945 resultados para Parking lots


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Nowadays, image analysis is one of the most modern tools in evaluating physiological potential of seeds. This study aimed at verifying the efficiency of the seedling imaging analysis to assess physiological potential of wheat seeds. The seeds of wheat, cultivars IAC 370 and IAC 380, each of which represented by five different lots, were stored during four months under natural environmental conditions of temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH), in municipality of Piracicaba, Stated of São Paulo, Brazil. For this, bimonthly assessments were performed to quantify moisture content and physiological potential of seeds by means of tests of: germination, first count, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, seedling emergence, and computerized analysis of seedlings, using the Seed Vigor Imaging System (SVIS®). It has been concluded that the computerized analyses of seedling through growth indexes and vigor, using the SVIS®, is efficient to assess physiological potential of wheat seeds.


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Structural differences such as abnormalities, damage and free spaces in seeds may affect germination. The aim of this study was to study the relationship between eggplant seed morphology and seed germination. Ten seed lots of the eggplant cultivar Embu were evaluated by X-ray image analysis and the germination test. Seed image analysis was performed by Image Pro Plus® software and the whole seed area and free space between the embryo and endosperm were measured. The internal seed area filled by the embryo and endosperm was calculated from the difference between the whole seed and free space areas. Based on these results and visual seed analysis, seeds were classified into three categories and information on germination was obtained for each one. X-ray image analysis provides a perfect view of the internal seed parts and for seed morphology studies. An increase in seed area filled by the endosperm and embryo does not improve seed germination. Mechanical seed damage and deteriorated tissues can adversely affect seed germination.


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Eggplant seeds germination can be slow and uneven, justifying the use of pre-germinative treatments to improve the performance of seed lots. One option of treatment is the controlled hydration of seeds by priming. In this way, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of eggplant seeds cv. Embu submitted to different methodologies of priming. The seeds used in the experiment were stored in cold chamber (15º C and 55% RH) in paper bags. The research was carried out at Central Laboratory of Seeds/UFLA. The seeds were submitted to the priming in aerated solutions varying the following factors: temperature (15º C and 25º C), time (24, 48 and 72 hours) and solution (water, PEG, KNO3 and PEG+KNO3). Seeds were washed in running water and dried at 30º C, until the return to the initial moisture content, around 10%. The variables analyzed were percentage of germination, percentage of emergence, speed index of emergence and electrical conductivity. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design, according to a factorial arrangement 2x3x4+1 (control - seeds without priming). The results showed that priming improves the vigour of eggplant seeds with no effect on viability; the priming in water or KNO3 is efficient to improve the seed vigour and priming in water or KNO3 may use temperature of 15º C or 25º C for 24, 48 or 72 hours.


