943 resultados para P300 latency
Recent research demonstrates that response inhibition-a core executive function-may subserve self-regulation and self-control. However, it is unclear whether response inhibition also predicts self-control in the multifaceted, high-level phenomena of social decision-making. Here we examined whether electrophysiological indices of response inhibition would predict self-control in a social context. Electroencephalography was recorded as participants completed a widely used Go/NoGo task (the cued Continuous Performance Test). Participants then interacted with a partner in an economic exchange game that requires self-control. Results demonstrated that greater NoGo-Anteriorization and larger NoGo-P300 peak amplitudes-two established electrophysiological indices of response inhibition-both predicted more self-control in this social game. These findings support continued integration of executive function and self-regulation and help extend prior research into social decision-making processes.
PURPOSE Autografts are considered to support bone regeneration. Paracrine factors released from cortical bone might contribute to the overall process of graft consolidation. The aim of this study was to characterize the paracrine factors by means of proteomic analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Bone-conditioned medium (BCM) was prepared from fresh bone chips of porcine mandibles and subjected to proteomic analysis. Proteins were categorized and clustered using the bioinformatic tools UNIPROT and PANTHER, respectively. RESULTS Proteomic analysis showed that BCM contains more than 150 proteins, of which 43 were categorized into "secreted" and "extracellular matrix." Growth factors that are not only detectable in BCM, but potentially also target cellular processes involved in bone regeneration, eg, pleiotrophin, galectin-1, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β)-induced gene (TGFBI), lactotransferrin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding protein 5, latency-associated peptide forming a complex with TGF-β1, and TGF-β2, were discovered. CONCLUSION The present results demonstrate that cortical bone chips release a large spectrum of proteins with the possibility of modulating cellular aspects of bone regeneration. The data provide the basis for future studies to understand how these paracrine factors may contribute to the complex process of graft consolidation.
HIV-1-infected cells in peripheral blood can be grouped into different transcriptional subclasses. Quantifying the turnover of these cellular subclasses can provide important insights into the viral life cycle and the generation and maintenance of latently infected cells. We used previously published data from five patients chronically infected with HIV-1 that initiated combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). Patient-matched PCR for unspliced and multiply spliced viral RNAs combined with limiting dilution analysis provided measurements of transcriptional profiles at the single cell level. Furthermore, measurement of intracellular transcripts and extracellular virion-enclosed HIV-1 RNA allowed us to distinguish productive from non-productive cells. We developed a mathematical model describing the dynamics of plasma virus and the transcriptional subclasses of HIV-1-infected cells. Fitting the model to the data allowed us to better understand the phenotype of different transcriptional subclasses and their contribution to the overall turnover of HIV-1 before and during cART. The average number of virus-producing cells in peripheral blood is small during chronic infection. We find that a substantial fraction of cells can become defectively infected. Assuming that the infection is homogenous throughout the body, we estimate an average in vivo viral burst size on the order of 104 virions per cell. Our study provides novel quantitative insights into the turnover and development of different subclasses of HIV-1-infected cells, and indicates that cells containing solely unspliced viral RNA are a good marker for viral latency. The model illustrates how the pool of latently infected cells becomes rapidly established during the first months of acute infection and continues to increase slowly during the first years of chronic infection. Having a detailed understanding of this process will be useful for the evaluation of viral eradication strategies that aim to deplete the latent reservoir of HIV-1.
BACKGROUND/AIMS Clinical differentiation between organic hypersomnia and non-organic hypersomnia (NOH) is challenging. We aimed to determine the diagnostic value of sleepiness and performance tests in patients with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) of organic and non-organic origin. METHODS We conducted a retrospective comparison of the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), pupillography, and the Steer Clear performance test in three patient groups complaining of EDS: 19 patients with NOH, 23 patients with narcolepsy (NAR), and 46 patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS). RESULTS As required by the inclusion criteria, all patients had Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) scores >10. The mean sleep latency in the MSLT indicated mild objective sleepiness in NOH (8.1 ± 4.0 min) and OSAS (7.2 ± 4.1 min), but more severe sleepiness in NAR (2.5 ± 2.0 min). The difference between NAR and the other two groups was significant; the difference between NOH and OSAS was not. In the Steer Clear performance test, NOH patients performed worst (error rate = 10.4%) followed by NAR (8.0%) and OSAS patients (5.9%; p = 0.008). The difference between OSAS and the other two groups was significant, but not between NOH and NAR. The pupillary unrest index was found to be highest in NAR (11.5) followed by NOH (9.2) and OSAS (7.4; n.s.). CONCLUSION A high error rate in the Steer Clear performance test along with mild sleepiness in an objective sleepiness test (MSLT) in a patient with subjective sleepiness (ESS) is suggestive of NOH. This disproportionately high error rate in NOH may be caused by factors unrelated to sleep pressure, such as anergia, reduced attention and motivation affecting performance, but not conventional sleepiness measurements.
