941 resultados para Periodic peritonitis


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We develop a unified model to explain the dynamics of driven one dimensional ribbon for materials with strain and magnetic order parameters. We show that the model equations in their most general form explain several results on driven magnetostrictive metallic glass ribbons such as the period doubling route to chaos as a function of a dc magnetic field in the presence of a sinusoidal field, the quasiperiodic route to chaos as a function of the sinusoidal field for a fixed dc field, and induced and suppressed chaos in the presence of an additional low amplitude near resonant sinusoidal field. We also investigate the influence of a low amplitude near resonant field on the period doubling route. The model equations also exhibit symmetry restoring crisis with an exponent close to unity. The model can be adopted to explain certain results on magnetoelastic beam and martensitic ribbon under sinusoidal driving conditions. In the latter case, we find interesting dynamics of a periodic one orbit switching between two equivalent wells as a function of an ac magnetic field that eventually makes a direct transition to chaos under resonant driving condition. The model is also applicable to magnetomartensites and materials with two order parameters. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4790845]


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Transient signals such as plosives in speech or Castanets in audio do not have a specific modulation or periodic structure in time domain. However, in the spectral domain they exhibit a prominent modulation structure, which is a direct consequence of their narrow time localization. Based on this observation, a spectral-domain AM-FM model for transients is proposed. The spectral AM-FM model is built starting from real spectral zero-crossings. The AM and FM correspond to the spectral envelope (SE) and group delay (GD), respectively. Taking into account the modulation structure and spectral continuity, a local polynomial regression technique is proposed to estimate the GD function from the real spectral zeros. The SE is estimated based on the phase function computed from the estimated GD. Since the GD estimation is parametric, the degree of smoothness can be controlled directly. Simulation results based on synthetic transient signals generated using a beta density function are presented to analyze the noise-robustness of the SEGD model. Three specific applications are considered: (1) SEGD based modeling of Castanet sounds; (2) appropriateness of the model for transient compression; and (3) determining glottal closure instants in speech using a short-time SEGD model of the linear prediction residue.


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Phototaxis is a directed swimming response dependent upon the light intensity sensed by micro-organisms. Positive (negative) phototaxis denotes the motion directed towards (away from) the source of light. Using the phototaxis model of Ghorai, Panda, and Hill ''Bioconvection in a suspension of isotropically scattering phototactic algae,'' Phys. Fluids 22, 071901 (2010)], we investigate two-dimensional phototactic bioconvection in an absorbing and isotropic scattering suspension in the nonlinear regime. The suspension is confined by a rigid bottom boundary, and stress-free top and lateral boundaries. The governing equations for phototactic bioconvection consist of Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid coupled with a conservation equation for micro-organisms and the radiative transfer equation for light transport. The governing system is solved efficiently using a semi-implicit second-order accurate conservative finite-difference method. The radiative transfer equation is solved by the finite volume method using a suitable step scheme. The resulting bioconvective patterns differ qualitatively from those found by Ghorai and Hill ''Penetrative phototactic bioconvection,'' Phys. Fluids 17, 074101 (2005)] at a higher critical wavelength due to the effects of scattering. The solutions show transition from steady state to periodic oscillations as the governing parameters are varied. Also, we notice the accumulation of micro-organisms in two horizontal layers at two different depths via their mean swimming orientation profile for some governing parameters at a higher scattering albedo. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We report ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) study on a grid formed with permalloy nanowires to understand the spin wave dynamics. The presence of two sets of magnetic nanowires perpendicular to each other in the same device enables better control over spin waves. The grid was fabricated using e-beam lithography followed by DC-Magnetron sputtering and liftoff technique. It has dimensions of 800 +/- 10 and 400 +/- 10 nm as periods along X and Y directions with permalloy wires of width 145 +/- 10 nm. FMR studies were done at X-band (9.4 GHz) with the field sweep up to 1 Tesla. The in-plane angular variation of resonant fields shows that there are two well separated modes present, indicating two uniaxial anisotropy axes which are perpendicular to each other. The variation in the intensities in the FMR signal w.r.t. the grid angle is used to describe the spin wave confinement in different regions of the grid. We also explained the asymmetry in the magnetic properties caused by the geometrical property of the rectangular grid and the origin for the peak splitting for the modes occurring at higher resonant fields. Micromagnetic simulations based on OOMMF with two dimensional periodic boundary conditions (2D-PBC) are used to support our experimental findings.