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Questa si ripropone in prima istanza di analizzare le origini e l’evoluzione del concetto di sostenibilità e successivamente di prendere in considerazione uno dei tanti mezzi che consentono di perseguirla: la gestione della sosta. Per molti anni infatti, a partire dal momento in cui sono iniziate ad emergere le esternalità negative legate al traffico, si è pensato che quello dei parcheggi fosse solo un ulteriore problema. Solo di recente, dalla fine degli anni ’90, fatta eccezione per il caso della Gran Bretagna che ha fatto da capofila già a partire dagli anni ’80, si è iniziato a considerare la sosta come parte della soluzione dei problemi di congestione, inquinamento e di vivibilità delle città. Verrà analizzata perciò nel secondo capitolo l’evoluzione delle politiche della sosta a livello europeo, con particolare attenzione all’operato svolto dall’EPA (European Parking Association) associazione leader nel settore riconosciuta dall’Unione Europea e sostenuta da 18 Paesi membri tra cui anche l’Italia. Il lavoro svolto da quest’associazione, nata nei primi anni ’80, è quello di decidere insieme agli associati delle linee comuni da seguire per migliorare le politiche a livello europeo riguardo la gestione della sosta. Si tratta nella pratica di studi, convegni e analisi degli effetti prodotti da provvedimenti intrapresi nelle varie città che hanno iniziato ad introdurre la regolamentazione della sosta. Sempre nel secondo capitolo saranno quindi presentate le linee guida europee nell’ambito dei parcheggi e si analizzeranno casi di “Best Practices” di alcuni Paesi che hanno introdotto provvedimenti per la gestione della sosta. Nel terzo capitolo invece viene considerata la situazione in Italia parlando in principio di Aipark, l’associazione italiana operatori nel settore dei parcheggi che partecipa alle attività dell’Epa e prendendo in esame in seguito le politiche adottate a livello nazionale e nello specifico in alcune tra le più importanti città italiane. Si vedrà come sia ancora troppo marcata la distanza del nostro Paese dai progressi registrati in altri Paesi dell’UE, con le dovute eccezioni. Per quel che riguarda l’aspetto normativo è significativo il fatto che, nonostante il riconoscimento della forte influenza che le politiche della sosta hanno sulla regolazione del traffico, ci siano ancora molte lacune legislative e che spesso la sosta non compaia tra i soggetti delle leggi in tale settore. La legislazione italiana nell’ambito dei parcheggi verrà analizzata nel quarto capitolo. Successivamente, nei capitoli 5 e 6 si parlerà delle fasi preliminari della redazione del Piano della Sosta di Casalecchio di Reno. Il Piano della Sosta è uno dei Piani Particolareggiati che costituiscono il 2° livello di progettazione del PUT (Piano Urbano del Traffico) e rappresenta uno strumento di pianificazione utile ad analizzare lo stato di fatto del sistema dei parcheggi di una città in modo da coglierne le criticità e fornire eventualmente le soluzioni per ovviare ad esse. Nel quinto capitolo viene effettuato un inquadramento territoriale di Casalecchio e si parlerà delle problematiche della sosta emerse nel PGTU (Piano Generale del Traffico Urbano) che costituisce il progetto preliminare o Piano Quadro del PUT. Le fasi attraverso le quali viene elaborato un Piano della sosta si possono sintetizzare nei seguenti punti: - Studio della normativa nazionale e locale e di esempi significativi di altre realtà nell’ambito della sosta. - Analisi dello stato di fatto in termini di domanda e offerta. - Indagini mediante incontri pubblici, distribuzione di questionari o interviste dirette, per cogliere le esigenze degli utenti che usufruiscono del servizio. - Analisi delle eventuali criticità emerse. - Progettazione del nuovo assetto della sosta. - Campagna di sensibilizzazione per fare “accettare” con più facilità i cambiamenti agli utenti. Nel sesto capitolo di questa tesi, e negli allegati si possono consultare i risultati delle indagini su domanda e offerta condotte da TPS (Transport Planning Service), azienda che svolge attività di pianificazione e progettazione, di fornitura software, oltre che indagini e rilievi nell’ambito dei trasporti. Verranno descritte le modalità di rilievo e verranno presentati i risultati ottenuti dall’elaborazione dei dati raccolti, con qualche accenno alle possibili soluzioni per risolvere le problematiche emerse. La fase di progettazione vera e propria degli interventi non verrà invece trattata in questa sede.


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This text wants to explore the process of bone remodeling. The idea supported is that the signal, the cells acquire and which suggest them to change in their architectural conformation, is the potential difference on the free boundaries surfaces of collagen fibers. These ones represent the bone in the nanoscale. This work has as subject a multiscale model. Lots of studies have been made to try to discover the relationship between a macroscopic external bone load and the cellular scale. The tree first simulations have been a longitudinal, a flexion and a transversal compression force on a full longitudinal fiber 0-0 sample. The results showed first the great difference between a fully longitudinal stress and a flexion stress. Secondly a decrease in the potential difference has been observed in the transversal force configuration, suggesting that such a signal could be taken as the one, who leads the bone remodeling. To also exclude that the obtained results was not to attribute to a piezoelectric collagen effect and not to a mechanical load, different coupling analyses have been developed. Such analyses show this effect is really less important than the one the mechanical load is responsible of. At this point the work had to explore how bone remodeling could develop. The analyses involved different geometry and fibers percentage. Moreover at the beginning the model was to manually implement. The author, after an initial improvement of it, provided to implement a standalone version thanks to integration between Comsol Multiphysic, Matlab and Excel.


