975 resultados para POTENTIAL-ENERGY CURVES


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Nonextremal solution with warped resolved-deformed conifold background is important to study the infrared limit of large N thermal QCD. Earlier works in this direction have not taken into account all the backreactions on the geometry, namely from the branes, fluxes, and black-hole carefully. In the present work we make some progress in this direction by solving explicitly the supergravity equations of motions in the presence of the backreaction from the black hole. The backreactions from the branes and the fluxes on the other hand and to the order that we study, are comparatively suppressed. Our analysis reveal, among other things, how the resolution parameter would depend on the horizon radius and how the renormalization group flows of the coupling constants should be understood in these scenarios, including their effects on the background three-form fluxes. We also study the effect of switching on a chemical potential in the background and, in a particularly simplified scenario, compute the actual value of the chemical potential for our case.


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The thermodynamic properties of the HoRhO3 were determined in the temperature range from 900 to 1300 K by using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating calcia-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte. The standard Gibbs free energy of formation of orthorhombic perovskite HoRhO3, from Ho2O3 with C-rare earth structure and Rh2O3 with orthorhombic structure, can be expressed by the equation; Delta G(f)degrees((ox)) (+/- 78)/(J/mol) = -50535 + 3.85(T/K) Using the thermodynamic data of HoRhO3 and auxiliary data for binary oxides from the literature, the phase relations in the Ho-Rh-O system were computed at 1273 K. Thermodynamic data for intermetallic phases in the binary Ho-Rh were estimated from experimental enthalpy of formation for three compositions from the literature and Miedema's model, consistent with the phase diagram. The oxygen potential-composition diagram and three-dimensional chemical potential diagram at 1273 K, and temperature-composition diagrams at constant oxygen partial pressures were computed for the system Ho-Rh-O. The decomposition temperature of HoRhO3 is 1717(+/- 2) K in pure O-2 and 1610(+/- 2) K in air at a total pressure p(o) = 0.1 MPa.


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Energy and energy services are the backbone of growth and development in India and is increasingly dependent upon the use of fossil based fuels that lead to greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and related concerns. Algal biofuels are being evolved as carbon (C)-neutral alternative biofuels. Algae are photosynthetic microorganisms that convert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide (CO2) to various sugars and lipids Tri-Acyl-Glycols (TAG) and show promise as an alternative, renewable and green fuel source for India. Compared to land based oilseed crops algae have potentially higher yields (5-12 g/m(2)/d) and can use locations and water resources not suited for agriculture. Within India, there is little additional land area for algal cultivation and therefore needs to be carried out in places that are already used for agriculture, e.g. flooded paddy lands (20 Mha) with village level technologies and on saline wastelands (3 Mha). Cultivating algae under such conditions requires novel multi-tier, multi-cyclic approaches of sharing land area without causing threats to food and water security as well as demand for additional fertilizer resources by adopting multi-tier cropping (algae-paddy) in decentralized open pond systems. A large part of the algal biofuel production is possible in flooded paddy crop land before the crop reaches dense canopies, in wastewaters (40 billion litres per day), in salt affected lands and in nutrient/diversity impoverished shallow coastline fishery. Mitigation will be achieved through avoidance of GHG, C-capture options and substitution of fossil fuels. Estimates made in this paper suggest that nearly half of the current transportation petro-fuels could be produced at such locations without disruption of food security, water security or overall sustainability. This shift can also provide significant mitigation avenues. The major adaptation needs are related to socio-technical acceptance for reuse of various wastelands, wastewaters and waste-derived energy and by-products through policy and attitude change efforts.


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We derive exact expressions for the zeroth and the first three spectral moment sum rules for the retarded Green's function and for the zeroth and the first spectral moment sum rules for the retarded self-energy of the inhomogeneous Bose-Hubbard model in nonequilibrium, when the local on-site repulsion and the chemical potential are time-dependent, and in the presence of an external time-dependent electromagnetic field. We also evaluate these expressions for the homogeneous case in equilibrium, where all time dependence and external fields vanish. Unlike similar sum rules for the Fermi-Hubbard model, in the Bose-Hubbard model case, the sum rules often depend on expectation values that cannot be determined simply from parameters in the Hamiltonian like the interaction strength and chemical potential but require knowledge of equal-time many-body expectation values from some other source. We show how one can approximately evaluate these expectation values for the Mott-insulating phase in a systematic strong-coupling expansion in powers of the hopping divided by the interaction. We compare the exact moment relations to the calculated moments of spectral functions determined from a variety of different numerical approximations and use them to benchmark their accuracy. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.013628


