971 resultados para Patrimônio Natural Paiol Maria (SP)


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A comunidade vegetal pode ser constituída por diversas formas de vida, envolvendo desde plantas vasculares a não vasculares, bem como uma ampla gama de grupos taxonômicos e funcionais. Sendo considerada parte integrante do ciclo de crescimento florestal associados às fases iniciais do estabelecimento e desenvolvimento deste ciclo. Espécies herbáceas e subarbustivas, uma guilda importante, mesmo dentro de formações florestais, possuem um grande poder de colonização e modificação da comunidade, com isso o estabelecimento de indivíduos de porte arbóreo pode ser restringido pelo aumento de biomassa dessas espécies, pois tais vegetais por encobrirem o solo podem inviabilizar o processo germinativo do banco de sementes, transitório ou permanente. Este estudo analisou a relação entre cobertura de Arecaceae, Samambaias, Poaceae e Bromeliaceae, e a densidade e diversidade da regeneração natural de lenhosas em um trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa situada no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho. Formam inventariadas 120 parcelas contidas em 6 transectos. Cada transecto contou com 20 parcelas (1m X 1m), sendo que 10 delas estavam inseridas em locais onde ocorrem manchas de Calathea communis (Maranthaceae) e as outras 10 em locais desprovidos desta espécie. Os indivíduos regenerantes foram divididos em 3 classes de altura, a classe A compreendeu plântulas lenhosas de 10 a 15 cm, a classe B de 16 a 50 cm e a classe C envolveu jovens de 50 a 150 cm.. A quantificação da cobertura das diferentes guildas foi realizada em manchas com presença e ausência de Calathea communis, no interior das parcelas. Através de uma análise de variância, conclui-se que existe uma tendência da Calathea communis interferir na cobertura de todas as formas de vida estudadas. Para as Arecaceae, Samambaias, Poaceae e Bromelias, o teste de ANOVA two-way, mostrou uma variação significativa (p<0,05), em pelo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work aims to analyze data from a Natural Electric Potential landfill type ditch located in Cordeirópolis (SP). The procedure measures initially involved the assembly and installation of an apparatus cables, sensors and drain geophysical measurements and flow rate of biogas in a ditch later filled by solid waste. Biogas is a product of degradation of organic matter in waste by the action of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Its features high methane content in the gas potentially usable as fuel in energy generation systems or steam. The study area is characterized by clayey soil composition change from the diabase sill correlated to the event Serra Geral Formation siltstones overlapping Tatuí with groundwater level site around 50m. The cables were installed vertically in parallel with drain gas manifold, which allowed the collection of data by the technique geophysical logging every 15 days over a period of eight months. For data analysis we used four parameters in the study, the closing time of the ditch, natural electric potential, the flow velocity of biogas and rain. With the tabulated data plots were constructed for each collection day showing values in the range of the cable is in contact with waste (200 cm - 400 cm) and range of the cable in contact with the soil (600 cm - 800 cm). Subsequently graphs were generated with the period of eight months to analyze the data tabulated. A statistical correlation data, which show the influence of rainfall on the production of biogas. The results were satisfactory and demonstrated the feasibility of the research method in studies for the feasibility analysis for the capture of biogas energy