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Discotic hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) derivatives have attracted intensive scientific interest due to their unique optoelectronic properties, which depends, to a large extend, upon the attached functional groups. The presented work covers the synthesis of novel HBC building blocks and new HBC derivatives as functional materials. The traditional preparation of HBC derivatives requires elaborate synthetic techniques and tremendous effort. Especially, more than 10 synthetic steps are usually necessary to approach HBCs with lower symmetries. In order to simplify the synthetic work and reduce the high costs, a novel synthetic strategy involving only four steps was developed based on 2,3,5,6-tetraphenyl-1,4-diiodobenzene intermediates and palladium catalyzed Suzuki cross coupling reactions. In order to introduce various functionalities and expand the diversity of multi-functionalizations, a novel C2v-symmetric dihalo HBC building block 2-47, which contains one iodine and one bromine in para positions, was prepared following the traditional intermolecular [4+2] Diels-Alder reaction route. The outstanding chemical selectivity between iodo and bromo groups in this compound consequently leads to lots of HBC derivatives bearing different functionalities. Directly attached heteroatoms will improve the material properties. According to the application of intramolecular Scholl reaction to a para-dimethoxy HPB, which leads to a meta-dimethoxy HBC, a phenomenon of phenyl group migration was discovered. Thereby, several interesting mechanistic details involving arenium cation intermediates were discussed. With a series of dipole functionalized HBCs, the molecular dynamics of this kind of materials was studied in different phases by DSC, 2D WAXD, solid state NMR and dielectric spectroscopies. High charge carrier mobility is an important parameter for a semiconductive material and depends on the degree of intramolecular order of the discotic molecules in thin films for HBC derivatives. Dipole – dipole interaction and hydrogen bonds were respectively introduced in order to achieve highly ordered supramolecular structure. The self-assembly behavior of these materials were investigated both in solution and solid state. Depending upon the different functionalities, these novel materials show either gelating or non-linear optical properties, which consequently broaden their applications as functional materials. In the field of conceivable electronic devices at a molecular level, HBCs hold high promise. Differently functionalized HBCs have been used as active component in the studies of single-molecular CFET and metal-SAMs-metal junctions. The outstanding properties shown in these materials promise their exciting potential applications in molecular devices.


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The energy released during a seismic crisis in volcanic areas is strictly related to the physical processes in the volcanic structure. In particular Long Period seismicity, that seems to be related to the oscillation of a fluid-filled crack (Chouet , 1996, Chouet, 2003, McNutt, 2005), can precedes or accompanies an eruption. The present doctoral thesis is focused on the study of the LP seismicity recorded in the Campi Flegrei volcano (Campania, Italy) during the October 2006 crisis. Campi Flegrei Caldera is an active caldera; the combination of an active magmatic system and a dense populated area make the Campi Flegrei a critical volcano. The source dynamic of LP seismicity is thought to be very different from the other kind of seismicity ( Tectonic or Volcano Tectonic): it’s characterized by a time sustained source and a low content in frequency. This features implies that the duration–magnitude, that is commonly used for VT events and sometimes for LPs as well, is unadapted for LP magnitude evaluation. The main goal of this doctoral work was to develop a method for the determination of the magnitude for the LP seismicity; it’s based on the comparison of the energy of VT event and LP event, linking the energy to the VT moment magnitude. So the magnitude of the LP event would be the moment magnitude of a VT event with the same energy of the LP. We applied this method to the LP data-set recorded at Campi Flegrei caldera in 2006, to an LP data-set of Colima volcano recorded in 2005 – 2006 and for an event recorded at Etna volcano. Experimenting this method to lots of waveforms recorded at different volcanoes we tested its easy applicability and consequently its usefulness in the routinely and in the quasi-real time work of a volcanological observatory.


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Interpolyelektrolytkomplexe bilden sich spontan bei Mischung von Lösungen entgegengesetzt geladener Polyelektrolyte. Dabei sind die Haupttriebkräfte der Entropiegewinn durch die Freisetzung von niedermolekularen Gegenionen sowie die elektrostatischen Wechselwirkungen. In der letzten Zeit sind sie aufgrund ihrer zahlreichen biologischen und technischen Anwendungen in den Fokus des wissenschaftlichen Interesses gerückt. Vor allem die Anwendung von Komplexen aus DNA und kationischen Polyelektrolyten in der nonviralen Gentherapie wird vielfältig diskutiert. rnIn dieser Arbeit wird eine Polystyrolsulfonat-Bürste mit einer Pfropfdichte von 100 % mit einem kationischen Tensid komplexiert und der Komplex in verschiedenen organischen Lösungsmitteln charakterisiert. Dabei zeigt sich eine signifikante Abhängigkeit des Lösungsverhaltens von der Art und der Konzentration zugesetzter Salze. Dieser Polyelektrolyt-Tensid-Komplex wird anschließend als vereinfachtes Modellsystem für die Komplexierung von DNA verwendet. Als kationische Komponente dient zunächst ein kommerzielles PAMAM-Dendrimer der 5. Generation. Dabei steht die Erhaltung der zylindrischen Topologie der anionischen Polyelektrolytbürste in den gebildeten Komplexen im Vordergrund. Durch Variation des Lösungsmittels und des Protonierungsgleichgewichts werden die experimentellen Bedingungen eingegrenzt, bei denen eine solche topologische Kontrolle möglich ist. Es zeigt sich, dass durch die Verwendung von aprotischen organischen Lösungsmitteln gute Erfolge erzielt werden können. Des Weiteren wird das Komplexierungsverhalten stark durch den Zusatz einer Säure oder einer Base beeinflusst, sodass eine topologische Kontrolle mit einem großen Überschuss einer organischen Base auch in protischen Lösungsmitteln wie Wasser und Methanol möglich wird. Anschließend wird das gleiche Polyanion noch mit einer geschützten Polylysin-Bürste in DMF komplexiert, was zur Bildung von kinetisch kontrollierten Aggregaten führt. Die Bildung dieser Aggregate kann durch den Zusatz eines großen Überschusses an Base verhindert werden und es werden zylindrische Komplexe erhalten, die nur aus einer Polylysin-Bürste bestehen. rn


