990 resultados para O-2 ((1)DELTA(G))


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1,3-Phenyl shifts interconvert imidoylketenes 1 and alpha-oxoketenimines 2 and, likewise, alpha-oxoketenes 3 automerize by this 1,3-shift. These rearrangements usually take place in the gas phase under conditions of. ash vacuum thermolysis. Energy profiles calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G(d, p) and B3LYP/6311 + G(3df,2p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) levels demonstrate that electron donating substituents ( D) in the migrating phenyl group and electron withdrawing ones ( W) in the non-migrating phenyl group, can stabilise the transition states TS1 and TS2 to the extent that activation barriers of ca. 100 kJ mol(-1) or less are obtained; i.e. enough to make these reactions potentially observable in solution at ordinary temperatures. The calculated transition state energies Delta G(TS1) show an excellent correlation with the Hammett constants sigma(p)(W) and sigma(p) +(D).


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The South Pacific is a sensitive location for the variability of the global oceanic thermohaline circulation given that deep waters from the Atlantic Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and the Pacific Basin are exchanged. Here we reconstruct the deep water circulation of the central South Pacific for the last two glacial cycles (from 240,000 years ago to the Holocene) based on radiogenic neodymium (Nd) and lead (Pb) isotope records complemented by benthic stable carbon data obtained from two sediment cores located on the flanks of the East Pacific Rise. The records show small but consistent glacial/interglacial changes in all three isotopic systems with interglacial average values of -5.8 and 18.757 for epsilon Nd and 206Pb/204Pb, respectively, whereas glacial averages are -5.3 and 18.744. Comparison of this variability of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) to previously published records along the pathway of the global thermohaline circulation is consistent with reduced admixture of North Atlantic Deep Water to CDW during cold stages. The absolute values and amplitudes of the benthic delta13C variations are essentially indistinguishable from other records of the Southern Hemisphere and confirm that the low central South Pacific sedimentation rates did not result in a significant reduction of the amplitude of any of the measured proxies. In addition, the combined detrital Nd and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope signatures imply that Australian and New Zealand dust has remained the principal contributor of lithogenic material to the central South Pacific.


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During two expeditions of the R.V. "Polarstern" to the Arctic Ocean, pack ice and under-ice water samples were collected during two different seasons: late summer (September 2002) and late winter (March/April 2003). Physical and biological properties of the ice were investigated to explain seasonal differences in species composition, abundance and distribution patterns of sympagic meiofauna (in this case: heterotrophs >20 µm). In winter, the ice near the surface was characterized by extreme physical conditions (minimum ice temperature: -22°C, maximum brine salinity: 223, brine volume: <=5%) and more moderate conditions in summer (minimum ice temperature: -5.6°C, maximum brine salinity: 94, most brine volumes: >=5%). Conditions in the lowermost part of the ice did not differ to a high degree between summer and winter. Chlorophyll a concentrations (chl a) showed significant differences between summer and winter: during winter, concentrations were mostly <1.0 µg chl a/l, while chl a concentrations of up to 67.4 µmol/l were measured during summer. The median of depth-integrated chl a concentration in summer was significantly higher than in winter. Integrated abundances of sympagic meiofauna were within the same range for both seasons and varied between 0.6 and 34.1×103 organisms /m**2 in summer and between 3.7 and 24.8×10**3 organisms /m**2 in winter. With regard to species composition, a comparison between the two seasons showed distinct differences: while copepods (42.7%) and rotifers (33.4%) were the most abundant sea-ice meiofaunal taxa during summer, copepod nauplii dominated the community, comprising 92.9% of the fauna, in winter. Low species abundances were found in the under-ice water, indicating that overwintering of the other sympagic organisms did not take place there, either. Therefore, their survival strategy over the polar winter remains unclear.