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There has been growing interest in understanding energy metabolism in human embryos generated using assisted reproductive techniques (ART) for improving the overall success rate of the method. Using NMR spectroscopy as a noninvasive tool, we studied human embryo metabolism to identify specific biomarkers to assess the quality of embryos for their implantation potential. The study was based on estimation of pyruvate, lactate and alanine levels in the growth medium, ISM1, used in the culture of embryos. An NMR study involving 127 embryos from 48 couples revealed that embryos transferred on Day 3 (after 72 h in vitro culture) with successful implantation (pregnancy) exhibited significantly (p < 10(-5)) lower pyruvate/alanine ratios compared to those that failed to implant. Lactate levels in media were similar for all embryos. This implies that in addition to lactate production, successfully implanted embryos use pyruvate to produce alanine and other cellular functions. While pyruvate and alanine individually have been used as biomarkers, the present study highlights the potential of combining them to provide a single parameter that correlates strongly with implantation potential. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Urban water bodies frequently receive untreated sewage and water levels in such water bodies are maintained by daily inputs of sewage. They function as “variable-zone” anaerobic-aerobic lagoons suffering several macrophyte, biotic and abiotic stresses. We have studied two such lakes in Bangalore (Bellandur-360 ha and Varthur-220 ha) to understand whether such an occurrence could be made beneficial (maintaining water levels as well as treatment). Such hypertrophic water body receives sewage at 180-250mg/L and is discharged at 25-80mg/L COD/BOD in different seasons. In an earlier study we reported macrophyte altering the purification function of the water body. In this paper we studied the impact of phytoplankton dynamics and macrophyte cover on the functions such as organic load removal. Algal community analysis, algal biomass, macrophyte cover, water quality, nutrient status was studied seasonally during 2009-2010. Oxygen deficiency and sometimes anoxia, recorded from surface samples resulted in high quantities of NH4+-N (30-40mg/L) and phosphate (0.5-4mg/L)-characteristics of anoxic hypertrophic urban lakes. The productiveness favoured high phytoplanktonic community characterized by small cells (<10μm; Chlorella sp. - highest numbers). The lake could be clearly demarcated into an initial anaerobic zone (40% area), a facultative zone (20%) and an aerobic zone (40%) based on redox values and GIS/bathymetry. During summer the lake is covered by floating macrophytes converting the lake into an anoxic/anaerobic water pool subduing the water purification function as well as aesthetics. When macrophytes are controlled such sewage fed water bodies can be used for treating urban wastewater while also maintaining water sustainability in these semi-arid ecosystems. This paper reports the community dynamics of phytoplankton, their function and competition with macrophytes.


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Photoassisted electrolysis of water is considered as an effective way of storing solar energy in the form of hydrogen fuel. This overall reaction involves the oxidation of water to oxygen at the anode and the reduction of protons to hydrogen at the cathode. Cobalt-phosphate-based catalyst (Co-Pi) is a potentially useful material for oxygen evolution reaction. In the present study, electrochemical deposition of Co-Pi catalyst is carried out on Au-coated quartz crystal from 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7) containing 0.5 mM Co2+ ion, along with the simultaneous measurement of mass changes at the electrode surface. Cyclic voltammograms and mass variations are recorded during the course of deposition. A current peak is observed at 0.92 V vs Ag/AgCl, 3 M KCl corresponding to oxidation of Co2+ ion. The mass of the electrode starts increasing at this potential, suggesting the deposition of a Co(III)-based insoluble product on the electrode surface. The stability of the catalyst is also studied at several potentials in both buffered and nonbuffered electrolyte by monitoring the real-time mass variations.


