886 resultados para Past and Present, Communication Technology, Content Sharing


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Edited with introductions by H.D. Traill.


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"A made-up set consisting chiefly of re-issues of the library edition, orignally published in the years 1869-71." cf. Brit. Mus. Cat.


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Cited in Dyer, I.W. A bibl. of T. Carlyle's writings and ana. 1968. p.59.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The study aimed to identify themes in songs written by clients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Lyrics (1834) from 82 songs written by 11 female and 21 male clients aged between 5 and 60 years were categorised into 8 main themes and 24 subcategories. Incidence of subcategories and themes were calculated. Self-reflections and messages were the most frequent themes portrayed within songs. Memories and reflections about significant others were also frequently communicated. It was noticeable that clients felt safer to communicate thoughts and feelings about the past and present but were less inclined to confront the future.


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Conflicting perceptions of past and present rangeland condition and limited historical data have led to debate regarding the management of vegetation in pastoral landscapes both internationally and in Australia. In light of this controversy we have sought to provide empirical evidence to determine the trajectory of vegetational change in a semi-arid rangeland for a significant portion of the 20th century using a suite of proxy measures. Ambathala Station, approximately 780 km west of Brisbane, in the semi-arid rangelands of south-western Queensland, Australia. We excavated stratified deposits of sheep manure which had accumulated beneath a shearing shed between the years 1930 and 1995. Multi-proxy data, including pollen and leaf cuticle analyses and analysis of historical aerial photography were coupled with a fine resolution radiocarbon chronology to generate a near annual history of vegetation on the property and local area. Aerial photography indicates that minor (< 5%) increases in the density of woody vegetation took place between 1951 and 1994 in two thirds of the study area not subjected to clearing. Areas that were selectively or entirely cleared prior to the 1950s (approximately 16% of the study area) had recovered to almost 60% of their original cover by the 1994 photo period. This slight thickening is only partially evident from pollen and leaf cuticle analyses of sheep faeces. Very little change in vegetation is revealed over the nearly 65 years based on the relative abundances of pollen taxonomic groups. Microhistological examination of sheep faeces provides evidence of dramatic changes in sheep diet. The majority of dietary changes are associated with climatic events of sustained above-average rainfall or persistent drought. Most notable in the dietary analysis is the absence of grass during the first two decades of the record. In contrast to prevailing perceptions and limited research into long-term vegetation change in the semi-arid areas of eastern Australia, the record of vegetation change at the Ambathala shearing shed indicates only a minor increase in woody vegetation cover and no decrease in grass cover on the property over the 65 years of pastoral activity covered by the study. However, there are marked changes in the abundance of grass cuticles in sheep faeces. The appearance and persistence of grass in sheep diets from the late 1940s can be attributed to the effects of periods of high rainfall and possibly some clearing and thinning of vegetation. Lower stock numbers may have allowed grass to persist through later drought years. The relative abundances of major groups of plant pollen have not changed significantly over the past 65 years.


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This paper explores the theme of strategic planning in a State Tourism Organization (STO) from a knowledge management perspective. It highlights the value of knowledge in strategy making and the importance of an organisation's knowledge management agenda in facilitating a strategic planning process. In particular, it considers the capability of an STO to implement knowledge management as the key to a successful strategic planning exercise. In order to develop greater insight into the factors that impact on planning competence, the key aim of this paper is to develop a framework on which the capability of a STO to implement a knowledge-based agenda in strategic planning can be assessed. Research on knowledge management in the field of tourism is limited and there is little practical account of the application of knowledge management principles in tourism planning. Further, there is no apparent tool or instrument that allows for the assessment of an STO's capability to implement knowledge management in planning initiatives. Based on a literature review, a three-point framework of assessment is developed. The three elements of the framework are identified as: 1. Integration of knowledge management objectives with strategic imperatives; 2. A planning approach that balances top-down (outcome focused) with bottom-up (process focused) planning processes; and 3. Organisational capacity, including leadership, people and culture, process, technology, content and continuous improvement. The framework is tested through application to a practical case study - a planning initiative undertaken by a leading tourism STO in Australia. The results demonstrate that the framework is a useful means to evaluate organisational capability in knowledge-led strategic planning exercises and would be of practical value as a point of reference for future knowledge- based strategic planning projects. Copyright © by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


