902 resultados para Objective spirit


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Numerical optimization is a technique where a computer is used to explore design parameter combinations to find extremes in performance factors. In multi-objective optimization several performance factors can be optimized simultaneously. The solution to multi-objective optimization problems is not a single design, but a family of optimized designs referred to as the Pareto frontier. The Pareto frontier is a trade-off curve in the objective function space composed of solutions where performance in one objective function is traded for performance in others. A Multi-Objective Hybridized Optimizer (MOHO) was created for the purpose of solving multi-objective optimization problems by utilizing a set of constituent optimization algorithms. MOHO tracks the progress of the Pareto frontier approximation development and automatically switches amongst those constituent evolutionary optimization algorithms to speed the formation of an accurate Pareto frontier approximation. Aerodynamic shape optimization is one of the oldest applications of numerical optimization. MOHO was used to perform shape optimization on a 0.5-inch ballistic penetrator traveling at Mach number 2.5. Two objectives were simultaneously optimized: minimize aerodynamic drag and maximize penetrator volume. This problem was solved twice. The first time the problem was solved by using Modified Newton Impact Theory (MNIT) to determine the pressure drag on the penetrator. In the second solution, a Parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS) solver that includes viscosity was used to evaluate the drag on the penetrator. The studies show the difference in the optimized penetrator shapes when viscosity is absent and present in the optimization. In modern optimization problems, objective function evaluations may require many hours on a computer cluster to perform these types of analysis. One solution is to create a response surface that models the behavior of the objective function. Once enough data about the behavior of the objective function has been collected, a response surface can be used to represent the actual objective function in the optimization process. The Hybrid Self-Organizing Response Surface Method (HYBSORSM) algorithm was developed and used to make response surfaces of objective functions. HYBSORSM was evaluated using a suite of 295 non-linear functions. These functions involve from 2 to 100 variables demonstrating robustness and accuracy of HYBSORSM.


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The aim of this work was to develop a new methodology, which can be used to design new refrigerants that are better than the currently used refrigerants. The methodology draws some parallels with the general approach of computer aided molecular design. However, the mathematical way of representing the molecular structure of an organic compound and the use of meta models during the optimization process make it different. In essence, this approach aimed to generate molecules that conform to various property requirements that are known and specified a priori. A modified way of mathematically representing the molecular structure of an organic compound having up to four carbon atoms, along with atoms of other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, fluorine, chlorine and bromine, was developed. The normal boiling temperature, enthalpy of vaporization, vapor pressure, tropospheric lifetime and biodegradability of 295 different organic compounds, were collected from open literature and data bases or estimated. Surrogate models linking the previously mentioned quantities with the molecular structure were developed. Constraints ensuring the generation of structurally feasible molecules were formulated and used in commercially available optimization algorithms to generate molecular structures of promising new refrigerants. This study was intended to serve as a proof-of-concept of designing refrigerants using the newly developed methodology.


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An examination of the efficacy of religious studies scholarship through a Kuhnian lens.


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Depuis les années 2000, l’apparition du terme Bromance marque la culture populaire américaine. Cette notion est apparue pour définir les amitiés entre hommes au cinéma, à la télévision et sur Internet. Les films de Bromance, caractérisés par une multitude de scènes de déclaration d’amour entre hommes, traduisent bien cette nouvelle façon d’aborder l’amitié au masculin. À travers les définitions de la masculinité dans ces films, l’enjeu de l’hétérosexualité demeure omniprésent. Malgré la fragilisation de certains stéréotypes traditionnels liés au masculin, il n’en demeure pas moins que la notion de «vraie» masculinité persiste et demeure systématiquement liée à l’hétérosexualité des hommes qui partagent cette amitié particulière qu’on appelle Bromance. Dans cette optique, plusieurs stratégies se manifestent pour prouver la masculinité et donc l’hétérosexualité des protagonistes, mais l’une d’entre elles semble être au cœur de ces films. Cette stratégie s’incarne sous la forme d’une compétition entre hommes qui mise sur la capacité à performer un acte conventionnellement associé à l’homosexualité. Sur Internet, des vidéos qui prennent le nom « Gay Chicken » présentent des hommes qui s’embrassent et qui se touchent sans être dérangés ou ébranlés. C’est la capacité à être calme et en contrôle en restant insensible au corps d’un autre homme qui démontrerait le côté inébranlable de son hétérosexualité et donc de sa masculinité. C’est cet esprit du « Gay Chicken » qui se retrouve un peu partout dans l’univers des films de Bromance. Paradoxalement, ces nouveaux «modèles» d’homme doivent pouvoir à la fois incarner une masculinité plus flexible, plus ouverte et sensible, mais doivent également prouver leur virilité. Cette « masculinité contemporaine » brouille les cartes entre ce qui est viril et ce qui ne l’est pas, entre ce qui est féminin et ce qui ne l’est pas et entre ce qui est homosexuel et ce qui ne l’est pas. Les relations homosociales dans le cadre de Bromances présentent alors des opportunités indispensables pour prouver à tous la force de son hétérosexualité. Ce travail de recherche se penchera donc plus précisément sur les paradoxes d’une « masculinité contemporaine » intimement liée à l’orientation hétérosexuelle, par l’entremise de certains films issus de la culture populaire américaine associée à la Bromance. L’objectif est de montrer comment ces films sont des manifestations significatives d’une nouvelle forme d’affirmation identitaire masculine qui passe par des relations homosociales où les tensions et sous-textes homosexuels se multiplient et doivent être réprimés ou invalidés continuellement.


