961 resultados para Overtures (String orchestra)
“Music at the Fair!” gives the daily musical programs for The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, held in Omaha, Nebraska, June 1 through October 31, 1898. The Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition brought an unprecedented array of local, national, and international musical acts to Omaha, NE in 1898. This served to designate Omaha, "the gateway to the west" as a musical hub, as well as to incite musical excitement in the region. Some of the more popular acts featured were the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, the U.S. Marine Band, and the Apollo Club of Chicago. Many more groups and their musical programs can be found within the pages of this site. The “Music at the Fair!” website was created by Grace Carey, and last revised on May 19, 2006.It is the result of a two- year research grant funded by an Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences (UCARE) grant through the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. It is an extension of an ongoing project on music at the TME by Music Professor Peter Lefferts. The primary sources of information for the site are the following newspapers from June – November 1898: The Omaha Daily Bee, the Omaha Evening Bee, and the Omaha World Herald, and the the official programs of the fair located in the archives at the Omaha Public Library. I would like to thank the helpful staff at the Nebraska State Historical Society and the downtown branch of the Omaha Public Library. Site Creator: Grace Carey Project Advisor: Peter Lefferts, Professor of Music History at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln The linked “Document” is a flat PDF version of the interactive website. To download the fully interactive html version, click on the “Related file” to download the zipped folder. When unzipped, click on the file named “index” to enter the website.
Although parrots share with corvids and primates many of the traits believed to be associated with advanced cognitive processing, knowledge of parrot cognition is still limited to a few species, none of which are Neotropical. Here we examine the ability of three Neotropical parrot species (Blue-Fronted Amazons, Hyacinth and Lear`s macaws) to spontaneously solve a novel physical problem: the string-pulling test. The ability to pull up a string to obtain out-of-reach food has been often considered a cognitively complex task, as it requires the use of a sequence of actions never previously assembled, along with the ability to continuously monitor string, food and certain body movements. We presented subjects with pulling tasks where we varied the spatial relationship between the strings, the presence of a reward and the physical contact between the string and reward to determine whether (1) string-pulling is goal-oriented in these parrots, (2) whether the string is recognized as a means to obtain the reward and (3) whether subjects can visually determine the continuity between the string and the reward, selecting only those strings for which no physical gaps between string and reward were present. Our results show that some individuals of all species were able to use the string as a means to reach a specific goal, in this case, the retrieval of the food treat. Also, subjects from both macaw species were able to visually determine the presence of physical continuity between the string and reward, making their choices consistently with the recognition that no gaps should be present between the string and the reward. Our findings highlight the potential of this taxonomic group for the understanding of the underpinnings of cognition in evolutionarily distant groups such as birds and primates.
Although praised for their rationality, humans often make poor decisions, even in simple situations. In the repeated binary choice experiment, an individual has to choose repeatedly between the same two alternatives, where a reward is assigned to one of them with fixed probability. The optimal strategy is to perseverate with choosing the alternative with the best expected return. Whereas many species perseverate, humans tend to match the frequencies of their choices to the frequencies of the alternatives, a sub-optimal strategy known as probability matching. Our goal was to find the primary cognitive constraints under which a set of simple evolutionary rules can lead to such contrasting behaviors. We simulated the evolution of artificial populations, wherein the fitness of each animat (artificial animal) depended on its ability to predict the next element of a sequence made up of a repeating binary string of varying size. When the string was short relative to the animats' neural capacity, they could learn it and correctly predict the next element of the sequence. When it was long, they could not learn it, turning to the next best option: to perseverate. Animats from the last generation then performed the task of predicting the next element of a non-periodical binary sequence. We found that, whereas animats with smaller neural capacity kept perseverating with the best alternative as before, animats with larger neural capacity, which had previously been able to learn the pattern of repeating strings, adopted probability matching, being outperformed by the perseverating animats. Our results demonstrate how the ability to make predictions in an environment endowed with regular patterns may lead to probability matching under less structured conditions. They point to probability matching as a likely by-product of adaptive cognitive strategies that were crucial in human evolution, but may lead to sub-optimal performances in other environments.
We calculate the relic abundance of mixed axion/neutralino cold dark matter which arises in R-parity conserving supersymmetric (SUSY) models wherein the strong CP problem is solved by the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism with a concommitant axion/saxion/axino supermultiplet. By numerically solving the coupled Boltzmann equations, we include the combined effects of 1. thermal axino production with cascade decays to a neutralino LSP, 2. thermal saxion production and production via coherent oscillations along with cascade decays and entropy injection, 3. thermal neutralino production and re-annihilation after both axino and saxion decays, 4. gravitino production and decay and 5. axion production both thermally and via oscillations. For SUSY models with too high a standard neutralino thermal abundance, we find the combined effect of SUSY PQ particles is not enough to lower the neutralino abundance down to its measured value, while at the same time respecting bounds on late-decaying neutral particles from BBN. However, models with a standard neutralino underabundance can now be allowed with either neutralino or axion domination of dark matter, and furthermore, these models can allow the PQ breaking scale f(a) to be pushed up into the 10(14) - 10(15) GeV range, which is where it is typically expected to be in string theory models.