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A pesquisa procura identificar como se dá a dinâmica relacional que deve existir entre o saber/fazer teológico e as demais formas de saberes na contemporaneidade, tendo como base o filósofo francês Edgar Morin em seu referencial teórico intitulado Pensamento Complexo . Nessa perspectiva, a pesquisa se delineará por uma hermenêutica complexa ou uma hermenêutica transdisciplinar. Este conceito (Hermenêutica-Transdisciplinar / Hermenêutica na Complexidade) não é um sistema dedutivo, e sim um sistema aberto, operacionalizado por uma razão aberta (racionalidade) que procura interpretar a realidade contemporânea observando a tradição. Também de forma criativa, interpreta a tradição como resposta emergente para a contemporaneidade em meio a uma realidade complexa. A partir desse conceito observam-se também as relações dinâmicas dos saberes deste mesmo tempo, e isso, não apenas observando pelas lentes da interdisciplinaridade, mas indo além, se tornando um saber transdisciplinar. A teologia cristã continua sendo amor à tradição-bíblica, sem jamais transformar-se num sistema completo e acabado do saber teológico. Passado e presente se completam e apenas lançam luz para o futuro. Para isso, na tradição teológica cristã, há na Bíblia fundamentos reflexivos e axiomas, a partir dos quais podemos refletir a respeito de todos os temas que os saberes vão impondo (complexidade na realidade) como tematização.


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The present political climate in which the ideals of entrepreneurship and self-help are strongly encouraged has drawn attention to those ethnic minorities noted for their entrepreneurial activity. Since the Chinese appear to be an exemplary case in point, this thesis focusses upon the historical material conditions which have led to the formation of a Chinese 'business* community in Britain, both past and present As such, it rejects the theories of cultural determinism which characterise most studies of the Chinese. For rather than representing the endurance of cultural norms, the existence of the contemporary Chinese 'niche' of ethnically exclusive firms in the catering industry is due to the conjunction of a number of historical processes. The first is the imperialist expansion into China of Britain's capitalist empire during the nineteenth century which established a relationship of dependency upon the interests of British capital by colonial Chinese labour. The second is the post war development of the catering industry and its demand for cheap labour as administered by the British state together with the contemporaneous development of the agricultural economy of colonial Hong Kong. Far from representing a source of material benefit to all, the ethnic Chinese 'niche' in catering is highly exploitative and merely underlines the racial oppression of Chinese in Britain. Attempts to promote business interests within the ethnic community therefore serve merely to entrench the structures of oppression.


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Any reflection on the category "race" in the contemporary world is inevitably framed by the cumulative layers of meanings and practices attached to bodies and cultures over the previous centuries. If the idea of race resembles anything, it is a palimpsest,1with past interpretations leaking through to make the ink of the present run. Accordingly, I present some historical notes not as a distinct prelude to the "real" story, positing a rupture of past and present, but as the beginning of the story proper.


