930 resultados para Numeral 7 Art 186 Código de Comercio
The goal of this study was to assess whether epicardial and paracardial adipose tissue volumes, as determined by computed tomography (CT), correlate with coronary artery stenosis as determined by autopsy. The postmortem CT data and autopsy findings of 116 adult human decedents were retrospectively compared. Subjects were classified into three groups according to their degree of coronary artery stenosis: ≥50, <50%, and no stenosis. Epicardial and paracardial adipose tissue volumes were calculated based on manual segmentation after threshold based masking. In addition, epicardial adipose tissue thickness was measured using a caliper. All three parameters (thickness of epicardial fat and volumes of both epicardial and paracardial fat) were compared among the three groups and correlated with the degree of coronary artery stenosis. The group with no coronary artery stenosis showed the lowest mean values of epicardial adipose tissue volume, while the coronary artery stenosis ≥50 % group showed the highest volume. All measured variables (thickness of epicardial fat and volumes of both epicardial and paracardial fat) correlated significantly with the grade of coronary artery stenosis, even after controlling for BMI, however, epicardial adipose tissue volume exhibited the strongest correlation. This study reveals that there is an association between the degree of coronary artery stenosis and the amount of epicardial fat tissue: The larger the volume of epicardial fat, the higher the degree of coronary artery stenosis.
BACKGROUND HIV-1 RNA viral load (VL) testing is recommended to monitor antiretroviral therapy (ART) but not available in many resource-limited settings. We developed and validated CD4-based risk charts to guide targeted VL testing. METHODS We modeled the probability of virologic failure up to 5 years of ART based on current and baseline CD4 counts, developed decision rules for targeted VL testing of 10%, 20%, or 40% of patients in 7 cohorts of patients starting ART in South Africa, and plotted cutoffs for VL testing on colour-coded risk charts. We assessed the accuracy of risk chart-guided VL testing to detect virologic failure in validation cohorts from South Africa, Zambia, and the Asia-Pacific. RESULTS In total, 31,450 adult patients were included in the derivation and 25,294 patients in the validation cohorts. Positive predictive values increased with the percentage of patients tested: from 79% (10% tested) to 98% (40% tested) in the South African cohort, from 64% to 93% in the Zambian cohort, and from 73% to 96% in the Asia-Pacific cohort. Corresponding increases in sensitivity were from 35% to 68% in South Africa, from 55% to 82% in Zambia, and from 37% to 71% in Asia-Pacific. The area under the receiver operating curve increased from 0.75 to 0.91 in South Africa, from 0.76 to 0.91 in Zambia, and from 0.77 to 0.92 in Asia-Pacific. CONCLUSIONS CD4-based risk charts with optimal cutoffs for targeted VL testing maybe useful to monitor ART in settings where VL capacity is limited.
OBJECTIVE In 2013, Mozambique adopted Option B+, universal lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) for all pregnant and lactating women, as national strategy for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. We analyzed retention in care of pregnant and lactating women starting Option B+ in rural northern Mozambique. METHODS We compared ART outcomes in pregnant ("B+pregnant"), lactating ("B+lactating") and non-pregnant-non-lactating women of childbearing age starting ART after clinical and/or immunological criteria ("own health") between July 2013 and June 2014. Lost to follow-up was defined as no contact >180 days after the last visit. Multivariable competing risk models were adjusted for type of facility (type 1 vs. peripheral type 2 health center), age, WHO stage and time from HIV diagnosis to ART. RESULTS Over 333 person-years of follow-up (of 243 "B+pregnant", 65″B+lactating" and 317 "own health" women), 3.7% of women died and 48.5% were lost to follow-up. "B+pregnant" and "B+lactating" women were more likely to be lost in the first year (57% vs. 56.9% vs. 31.6%; p<0.001) and to have no follow-up after the first visit (42.4% vs. 29.2% vs. 16.4%; p<0.001) than "own health" women. In adjusted analyses, risk of being lost to follow-up was higher in "B+pregnant" (adjusted subhazard ratio [asHR]: 2.77; 95% CI: 2.18-3.50; p<0.001) and "B+lactating" (asHR: 1.94; 95% CI: 1.37-2.74; p<0.001). Type 2 health center was the only additional significant risk factor for loss to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS Retaining pregnant and lactating women in option B+ ART was poor; losses to follow-up were mainly early. The success of Option B+ for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in rural settings with weak health systems will depend on specific improvements in counseling and retention measures, especially at the beginning of treatment. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
