1000 resultados para Paz, sociedade, etc


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The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the atmospheric behavior in the dispersion of the pollutants SO2, PM10 and NOx emitted by the President Medici power plant in Candiota, RS. The RAMS atmospheric model was applied and the simulations were conducted from april in 20 to 24, 2004. The concentrations of the pollutants simulated by RAMS were compared with the data measured at the air quality monitoring stations. The results showed significant influence of the emissions generated by the power plant on the concentration of the pollutants.


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Studies on identification of compounds that make up the aroma and flavor in wines involve research evaluating mainly the influence of terpenes, esters, lactones and alcohols upon these sensory characteristics. However, carbonylic compounds (CC) play an important role concerning the substances that impact aroma to these drinks. Their origin is reported to be linked to the grape's chemical composition, must fermentation or micro-oxidation occurring during storage in barrels. Some CCs, like E-ionone, E-damascenone, siryngaldehyde, can contribute a pleasant aroma and improve the wine quality whereas others are responsible for unpleasant characteristics (acetaldehyde, furfural, 5-hydroxy-methyl furfural, diacetil, E-non-2-enal, etc). A fraction of CCs present is associated with bisulfite ions in the form of hydroxyalkylsulfonic acids. Some of them are stable and play an important role in determining wine quality. The reaction involving the formation of this aduct commonly occurs with CCs of low molar mass, such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. The reaction involving CCs with more than three carbon atoms demands further studies.


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This paper is a translation of an IUPAC document by K. Danzer, M. Otto and L. A. Currie (Pure Appl. Chem., 2004, 76(6), 1215-1225). Its goal is to establish a uniform and meaningful standard for terminology (in Portuguese), notation, and formulation concerning multispecies calibration in analytical chemistry. Calibration in analytical chemistry refers to the relation between sample domain and measurement domain (signal domain) expressed by an analytical function x = f s (Q) representing a pattern of chemical species Q and their amounts or concentrations x in a given test sample and a measured function y = f (z) that may be a spectrum, chromatogram, etc. Simultaneous multispecies analyses are carried out mainly by spectroscopic and chromatographic methods in a more or less selective way. For the determination of n species Qi (i=1,2, ..., n), at least n signals must be measured which should be well separated in the ideal case. In analytical practice, the situation can be different.


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Essential oil was extracted from leaves of Hyptis pectinata using hydrodistillation, and its composition determined using GC-FID and GC-MS. Chemical analysis showed that there was a predominance of sesquiterpenes, of which β-caryophyllene (18.34%), caryophyllene oxide (18.00%) and calamusenone (24.68%) were measured for the first time in the genus Hyptis. Twenty-one compounds were identified, and calamusenone was isolated using preparative thin layer chromatography with a silica gel plate (60 PF254). The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal microbicidal concentration (MMC) were determined for various pathogenic microorganisms. H. pectinata oil was most effective against Gram (+) bacteria and yeasts.


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Fast, selective, reproducible and reliable detections have been carried out by using enzymatic biosensors in several areas. The enzymatic biosensors based on the inhibition represent an important role in analytical chemistry. Enzymes like cholinesterases, peroxidases, tyrosinases, etc. have been immobilized on electrochemical and optical transducers and the enzymatic activity decreasing in the presence of the inhibitor is related with its concentrations. This article presents a review on the enzymes used on the construction of these sensors, emphasizing the respective applications.


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This paper discusses the Brazilian academic production on Chemical Education. The main source of information is the annual meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society (RASBQ) covering the period 1999-2006. All the papers presented by the Division of Chemical Education of the RASBQ were reviewed to permit a discussion about the development of the area in Brazil. This bibliographical revision comprises the following aspects: year of presentation, Brazilian region and institution of production, scholastic level encompassed by the study, the kind of academic work (or research type) and thematic focus of the study.


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This paper discusses of the use of the Impact Factor in the evaluation of chemistry graduate courses by CAPES and the internationalization of the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society and Química Nova.


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Phytochemical investigation from the stems of Spathelia excelsa (Rutaceae) collected in Amazonas yielded deacetylspathelin (1), 7,8-dimethoxyflindersine (2), new glabretal-type triterpenoid 3β-angeloyl-21,24-epoxy-7α, 21α, 23α, 25-tetrahydroxy-4α, 4β, 8β, 10β-tetramethyl-25-dimethyl-14, 18-cyclo-5α, 13α, 14α, 17α-cholestane (3), in addition to the known steroids β-sitosterol and stigmasterol. Their structures were established on the basis of spectral data. The compounds 1 and 3 were assayed on Aedes aegypti (larvicidal and adulticidal activities and compound 3 exhibited larvicidal properties with LC50 of 4,8 µg/mL.


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is considered the main cause of cognitive decline in adults. The available therapies for AD treatment seek to maintain the activity of cholinergic system through the inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. However, butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) can be considered an alternative target for AD treatment. Aiming at developing new BuChE inhibitors, robust QSAR 3D models with high predictive power were developed. The best model presents a good fit (r²=0.82, q²=0.76, with two PCs) and high predictive power (r²predict=0.88). Analysis of regression vector shows that steric properties have considerable importance to the inhibition of the BuChE.


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Basic sodalite was successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method using kaolin waste as source of Aluminum and Silicon. This waste is mainly composed by kaolinite and is produced in large amount by kaolin processing industries for paper coating from the Amazon region. Initially, the waste has been calcined at 700 ºC for 2 h and then reacted with the following solutions: Na2CO3 and mixture of Na2CO3 + NaOH to 150 ºC with autogenous pressure for 24 h. The raw materials and transformed materials were characterized by XRD, FTIR and SEM. In both studied media, well-crystallized, basic sodalite was the only phase synthesized, while in the literature usually a mixture of zeolites is obtained.


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The Problem Based Learning (PBL) can be used as a strategy for methodological change in conventional learning environments. In this paper, the integration of laboratory work in PBL grounded activities during an introductory organic chemistry course is described. The most decisive issues of their implementation are discussed. The results show how this methodology favours the laboratory work contextualization in subject-matter and promotes the Science-Technology-Society-Environment relationships. Besides, it contributes to competence development like planning and organization skills, information search and selection, cooperative work, etc., the same way as the tutorial action improvement.


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Emerging organic pollutants (EOP) include many environmental contaminants based on commercial products such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, detergents, gasoline, polymers, etc. EOP may be candidates for future regulation as they offer potential risk to environmental and human health due to their continual entrance into the environment and to the fact that even the most modern wastewater treatment plants are not able to totally transform / remove these compounds. High performance liquid chromatography is recommended to separate emerging organic pollutants with characteristics of high polarity and low volatility, especially pharmaceuticals, from environmental matrices.