Post-traumatic sleep-wake disturbances are common after acute traumatic brain injury. Increased sleep need per 24 h and excessive daytime sleepiness are among the most prevalent post-traumatic sleep disorders and impair quality of life of trauma patients. Nevertheless, the relation between traumatic brain injury and sleep outcome, but also the link between post-traumatic sleep problems and clinical measures in the acute phase after traumatic brain injury has so far not been addressed in a controlled and prospective approach. We therefore performed a prospective controlled clinical study to examine (i) sleep-wake outcome after traumatic brain injury; and (ii) to screen for clinical and laboratory predictors of poor sleep-wake outcome after acute traumatic brain injury. Forty-two of 60 included patients with first-ever traumatic brain injury were available for follow-up examinations. Six months after trauma, the average sleep need per 24 h as assessed by actigraphy was markedly increased in patients as compared to controls (8.3 ± 1.1 h versus 7.1 ± 0.8 h, P < 0.0001). Objective daytime sleepiness was found in 57% of trauma patients and 19% of healthy subjects, and the average sleep latency in patients was reduced to 8.7 ± 4.6 min (12.1 ± 4.7 min in controls, P = 0.0009). Patients, but not controls, markedly underestimated both excessive sleep need and excessive daytime sleepiness when assessed only by subjective means, emphasizing the unreliability of self-assessment of increased sleep propensity in traumatic brain injury patients. At polysomnography, slow wave sleep after traumatic brain injury was more consolidated. The most important risk factor for developing increased sleep need after traumatic brain injury was the presence of an intracranial haemorrhage. In conclusion, we provide controlled and objective evidence for a direct relation between sleep-wake disturbances and traumatic brain injury, and for clinically significant underestimation of post-traumatic sleep-wake disturbances by trauma patients.
OBJECTIVES Objective evaluation of the impact of minimized extracorporeal circulation (MECC) on perioperative cognitive brain function in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) by electroencephalogram P300 wave event-related potentials and number connection test (NCT) as metrics of cognitive function. METHODS Cognitive brain function was assessed in 31 patients in 2013 with a mean age of 65 years [standard deviation (SD) 10] undergoing CABG by the use of MECC with P300 auditory evoked potentials (peak latencies in milliseconds) directly prior to intervention, 7 days after and 3 months later. Number connection test, serving as method of control, was performed simultaneously in all patients. RESULTS Seven days following CABG, cognitive P300 evoked potentials were comparable with preoperative baseline values [vertex (Cz) 376 (SD 11) ms vs 378 (18) ms, P = 0.39; frontal (Fz) 377 (11) vs 379 (21) ms, P = 0.53]. Cognitive brain function at 3 months was compared with baseline values [(Cz) 376 (11) ms vs 371 (14 ms) P = 0.09; (Fz) 377 (11) ms vs 371 (15) ms, P = 0.04]. Between the first postoperative measurement and 3 months later, significant improvement was observed [(Cz) 378 (18) ms vs 371 (14) ms, P = 0.03; (Fz) 379 (21) vs 371 (15) ms, P = 0.02]. Similar clearly corresponding patterns could be obtained via the number connection test. Results could be confirmed in repeated measures analysis of variance for Cz (P = 0.05) and (Fz) results (P = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS MECC does not adversely affect cognitive brain function after CABG. Additionally, these patients experience a substantial significant cognitive improvement after 3 months, evidentiary proving that the concept of MECC ensures safety and outcome in terms of brain function.
The current study investigated the short-term effect of illegitimate tasks on sleep quality, assessed by actigraphy. Seventy-six employees of different service jobs participated in a 2-week data collection. Data were analysed by way of multilevel analyses. As predicted, illegitimate tasks were positively related to sleep fragmentation and sleep-onset latency, but not to sleep efficiency and not to sleep duration. Time pressure, social stressors at work and at home, and the value of the dependent variable from the previous day were controlled. Results confirm the predictive power of illegitimate tasks for a variable that can be considered crucial in the development of long-term outcomes of daily experiences.