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We investigate the thermoelectric (TE) figure-of-merit of a single-layer graphene (SLG) sheet by a physics-based analytical technique. We first develop analytical models of electrical and thermal resistances and the Seebeck coefficient of SLG by considering electron interactions with the in-plane and flexural phonons. Using those models, we show that both the figure-of-merit and the TE efficiency can be substantially increased with the addition of isotope doping as it significantly reduces the phonon-dominated thermal conductivity. In addition, we report that the TE open circuit output voltage and output power depends weakly on the SLG sheet dimensions and sheet concentration in the strongly diffusive regime. Proposed models agree well with the available experimental data and demonstrate the immense potential of graphene for waste-heat recovery application.


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Thermodynamic properties of Ca7V4O17 are measured for the first time using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating single crystal of CaF2 as the electrolyte over the temperature range from (900 to 1175) K. An equimolar mixture of CaO and CaF2 is used as the reference electrode and a mixture of Ca3V2O8, Ca7V4O17 and CaF2 as the measuring electrode. Both the electrodes are placed under flowing oxygen gas at ambient pressure. The standard Gibbs energy change for the reaction: 2Ca(3)V(2)O(8) + CaO -> Ca7V4O17; which is related to the chemical potential of CaO in the two-phase region (Ca3V2O8 + Ca7V4O17) of the pseudo-binary system CaO + V2O5, is obtained from the electromotive force of the cell as: Delta(r)G(o) +/- 127/(J . mol(-1)) = Delta mu(CaO) = -11453 + 8.273(T/K). The derived standard enthalpy of formation of Ca7V4O17 from elements in their normal standard states is ( 8208.97 +/- 8) kJ . mol (1) and its standard entropy is (560.05 +/- 7.5) J . K (1) . mol (1), both at T = 298.15 K. The results indicate that Ca7V4O17 decomposes into Ca3V2O8 and CaO at T = (1384 +/- 3) K.


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Ionic Polymer Metal Composites (IPMCs) are a class of Electro-Active Polymers (EAPs) consisting of a base polymer (usually Nafion), sandwiched between thin films of electrodes and an electrolyte. Apart from fuel cell like proton exchange process in Nafion, these IPMCs can act both as an actuator and a sensor. Typically, IPMCs have been known for their applications in fuel cell technology and in artificial muscles for robots. However, more recently, sensing properties of IPMC have opened up possibilities of mechanical energy harvesting. In this paper, we consider a bi-layer stack of IPMC membranes where fluid flow induced cyclic oscillation allows collection of electronic charge across a pair of functionalized electrode on the surface of IPMC layers/stacks. IPMCs work well in hydrated environment; more specifically, in presence of an electrolyte, and therefore, have great potential in underwater applications like hydrodynamic energy harvesting. Hydrodynamic forces produce bending deformation, which can induce transport of cations via polymer chains of the base polymer of Nafion or PTFE. In our experimental set-up, the deformation is induced into the array of IPMC membranes immersed in electrolyte by water waves caused by a plunger connected to a stepper motor. The frequency and amplitude of the water waves is controlled by the stepper motor through a micro-controller. The generated electric power is measured across a resistive load. Few orders of magnitude increase in the harvested power density is observed. Analytical modeling approach used for power and efficiency calculations are discussed. The observed electro-mechanical performance promises a host of underwater energy harvesting applications.


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Boswellia papyrifera and Boswellia carterii, known as Arabian incense, diffuses smoke, contaminating the air, which adversely affects human health. Therefore, this study was designed to ascertain the effect of these plants on histopathological and ultrastructure changes in cauda epididymis of Albino rats. Animals were exposed to 4 g/kg body weight of B. papyrifera and B. carterii daily for 120 days along with suitable controls. Our study indicates a significant reduction in epithelial heights. Cells showed signs of degeneration. The ultrastructural study revealed that the cauda epididymis was affected, including its cell types. Furthermore, a decrease in the size of mitochondria, Golgi complex, and both ERs was observed. In all treated groups, plasma fructose decreased considerably, indicating the sign of reduced energy, vital for motility and other sperm functions. The results of this study suggest that these plants systematically affect cauda epididymal cell types and its lumen through its potential toxicity. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Academie des sciences.


