875 resultados para PARTNER PREFERENCE


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o padrão de participação em atividades de lazer, formais e informais, de crianças e jovens com e sem incapacidade nos seus contextos imediatos – em casa, “fora de casa”, e na escola. Usamos uma adaptação do instrumento CAPE - Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment e CAP - Preferences for Activities of Children, originalmente desenvolvido no Canadá por King e seus colaboradores (2004). Participaram neste estudo 56 alunos – 19 com incapacidades e 37 sem incapacidades – de dez turmas dos três ciclos de educação básica com idades compreendidas entre os 7 e 16 anos de idade. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que, ao nível da diversidade, apenas no contexto “fora de casa” existem diferenças significativas, isto é, as crianças/jovens com incapacidade participam em menos atividades – no total, em atividades formais, em atividades físicas e de autoaperfeiçoamento. Também se verificou existência de diferenças no padrão de participação ao nível da intensidade, com as crianças e jovens com incapacidades a reportarem uma participação mais limitada mas maiores índices nos contextos em casa e na escola. No contexto “escola”, os alunos com incapacidades participam em atividades com significativa menor dimensão social. No entanto, em relação ao nível de satisfação, verificámos que não existem diferenças. No que diz respeito à dimensão preferência verificamos que está positivamente relacionada com o padrão de participação. A consideração de outras características pessoais como a idade e o sexo poderá enriquecer este estudo, bem como a aplicação deste estudo a amostras mais representativas.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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O presente relatório encontra-se no âmbito do estágio curricular referente ao Mestrado de Engenharia Civil do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. Este decorreu entre janeiro e julho de 2013 tendo como objetivo principal a realização de um projeto de Reabilitação e Ampliação de uma Escola Primária localizada na freguesia Seixo de Manhoses, no concelho Vila Flor, destinada a um Centro integrado de valorização de recursos. A preferência pela realização de um estágio curricular deveu-se ao facto de ser possível a aplicação direta dos conhecimentos que foram sendo adquiridos durante o curso e pela possibilidade de, ao longo do estágio, serem apreendidos mais conhecimentos que pudessem vir a ser úteis aquando da entrada do estagiário no mercado de trabalho. O estágio decorreu na Associação de Municípios da Terra Quente Transmontana, em Mirandela, e durante o período do mesmo, o estagiário foi participando de forma indirecta em outros projetos que vinham a ser desenvolvidos por esta entidade. Antes do inicio do referido projeto, foram efetuadas visitas ao local de implantação do edifício, de modo a serem esclarecidos alguns aspetos importantes na realização do projecto por parte do estagiário e com vista a tentar encontrar a solução que mais se adequava ao caso em estudo. Durante o estágio, com o intuito de ver os seus objetivos serem cumpridos, o estagiário fosse inserindo na equipa de projeto e nas várias atividades que foram sendo desenvolvidas (acompanhamento de outros projetos, visita a obras inserido na equipa de fiscalização, frequência de ações de formação).


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry


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O objetivo fundamental deste estudo é analisar a orientação empreendedora das micro, pequenas e médias empresas (MPME) no município de Cazengo, província do Kwanza Norte, em Angola. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo utilizamos a abordagem quantitativa, combinando a análise documental com a estatística, tendo os dados sido recolhidos através um inquérito por questionário aplicado às MPME sediadas no município referido. O estudo revelou que as empresas possuem razoável orientação empreendedora, apresentando resultados positivos ao nível da inovação, onde a valorização da I&D, liderança tecnológica e inovação é moderada, e da proatividade, em que as empresas iniciam na mesma proporção ações por elas levadas a cabo e ações iniciadas pela concorrência, e negativos ao nível da assunção do risco, em que as empresas têm uma preferência por projetos de baixo risco, com rendibilidades normais e certas.