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Lagoons have been traditionally used in India for decentralized treatment of domestic sewage. These are cost effective as they depend mainly on natural processes without any external energy inputs. This study focuses on the treatment efficiency of algae-based sewage treatment plant (STP) of 67.65 million liters per day (MLD) capacity considering the characteristics of domestic wastewater (sewage) and functioning of the treatment plant, while attempting to understand the role of algae in the treatment. STP performance was assessed by diurnal as well as periodic investigations of key water quality parameters and algal biota. STP with a residence time of 14.3 days perform moderately, which is evident from the removal of total chemical oxygen demand (COD) (60 %), filterable COD (50 %), total biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (82 %), and filterable BOD (70 %) as sewage travels from the inlet to the outlet. Furthermore, nitrogen content showed sharp variations with total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) removal of 36 %; ammonium N (NH4-N) removal efficiency of 18 %, nitrate (NO3-N) removal efficiency of 22 %, and nitrite (NO2-N) removal efficiency of 57.8 %. The predominant algae are euglenoides (in facultative lagoons) and chlorophycean members (maturation ponds). The drastic decrease of particulates and suspended matter highlights heterotrophy of euglenoides in removing particulates.


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A series of new BODIPYs (4-9) with bulky meso-trimethylsilylphenyl substitution were synthesized. The effect of the substituent's position on the emission properties of the BODIPYs was investigated in detail both in solution and solid state. The new BODIPYs exhibit emission in single crystals and in thin films. The logical increment of steric crowding in the compounds resulted in a periodic change in their conformational flexibility as evident from their F-19 NMR spectra, which in turn led to an increase of fluorescence in solution, thin films and single crystals.


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Forest-management goals in the context of climate change are to reduce the adverse impact of climate change on biodiversity, ecosystem services and carbon stocks. For developing an effective adaptation strategy, knowledge on nature and sources of vulnerability of forests is necessary to conserve or enhance carbon sinks. However, assessing the vulnerability of forest ecosystems is a challenging task, as the mechanisms that determine vulnerability cannot be observed directly. In this article, we list the challenges in forest vulnerability assessments and propose an assessment of inherent vulnerability by using process-based indicators under the current climate. We also suggest periodic assessment of vulnerability, which is necessary to review adaptation strategies for the management of forests and forest carbon stocks.


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Rigid splitter plates in the wake of bluff bodies are known to suppress the primary vortex shedding. In the present work, we experimentally study the problem of a flexible splitter plate in the wake of a circular cylinder. In this case, the splitter plate is free to continuously deform along its length due to the fluid forces acting on it; the flexural rigidity (EI) of the plate being an important parameter. Direct visualizations of the splitter plate motions, for very low values of flexural rigidity (EI), indicate periodic traveling wave type deformations of the splitter plate with maximum tip amplitudes of the order of I cylinder diameter. As the Reynolds number based on cylinder diameter is varied, two regimes of periodic splitter plate motions are found that are referred to as mode I and mode II, with a regime of aperiodic motions between them. The frequency of plate motions in both periodic modes is found to be close to the plane cylinder Strouhal number of about 0.2, while the average frequencies in the non-periodic regime are substantially lower. The measured normalized phase speed of the traveling wave for both periodic modes is also close to the convection speed of vortices in the plane cylinder wake. As the flexural rigidity of the plate (EI) is increased, the response of the plate was found to shift to the right when plotted with flow speed or Re. To better capture the effect of varying EI, we define and use a non-dimensional bending stiffness, K*, similar to the ones used in the flag flutter problem, K*=EI/(0.5 rho(UL3)-L-2), where U is the free-stream velocity and L is the splitter plate length. Amplitude data for different EI cases when plotted against this parameter appear to collapse on to a single curve for a given splitter plate length. Measurements of the splitter plate motions for varying splitter plate lengths indicate that plates that are substantially larger than the formation length of the plane cylinder wake have similar responses, while shorter plates show significant differences.