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In recent decades, Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs) have attracted lots of interest due to their low cost, large area and flexible properties which have brought them to be considered the building blocks of the future organic electronics. Experimentally, devices based on the same organic material deposited in different ways, i.e. by varying the deposition rate of the molecules, show different electrical performance. As predicted theoretically, this is due to the speed and rate by which charge carriers can be transported by hopping in organic thin films, transport that depends on the molecular arrangement of the molecules. This strongly suggests a correlation between the morphology of the organic semiconductor and the performance of the OTFT and hence motivated us to carry out an in-situ real time SPM study of organic semiconductor growth as an almost unprecedent experiment with the aim to fully describe the morphological evolution of the ultra-thin film and find the relevant morphological parameters affecting the OTFT electrical response. For the case of 6T on silicon oxide, we have shown that the growth mechanism is 2D+3D, with a roughening transition at the third layer and a rapid roughening. Relevant morphological parameters have been extracted by the AFM images. We also developed an original mathematical model to estimate theoretically and more accurately than before, the capacitance of an EFM tip in front of a metallic substrate. Finally, we obtained Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) AFM images of 6T at lying molecules layer both on silicon oxide and on top of 6T islands. Moreover, we performed ex-situ AFM imaging on a bilayer film composed of pentacene (a p-type semiconductor) and C60 (an n-type semiconductor).


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Die humane induzierbare NO-Synthase (iNOS) spielt bei zahlreichen Erkrankungen wie Asthma, Krebs und der rheumatoiden Arthritis eine entscheidende Rolle. Durch Fehlregulation der iNOS-Expression kommt es häufig zu massiven Gewebeschädigungen. Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig die Mechanismen der Genregulation der iNOS-Expression zu verstehen. Bei Affinitätschromatographie-Analysen wurde das zytosolische PolyA-bindende Protein (PABP) als direkter Interaktionspartner der 3´UTR der humanen iNOS identifiziert. Weitere Bindungsanalysen konnten eine spezifische Bindestelle für PABP in der 5´UTR und zwei Bindestellen im AU-reichen Bereich der 3´UTR der humanen iNOS nachweisen. Eine siRNA-mediierte Herabregulation von PABP mit Hilfe der stabilen Expression spezifischer siRNAs in DLD-1 Zellen (siPABP Zellen) zeigte eine signifikant verringerte Expression der humanen iNOS und damit einhergehend eine verringerte NO-Produktion nach Zytokinstimulation. Promotoranalysen zeigten keine Veränderung der Induzierbarkeit des humanen 16 kb iNOS-Promotors in siPABP Zellen. RNA-Stabilitätsanalysen zeigten einen verstärkten Abbau der iNOS-mRNA in diesen Zellen, so dass davon auszugehen ist, dass die Regulation der humanen iNOS über die mRNA-Stabilität erfolgt. Reportergen-Analysen mit Plasmiden, welche die 5’ und/oder 3’UTR Sequenzen der humanen iNOS mit den identifizierten PABP-Bindestellen oder Mutationen in diesen Bindestellen enthielten, zeigten, dass PABP die iNOS-mRNA über die 5´UTR stabilisiert und anscheinend über die 3´UTR einen destabilisierenden Effekt auf die mRNA ausübt. Ebenfalls scheint PABP über die 3’UTR dieTranslation der iNOS mRNA zu hemmen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass PABP, über seine allgemeinen Funktionen hinaus, eine spezifische Rolle in der Regulation der Expression der humanen iNOS einnimmt.rnDie rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) ist eine chronisch entzündliche Autoimmunerkrankung, welche überwiegend die peripheren Gelenke der Hände und Füße betrifft. Die aktuellen Therapiemöglichkeiten sind immer noch mit einer Vielzahl von Nebenwirkungen behaftet und führen nicht zur vollständigen Remission der Erkrankung, so dass die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente unerlässlich ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden die antiinflammatorischen Substanzen Gallielalacton (Gal) und Oxacyclododecindion (Oxa) im Mausmodell der kollagen-induzierten Arthritis (CIA) getestet. Leider waren beide Substanzen nicht in der Lage die Symptome der CIA zu vermindern, obwohl beide im Modell der LPS-induzierten akuten Entzündung die Expression proinflammatorischer Mediatoren senken konnten. Die Substanz S-Curvularin (SC) hat sich im CIA-Modell bereits bewährt und wurde in dieser Arbeit weiter untersucht. SC war in der Lage die Expression knorpel- und knochendestruktiver Markergene signifikant zu verrindern. rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden neue microRNAs identifiziert, die in der Pathogenese der CIA eine Dysregulation zeigen. Die Expression dieser microRNAs wurde von SC wieder auf das Normalniveau gebracht, so dass SC eine vielversprechende Substanz in der Therapie chronisch inflammatorische Erkrangungen sein könnte. Die neu identifizierten CIA-relevanten microRNAs könnten als neueRA-Marker oder als Zielstrukturen für neue Medikamente dienen.rn


