895 resultados para On-site Systems
An approach for solving reactive power planning problems is presented, which is based on binary search techniques and the use of a special heuristic to obtain a discrete solution. Two versions were developed, one to run on conventional (sequential) computers and the other to run on a distributed memory (hypercube) machine. This latter parallel processing version employs an asynchronous programming model. Once the set of candidate buses has been defined, the program gives the location and size of the reactive sources needed(if any) in keeping with operating and security constraints.
Large scale combinatorial problems such as the network expansion problem present an amazingly high number of alternative configurations with practically the same investment, but with substantially different structures (configurations obtained with different sets of circuit/transformer additions). The proposed parallel tabu search algorithm has shown to be effective in exploring this type of optimization landscape. The algorithm is a third generation tabu search procedure with several advanced features. This is the most comprehensive combinatorial optimization technique available for treating difficult problems such as the transmission expansion planning. The method includes features of a variety of other approaches such as heuristic search, simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. In all test cases studied there are new generation, load sites which can be connected to an existing main network: such connections may require more than one line, transformer addition, which makes the problem harder in the sense that more combinations have to be considered.
The simulated annealing optimization technique has been successfully applied to a number of electrical engineering problems, including transmission system expansion planning. The method is general in the sense that it does not assume any particular property of the problem being solved, such as linearity or convexity. Moreover, it has the ability to provide solutions arbitrarily close to an optimum (i.e. it is asymptotically convergent) as the cooling process slows down. The drawback of the approach is the computational burden: finding optimal solutions may be extremely expensive in some cases. This paper presents a Parallel Simulated Annealing, PSA, algorithm for solving the long term transmission network expansion planning problem. A strategy that does not affect the basic convergence properties of the Sequential Simulated Annealing algorithm have been implementeded and tested. The paper investigates the conditions under which the parallel algorithm is most efficient. The parallel implementations have been tested on three example networks: a small 6-bus network, and two complex real-life networks. Excellent results are reported in the test section of the paper: in addition to reductions in computing times, the Parallel Simulated Annealing algorithm proposed in the paper has shown significant improvements in solution quality for the largest of the test networks.
The capacitor placement (replacement) problem for radial distribution networks determines capacitor types, sizes, locations and control schemes. Optimal capacitor placement is a hard combinatorial problem that can be formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear program. Since this is a NP complete problem (Non Polynomial time) the solution approach uses a combinatorial search algorithm. The paper proposes a hybrid method drawn upon the Tabu Search approach, extended with features taken from other combinatorial approaches such as genetic algorithms and simulated annealing, and from practical heuristic approaches. The proposed method has been tested in a range of networks available in the literature with superior results regarding both quality and cost of solutions.
The neutral wire in most power flow software is usually merged into phase wires using Kron's reduction. Since the neutral wire and the ground are not explicitly represented, neutral wire and ground currents and voltages remain unknown. In some applications, like power quality and safety analyses, loss analysis, etc., knowing the neutral wire and ground currents and voltages could be of special interest. In this paper, a general power flow algorithm for three-phase four-wire radial distribution networks, considering neutral grounding, based on backward-forward technique, is proposed. In this novel use of the technique, both the neutral wire and ground are explicitly represented. A problem of three-phase distribution system with earth return, as a special case of a four-wire network, is also elucidated. Results obtained from several case studies using medium- and low-voltage test feeders with unbalanced load, are presented and discussed.
The objective of this letter is to propose an alternative modal representation of a nontransposed three-phase transmission line with a vertical symmetry plane by using two transformation matrices. Initially, Clarke's matrix is used to separate the line into components a, 0, and zero. Because a and zero components are not exact modes, they can be considered as being a two-phase line that will be decomposed in its exact modes by using a 2 x 2 modal transformation matrix. This letter will describe the characteristics of the two-phase line before mentioned. This modal representation is applied to decouple a nontransposed three-phase transmission line with a vertical symmetry plane whose nominal voltage is 440 kV.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In 2008, academic researchers and public service officials created a university extension studies platform based on online and on-site meetings denominated "Work-Related Accidents Forum: Analysis, Prevention, and Other Relevant Aspects. Its aim was to help public agents and social partners to propagate a systemic approach that would be helpful in the surveillance and prevention of work-related accidents. This article describes and analyses such a platform. Online access is free and structured to: support dissemination of updated concepts; support on-site meetings and capacity to build educational activities; and keep a permanent space for debate among the registered participants. The desired result is the propagation of a social-technical-systemic view of work-related accidents that replaces the current traditional view that emphasizes human error and results in blaming the victims. The Forum uses an educational approach known as permanent health education, which is based on the experience and needs of workers and encourages debate among participants. The forum adopts a problematizing pedagogy that starts from the requirements and experiences of the social actors and stimulates support and discussions among them in line with an ongoing health educational approach. The current challenge is to turn the platform into a social networking website in order to broaden its links with society.