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The issue of intermittency in numerical solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations on a periodic box 0, L](3) is addressed through four sets of numerical simulations that calculate a new set of variables defined by D-m(t) = (pi(-1)(0) Omega(m))(alpha m) for 1 <= m <= infinity where alpha(m) = 2m/(4m - 3) and Omega(m)(t)](2m) = L-3 integral(v) vertical bar omega vertical bar(2m) dV with pi(0) = vL(-2). All four simulations unexpectedly show that the D-m are ordered for m = 1,..., 9 such that Dm+1 < D-m. Moreover, the D-m squeeze together such that Dm+1/D-m NE arrow 1 as m increases. The values of D-1 lie far above the values of the rest of the D-m, giving rise to a suggestion that a depletion of nonlinearity is occurring which could be the cause of Navier-Stokes regularity. The first simulation is of very anisotropic decaying turbulence; the second and third are of decaying isotropic turbulence from random initial conditions and forced isotropic turbulence at fixed Grashof number respectively; the fourth is of very-high-Reynolds-number forced, stationary, isotropic turbulence at up to resolutions of 4096(3).


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We present a comprehensive study of two of the most experimentally relevant extensions of Kitaev's spinless model of a one-dimensional p-wave superconductor: those involving (i) longer-range hopping and superconductivity and (ii) inhomogeneous potentials. We commence with a pedagogical review of the spinless model and, as a means of characterizing topological phases exhibited by the systems studied here, we introduce bulk topological invariants as well as those derived from an explicit consideration of boundary modes. In time-reversal symmetric systems, we find that the longer range hopping leads to topological phases characterized by multiple Majorana modes. In particular, we investigate a spin model that respects a duality and maps to a fermionic model with multiple Majorana modes; we highlight the connection between these topological phases and the broken symmetry phases in the original spin model. In the presence of time-reversal symmetry breaking terms, we show that the topological phase diagram is characterized by an extended gapless regime. For the case of inhomogeneous potentials, we explore phase diagrams of periodic, quasiperiodic, and disordered systems. We present a detailed mapping between normal state localization properties of such systems and the topological phases of the corresponding superconducting systems. This powerful tool allows us to leverage the analyses of Hofstadter's butterfly and the vast literature on Anderson localization to the question of Majorana modes in superconducting quasiperiodic and disordered systems, respectively. We briefly touch upon the synergistic effects that can be expected in cases where long-range hopping and disorder are both present.


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We show how Majorana end modes can be generated in a one-dimensional system by varying some of the parameters in the Hamiltonian periodically in time. The specific model we consider is a chain containing spinless electrons with a nearest-neighbor hopping amplitude, a p-wave superconducting term, and a chemical potential; this is equivalent to a spin-1/2 chain with anisotropic XY couplings between nearest neighbors and a magnetic field applied in the (z) over cap direction. We show that varying the chemical potential (or magnetic field) periodically in time can produce Majorana modes at the ends of a long chain. We discuss two kinds of periodic driving, periodic delta-function kicks, and a simple harmonic variation with time. We discuss some distinctive features of the end modes such as the inverse participation ratio of their wave functions and their Floquet eigenvalues which are always equal to +/- 1 for time-reversal-symmetric systems. For the case of periodic delta-function kicks, we use the effective Hamiltonian of a system with periodic boundary conditions to define two topological invariants. The first invariant is a well-known winding number, while the second invariant has not appeared in the literature before. The second invariant is more powerful in that it always correctly predicts the numbers of end modes with Floquet eigenvalues equal to + 1 and -1, while the first invariant does not. We find that the number of end modes can become very large as the driving frequency decreases. We show that periodic delta-function kicks in the hopping and superconducting terms can also produce end modes. Finally, we study the effect of electron-phonon interactions (which are relevant at finite temperatures) and a random noise in the chemical potential on the Majorana modes.


