999 resultados para POPULATION


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Results from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey for 1966 and 1967 are used to describe seasonal changes in abundance, size and aspects of the population structure of Thysanoessa inermis (Krøyer) and T. raschi (M. Sars) at a depth of 10 m in the North Sea and in American coastal waters from the Grand Banks to the Gulf of Maine. Production and dry weight were estimated from these data. Two year-groups were usually present in the breeding population, the proportion surviving into a second year being higher in American waters than in the North Sea. Annual production for each species was within the range 0.69 to 4.66 mg m-3 and the ratio between production and biomass (P:B) was between 1.3 and 4.2; values outside these ranges were obtained only for American coastal waters in 1967, when the frequency of sampling was low.


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Samples taken in the northern North Sea with the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR), the Undulating Oceanographic Recorder (UOR) and the Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder (LHPR) during the Fladen Ground Experiment in 1976 (FLEX 76) are used to describe the vertical distribution and population dynamics of Thysanoessa inermis (Krøyer) and to provide estimates of the production and carbon budget of the population from 19th March to 3 June 1976. Spawning occurred in late April and early May, in near synchronisation with the start of the spring bloom of phytoplankton. Eggs, nauplii and calyptopes reached maximum abundance in succession, and furciliae were numerous when sampling ceased in early June. Adults increased in length from a mean of 12.1 mm in mid-March to 17.5 mm in early June and the estimated production was 2.40 mg m-3 over the 74 d period. Total carbon ingested by the population of T. inermis was estimated to be 10 mg C m-2 d-1 in the upper 100m which was only 1.5% of the daily primary production of 0.68 gC m-2 measured over the FLEX period 26 March to 4 June 1976. The grazing by T. inermis on the phytoplankton population was assumed to have little effect on the control and depletion of the spring phytoplankton bloom during FLEX 77.


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The population dynamics of Mytilicola intestinalis Steuer in mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) from the River Lynher, Cornwall, England, have been studied over 3 years. By transplanting uninfested mussels from the River Erme, South Devon, into the Lynher mussel bed, the study was extended to the growth and development of new infestations under natural conditions. Female Mytilicola intestinalis are shown to breed twice, and two generations of parasites coexist for most of the year, with recruitment taking place in summer and autumn. One generation contributes its first brood to the autumn recruits before overwintering and contributing its second brood to the following summer's recruits. The other generation overwinters as juvenile and immature stages to contribute its two broods successively to the summer and autumn recruits. Environmental temperatures are believed to control the rates of development at all stages rather than acting as triggers in the onset or cessation of breeding at specific times. There is no evidence to support the contention that heavily infested mussels are killed, and parasite mortality is shown to be density-independent.