Visual exploration of natural scenes imposes demands that differ between the upper and the lower visual hemifield. Yet little is known about how ocular motor performance is affected by the location of visual stimuli or the direction of a behavioural response. We compared saccadic latencies between upper and lower hemifield in a variety of conditions, including short-latency prosaccades, long-latency prosaccades, antisaccades, memory-guided sac- cades and saccades with increased attentional and selection demand. All saccade types, except memory guided saccades, had shorter latencies when saccades were directed to- wards the upper field as compared to downward saccades (p<0.05). This upper field reaction time advantage probably arises in ocular motor rather than visual processing. It may originate in structures involved in motor preparation rather than execution.
PURPOSE Leakage is the most common complication of percutaneous cement augmentation of the spine. The viscosity of the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement is strongly correlated with the likelihood of cement leakage. We hypothesized that cement leakage can be reduced by sequential cement injection in a vertebroplasty model. METHODS A standardized vertebral body substitute model, consisting of aluminum oxide foams coated by acrylic cement with a preformed leakage path, simulating a ventral vein, was developed. Three injection techniques of 6 ml PMMA were assessed: injection in one single step (all-in-one), injection of 1 ml at the first and 5 ml at the second step with 1 min latency in-between (two-step), and sequential injection of 0.5 ml with 1-min latency between the sequences (sequential). Standard PMMA vertebroplasty cement was used; each injection type was tested on ten vertebral body substitute models with two possible leakage paths per model. Leakage was assessed by radiographs using a zonal graduation: intraspongious = no leakage and extracortical = leakage. RESULTS The leakage rate was significantly lower in the "sequential" technique (2/20 leakages) followed by "two-step" (15/20) and "all-in-one" (20/20) techniques (p < 0.001). The RR for a cement leakage was 10.0 times higher in the "all-in-one" compared to the "sequential" group (95 % confidence intervals 2.7-37.2; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The sequential cement injection is a simple approach to minimize the risk for leakage. Taking advantage of the temperature gradient between body and room temperature, it is possible to increase the cement viscosity inside the vertebra while keeping it low in the syringe. Using sequential injection of small cement volumes, further leakage paths are blocked before further injection of the low-viscosity cement.
Gebiet: Chirurgie Abstract: Minimized Extracorporeal Circulation does not impair cognitive brain function after coronary artery bypass grafting – – Objectives – Objective evaluation of the impact of minimized extracorporeal circulation (MECC) on perioperative cognitive brain function in coronary bypass grafting (CABG) by Electroencephalogram (EEG) P 300 wave event related potentials (ERP) and number connection test ( NCT) as metrics of cognitive function. – – Methods – Cognitive brain function was assessed in 31 patients with a mean age of 65y (Standard Deviation/SD 10) undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) by the use of MECC with P300 auditory evoked potentials (peak latencies in milliseconds [ms]) directly prior to intervention, 7 days after and 3 month later. Number connection test (NCT), serving as method of control, was performed simultaneously in all patients. – – Results – Seven days following CABG, cognitive P300 evoked potentials were comparable to preoperative baseline values (vertex [Cz] 376 (SD 11) ms vs. 378 (18) ms, p=0.39, frontal [Fz] 377 (11) vs. 379 (21) ms, p=0.53). Cognitive brain function showed at 3 months compared to baseline values ([Cz] 376 (11) ms vs. 371 (14 ms) p=0.09, [Fz] 377 (11) ms vs. 371 (15) ms, p=0.04. Between the first postoperative measurement and 3 months later, significant improvement was observed ([Cz] 378 (18) ms vs. 371 (14) ms, p=0.03, [Fz] 379 (21) vs. 371 (15) ms, p=0.02). Similar clearly corresponding patterns could be obtained via number connection test. Results could be confirmed in repeated measures analysis of variance for Cz (p = 0.05) and (Fz) results (p = 0.04). – – Conclusions
Converging evidences from eye movement experiments indicate that linguistic contexts influence reading strategies. However, the question of whether different linguistic contexts modulate eye movements during reading in the same bilingual individuals remains unresolved. We examined reading strategies in a transparent (German) and an opaque (French) language of early, highly proficient French–German bilinguals: participants read aloud isolated French and German words and pseudo-words while the First Fixation Location (FFL), its duration and latency were measured. Since transparent linguistic contexts and pseudo-words would favour a direct grapheme/phoneme conversion, the reading strategy should be more local for German than for French words (FFL closer to the beginning) and no difference is expected in pseudo-words’ FFL between contexts. Our results confirm these hypotheses, providing the first evidence that the same individuals engage different reading strategy depending on language opacity, suggesting that a given brain process can be modulated by a given context.
Recently, ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMP) have emerged as a tool for assessment of utricular function. They are short-latency myogenic potentials which can be elicited in response to vestibular stimulation, e.g. by air-conducted sound (ACS) or bone-conducted vibration (BCV) (reviewed in (Kantner and Gurkov, 2012)). Otolithic afferent neurons trigger reflexive electromyographic activity of the extraocular muscles which can be recorded beneath the eye contralateral to the stimulated ear by use of surface electrodes.