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As formações ribeirinhas são caracterizadas como um mosaico vegetacional complexo, definido principalmente pelo histórico de evolução da paisagem regional, que se expressa nas condições topográficas locais. A mata ribeirinha estudada encontra-se dentro dos domínios da Floresta Atlântica de interior, denominada Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, que constitui-se no tipo florestal mais rápida e extensamente devastado em toda a sua área de ocorrência natural. Atualmente a vegetação remanescente nativa encontra-se em fragmentos, sendo a queda da biodiversidade um dos aspectos mais graves da fragmentação florestal. O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal caracterizar florística e fitossociologicamente a comunidade arbustivo-arbórea presente na faixa ciliar de um fragmento de aproximadamente 50 ha, no município de Indaiatuba, SP. O método fitossociológico empregado foi o de parcelas além de coletas aleatórias complementares para a florística. O critério de inclusão para os indivíduos foi de PAP ≥10 cm, servindo tanto para amostrar indivíduos arbóreos quanto arbustivos. Foram levantadas ao todo 126 espécies distribuídas em 39 famílias. No levantamento fitossociológico amostrou-se 717 indivíduos onde constatou-se 101 espécies e 37 famílias. As espécies mais importantes em VI foram Croton piptocalyx, Myrciaria cf. floribunda e Sebastiana commersoniana, as famílias mais importantes tanto em número de espécies quanto de indivíduos foram Euphorbiaceae, Myrtaceae e Rutaceae. O índice de diversidade (H’), de 3,591, ficou dentre o esperado para Florestas Estacionais Semideciduais. Em relação às comparações florísticas, a área mais similar ao presente estudo foi a Mata do Ribeirão Cachoeira em Campinas, SP, seguidas pela Mata São José em Rio Claro, SP, e outras duas áreas ciliares em Ipeúna e Caconde, ambas no Estado de São Paulo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The urbanization process in the Brazilian cities is directly linked to its main economic activities, and causes several impacts on the natural resources. It can be seen at the city of Ilhabela, an archipelago located at the north coast of the state of São Paulo, that still has a great area of preserved Atlantic Rainforest, and where today the tourism is the main economic activity. With this in sight, this paper aimed to make a prospect of the current situation of the city, looking at the main aspects of its economic and urban development and the environmental impacts related to them. Among the aspects studied, are the irregular occupations at preservation areas on the island: the pressure on the sea ecosystems by the fishing and the boat circulation, and at the beaches by the tourists flow. Were also observed the characteristics of the city’s urban infrastructure, such as the water supply, sewer and road networks and the waste collecting. Finally, it was analyzed the way that the government acts over the preservation of the island’s natural resources, by the Municipality and the Ilhabela State Park, so that the acting of these two agents could be compared


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In the last 60 years, many Brazilian cities practically doubled their population contingent. As a result of this process, there was an increase on the occupation level on unstable areas, from a physical point of view, and on the anthropogenic interventions at the natural ambient, reorganizing the existent process and forms. Thus, this work shows the results of the analysis of geomorphological changes deriving from urbanization processes at the Lavapés Stream watershed, located at Rio Claro county (SP). The goal of this work was reached by means of historical-evolutionary geomorphological cartography. To achieve this result, it had been prepared geomorphological and land usage charts for the years of 1962, 1988 and 2010, and a declivity chart. Those scenarios have been analyzed from the point of view of the General Systems Theory. The results were attached into an urban use restrictions chart, which allowed identifying the areas that should not be occupied, by geomorphological view and by environmental law restrictions


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This research work aims to analyze and understand the teaching of geography in the perspective of historical and critical pedagogy, with the object of analysis, the Center for Integrated Natural Disaster Alerts (CIADEN) for students in Cycle I of the Elementary School, located in Etec “Astor de Mattos Carvalho”, in Cabrália Paulista-SP. Deepening the knowledge of geography teaching in a critical and controversial about the bad weather and the use of new technologies to transform the social order and its relationship with the environment. Contributing to the students and the community have a new proposal for action from the content learned, capable of solving the present and future with respect to weather, climate and natural disasters. To implement a culture of prevention and risk perception, providing the diffusion of knowledge socially useful


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The issue of waste, historically, has been getting worse as a result of the world´s population increase and in order to meet their needs the consumption of natural resources and the generation has been constantly increasing, especially in large urban centers. The people involved in the collection of recyclable solid waste, called from now on as collectors, are responsible for about 90% of the waste sent to recycling industry in Brazil. Apart from having a role in the economy, the collectors have specific knowledge and skills necessary to identify, collect, sort and sell these wastes. This study aims to examine the possibilities and limits of COOPERVIVA – Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Catadores de Material Reaproveitável de Rio Claro - as an instrument of the municipal solid waste management system, and its experience as a recyclable waste collectors cooperative. The methodological procedures of this study rely on the literature research on the experiences of cooperative and the management of municipal solid waste. In addition to this review of the literature, fortnightly visits to the cooperative were held in order to experience their daily activities, and testimonies of the cooperative members were collected as well as documents and reports produced by COOPERVIVA. The results of this analysis are considerations of the limitations of the cooperative and recommendations aimed at maximizing their potential as a tool of the domestic solid waste management system of and as a recyclable waste collectors cooperative. Among other things it can be concluded that the urban selective collection of waste challenges the community to the reinvention of life and the relationships each individual with the planet.