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Sistema di segnalazione automatica posti auto su strada. Implementato per Android con tecniche di apprendimento automatico supervisionato e Bluetooth per realizzare un'applicazione Context-Aware.


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Questa tesi si pone l'obiettivo di esplorare alcuni aspetti di uno dei settori più in crescita in questi anni (e nei prossimi) in ambito informatico: \textbf{Internet of Things}, con un occhio rivolto in particolar modo a quelle che sono le piattaforme di sviluppo disponibili in questo ambito. Con queste premesse, si coglie l'occasione per addentrarsi nella scoperta della piattaforma realizzata e rilasciata da pochi mesi da uno dei colossi del mercato IT: Microsoft. Nel primo capitolo verrà trattato Internet of Things in ambito generale, attraverso una panoramica iniziale seguita da un'analisi approfondita dei principali protocolli sviluppati per questa tecnologia. Nel secondo capitolo verranno elencate una serie di piattaforme open source disponibili ad oggi per lo sviluppo di sistemi IoT. Dal terzo capitolo verrà incentrata l'attenzione sulle tecnologie Microsoft, in particolare prima si tratterà Windows 10 in generale, comprendendo \emph{UWP Applications}. Di seguito, nel medesimo capitolo, sarà focalizzata l'attenzione su Windows IoT Core, esplorandolo dettagliatamente (Windows Remote Arduino, Modalità Headed/Headless, etc.). Il capitolo a seguire concernerà la parte progettuale della tesi, comprendendo lo sviluppo del progetto \textbf{Smart Parking} in tutte le sue fasi (dei Requisiti fino ad Implementazione e Testing). Nel quinto (ed ultimo) capitolo, saranno esposte le conclusioni relative a Windows IoT Core e i suoi vantaggi/svantaggi.


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BACKGROUND: The Roche CARDIAC proBNP point-of-care (POC) test is the first test intended for the quantitative determination of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in whole blood as an aid in the diagnosis of suspected congestive heart failure, in the monitoring of patients with compensated left-ventricular dysfunction and in the risk stratification of patients with acute coronary syndromes. METHODS: A multicentre evaluation was carried out to assess the analytical performance of the POC NT-proBNP test at seven different sites. RESULTS: The majority of all coefficients of variation (CVs) obtained for within-series imprecision using native blood samples was below 10% for both 52 samples measured ten times and for 674 samples measured in duplicate. Using quality control material, the majority of CV values for day-to-day imprecision were below 14% for the low control level and below 13% for the high control level. In method comparisons for four lots of the POC NT-proBNP test with the laboratory reference method (Elecsys proBNP), the slope ranged from 0.93 to 1.10 and the intercept ranged from 1.8 to 6.9. The bias found between venous and arterial blood with the POC NT-proBNP method was < or =5%. All four lots of the POC NT-proBNP test investigated showed excellent agreement, with mean differences of between -5% and +4%. No significant interference was observed with lipaemic blood (triglyceride concentrations up to 6.3 mmol/L), icteric blood (bilirubin concentrations up to 582 micromol/L), haemolytic blood (haemoglobin concentrations up to 62 mg/L), biotin (up to 10 mg/L), rheumatoid factor (up to 42 IU/mL), or with 50 out of 52 standard or cardiological drugs in therapeutic concentrations. With bisoprolol and BNP, somewhat higher bias in the low NT-proBNP concentration range (<175 ng/L) was found. Haematocrit values between 28% and 58% had no influence on the test result. Interference may be caused by human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) types 1 and 2. No significant influence on the results with POC NT-proBNP was found using volumes of 140-165 muL. High NT-proBNP concentrations above the measuring range of the POC NT-proBNP test did not lead to false low results due to a potential high-dose hook effect. CONCLUSIONS: The POC NT-proBNP test showed good analytical performance and excellent agreement with the laboratory method. The POC NT-proBNP assay is therefore suitable in the POC setting.


