). This general indication for the net transport of sand to the open coast strongly suggests that anthropogenic removal of sediment from the estuary, particularly along clearly defined seaward transport pathways, will limit the supply of sand to chronically eroding, open-coast beaches. The bedform asymmetry measurements significantly agree (up to ~ 76%) with modeled annual residual transport directions derived from a hydrodynamically-calibrated numerical model, and the orientation of adjacent, flow-sculpted seafloor features such as mega-flute structures, providing a comprehensive validation of the technique. The methods described in this paper to determine well-defined, cross-validated sediment transport pathways can be applied to estuarine-coastal systems globally where bedforms are present. The results can inform and improve regional sediment management practices to more efficiently utilize often limited sediment resources and mitigate current and future sediment supply-related impacts.