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The erosion is a natural process of detachment, transport and deposition of soil and rock particles from one place to another. Human activities with no previous planning may accelerate this process, causing several damages to the environment and to society. In order to control the acceleration of these erosion processes caused by humans, prevention and improvement initiatives emerge. Regarding works which interfere directly in some of the natural resources, these initiatives must respect the intrinsic physical properties of the area of interest, if they aim to obtain effective results. Based on this scenario, this work proposes a few methods of accelerated linear erosion prevention, control and recovery in a specific area of the municipal district of Ipeúna (SP). For that matter, this study is based on a method of physiographic compartmentalization of the area, considering and integrating soil, relief, geology and the use and land cover properties of the study area. Plus, a flowchart with general orientations regarding management of eroded areas was produced, focused on the control and recovery of linear erosion. The result demonstrates the importance of careful erosion control, respecting the physical properties of each physiographic unit. The vegetative and mechanical conservationists methods, and the discipline of water flow, have found wide applicability in the study area.


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This work presents a proposal to create a Polo Ceramic Craft in the town of Indiana - SP, through the potter’s organization in a cooperative that will coordinate activities to add value to ceramic pieces. To achieve this, two things are essential: improving the ceramic body and improve the properties of the ceramic material. For the first action it’s necessary to create a Central Mass Production of Ceramics, to provide raw materials and homogeneous composition that results in differentiated ceramic after burning process (sintering). To this end, we propose the incorporation of additives (which act as fluxes) to the clay material. These additives can be mineral such as feldspar and nefelinas or leavings, such as glass powder obtained from disposable containers. For the second action is necessary to acquire an oven, electric or gas, it reaches higher temperatures (around 1200 ° C). The presence of the additive and burning at higher temperatures will enable better production of sintered ceramic material with less porosity and water absorption and higher mechanical strength, and pieces vitrified and glazed, allowing them to assign a higher value. For the production of these materials (thinner walls) requires a smaller volume of clayey raw materials. Besides benefiting the ceramic pieces, the proposed changes reduce the environmental impact caused by burning wood, since it will be replaced by natural gas (or electricity), and even will reduce the disposal of glass containers in the environment by recycling and incorporating this material in the clay. From a social standpoint, the cooperative is crucial to the viability of the proposed project, to coordinate activities and commercial production, which will result in better wages and profits for companies and consequently for the city and its population


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The development of human societies and their activities generate many impacts on the environment and natural resources. The consequence of these problems is a disturbance of the systemic dynamics of Planet Earth. Study these impacts are a way to understand the workings of this system and undertake efforts to prevent minimize and anticipate scenarios caused by environmental impacts. In this sense, from a systemic approach seeks to understand the way how is the interaction of the components of the ecosystems, adopting for this task the hydrographic basin as a natural unit of planning and management in view of the fact all landscape elements (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere) interact so that the reflections of human activities can be represented in this unit. Thus, this study aims to quantify chemical erosion rates in the hydrographic basin of Ribeirao Monjolo Grande, Ipeúna (SP), which is relevant to analyze the geomorphological characteristics of the area, which may serve to better exploitation of natural resources