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CE with multiple isomer sulfated beta-CD as the chiral selector was assessed for the simultaneous analysis of the enantiomers of ketamine and metabolites in extracts of equine plasma and urine. Different lots of the commercial chiral selector provided significant changes in enantiomeric ketamine separability, a fact that can be related to the manufacturing variability. A mixture of two lots was found to provide high-resolution separations and interference-free detection of the enantiomers of ketamine, norketamine, dehydronorketamine, and an incompletely identified hydroxylated metabolite of norketamine in liquid/liquid extracts of the two body fluids. Ketamine, norketamine, and dehydronorketamine could be unambiguously identified via HPLC fractionation of urinary extracts and using LC-MS and LC-MS/MS with 1 mmu mass discrimination. The CE assay was used to characterize the stereoselectivity of the compounds' enantiomers in the samples of five ponies anesthetized with isoflurane in oxygen and treated with intravenous continuous infusion of racemic ketamine. The concentrations of the ketamine enantiomers in plasma are equal, whereas the urinary amount of R-ketamine is larger than that of S-ketamine. Plasma and urine contain higher S- than R-norketamine levels and the mean S-/R-enantiomer ratios of dehydronorketamine in plasma and urine are lower than unity and similar.


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The rising concerns about environmental pollution and global warming have facilitated research interest in hydrogen energy as an alternative energy source. To apply hydrogen for transportations, several issues have to be solved, within which hydrogen storage is the most critical problem. Lots of materials and devices have been developed; however, none is able to meet the DOE storage target. The primary issue for hydrogen physisorption is a weak interaction between hydrogen and the surface of solid materials, resulting negligible adsorption at room temperature. To solve this issue, there is a need to increase the interaction between the hydrogen molecules and adsorbent surface. In this study, intrinsic electric dipole is investigated to enhance the adsorption energy. The results from the computer simulation of single ionic compounds with hydrogen molecules to form hydrogen clusters showed that electrical charge of substances plays an important role in generation of attractive interaction with hydrogen molecules. In order to further examine the effects of static interaction on hydrogen adsorption, activated carbon with a large surface area was impregnated with various ionic salts including LiCl, NaCl, KCl, KBr, and NiCl and their performance for hydrogen storage was evaluated by using a volumetric method. Corresponding computer simulations have been carried out by using DFT (Density Functional Theory) method combined with point charge arrays. Both experimental and computational results prove that the adsorption capacity of hydrogen and its interaction with the solid materials increased with electrical dipole moment. Besides the intrinsic dipole, an externally applied electric field could be another means to enhance hydrogen adsorption. Hydrogen adsorption under an applied electric field was examined by using porous nickel foil as electrodes. Electrical signals showed that adsorption capacity increased with the increasing of gas pressure and external electric voltage. Direct measurement of the amount of hydrogen adsorption was also carried out with porous nickel oxides and magnesium oxides using the piezoelectric material PMN-PT as the charge supplier due to the pressure. The adsorption enhancement from the PMN-PT generated charges is obvious at hydrogen pressure between 0 and 60 bars, where the hydrogen uptake is increased at about 35% for nickel oxide and 25% for magnesium oxide. Computer simulation reveals that under the external electric field, the electron cloud of hydrogen molecules is pulled over to the adsorbent site and can overlap with the adsorbent electrons, which in turn enhances the adsorption energy Experiments were also carried out to examine the effects of hydrogen spillover with charge induced enhancement. The results show that the overall storage capacity in nickel oxide increased remarkably by a factor of 4.