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We present measurements of pCO2, O2 concentration, biological oxygen saturation (Delta O2/Ar) and N2 saturation (Delta N2) in Southern Ocean surface waters during austral summer, 2010-2011. Phytoplankton biomass varied strongly across distinct hydrographic zones, with high chlorophyll a (Chla) concentrations in regions of frontal mixing and sea-ice melt. pCO2 and Delta O2 /Ar exhibited large spatial gradients (range 90 to 450 µatm and -10 to 60%, respectively) and co-varied strongly with Chla. However, the ratio of biological O2 accumulation to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) drawdown was significantly lower than expected from photosynthetic stoichiometry, reflecting the differential time-scales of O2 and CO2 air-sea equilibration. We measured significant oceanic CO2 uptake, with a mean air-sea flux (~ -20 mmol m-2 d-1) that significantly exceeded regional climatological values. N2 was mostly supersaturated in surface waters (mean Delta N2 of +2.5 %), while physical processes resulted in both supersaturation and undersaturation of mixed layer O2 (mean Delta O2phys = 2.1 %). Box model calculations were able to reproduce much of the spatial variability of Delta N2 and Delta O2phys along the cruise track, demonstrating significant effects of air-sea exchange processes (e.g. atmospheric pressure changes and bubble injection) and mixed layer entrainment on surface gas disequilibria. Net community production (NCP) derived from entrainment-corrected surface Delta O2 /Ar data, ranged from ~ -40 to > 300 mmol O2 m-2 d-1 and showed good coherence with independent NCP estimates based on seasonal mixed layer DIC deficits. Elevated NCP was observed in hydrographic frontal zones and regions of sea-ice melt with shallow mixed layer depths, reflecting the importance of mixing in controlling surface water light and nutrient availability.


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A 20 kyr long sediment sequence from the Congo deep sea fan (core GeoB 6518-1), one of the world's largest deep sea river fans, has been analysed for bulk and molecular proxies in order to reconstruct the marine, soil and plant organic carbon (OC) contributions to these sediments since the last glacial maximum. The bulk proxies applied, C/N ratio and d13Corg, ranged from 10 to 12.5 and from -24.5 to -21 per mill VPDB, respectively. As molecular proxies, concentrations of marine derived alkenones and terrestrial derived odd-numbered n-alkanes were used, which varied between 0.2 and 4 µg/g dry weight sediment. In addition, the branched vs. isoprenoid tetraether (BIT) index, a proxy for soil organic matter input, was used, which varied from 0.3 to 0.5 in this core. Application of binary mixing models, based on the different individual proxies, showed estimates for terrestrial OC input varying by up to 50% due to the heterogeneous nature of the OC. Application of a three end-member mixing model using the d13Corg content, the C/N ratio and the BIT index, enabled the distinction of soil and plant organic matter as separate contributors to the sedimentary OC pool. The results show that marine OC accounts for 20% to 40% of the total OC present in the deep sea fan sediments over the last 20 kyr and that soil OC accounts for about half (45% on average) of the OC present. This suggests that soil OC represents the majority of the terrestrial OC delivered to the fan sediments. Accumulation rates of the plant and soil OC fractions over the last 20 kyr varied by a factor of up to 5, and are strongly related to sediment accumulation rates. They showed an increase starting at ca. 17 kyr BP, a decline during the Younger Dryas, peak values during the early Holocene and lower values in the late Holocene. This pattern matches with reconstructions of past central African humidity and Congo River discharge from the same core and revealed that central African precipitation patterns exert a dominant control on terrestrial OC deposition in the Congo deep sea fan. Marine OC accumulation rates are only weakly related to sediment accumulation rates and vary only little over time compared to the terrigenous fractions. These variations are likely a result of enhanced preservation during times of higher sedimentation rates and of relative small fluctuations in primary production due to wind-driven upwelling.


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Vapour phase assembly has been used for the first time to prepare co-crystals in which the primary intermolecular interaction is halogen bonding. Co-crystals of the nitroxide 1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl (TMIO) and 1,2-diiodotetrafluorobenzene (1,2-DITFB) are readily formed under standard sublimation conditions. Single crystal X-ray diffraction confirmed the structure of a 2:2 cyclic tetramer, (TMIO)2·(1,2-DITFB)2, which exhibits a new halogen bonding motif, with each nitroxide oxygen atom accepting two halogen bonds. Powder X-ray diffraction confirmed the homogeneity of the bulk sample. The crystalline complex was further characterized in the solid state using thermal analysis and vibrational spectroscopy (infrared and Raman). Density functional theory calculations were also used to evaluate the enthalpy of formation, electrostatic potential and unpaired electron density of the complex. These findings illustrate the preparation of co-crystals where solution state methodology is problematic and the potential of this approach for the formation of novel organic spin systems.