Excesses on positron and electron fluxes-measured by ATIC and the PAMELA and Fermi-LAT telescopes-can be explained by dark matter annihilation in the Galaxy, however, it requires large boosts on the dark matter annihilation rate. There are many possible enhancement mechanisms such as the Sommerfeld effect or the existence of dark matter clumps in our halo. If enhancements on the dark matter annihilation cross section are taking place, the dark matter annihilation in the core of the Earth will be enhanced. Here we use recent results from the IceCube 40-string configuration to probe generic enhancement scenarios. We present results as a function of the dark matter-proton interaction cross section, sigma(chi p) weighted by the branching fraction into neutrinos f(nu(nu) over bar) as a function of a generic boost factor B-F, which parametrizes the expected enhancement of the annihilation rate. We find that dark matter models that require annihilation enhancements of O(100) or more and that annihilate significantly into neutrinos are excluded as an explanation for these excesses. We also determine the boost range that can be probed by the full IceCube telescope.
Context: The aberrant processing of salience is thought to be a fundamental factor underlying psychosis. Cannabis can induce acute psychotic symptoms, and its chronic use may increase the risk of schizophrenia. We investigated whether its psychotic effects are mediated through an influence on attentional salience processing. Objective: To examine the effects of Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 9-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) on regional brain function during salience processing. Design: Volunteers were studied using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging on 3 occasions after administration of Delta 9-THC, CBD, or placebo while performing a visual oddball detection paradigm that involved allocation of attention to infrequent (oddball) stimuli within a string of frequent (standard) stimuli. Setting: University center. Participants: Fifteen healthy men with minimal previous cannabis use. Main Outcome Measures: Symptom ratings, task performance, and regional brain activation. Results: During the processing of oddball stimuli, relative to placebo, Delta 9-THC attenuated activation in the right caudate but augmented it in the right prefrontal cortex. Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol also reduced the response latency to standard relative to oddball stimuli. The effect of Delta 9-THC in the right caudate was negatively correlated with the severity of the psychotic symptoms it induced and its effect on response latency. The effects of CBD on task-related activation were in the opposite direction of those of Delta 9-THC; relative to placebo, CBD augmented left caudate and hippocampal activation but attenuated right prefrontal activation. Conclusions: Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD differentially modulate prefrontal, striatal, and hippocampal function during attentional salience processing. These effects may contribute to the effects of cannabis on psychotic symptoms and on the risk of psychotic disorders.
Using the elements of the so-called KBc gamma subalgebra, we study a class of analytic solutions depending on a single function F(K) in the modified cubic superstring field theory. We compute the energy associated to these solutions and show that the result can be expressed in terms of a contour integral. For a particular choice of the function F(K), we show that the energy is given by integer multiples of a single D-brane tension.
Este estudo analisa o 1º movimento do Quarteto de Cordas nº 7 de Villa-Lobos e investiga possíveis referências aos quartetos de cordas compostos por Franz Haydn, como Villa-Lobos sugeriu a Arnaldo Estrella.
It is shown that the generation of cavities in a liquid can produce usable work, which is illustrated by the stretching of a string. This work is done during the expansion of the cavity, and not with its collapse. Basic equations are presented for the movement of a device moved by the so called cavity events. A theoretical solution is also proposed, which uses polynomial functions relating the so called "excess of pressure" in the cavity and time. Evaluations of the force generated during the expansion of the cavity showed a mean peak value of about 58 N for the moving container, while measurements with the container fixed to a support showed a peak value of 476 N, considered somewhat overestimated, because high frequency oscillations seem to superpose the mean behavior. Simultaneous phenomena occurring during the cavity events are also described. Series of pictures of the experiments are presented.
[ES] El Trabajo de Fin de Grado, Monitor Web de Expresiones Regulares (MWRegEx), es una herramienta basada en tecnologías web, desarrollada usando el entorno Visual Studio. El objetivo principal de la aplicación es dar apoyo a la docencia de expresiones regulares, en el marco de la enseñanza del manejo de ristras de caracteres en las asignaturas de programación del Grado en Ingeniería Informática. La aplicación permite obtener el dibujo de un autómata de una expresión regular, facilitando su comprensión; además, permite aplicar la expresión a diferentes ristras de caracteres, mostrando las coincidencias encontradas, y ofrece una versión de la expresión adaptada a su uso en literales string de lenguajes como Java y otros. La herramienta se ha implementado en dos partes: un servicio web, escrito en C#, donde se realizan todos los análisis de las expresiones regulares y las ristras a contrastar; y un cliente web, implementado usando tecnología asp.net, con JavaScript y JQuery, que gestiona la interfaz de usuario y muestra los resultados. Esta separación permite que el servicio web pueda ser reutilizado con otras aplicaciones cliente. El autómata que representa una expresión regular esta dibujado usando la librería Raphaël JavaScript que permite manejar los elementos SVG. Cada elemento de la expresión regular tiene un dibujo diferente y único para así diferenciarlo. Toda la interfaz gráfica de usuario está internacionalizada de manera tal que pueda adaptarse a diferentes idiomas y regiones sin la necesidad de realizar cambios de ingeniería ni en el código. Tanto el servicio web como la parte cliente están estructurados para que se puedan agregar nuevas modificaciones sin que esto genere una onda expansiva a lo largo de las diversas clases existentes.