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Large efforts are on-going within the EU to prepare the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’s (MSFD) assessment of the environmental status of the European seas. This assessment will only be as good as the indicators chosen to monitor the eleven descriptors of good environmental status (GEnS). An objective and transparent framework to determine whether chosen indicators actually support the aims of this policy is, however, not yet in place. Such frameworks are needed to ensure that the limited resources available to this assessment optimize the likelihood of achieving GEnS within collaborating states. Here, we developed a hypothesis-based protocol to evaluate whether candidate indicators meet quality criteria explicit to the MSFD, which the assessment community aspires to. Eight quality criteria are distilled from existing initiatives, and a testing and scoring protocol for each of them is presented. We exemplify its application in three worked examples, covering indicators for three GEnS descriptors (1, 5 and 6), various habitat components (seaweeds, seagrasses, benthic macrofauna and plankton), and assessment regions (Danish, Lithuanian and UK waters). We argue that this framework provides a necessary, transparent and standardized structure to support the comparison of candidate indicators, and the decision-making process leading to indicator selection. Its application could help identify potential limitations in currently available candidate metrics and, in such cases, help focus the development of more adequate indicators. Use of such standardized approaches will facilitate the sharing of knowledge gained across the MSFD parties despite context-specificity across assessment regions, and support the evidence-based management of European seas.


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Large efforts are on-going within the EU to prepare the Marine Strategy Framework Directive’s (MSFD) assessment of the environmental status of the European seas. This assessment will only be as good as the indicators chosen to monitor the eleven descriptors of good environmental status (GEnS). An objective and transparent framework to determine whether chosen indicators actually support the aims of this policy is, however, not yet in place. Such frameworks are needed to ensure that the limited resources available to this assessment optimize the likelihood of achieving GEnS within collaborating states. Here, we developed a hypothesis-based protocol to evaluate whether candidate indicators meet quality criteria explicit to the MSFD, which the assessment community aspires to. Eight quality criteria are distilled from existing initiatives, and a testing and scoring protocol for each of them is presented. We exemplify its application in three worked examples, covering indicators for three GEnS descriptors (1, 5 and 6), various habitat components (seaweeds, seagrasses, benthic macrofauna and plankton), and assessment regions (Danish, Lithuanian and UK waters). We argue that this framework provides a necessary, transparent and standardized structure to support the comparison of candidate indicators, and the decision-making process leading to indicator selection. Its application could help identify potential limitations in currently available candidate metrics and, in such cases, help focus the development of more adequate indicators. Use of such standardized approaches will facilitate the sharing of knowledge gained across the MSFD parties despite context-specificity across assessment regions, and support the evidence-based management of European seas.


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An objective structured long examination record (OSLER) is a modification of the long-case clinical examination and is mainly used in medical education. This study aims to obtain nursing students' views of the OSLER compared with the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), which is used to assess discrete clinical skills. A sample of third-year undergraduate nursing students (n=21) volunteered to participate from a cohort of 230 students. Participants undertook the OSLER under examination conditions. Pre-and post-test questionnaires gathered the students' views on the assessments and these were analysed from a mainly qualitative perspective. Teachers' and simulated patient views were also used for data triangulation. The findings indicate that the OSLER ensures more holistic assessment of a student's clinical skills and particularly essential skills such as communication, and that the OSLER, together with the OSCE, should be used to supplement the assessment of clinical competence in nursing education.