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Negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to study the HCCN- and HCNC- ions. The electron affinities (EA) of cyanocarbene have been measured to be EA(HCCN (X) over tilde (3)Sigma(-)=2.003+/-0.014 eV and EA(DCCN (X) over tilde (3)Sigma(-))=2.009+/-0.020 eV. Photodetachment of HCCN- to HCCN (X) over tilde (3)Sigma(-) shows a 0.4 eV long vibrational progression in nu(5), the H-CCN bending mode; the HCCN- photoelectron spectra reveal excitations up to 10 quanta in nu(5). The term energies for the excited singlet state are found to be T-0(HCCN (a) over tilde (1)A('))=0.515+/-0.016 eV and T-0(DCCN (a) over tilde (1)A('))=0.518+/-0.027 eV. For the isocyanocarbene, the two lowest states switch and HCNC has a singlet ground state and an excited triplet state. The electron affinities are EA(HCNC (X) over tilde (1)A('))=1.883+/-0.013 eV and EA((X) over tilde (1)A(') DCNC)=1.877+/-0.010 eV. The term energy for the excited triplet state is T-0(HCNC (a) over tilde (3)A("))=0.050+/-0.028 eV and T-0(DCNC (a) over tilde (3)A("))=0.063+/-0.030 eV. Proton transfer kinetics in a flowing afterglow apparatus were used to re-measure the enthalpy of deprotonation of CH3NC to be Delta(acid)H(298)(CH3NC)=383.6+/-0.6 kcal mol(-1). The acidity/EA thermodynamic cycle was used to deduce D-0(H-CHCN)=104+/-2 kcal mol(-1) [Delta(f)H(0)(HCCN)=110+/-4 kcal mol(-1)] and D-0(H-CHNC)=106+/-4 kcal mol(-1) [Delta(f)H(0)(HCNC)=133+/-5 kcal mol(-1)]. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Methyl, methyl-d(3), and ethyl hydroperoxide anions (CH3OO-, CD3OO-, and CH3CH2OO-) have been prepared by deprotonation of their respective hydroperoxides in a stream of helium buffer, gas. Photodetachment with 364 nm (3.408 eV) radiation was used to measure the adiabatic electron affinities: EA[CH3OO, (X) over tilde (2)A"] = 1.161 +/- 0.005 eV, EA[CD3OO, (X) over tilde (2)A"] = 1.154 +/- 0.004 eV, and EA[CH3CH2OO, (X) over tilde (2)A"] = 1.186 +/- 0.004 eV. The photoelectron spectra yield values for the term energies: DeltaE((X) over tilde 2A"-(A) over tilde 2A')[CH3OO] = 0.914 +/- 0.005 eV, DeltaE((X) over tilde (2)A"-(A) over tilde 2A') [CD3OO] = 0.913 +/- 0.004 eV, and DeltaE((X) over tilde (2)A"-(A) over tilde (2)A')[CH3CH2OO] = 0.938 +/- 0.004 eV. A localized RO-O stretching mode was observed near 1100 cm(-1) for the ground state of all three radicals, and low-frequency R-O-O bending modes are also reported. Proton-transfer kinetics of the hydroperoxides have been measured in a tandem flowing afterglow-selected ion flow tube k(FA-SIFT) to determine the gas-phase acidity of the parent hydroperoxides: Delta (acid)G(298)(CH3OOH) = 367.6 +/- 0.7 kcal mol(-1), Delta (acid)G(298)(CD3OOH) = 367.9 +/- 0.9 kcal mol(-1), and Delta (acid)G(298)(CH3CH2OOH) = 363.9 +/- 2.0 kcal mol(-1). From these acidities we have derived the enthalpies of deprotonation: Delta H-acid(298)(CH3OOH) = 374.6 +/- 1.0 kcal mol(-1), Delta H-acid(298)(CD3OOH) = 374.9 +/- 1.1 kcal mol(-1), and Delta H-acid(298)(CH2CH3OOH) = 371.0 +/- 2.2 kcal mol(-1). Use of the negative-ion acidity/EA cycle provides the ROO-H bond enthalpies: DH298(CH3OO-H) 87.8 +/- 1.0 kcal mol(-1), DH298(CD3OO-H) = 87.9 +/- 1.1 kcal mol(-1), and DH298(CH3CH2OO-H) = 84.8 +/- 2.2 kcal mol(-1). We review the thermochemistry of the peroxyl radicals, CH3OO and CH3CH2OO. Using experimental bond enthalpies, DH298(ROO-H), and CBS/APNO ab initio electronic structure calculations for the energies of the corresponding hydroperoxides, we derive the heats of formation of the peroxyl radicals. The "electron affinity/acidity/CBS" cycle yields Delta H-f(298)[CH3OO] = 4.8 +/- 1.2 kcal mol(-1) and Delta H-f(298)[CH3CH2OO] = -6.8 +/- 2.3 kcal mol(-1).