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Dissertation to Obtain the Degree of Master in Biomedical Engineering


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Chapter in Merrill, Barbara (ed.) (2009) Learning to Change? The Role of Identity and Learning Careers in Adult Education. Hamburg: Peter Lang Publishers. URL: http://www.peterlang.com/ index.cfm?vID=58279&vLang=E&vHR=1&vUR=2&vUUR=1


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In the light of Portuguese legal system, cooperative enterprises may include an enterprise carried out by a subsidiary, provided they conform to certain requirements. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the issue of the legal framework of the relationship between the cooperative and the subsidiary. There are several problems to be addressed in this paper: (i) How to qualify such a relationship since corresponding to mere investments made by the cooperative? Should it be classified as non-member cooperative transactions or as extraordinary activities? (ii) How to qualify such a relationship when related to the development of preparatory or complementary activities for the economic activity developed between the cooperative and its members? May we speak, in this situation, of a concept of “indirect mutuality”, as provided in other legal systems? (iii) How should we classify and what is the regime of the economic results from the activity developed by the subsidiary? We will conclude, advocating: (i) That the cooperative enterprise may include an enterprise carried out by a subsidiary if this is deemed necessary to satisfy the interests of the members; (ii) The inadmissibility of the concept of “indirect mutuality”; (iii) The inadequacy of qualifying the legal relationship between the cooperative partner (iv) The application, to the economic results coming from the activity developed by the subsidiary, of the regime provided for in the Portuguese Cooperative Code to the results from non-member cooperative transactions; (v) The economic results coming from the activity developed by the subsidiary cannot be appropriated by individual co-operators members, and so should be allocated to indivisible reserves.


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Near real time media content personalisation is nowadays a major challenge involving media content sources, distributors and viewers. This paper describes an approach to seamless recommendation, negotiation and transaction of personalised media content. It adopts an integrated view of the problem by proposing, on the business-to-business (B2B) side, a brokerage platform to negotiate the media items on behalf of the media content distributors and sources, providing viewers, on the business-to-consumer (B2C) side, with a personalised electronic programme guide (EPG) containing the set of recommended items after negotiation. In this setup, when a viewer connects, the distributor looks up and invites sources to negotiate the contents of the viewer personal EPG. The proposed multi-agent brokerage platform is structured in four layers, modelling the registration, service agreement, partner lookup, invitation as well as item recommendation, negotiation and transaction stages of the B2B processes. The recommendation service is a rule-based switch hybrid filter, including six collaborative and two content-based filters. The rule-based system selects, at runtime, the filter(s) to apply as well as the final set of recommendations to present. The filter selection is based on the data available, ranging from the history of items watched to the ratings and/or tags assigned to the items by the viewer. Additionally, this module implements (i) a novel item stereotype to represent newly arrived items, (ii) a standard user stereotype for new users, (iii) a novel passive user tag cloud stereotype for socially passive users, and (iv) a new content-based filter named the collinearity and proximity similarity (CPS). At the end of the paper, we present off-line results and a case study describing how the recommendation service works. The proposed system provides, to our knowledge, an excellent holistic solution to the problem of recommending multimedia contents.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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The aim of this paper is to present the main Portuguese results from a multi-national study on reading format preferences and behaviors from undergraduate students from Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal). For this purpose we apply an adaptation of the Academic Reading Questionnaire previously created by Mizrachi (2014). This survey instrument has 14 Likert-style statements regarding the format influence in the students reading behavior, including aspects such as ability to remember, feelings about access convenience, active engagement with the text by highlighting and annotating, and ability to review and concentrate on the text. The importance of the language and dimension of the text to determine the preference format is also inquired. Students are also asked about the electronic device they use to read digital documents. Finally, some demographic and academic data were gathered. The analysis of the results will be contextualized on a review of the literature concerning youngsters reading format preferences. The format (digital or print) in which a text is displayed and read can impact comprehension, which is an important information literacy skill. This is a quite relevant issue for class readings in academic context because it impacts learning. On the other hand, students preferences on reading formats will influence the use of library services. However, literature is not unanimous on this subject. Woody, Daniel and Baker (2010) concluded that the experience of reading is not the same in electronic or print context and that students prefer print books than e-books. This thesis is reinforced by Ji, Michaels and Waterman (2014) which report that among 101 undergraduates the large majority self-reported to read and learn more when they use printed format despite the fact that they prefer electronically supplied readings instead of those supplied in printed form. On the other side, Rockinson-Szapkiw, et al (2013) conducted a study were they demonstrate that e-textbook is as effective for learning as the traditional textbook and that students who choose e-textbook had significantly higher perceived learning than students who chose to use print textbooks.