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La présente recherche porte sur Healing Our Spirit Worldwide (HOSW), un mouvement autochtone de guérison international. Les rassemblements HOSW, qui se déroulent à un intervalle variable dans différents pays, sont des lieux de célébration de la résilience des peuples autochtones et contribuent à l’émergence d’un sentiment de communauté et de solidarité entre les participants. Une description brève du mouvement, notamment vis-à-vis de son historique, son mandat et sa structure, est complétée par l’exemple du sixième rassemblement qui s’est déroulé à Honolulu, Hawai’i en septembre 2010. Celui-ci est mis à profit pour illustrer plus clairement la nature du mouvement et mettre en relief les discours des conférenciers lors de cet événement sur les thèmes de la guérison et de l’autochtonéité qui sont au cœur des intentions de recherche. La recherche met en lumière la dimension relationnelle de la guérison et de l’autochtonéité telles qu’elles sont décrites au sein du mouvement HOSW.


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Le projet de recherche est une étude prospective consistant à déterminer la séquence de récupération des fibres sensitives de la troisième division du nerf trijumeau (V3) suite à une ostéotomie sagittale mandibulaire bilatérale (OSMB). Dix-neuf sujets ont été recrutés entre les mois de mars et septembre 2008. Tous ont eu une chirurgie orthognathique d’OSMB afin de corriger une malocclusion. La sensibilité dans le territoire cutané innervé par V3 de chacun des sujets a été évaluée en pré-opératoire de même qu’à cinq autres reprises en post-opératoire (2, 4, 20, 36 et 52 semaines). Deux méthodes d’évaluation objectives de la récupération nerveuse sensitive ont été utilisées. La première consistait à utiliser un appareil nommé Neurometer afin de déterminer l’intensité minimale de courant électrique (Current Perception Threshold [CPT]) pouvant être ressentie spécifiquement par chacun des trois types de fibres nerveuses sensitives (A-Bêta, A-Delta et C) dans le territoire cutané de V3. La deuxième méthode consistait à utiliser les monofilaments de Semmes-Weinstein afin de déterminer le seuil minimal de pression (Von Frey) pouvant être ressenti dans le même territoire cutané. De plus, lors de chacun des rendez-vous post-opératoires, il a été demandé à chaque sujet de quantifier subjectivement sa sensibilité à l’aide d’une échelle visuelle analogue. Cela a permis de corréler les valeurs de CPT, les seuils de perception de la pression et l’évaluation subjective que le patient a de sa propre sensibilité. Il a été démontré que la séquence de récupération des fibres sensitives de V3 suite à une OSMB est la suivante : les fibres A-Delta récupèrent en premier, suivies des fibres C puis des fibres A-Bêta.


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The selection of a set of requirements between all the requirements previously defined by customers is an important process, repeated at the beginning of each development step when an incremental or agile software development approach is adopted. The set of selected requirements will be developed during the actual iteration. This selection problem can be reformulated as a search problem, allowing its treatment with metaheuristic optimization techniques. This paper studies how to apply Ant Colony Optimization algorithms to select requirements. First, we describe this problem formally extending an earlier version of the problem, and introduce a method based on Ant Colony System to find a variety of efficient solutions. The performance achieved by the Ant Colony System is compared with that of Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, by means of computational experiments carried out on two instances of the problem constructed from data provided by the experts.


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Network Virtualization is a key technology for the Future Internet, allowing the deployment of multiple independent virtual networks that use resources of the same basic infrastructure. An important challenge in the dynamic provision of virtual networks resides in the optimal allocation of physical resources (nodes and links) to requirements of virtual networks. This problem is known as Virtual Network Embedding (VNE). For the resolution of this problem, previous research has focused on designing algorithms based on the optimization of a single objective. On the contrary, in this work we present a multi-objective algorithm, called VNE-MO-ILP, for solving dynamic VNE problem, which calculates an approximation of the Pareto Front considering simultaneously resource utilization and load balancing. Experimental results show evidences that the proposed algorithm is better or at least comparable to a state-of-the-art algorithm. Two performance metrics were simultaneously evaluated: (i) Virtual Network Request Acceptance Ratio and (ii) Revenue/Cost Relation. The size of test networks used in the experiments shows that the proposed algorithm scales well in execution times, for networks of 84 nodes