[ES] El Trabajo de Fin de Grado, Diseño e Implementación de un Convertidor Numérico como Aplicación Android es una aplicación desarrollada para terminales móviles con SO Android. Esta desarrollada en el entorno de desarrollo Eclipse, sobre el lenguaje de programación Java y hace uso de diferentes herramientas, las más importante de ellas el SDK TOOLS para Android. El objetivo o principal motivación por el cual he creado dicha aplicación es facilitarle al usuario final una forma más fácil y amena de acceder a toda la información proporcionada por el Servicio Web Números TIP. Esta aplicación podría tener gran uso en el campo de las enseñanzas primarias para enseñar a los niños a escribir números con letras y también podría ser de gran utilidad para las personas que no tengan un dominio extenso de nuestro idioma. La principal funcionalidad de la aplicación es realizar una consulta al Servicio Web Números TIP y luego mostrar por pantalla todos los datos devueltos. Todo el proceso de dibujo de la interfaz de usuario se realiza de manera dinámica y en tiempo de ejecución, logrando de esta manera adaptarnos a los datos que devuelva el servicio web. Para realizar la consulta al Servicio Web Números TIP el usuario introduce una ristra de caracteres sobre la cual se realizan determinadas comprobaciones en el servidor y se dibuja en la interfaz de usuario la respuesta devuelta. Esta ristra de caracteres puede contener cualquier signo, letra o número y el servicio web se encarga de devolver un error o reconocer un número, ya sea en su forma entera, fraccionaria, decimal o romana. La aplicación esta estandarizada para los cuatro tamaños generales reconocidos por Android y para sus densidades. Además se podría decir que la aplicación reconoce el idioma pre configurado en el teléfono y en base a ello solicita al servicio web las respuestas en español o en inglés.
[ES]La Fundación Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria es una de las instituciones insulares más respetada y cercana a la sociedad grancanaria por la labor que desempeña. Presentamos una aproximación a la misma, centrándonos especialmente en el análisis de los conciertos de abono ya que son la actividad central alrededor de la cual gira la actividad artística de la OFGC, además de diversa información novedosa y útil que ayudará a conocer la trayectoria de la Orquesta grancanaria. [EN]The Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra Foundation is one of the most respected and well liked institutions in Gran Canaria society, for the service that it gives. We will study and analize the orchestra´s main and most important activity, its season concerts, around which all its different activities are based. New information will show the history of the Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra in a different light.
The dissertation is divided into two parts: the first synthesis focused on the definition of the epigram scoptico imperial age, the second analysis concerns the study of the minor poets of Book XI. In the Introduction (I), the attention focuses on the genesis of imperial scoptic epigram: here you try to draw a picture of the satirical Greek literature before the middle of the century AD to identify the debts of the scoptic epigram, especially Lucillius’, in respect of previous authors (from the Middle-up comedy to epigrams of the Crown of Philip), and to emphasize the remoteness of this literary phenomenon from other experiences of ironic and satirical poetry (Catullus). In the chapter on the Themes (II), the study was limited to professional groups and those most targeted (doctors, grammarians, etc..), to that particular type represented by the satire on ethnic groups. The study of minor poets is necessarily preceded by a general discussion on the authors most representative of the greek satiric poetry: Lucillius, Ammianus, Nicarchus and Palladas (III). All the minor poets of the eleventh book, which you can not provide a date, have been regarded by scholars as the ‘poets of Diogenian’: the chapter on Anthologion of Diogenian (IV), which is undergoing critical to the existence (assumed but never proven) of the lost source of Book XI, therefore, serves as an introduction to the commentary of the authors required minors. During the discussion they are not qualified as poets ‘poets of Diogenian’, but are divided into two categories: those included in the string of alphabetically ordered AP XI 388-436 (V), and those who are not part of (VI). Finally, a separate chapter (VII) is devoted to the age-old question of epigrams assigned to Lucian, both in the string of alphabetically ordered epigrams, as well as outside it.
Three published papers are resumed in this thesis. Different aspects of the semiclassical theory of gravity are discussed. In chapter 1 we find a new perturbative (yet analytical) solution to the unsolved problem of the metric junction between two Friedmann-Robertson-Walker using Israel's formalism. The case of an expanding radiation core inside an expanding or collapsing dust exterior is treated. This model can be useful in the "landscape" cosmology in string theory or for treating new gravastar configurations. In chapter 2 we investigate the possible use of the Kodama vector field as a substitute for the Killing vector field. In particular we find the response function of an Unruh detector following an (accelerated) Kodama trajectory. The detector has finite extension and backreaction is considered. In chapter 3 we study the possible creation of microscopic black holes at LHC in the brane world model. It is found that the black hole tidal charge has a fundamental role in preventing the formation of the horizon.