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INTRODUCTION: Prolonged survival of patients under HAART has resulted in new demands for assisted reproductive technologies. HIV serodiscordant couples wish to make use of assisted reproduction techniques in order to avoid viral transmission to the partner or to the newborn. It is therefore essential to test the effectiveness of techniques aimed at reducing HIV and HCV loads in infected semen using molecular biology tests. METHODS: After seminal analysis, semen samples from 20 coinfected patients were submitted to cell fractioning and isolation of motile spermatozoa by density gradient centrifugation and swim-up. HIV and HCV RNA detection tests were performed with RNA obtained from sperm, seminal plasma and total semen. RESULTS: In pre-washing semen, HIV RNA was detected in 100% of total semen samples, whereas HCV RNA was concomitantly amplified in only one specimen. Neither HIV nor HCV were detected either in the swim-up or in the post-washing semen fractions. CONCLUSIONS: Reduction of HIV and/or HCV shedding in semen by density gradient centrifugation followed by swim-up is an efficient method. These findings lead us to believe that, although semen is rarely found to contain HCV, semen processing is highly beneficial for HIV/HCV coinfected individuals.


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This paper considers a Cournot competition between a nonprofit firm and a for-profit firm in a homogeneous goods market, with uncertain demand. Given an asymmetric tax schedule, we compute explicitly the Bayesian-Nash equilibrium. Furthermore, we analize the effects of the tax rate and the degree of altruistic preference on market equilibrium outcomes.


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Near real time media content personalisation is nowadays a major challenge involving media content sources, distributors and viewers. This paper describes an approach to seamless recommendation, negotiation and transaction of personalised media content. It adopts an integrated view of the problem by proposing, on the business-to-business (B2B) side, a brokerage platform to negotiate the media items on behalf of the media content distributors and sources, providing viewers, on the business-to-consumer (B2C) side, with a personalised electronic programme guide (EPG) containing the set of recommended items after negotiation. In this setup, when a viewer connects, the distributor looks up and invites sources to negotiate the contents of the viewer personal EPG. The proposed multi-agent brokerage platform is structured in four layers, modelling the registration, service agreement, partner lookup, invitation as well as item recommendation, negotiation and transaction stages of the B2B processes. The recommendation service is a rule-based switch hybrid filter, including six collaborative and two content-based filters. The rule-based system selects, at runtime, the filter(s) to apply as well as the final set of recommendations to present. The filter selection is based on the data available, ranging from the history of items watched to the ratings and/or tags assigned to the items by the viewer. Additionally, this module implements (i) a novel item stereotype to represent newly arrived items, (ii) a standard user stereotype for new users, (iii) a novel passive user tag cloud stereotype for socially passive users, and (iv) a new content-based filter named the collinearity and proximity similarity (CPS). At the end of the paper, we present off-line results and a case study describing how the recommendation service works. The proposed system provides, to our knowledge, an excellent holistic solution to the problem of recommending multimedia contents.


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The painting activity is one of the most complex and important activities in automobile manufacturing. The inherent complexity of the painting activity and the frequent need for repainting usually turn the painting process into a bottleneck in automobile assembly plants, which is reflected in higher operating costs and longer overall cycle times. One possible approach for optimizing the performance of the paint shop is to improve the efficiency of the color planning. This can be accomplished by evaluating the relative merits of a set of vehicle painting plans. Since this problem has a multicriteria nature, we resort to the multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) methodology to tackle it. A recent trend in the MCDA field is the development of hybrid approaches that are used to achieve operational synergies between different methods. Here we apply, for the first time, an integrated approach that combines the strengths of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE), aided by Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (GAIA), to the problem of assessing alternative vehicle painting plans. The management of the assembly plant found the results of value and is currently using them in order to schedule the painting activities such that an enhancement of the operational efficiency of the paint shop is obtained. This efficiency gain has allowed the management to bid for a new automobile model to be assembled at this specific plant.