The attentional blink (AB) is a fundamental limitation of the ability to select relevant information from irrelevant information. It can be observed with the detection rate in an AB task as well as with the corresponding P300 amplitude of the event-related potential. In previous research, however, correlations between these two levels of observation were weak and rather inconsistent. A possible explanation of this finding might be that multiple processes underlie the AB and, thus, obscure a possible relationship between AB-related detection rate and the corresponding P300 amplitude. The present study investigated this assumption by applying a fixed-links modeling approach to represent behavioral individual differences in the AB as a latent variable. Concurrently, this approach enabled us to control for additional sources of variance in AB performance by deriving two additional latent variables. The correlation between the latent variable reflecting behavioral individual differences in AB magnitude and a corresponding latent variable derived from the P300 amplitude was high (r=.70). Furthermore, this correlation was considerably stronger than the correlations of other behavioral measures of the AB magnitude with their psychophysiological counterparts (all rs<.40). Our findings clearly indicate that the systematic disentangling of various sources of variance by utilizing the fixed-links modeling approach is a promising tool to investigate behavioral individual differences in the AB and possible psychophysiological correlates of these individual differences.
The cumulative work presented here supports the hypothesis that plasticity in the cerebellar cortex and cerebellar nuclei mediates a simple associative form of motor teaming-Pavlovian eyelid conditioning. It was previously demonstrated that focal ablative lesions of cerebellar anterior lobe or pharmacological block of the cerebellar cortex output disrupted the timing of the conditioned eyeblink response, unmasking a response with a relatively fixed and very short latency to onset. The results of this thesis demonstrate that the short-latency responses are due to associative learning. Unpaired training does not support the acquisition of short-latency responses while the rate of acquisition of short-latency responses during paired training is approximately the same as that of timed conditioned responses. The acquisition of short-latency responses is dependent on an intact cerebellar cortex. Both ablative lesions of the cerebellar cortex and inactivation of cerebellar cortex output with picrotoxin block the acquisition of short-latency responses. However, once the short-latency responses are acquired neither disconnection of cerebellar cortex nor inactivation of the cerebellar nucleus block reacquisition. The results are consistent with the proposal that plasticity in the cerebellar cortex is necessary for learning the timing of conditioned responses, plasticity in the interpositus nucleus mediates the short latency responses, and cerebellar cortical output and mossy fiber input are necessary for the acquisition of short latency responses. ^
Beryllium is a widely distributed, highly toxic metal. When beryllium particulates enter the body, the body's defense mechanisms are engaged. When the body's defenses cannot easily remove the particulates, then a damage and repair cycle is initiated. This cycle produces chronic beryllium disease (CBD), a progressive, fibrotic respiratory involvement which eventually suffocates exposed individuals. ^ Beryllium disease is an occupational disease, and as such it can be prevented by limiting exposures. In the 1940s journalists reported beryllium deaths at Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) facilities, the Department of Energy's (DOE) predecessor organization. These reports energized public pressure for exposure limits, and in 1949 AEC implemented a 2 μg/m3 permissible exposure limit (PEL). ^ The limits appeared to stop acute disease. In contrast, CBD has a long latency period between exposure and diagnosable disease, between one and thirty years. The lack of immediate adverse health consequences masked the seriousness of chronic disease and pragmatically removed CBD from AEC/DOE's political concern. ^ Presently the PEL for beryllium at DOE sites remains at 2 μg/m 3. This limit does not prevent CBD. This conclusion has long been known, although denied until recently. In 1999 DOE acknowledged the limit's ineffectiveness in its federal regulation governing beryllium exposure, 10 CFR 850. ^ Despite this admission, the PEL has not been reduced. The beryllium manufacturer and AEC/DOE have a history of exerting efforts to maintain and protect the status quo. Primary amongst these efforts has been creation and promotion of disinformation within peer reviewed health literature which discusses beryllium, exposures, health effects and treatment, and targeting graduate school students so that their perspective is shaped early. ^ Once indoctrinated with incorrect information, professionals tend to overlook aerosol and respiratory mechanics, immunologic and carcinogenic factors. They then apply tools and perspectives derived from the beryllium manufacturer and DOE's propaganda. Conclusions drawn are incorrect. The result is: health research and associated policy is conducted with incorrect premises. Effective disease management practices are not implemented. ^ Public health protection requires recognition of the disinformation and its implications. When disinformation is identified, then effective health policies and practices can be developed and implemented. ^