Biodiversity is organised into complex ecological networks of interacting species in local ecosystems, but our knowledge about the effects of habitat fragmentation on such systems remains limited. We consider the effects of this key driver of both local and global change on both mutualistic and antagonistic systems at different levels of biological organisation and spatiotemporal scales.There is a complex interplay of patterns and processes related to the variation and influence of spatial, temporal and biotic drivers in ecological networks. Species traits (e.g. body size, dispersal ability) play an important role in determining how networks respond to fragment size and isolation, edge shape and permeability, and the quality of the surrounding landscape matrix. Furthermore, the perception of spatial scale (e.g. environmental grain) and temporal effects (time lags, extinction debts) can differ markedly among species, network modules and trophic levels, highlighting the need to develop a more integrated perspective that considers not just nodes, but the structural role and strength of species interactions (e.g. as hubs, spatial couplers and determinants of connectance, nestedness and modularity) in response to habitat fragmentation.Many challenges remain for improving our understanding: the likely importance of specialisation, functional redundancy and trait matching has been largely overlooked. The potentially critical effects of apex consumers, abundant species and supergeneralists on network changes and evolutionary dynamics also need to be addressed in future research. Ultimately, spatial and ecological networks need to be combined to explore the effects of dispersal, colonisation, extinction and habitat fragmentation on network structure and coevolutionary dynamics. Finally, we need to embed network approaches more explicitly within applied ecology in general, because they offer great potential for improving on the current species-based or habitat-centric approaches to our management and conservation of biodiversity in the face of environmental change.
Within a weekly market horizon, this paper considers a power producer that sells its energy both in the pool and through weekly forward contracts. The paper provides a methodology that allows the producer to derive the self-scheduling of its production units, to select weekly forward contracts, and to obtain the offering strategy for Monday's pool. The proposed technique is based on stochastic programming and allows the producer to maximize its expected profit while controlling the risk of profit variability. A comprehensive case study is used to illustrate the characteristics of the proposed methodology. Appropriate conclusions are finally drawn.
A multi-agent framework for spatial electric load forecasting, especially suited to simulate the different dynamics involved on distribution systems, is presented. The service zone is divided into several sub-zones, each subzone is considered as an independent agent identified with a corresponding load level, and their relationships with the neighbor zones are represented as development probabilities. With this setting, different kind of agents can be developed to simulate the growth pattern of the loads in distribution systems. This paper presents two different kinds of agents to simulate different situations, presenting some promissory results.
The task of controlling urban traffic requires flexibility, adaptability and handling uncertain information spread through the intersection network. The use of fuzzy sets concepts convey these characteristics to improve system performance. This paper reviews a distributed traffic control system built upon a fuzzy distributed architecture previously developed by the authors. The emphasis of the paper is on the application of the system to control part of Campinas downtown area. Simulation experiments considering several traffic scenarios were performed to verify the capabilities of the system in controlling a set of coupled intersections. The performance of the proposed system is compared with conventional traffic control strategies under the same scenarios. The results obtained show that the distributed traffic control system outperforms conventional systems as far as average queues, average delay and maximum delay measures are concerned.
We present here the results of a study of 21 work-related accidents that occurred in a Brazilian manufacturing company. The aim was to assess the safety level of the company to improve its work accident prevention policy. In the last 6 months of 1992 and 1993, all accidents resulting in 15 days' absence from work, reported for social security purposes, were analyzed using the INRS causal tree method (ADC) and a questionnaire completed on site. Potential risk factors for accidents were identified based on the specific factors highlighted by the ADC. More universal trees were also compiled for the safety assessment. Three hundred and thirty specific accident factors were recorded (man of 15.71 per accident). This is consistent with there being multiple causes of accidents rather than the assertion of Brazilian business safety departments that accidents are due to 'dangerous' or 'unsafe' behavior. Introducing the idea of culpability into accidents prevents the implementation of an appropriate information feedback process, essential for effective prevention. However, the large number of accidents related to 'material' (78%) and 'environment' (70%) indicates that working conditions are poor. This shows that the technical risks, mostly due to unsafe machinery and equipment are not being dealt with. Seventy-five potential accident factors were identified. Of these, 35% were 'organizational', a high proportion for the company studied. Improvisation occurs at all levels, particularly at the organizational level. This is, thus a major determinant for entire series of, if not most, accident situations. The poor condition of equipment also plays a major role in accidents. The effects of poor equipment on safety exacerbate the organizational shortcomings. The company's safety intervention policy should improve the management of human resources (rules designating particular workers for particular workstations; instructions for the safe operation of machines and equipment; training of operators, etc.) and introduce programs to detect risks and to improve the safety of machines and equipment. We also recommend the establishment of a program to follow the results of any preventive measures adopted.
We present here the results of a study of 21 work-related accidents that occurred in a Brazilian manufacturing company. The aim was to assess the safety level of the company to improve its work accident prevention policy. In the last 6 months of 1992 and 1993, all accidents resulting in 15 days' absence from work, reported for social security purposes, were analyzed using the INRS causal tree method (ADC) and a questionnaire completed on site. Potential risk factors for accidents were identified based on the specific factors highlighted by the ADC. More universal trees were also compiled for the safety assessment. Three hundred and thirty specific accident factors were recorded (mean of 15.71 per accident). This is consistent with there being multiple causes of accidents rather than the assertion of Brazilian business safety departments that accidents are due to dangerous or unsafe behavior. Introducing the idea of culpability into accidents prevents the implementation of an appropriate information feedback process, essential for effective prevention. However, the large number of accidents related to material (78%) and environment (70%) indicates that working conditions are poor. This shows that the technical risks, mostly due to unsafe machinery and equipment are not being dealt with. Seventy-five potential accident factors were identified. Of these, 35% were organizational, a high proportion for the company studied. Improvisation occurs at all levels, particularly at the organizational level. This is thus a major determinant for entire series of, if not most, accident situations. The poor condition of equipment also plays a major role in accidents. The effects of poor equipment on safety exacerbate the organizational shortcomings. The company's safety intervention policy should improve the management of human resources (rules designating particular workers for particular workstations; instructions for the safe operation of machines and equipment; training of operators, etc.) and introduce programs to detect risks and to improve the safety of machines and equipment. We also recommend the establishment of a program to follow the results of any preventive measures adopted.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)