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BACKGROUND: Effective diagnosis of malaria is a major component of case management. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) based on Plasmodium falciparumhistidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP2) are popular for diagnosis of this most virulent malaria infection. However, concerns have been raised about the longevity of the PfHRP2 antigenaemia following curative treatment in endemic regions. METHODS: A model of PfHRP2 production and decay was developed to mimic the kinetics of PfHRP2 antigenaemia during infections. Data from two human infection studies was used to fit the model, and to investigate PfHRP2 kinetics. Four malaria RDTs were assessed in the laboratory to determine the minimum detectable concentration of PfHRP2. RESULTS: Fitting of the PfHRP2 dynamics model indicated that in malaria naive hosts, P. falciparum parasites of the 3D7 strain produce 1.4 x 10(-)(1)(3) g of PfHRP2 per parasite per replication cycle. The four RDTs had minimum detection thresholds between 6.9 and 27.8 ng/mL. Combining these detection thresholds with the kinetics of PfHRP2, it is predicted that as few as 8 parasites/muL may be required to maintain a positive RDT in a chronic infection. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the model indicate that good quality PfHRP2-based RDTs should be able to detect parasites on the first day of symptoms, and that the persistence of the antigen will cause the tests to remain positive for at least seven days after treatment. The duration of a positive test result following curative treatment is dependent on the duration and density of parasitaemia prior to treatment and the presence and affinity of anti-PfHRP2 antibodies.


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BACKGROUND: The general concept that haemoglobin is only a carrier protein for oxygen and carbon dioxide is challenged since recent studies have shown haemoglobin expression in non-erythroid cells and the protection of haemoglobin against oxidative and nitrosative stress. Using microarrays, we previously showed expression of haemoglobins alpha, beta, delta and gamma and the haeme metabolizing enzyme, haeme oxygenase (HO)-1 in human endometrium. METHODS: Using real-time quantitative PCR, haemoglobin alpha, beta, delta and gamma, and HO-1 mRNA levels were assessed throughout the menstrual cycle (n = 30 women). Haemoglobin and HO-1 protein levels in the human endometrium were assessed with immunohistochemistry. For steroid responsiveness, menstrual and late proliferative-phase endometrial explants were cultured for 24 h in the presence of vehicle (0.1% ethanol), estradiol (17 beta-E-2, 1 nM), progestin (Org 2058, 1 nM) or 17 beta-E-2+Org 2058 (1 nM each). RESULTS: All haemoglobins and the HO-1 were expressed in normal human endometrium. Haemoglobin mRNA and protein expression did not vary significantly during the menstrual cycle. Explant culture with Org 2058 or 17 beta-E-2+Org 2058 increased haemoglobin gamma mRNA expression (P < 0.05). HO-1 mRNA levels, and not protein levels, were significantly higher during the menstrual (M)-phase of the cycle (P < 0.05), and were down-regulated by Org 2058 in M-phase explants and by 17 beta-E-2+Org 2058 in LP-phase explants, versus control (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The haemoglobin-HO-1 system may be required to ensure adequate regulation of the bioavailability of haeme, iron and oxygen in human endometrium.


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The structures of the 1:1 co-crystalline adduct C8H6BrN3S . C7H5NO4 (I) and the salt C8H7BrN3S+ C7H3N2O7- (II) from the interaction of 5-(4-bromophenyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-amine with 4-nitrobenzoic acid and 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, respectively, have been determined. The primary inter-species association in both (I) and (II) is through duplex R2/2(8) (N-H...O/O-H...O) or (N-H...O/N-H...O) hydrogen bonds, respectively, giving heterodimers. In (II), these are close to planar [dihedral angles between the thiadiazole ring and the two phenyl rings are 2.1(3)deg. (intra) and 9.8(2)deg. (inter)], while in (I) these angles are 22.11(15) and 26.08(18)deg., respectively. In the crystal of (I), the heterodimers are extended into a one-dimensional chain along b through an amine N-...N(thiadiazole) hydrogen bond but in (II), a centrosymmetric cyclic heterotetramer structure is generated through N-H...O hydrogen bonds to phenol and nitro O-atom acceptors and features, together with the primary R2/2(8) interaction, conjoined R4/6(12), R2/1(6) and S(6) ring motifs. Also present in (I) are pi--pi interactions between thiadiazole rings [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.4624(16)deg.] as well as short Br...O(nitro) interactions in both (I) and (II) [3.296(3)A and 3.104(3)A, respectively].