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The design and development of a Bottom Pressure Recorder for a Tsunami Early Warning System is described here. The special requirements that it should satisfy for the specific application of deployment at ocean bed and pressure monitoring of the water column above are dealt with. A high-resolution data digitization and low circuit power consumption are typical ones. The implementation details of the data sensing and acquisition part to meet these are also brought out. The data processing part typically encompasses a Tsunami detection algorithm that should detect an event of significance in the background of a variety of periodic and aperiodic noise signals. Such an algorithm and its simulation are presented. Further, the results of sea trials carried out on the system off the Chennai coast are presented. The high quality and fidelity of the data prove that the system design is robust despite its low cost and with suitable augmentations, is ready for a full-fledged deployment at ocean bed. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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6PANview[1] is a Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) monitoring system for 6LoWPAN/RPL networks which we developed as an overlay network for a WSN application. A monitoring system, while performing its operations for maintaining the health of the monitored network, must also be conscious of its impact on the application performance, and must strive to minimize this impact. To this end, we propose a centralized scheduling algorithm within 6PANview which non-intrusively analyzes application traffic arrival patterns at the base station, identifies network idle periods and schedules monitoring activities. The proposed algorithm finds those periodic sequences which are likely to have given rise to the pattern of arrivals seen at the base station. Parts of those sequences are then extended to coarsely predict future traffic and find epochs where low traffic is predicted, in order to schedule monitoring traffic or other activities at these times. We present simulation results for the proposed prediction and scheduling algorithm and its implementation as part of 6PANview. As an enhancement, we briefly talk about using 6PANview's overlay network architecture for distributed scheduling.


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We report high aspect-ratio micromechanical structures made of SU-8 polymer, which is a negative photoresist. Mask-less direct writing with 405 nm laser is used to pattern spin-cast SU-8 films of thickness of more than 600 um. As compared with X-ray lithography, which helps pattern material to give aspect ratios of 1:50 or higher, laser writing is a less expensive and more accessible alternative. In this work, aspect ratios up to 1:30 were obtained on narrow pillars and cantilever structures. Deep vertical patterning was achieved in multiple exposures of the surface with varying dosages given at periodic intervals of sufficient duration. It was found that a time lag between successive exposures at the same location helps the material recover from the transient changes that occur during exposure to the laser. This gives vertical sidewalls to the resulting structures. The time-lags and dosages were determined by conducting several trials. The micromechanical structures obtained with laser writing are compared with those obtained with traditional UV lithography as well as e-beam lithography. Laser writing gives not only high aspect ratios but also narrow gaps whereas e-beam can only give narrow gaps over very small depths. Unlike traditional UV lithography, laser writing does not need a mask. Furthermore, there is no adjustment for varying the dosage in traditional UV lithography. A drawback of this method compared to UV lithography is that the writing time increases. Some test structures as well as a compliant microgripper are fabricated.


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A series of polyesters based on 2-propargyl-1,3-propanediol or 2,2-dipropargyl-1,3-propanediol or 2-allyl-2-propargyl-1,3-propanediol and 1,20-eicosanedioic acid were prepared by solution polycondensation using the corresponding diacid chloride; these polyesters were quantitatively ``clicked'' with a fluoroalkyl, azide, namely CF3(CF2)(7)CH2CH2N3, to yield polyesters carrying long-chain alkylene segments in the backbone and either one or two perfluoroalkyl segments located at periodic intervals along the polymer chain. The immiscibility of the alkylene and fluoroalkyl segments causes the polymer chains to fold in a zigzag fashion to facilitate the segregation of these segments; the folded chains further organize in the solid state to form a lamellar structure with alternating domains of alkyl (HC) and fluoroalkyl (FC) segments. Evidence for the self-segregation is provided by DSC, SAXS, WAXS, and TEM studies; in two of the samples, the DSC thermograms showed two distinct endotherms associated with the melting of the individual domains, while the WAXS patterns confirm the existence of two separate peaks corresponding to the interchain distances within the crystalline lattices of the HC and FC domains. SAXS data, on the other hand, reveal the formation of an extended lamellar morphology with an interlamellar spacing that matches reasonably well with those estimated from TEM studies. Interestingly, a smectic-type liquid crystalline phase is observed at temperatures between the two melting transitions. These systems present a unique opportunity to develop interesting nanostructured polymeric materials with precise control over both the domain size and morphology; importantly, the domain sizes are far smaller than those typically observed in traditional block copolymers.