5 Briefe zwischen Konrad Wittwer und Max Horkheimer, 1936, 1938, 1939; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Joseph Wohl, 18.08.1934; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Hedwig Wollenberger, 25.02.1941; 2 Briefe zwischen Richard Wolf und Max Horkheimer, 22.10.1938, 07.11.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Martha Wolfenstein und Max Horkheimer, 11.10.1937, 19.10.1937; 1 Brief von Clemy Wolff an Leo Löwenthal, 05.03.1941; 2 Briefe zwischen Ilse Wolff und Max Horkheimer, 29.08.1937, 03.09.1937; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Howard Woolston, 25.03.1941; 1 Einladung von der Women's Conference, 1935; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an die Women's Conference, 15.03.1935; 1 Brief von der World Foundation an Max Horkheimer, 26.11.1937; 2 Briefe vom World Jewish Congress an Max Horkheimer, 1942, 1945; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Francis Henry Russel, 28.09.1942; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Dr. Opie, 28.09.1942; 1 Brief der Württembergische Hypothekenbank an Max Horkheimer, 24.12.1930; 12 Briefe zwischen Rösle Wuestholz und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1937, 1939; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Frida Wunderlich, 22.11.1937; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an die Yale University Library, 22.12.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Owen D. Young und Max Horkheimer, 22.04.1940, April 1940; 3 Briefe zwischen Hans Zeisel und Max Horkheimer, 21.07.1941, 1941, 1944; 2 Briefe zwischen der Zentrale Hilfsstelle für deutsche Flüchtlingskinder Prag und Max Horkheimer, 01.03.1938, 25.04.1938; 6 Briefe zwischen Gregory Zilboorg und Max Horkheimer, 1939; 16 Briefe und Beilage an Max Horkheimer und F. Pollock von Edgar Zilsel, 1939-1942; 1 Brief vom Social Science Research Counsil an Edgar Zilsel, 01.04.1940; 1 Brief von The Rockefeller Foundation an Edgar Zilsel, 20.06.1939; 9 Briefe und Beilage von Max Horkheimer und F. Pollock an Edgar Zilsel, 1939-1942 sowie Briefwechsel mit Betty Drury; 10 Briefe zwischen The Rockefeller Foundation und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Edgar Zilsel, 20.06.1939; 12 Briefe zwischen Betty Drury und F. Pollock, 1939-1940; 7 Briefe zwischen Alexander Zinnemann und Max Horkheimer, 1936;
3. "Plan d'ensemble d'une enquête sur les attitudes generales de la population allemande a l'egard de la France et leurs consequences en ce qui concerne l'orientation des emissions en langue allemande de la radiodiffusion francaise", 18.05.1953. Typoskript, 7 Blatt; 4. "Note" Über Methode, Forschungsrichtung und Reichweite der Ergebnisse der Untersuchung; 18.05.1953; Typoskript, 7 Blatt; 5. "Note" Über Geschichte und Tätigkeit des Instituts für Sozialforschung; 18.05.1953; Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 6. Memorandum des Instituts zu Verfahren und ergebnissen der Untersuchung; 1954 [?]; Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 7.-17. Décamps, Jacques: Memoranden; 7. Memorandum, 12.09.1953; Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 8. "Memorandum re: Besprechung in Bad Godesberg in Bezug auf die französische Studie, am 04.September 1953", 10.09.1953. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 9. "Memorandum re: Vorhaben des 'Centre d'Etudes Sociologiques, Paris', eine deutsch-französische Arbeitsgemeinschft für die Durchführung von Gemeindestudien zu gründen", 15.06.1953. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 10. "Memorandum über den Besuch von M. Jean L. Pelosse, Centre d'Etudes sociologiques Paris", 12.06.1953. Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 11. "Bericht über die 'Journées d'Etudes eurropéennes sur la Population' Paris, 21., 22. und 23. Mai 1953", 01.06.1953; 12. "Bericht über den Stand der Verhandlungen mit dem Französischen Auswärtigen Amt und dem französischem Rundfunk. Besprechungen in Paris am 27. und 28. Mai 1953", 01.06.1953. Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 13. Angaben für Max Horkheimer zur Übergabe von Memoranden, Projektbeschreibungen und Briefentwürfen, Mai 1953; Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 14. "Bericht über das 'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques'", 07.05.1953. Typoskript, 4 Blatt; 15. "Memorandum re: Methode der Gruppendiskussion", 04.05.1953. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 16. "Besprechung im 'Institut francaise d'Opinion Publique, Paris' und bei der hohen Behörde Luxemburg" 30.04.1953; 17. "Besprechung im Auswärtigen Amt und bei dem französischen Rundfunk", 29.04.1953. Typoskript, 6 Blatt; 18. Horkheimer, Max: 1 Brief an den französischen Botschafter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ohen Ort, ohne Datum; Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 19. Radiodiffusion-Télévision Francaise, le Directeur: 1 Briefabschrift an Jacques Décamps, Paris, 09.03.1954; 1 Blatt; 20. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief an den französischen Außenminister, ohne Ort, 18.05.1953; 1 Blatt; 21. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief an Radiodiffusion Francaise, ohne Ort, 18.05.1953; 1 Blatt; 22. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief an den Ministerialrat der Sektion "Agences et Radio" im französischem Außenministerium, ohne Ort, 18.05.1953; 1 Blatt; "The Effectiveness of Candid versus Evasive German-Language Broadcasts of the Voice of America. Final Report", 1953. Typoskript, gebunden, 432 Blatt;
Fil: Jalif de Bertranou, Clara Alicia.
Una de las competencias de un contador, según la ley 20.488 de ejercicio profesional, art. 13, inciso 9, es intervenir en las operaciones de transferencia de fondos de comercio sin perjuicio de las facultades reservadas a otros profesionales en la ley 11.867. Cualquier transferencia de un fondo de comercio y en especial cuando se trata de su aporte para constituir una sociedad, es una operación compleja dado que requiere dar cumplimiento a un conjunto de normas legales y además implica la realización de trámites ante la Dirección de Personas Jurídicas de Mendoza (DPJ), la Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP), la Dirección de Registros Públicos y Archivo Judicial, la Administración Tributaria Mendoza - Dirección General de Rentas de Mendoza (ATM - DGR), el Boletín Oficial de Mendoza (BO), la Subsecretaría de Trabajo y Seguridad Social de Mendoza (STySS) y la Municipalidad que corresponda al departamento donde se encuentra el fondo de comercio. Los objetivos principales de este trabajo son: 1. Brindar un resumen sobre los principales conceptos teóricos relativos a una transferencia de fondo de comercio: concepto, naturaleza jurídica y elementos de un fondo de comercio; intereses protegidos por la ley 11.867. 2. Estudiar el aporte societario de un fondo de comercio, teniendo en cuenta, la normativa societaria, comercial, impositiva, previsional y laboral. 3. Desarrollar en forma cronológica, las distintas etapas a cumplir para llevar a cabo el aporte societario de un fondo de comercio dando cumplimiento a todas las disposiciones legales y reglamentarias.
Calcareous nannofossil assemblages were studied from Ocean Drilling Program Holes 1150A, 1150B, 1151A, 1151C, and 1151D in order to estimate the age of sediments drilled in the Japan Trench of the western Pacific Ocean. The abundance and species diversity of nannofossil flora are generally low but are sufficient to show that the sedimentary sequences range from Quaternary to Miocene in age (nannofossil Zones CN15-CN3). The abundance of Coccolithus pelagicus, a cold-water indicator, was studied from sediments younger than 3.83 Ma from both Holes 1150A and 1151A in order to elucidate past climate conditions. Between 3.83 and 2.82 Ma, the abundance of C. pelagicus was generally low, but abundance increased significantly after 2.82 Ma. In agreement with previous studies, this increase appears to be related to a change in the current system around the western Pacific Ocean and eastern Atlantic Ocean that occurred in response to the final elevation of the Isthmus of Panama.