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The microbial mediated production of nitrous oxide (N2O) and its reduction to dinitrogen (N2) via denitrification represents a loss of nitrogen (N) from fertilised agro-ecosystems to the atmosphere. Although denitrification has received great interest by biogeochemists in the last decades, the magnitude of N2lossesand related N2:N2O ratios from soils still are largely unknown due to methodical constraints. We present a novel 15N tracer approach, based on a previous developed tracer method to study denitrification in pure bacterial cultures which was modified for the use on soil incubations in a completely automated laboratory set up. The method uses a background air in the incubation vessels that is replaced with a helium-oxygen gas mixture with a 50-fold reduced N2 background (2 % v/v). This method allows for a direct and sensitive quantification of the N2 and N2O emissions from the soil with isotope-ratio mass spectrometry after 15N labelling of denitrification N substrates and minimises the sensitivity to the intrusion of atmospheric N2 at the same time. The incubation set up was used to determine the influence of different soil moisture levels on N2 and N2O emissions from a sub-tropical pasture soil in Queensland/Australia. The soil was labelled with an equivalent of 50 μg-N per gram dry soil by broadcast application of KNO3solution (4 at.% 15N) and incubated for 3 days at 80% and 100% water filled pore space (WFPS), respectively. The headspace of the incubation vessel was sampled automatically over 12hrs each day and 3 samples (0, 6, and 12 hrs after incubation start) of headspace gas analysed for N2 and N2O with an isotope-ratio mass spectrometer (DELTA V Plus, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany(. In addition, the soil was analysed for 15N NO3- and NH4+ using the 15N diffusion method, which enabled us to obtain a complete N balance. The method proved to be highly sensitive for N2 and N2O emissions detecting N2O emissions ranging from 20 to 627 μN kg-1soil-1hr-1and N2 emissions ranging from 4.2 to 43 μN kg-1soil-1hr-1for the different treatments. The main end-product of denitrification was N2O for both water contents with N2 accounting for 9% and 13% of the total denitrification losses at 80% and 100%WFPS, respectively. Between 95-100% of the added 15N fertiliser could be recovered. Gross nitrification over the 3 days amounted to 8.6 μN g-1 soil-1 and 4.7 μN g-1 soil-1, denitrification to 4.1 μN g-1 soil-1 and 11.8 μN g-1 soil-1at 80% and 100%WFPS, respectively. The results confirm that the tested method allows for a direct and highly sensitive detection of N2 and N2O fluxes from soils and hence offers a sensitive tool to study denitrification and N turnover in terrestrial agro-ecosystems.


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The catalytic role of germanium (Ge) was investigated to improve the electrochemical performance of tin dioxide grown on graphene (SnO(2)/G) nanocomposites as an anode material of lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Germanium dioxide (GeO(20) and SnO(2) nanoparticles (<10 nm) were uniformly anchored on the graphene sheets via a simple single-step hydrothermal method. The synthesized SnO(2)(GeO(2))0.13/G nanocomposites can deliver a capacity of 1200 mA h g(-1) at a current density of 100 mA g(-1), which is much higher than the traditional theoretical specific capacity of such nanocomposites (∼ 702 mA h g(-1)). More importantly, the SnO(2)(GeO(2))0.13/G nanocomposites exhibited an improved rate, large current capability (885 mA h g(-1) at a discharge current of 2000 mA g(-1)) and excellent long cycling stability (almost 100% retention after 600 cycles). The enhanced electrochemical performance was attributed to the catalytic effect of Ge, which enabled the reversible reaction of metals (Sn and Ge) to metals oxide (SnO(2) and GeO(2)) during the charge/discharge processes. Our demonstrated approach towards nanocomposite catalyst engineering opens new avenues for next-generation high-performance rechargeable Li-ion batteries anode materials.


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The conformational stability of the homodimeric pea lectin was determined by both isothermal urea-induced and thermal denaturation in the absence and presence of urea. The denaturation profiles were analyzed to obtain the thermodynamic parameters associated with the unfolding of the protein. The data not only conform to the simple A(2) double left right arrow 2U model of unfolding but also are well described by the linear extrapolation model for the nature of denaturant-protein interactions. In addition, both the conformational stability (Delta G(s)) and the Delta C-p for the protein unfolding is quite high, at about 18.79 kcal/ mol and 5.32 kcal/(mol K), respectively, which may be a reflection of the relatively larger size of the dimeric molecule (M-r 49 000) and, perhaps, a consequent larger buried hydrophobic core in the folded protein. The simple two-state (A(2) double left right arrow 2U) nature of the unfolding process, with the absence of any monomeric intermediate, suggests that the quaternary interactions alone may contribute significantly to the conformational stability of the oligomer-a point that may be general to many oligomeric proteins.