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The city of Santos always had its importance recognised by the respectful role of flowing off the coffee production between the end of 19th and beginning of 20th centuries. All effervescence of this period brought changes to the central area of the city, located near the port. Beginning in the 1970s, some changes in the politics and in the city's urban space made its cafes, theaters, stores and traditional residencies find itselves in decadence imposed by the negligence of the public power. The Historic Downtown of Santos changed to a forgotten and depreciated space and remained that way for many years, reflecting negatively in the preservation of the arquitetonic heritage of the city. The present project aims to analyse the transformation of the current space of the Hitoric Downtown of Santos from the beginning of the 20th century and its recent revaluation through the public politics of the city


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A number of 170 individuals of the species Pimelodus maculatus, a Neotropical fish known as mandi was collected in three distinct locations of the Piracicaba river (Piracicaba, Santa Maria da Serra and Americana – SP0 from April 2009 to February 2010. A common species of catfish whose individuals exist in many neotropical basins was observed to get more information about a possible influence of the water conditions in distant parts of a same river to its condition and also to verify whether the stomach contents of fish collected in these distinct places may distinguish as a possible consequence of food availability. The species were studied by collecting biological data such as standard length (SL) in cm, their total weights (TW ) in grams and sexes to see the composition of fish present in the samples. Length-weight relationships are important means to investigate facts related to the condition of the species in these systems. The analysis was made by using covariance to observe if individuals of similar lengths collected in distinct places may be compared to this purpose. Usual methods to investigate relationships of stomach food contents were applied. By analyzing the condition factor, one may conclude that the mandis collected in the region of Santa Maria da Serra presented similar characteristics to those obtained in Piracicaba, but they differ in this aspect for individuals collected in Americana. This fact is not conclusive about the reasons of this situation, but it may be a first step to other studies in order to get more information about. The degree of stomach repletion may be a first approach to this possible explanation, as individuals of Piracicaba presented usually full stomachs and differed in this way to individuals collected in the two other places


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The issue of solid waste disposal and urban growth are conflictive, since the areas where old uncontrolled refuse disposal were away from the city today are incorporated to the urban area population. Thus, now population is closer to the degradation of contaminants coming from waste disposal, and, in some cases, these areas become housing subdivisions. This work aims to support the diagnosis of a former landfill in the municipality of Rio Claro (SP), using geophysical methods through resistivity anomalies. In order to develop the diagnostic, it was utilized water and soil analysis of a preliminary report and techniques of vertical electrical sounding and electrical profiling. The areas influenced by the garbage presented less resistivity than the one of the natural subsoil. Through the interpretation of results, the local potentiometric map was elaborated, as well as a map of calculated resistivity. The interpretation of these products indicated a disagreement between the groundwater flow and the current topography, leading to an identification of a preferential direction of the contamination plume in the NE-SW. These observations prove the applicability of geoelectrical methods in areas of former waste disposal with little information.


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Introduction: Given the repercussion of the important role of physical activity in the prevention of sickness and non-communicable diseases / loss, many works have been done in order to understand the association of sociodemographic characteristics with sedentarism. The elements which influence the physical activity practice are countless. Besides the intrapersonal element, environment elements (social environment, cultural environment, public politics, information environment, natural environment etc.) are also important in the life style. Yet, the way that the person understands the environment can be considered in the planning of the strategies to change the sedentary behavior. Objective: Verify the association of the environment perception with the practice of physical activity (FA) at leisure time in adults living in Rio Claro – SP. Methodology: The sample consists of 470 adults, all residente in rio Claro-SP, aged ≥ 18 years old. The chosen participants answered to the questionnaires: Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS), International Physical Activity (IPAQ) and to a specific questionnaire with personal data (age, sex, educational level, economical level, weight, height and marital status). The analysis of the connection between the variables was done through the Logistic Regression with Confidence Interval of 95%, using the software SPSS 17.0. Those who reached the recommendation of 10 minutes or more of physical activity in leisure time for week were classified as active, and those who did not reach the recommendation were classified as underactive. Results: The proportion of subjects who practiced physical activity in leisure time was 38,7%, and the male subjects, as well as those classified as better social level showed higher chances to practice at least 10 minutes weekly of physical activity during leisure. Still, walking the dog, soccer fields and gardens near the house (less than 10 walking minutes), were...