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We present a comprehensive study of two of the most experimentally relevant extensions of Kitaev's spinless model of a one-dimensional p-wave superconductor: those involving (i) longer-range hopping and superconductivity and (ii) inhomogeneous potentials. We commence with a pedagogical review of the spinless model and, as a means of characterizing topological phases exhibited by the systems studied here, we introduce bulk topological invariants as well as those derived from an explicit consideration of boundary modes. In time-reversal symmetric systems, we find that the longer range hopping leads to topological phases characterized by multiple Majorana modes. In particular, we investigate a spin model that respects a duality and maps to a fermionic model with multiple Majorana modes; we highlight the connection between these topological phases and the broken symmetry phases in the original spin model. In the presence of time-reversal symmetry breaking terms, we show that the topological phase diagram is characterized by an extended gapless regime. For the case of inhomogeneous potentials, we explore phase diagrams of periodic, quasiperiodic, and disordered systems. We present a detailed mapping between normal state localization properties of such systems and the topological phases of the corresponding superconducting systems. This powerful tool allows us to leverage the analyses of Hofstadter's butterfly and the vast literature on Anderson localization to the question of Majorana modes in superconducting quasiperiodic and disordered systems, respectively. We briefly touch upon the synergistic effects that can be expected in cases where long-range hopping and disorder are both present.


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Using a solid-state electrochemical technique, thermodynamic properties of three sulfide phases (RhS0.882, Rh3S4, Rh2S3) in the binary system (Rh + S) are measured as a function of temperature over the range from (925 to 1275) K. Single crystal CaF2 is used as the electrolyte. The auxiliary electrode consisting of (CaS + CaF2) is designed in such a way that the sulfur chemical potential converts into an equivalent fluorine potential at each electrode. The sulfur potentials at the measuring electrodes are established by the mixtures of (Rh + RhS0.882), (RhS0.882 + Rh3S4) and (Rh3S4 + Rh2S3) respectively. A gas mixture (H-2 + H2S + Ar) of known composition fixes the sulfur potential at the reference electrode. A novel cell design with physical separation of rhodium sulfides in the measuring electrode from CaS in the auxiliary electrode is used to prevent interaction between the two sulfide phases. They equilibrate only via the gas phase in a hermetically sealed reference enclosure. Standard Gibbs energy changes for the following reactions are calculated from the electromotive force of three cells: 2.2667Rh (s) + S-2 (g) -> 2.2667RhS(0.882) (s), Delta(r)G degrees +/- 2330/(J . mol(-1)) = -288690 + 146.18 (T/K), 4.44RhS(0.882) (s) + S-2 (g) -> 1.48Rh(3)S(4) (s), Delta(r)G degrees +/- 2245/(J . mol(-1)) = -245596 + 164.31 (T/K), 4Rh(3)S(4) (s) + S-2 (g) -> 6Rh(2)S(3) (s), Delta(r)G degrees +/- 2490/(J . mol(-1)) = -230957 + 160: 03 (T/K). Standard entropy and enthalpy of formation of rhodium sulfides from elements in their normal standard states at T = 298.15 K are evaluated. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Detailed analysis of alternating current impedance data of LiMn2O4 electrodes measured at several temperatures and potentials was carried out. The Nyquist plots generally consisted of semicircles corresponding to two time constants. However, at low temperatures (-10 to 10 A degrees C) and potential region between 3.90 and 4.20 V, three time constants were present. The third semicircle present at the middle to high frequency range was attributed to electronic resistance of LiMn2O4. Impedance parameters were evaluated using appropriate electrical equivalent circuits. From the temperature dependence of resistive parameters, activation energy values for the corresponding processes were calculated.


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Adhesive interaction between impacting bodies can cause energy loss, even in an otherwise elastic impact. Adhesion force induces tensile stress in the bodies, which modifies the stress wave profile and influences the restitution behavior. We investigate this effect by developing a finite element framework, which incorporates a Lennard-Jones-type potential for modeling the adhesive interaction between volume elements. With this framework, the classical problems in contact mechanics can be revisited without the restrictive surface-force approximation. In this paper, we study the longitudinal impact of an elastic cylinder on a rigid half-space with adhesion. In the absence of adhesion, this problem reduces to the impact between two identical cylinders in which there is no energy loss. Adhesion causes a fraction of energy in the stress waves to remain in the cylinder as residual stress waves. This apparent loss in kinetic energy is shown to be a unique function of maximum tensile strain energy. We have developed a 1-D model in terms of interaction force parameters, velocity and material properties to estimate the tensile stain energy. We show that this model can be used to predict practically important phenomena like capture wherein the impacting bodies stick together. (C) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.