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A gazdaság növekedés felgyorsulása hosszú távon először szükségszerűen csak egy rövid helyreállítási perióduson keresztül valósulhat meg, amelynek során a növekedés ütemét a válságok miatt elmaradt vagy más okból elmulasztott növekedés pótlása gyorsítja fel. Ez azonban messze nem jelenti a hosszú távú növekedési ütem felgyorsulását. A jelenséget először Jánossy Ferenc írta le, akinek megállapításai ma is érvényesek: egy jelentős visszaesés, majd stagnálás után a növekedési ütem 2005 után visszaállt az 1980 óta kialakult 1,5 százalékos hosszú távú ütemre. A Jánossy-féle szakmastruktúra-tényező nem más, mint a tudástőke: a munkaképes lakosság személyes tudása, jártassága és motivációja. Ezek az összetevők egy újrafogalmazott termelési függvény emberi elemei számos új és már korábban is ismert tényező mellett. Az emberi erőforrások nyilvántartása nem kompetenciaalapú, és emiatt a hosszú távú növekedési ütem alacsony szintjét sem tudjuk megmagyarázni. A növekedési ütem ingadozásai mögött elsősorban gazdaságpolitikai hibákat, érdemeket keresünk, holott az emberi beruházások elégtelen szintje jelenti a problémát, amely a múlt örökségnek és a jelen terheinek súlya alatt nem oldódik meg automatikusan. A magyar gazdaság egy újabb helyreállítási periódus előtt áll, s a gazdasági átalakítás alapvető feladata a foglalkoztatható lakosság aktivizálása, enélkül minden növekedési gyorsulás csak átmeneti helyreállítási periódus marad. JEL kód: B23, C22, E01, O11. /===/ Acceleration of economic growth in the long term can primarily be achieved only through a short period of consolidation, in which the growth rate of growth by recession or made up for by growth potential neglected for other reasons. But this is far from equivalent to an acceleration of the long-term growth rate. The phenomenon was described first by Ferenc Jánossy, whose conclusions remain valid to this day: after a substantial slump and a period of stagnation, the growth rate recovered after 2005 the long-term rate of 1.5 per cent that had set in after 1980. Jánossy's trade structure factor amounts to capital in knowledge: the personal know-how, expertise and motivation of the able-bodied population. These factors are the human constituents of a newly formulated production function, along with numerous new and previously known factors. The registration of human resources is competence- based and so it cannot explain the low level of the long-term growth rate either. People tend primarily to see failures and achievements of economic policy behind the failures and achievements of economic policy, when the real problem is inadequate human investment, which will not resolve itself automatically under the weight of the past and present burdens. The Hungarian economy is on the brink of a new period of recovery, and the basic task of economic transformation is to activate the employable population, without which any acceleration of growth will amount only to a temporary period of recovery.


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This thesis is a collection of thematically arranged poems that explore one of the significant ways in which we define ourselves as human beings, that is, through our past and present relationships with others, whether those relationships are familial, cultural, social or personal. Through the direct presentation of images, these largely narrative poems seek to refine perception and thus reveal some of the complicated truths inherent in our various relationships with others, all in an effort to find meaning. The form of the poems often reveals a process, a continual redefining of views on human experience in both its life-affirming and disappointing aspects. It is through such discovery and disclosure that these poems aim to affirm the process, passion, and meaningfulness of art and life.


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The task of expression undertaken by the performer falls largely on the right hand of guitarist. Aware of this fact, past and present masters have left their contributions to the development of right hand technique. It is clear, with rare exceptions, that educational and interpretative proposals, so far, have addressed the attack on the strings from the flexion of the fingers. This work, however, presents a technical resource called imalt, including in the attack action, the extension movement. Some techniques used in specific circumstances, such as the dedillo, the alzapúa, the tremulo and the rasgueado also use extension movements in the attack. They are put in perspective with the imalt providing a panoramic view of their individual characteristics. The use of imalt in the traditional guitar repertoire is exemplified in Villa Lobos, Ponce and Brouwer. Three pieces were composed for this work: Shravana, Alegoria and Vandana. Compositional techniques such as melodic contour applying and ostinato have been reviewed and used in the preparation of these compositions. A detailed record of compositional trajectory is presented. Therefore, the Model for the Compositional Process Accompaniment according Silva (2007) is used. Some events that have left the imalt in evidence are reported, as the launch and distribution of the Compact Disc (CD) Imalt, publishing scores and interviews. Finally is presented concluding comments, pointing possibilities opened up by this work.


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Essai / Essay