955 resultados para Nonplanar cationic porphyrins


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El suelo es un importante recurso natural que necesita ser preservado y mejorado para permitirle mantener su calidad y capacidad productiva, para ello se deben proponer y aplicar prácticas sostenibles que permitan recuperar aquellos suelos degradados por un mal manejo del hombre, como por ejemplo la salinización. El objetivo planteado fue evaluar la biorecuperación de un suelo con problemas salino-sódico con la aplicación de dos proporciones (1,5 y 3% (p/p)) de tres enmiendas orgánicas: compost, vermicompost sólido y Lemna mesclados o no con el 100% de los requerimientos de fosfoyeso, generándose 15 tratamientos (incluyendo tres controles). La evaluación se realizó a través de tres ensayos: 1. Columnas simuladas de suelo. 2. Evolución de CO2 y 3. Crecimiento de plántulas de tomate. El suelo objeto de estudio está clasificado my como Fluventic Haplustepts, y fue tomado de una zona de la Hacienda Alto Viento, con una latitud de 10° 2' 15 N y una longitud de 72 ° 34' 15 W, en el estado de Zulia – Venezuela. Se tomó una muestra compuesta por 20 submuestras de 20 cm de profundidad del área problema, se secó al aire (2,3% de humedad), se tamizó y homogenizó. El suelo y las enmiendas orgánicas fueron caracterizadas. Los materiales orgánicos; compost y vermicompost fueron procesados en la misma Hacienda con el uso de estiércol de ganado bovino; la Lemna fue recolectada de orillas del Lago de Maracaibo en la ciudad de Maracaibo. El suelo se mezcló a las proporciones indicadas se le midió respiración basal y el efecto sobre la germinación de semillas de tomate y se empaquetó en un tubo de polietileno de 7,1 cm de diámetro y 70 a 90 cm de longitud, según la altura de la mezcla del suelo con la enmienda. El fondo de cada columna fue rellenado con 40 cm de arena lavada para facilitar el drenaje. En cada columna se utilizó la misma cantidad de suelo (1055 mg), la altura que ocupó dentro de las columnas dependió del tipo de enmienda orgánica y su proporción, la cual modificó la Da del suelo (1,328±0,05 g•cm-3). La altura dentro de la columna varió desde 20 cm para el suelo sin enmienda hasta 38,33±0,8 cm para el suelo enmendado con Lemna al 3,0%. Transcurrido el periodo de tres meses tiempo en el cual el suelo enmendado y colocado en las columnas fue lavado con una cantidad de agua que equivalente a la tasa de infiltración, la cual se calculó a partir de la precipitación anual de la zona y las perdidas por evaporación y escorrentía; se fraccionó en tres secciones de 7, 7 y 6 cm de longitud, y el suelo de cada fracción se secó al aire y se tamizó, y se le midió CEextr, pH, cationes en solución y cationes extraíbles para calcular el RAS y el PSI. Se tomó una cantidad equivalente de cada sección para conformar una muestra de 50 g de suelos a los cuales se le midió respiración basal e igualmente se tomó suelo para evaluar la germinación y crecimiento de plántulas de tomate. Se detectaron diferencias significativa (p<0,05) entre tratamientos, según la prueba de Tukey, para la variables evaluadas, aunque no hubo diferencias entre las proporciones ni entre la utilización del fosfoyeso mezclado con las enmiendas orgánicas. La enmienda que mostró menos potencial en la bio remediación fue la Lemna por sus altos contenidos de Na+. La metodología de las columnas simuladas del suelo, bajo las condiciones de estudio, no fue del todo adecuada para evaluar la bio remediación debido que en el suelo control por efecto de la aplicación de agua también hubo recuperación del mismo por su disminución en el la CE, RAS y PSI y en algunas variables su recuperación fue mayor que en aquellos enmendados con Lemna. Tomando en la respuesta del cultivo la mejor enmienda fue el vermicompost Abstract The soil is an important natural resource that needs to be preserved and improved to maintain its quality and production potential. Therefore, it is necessary to propose and apply sustainable practices that permit the recovery of soils that have been degraded by inadequate management, among these saline soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bioremediation of a saline-sodic soil through the application of two proportions (1,5 and 3% (p/p) of three organic amendments: compost, vermicompost and Lemna, mixed or not with gypsum phosphate, resulting in 15 treatments (including 3 controls). The evaluation was conducted through three tests: 1. Simulated soil columns. 2. Evolution of CO2 and 3. Growth of tomato seedlings The soil under evaluation was classified as Fluventic Haplustepts and was collected from the Alto Viento farm located at 10° 2' 15 North Latitude and 72° 34' 15 West longitude, in Zulia State, Venezuela. A composite soil sample, integrated of 20 subsamples taken to a depth of 20 cm collected in the problem area, was air dried (2.3 % moisture), sieved and homogenized. Soil and organic amendments were characterized. Organic material for the compost and vermicompost were obtained on the farm using cattle manure, whereas the Lemna was collected from the shores of Lake Maracaibo outside Maracaibo city. The soil was mixed in the above-mentioned proportions and its baseline respiration rate and effect on the germination of tomato seeds were recorded. Soil was packed in a PVC pipe (7,1 cm diameter and 70-90 cm length) to simulate a soil column. The bottom of each column was filled out with 40 cm of washed sand to facilitate drainage. The same amount of soil was used in each column (1,055 mg), but the height of the column varied according to the organic amendment and its proportion, which modified the apparent density of the soil (1,328±0,05 g•cm-3). The height of each column varied from 20 cm for the soil without amendment to 38,33±0,8 cm for the soil with 3% Lemna. After three months, the soil was treated with water (using the equivalent of the problem area infiltration rate), and was divided into three sections (7, 7 and 6 cm length). The soil from each section was air dried, sieved and its cationic exchange capacity, pH, cation solutions and extractable cations were measured to estimate RAS and PSI. An equivalent portion of each section was collected to compose a 50 g soil sample, and baseline respiration rate and tomato seedlings growth were recorded. Statistical differences (p<0,05) were observed among treatments for the variables under evaluation. Tukey test showed no differences among the proportions of organic amendments nor with the addition of gypsum phosphate to the organic amendments. The amendment which showed the lowest bioremediation potential was the Lemna, as a result of its high Na+ concentration. Under the conditions of this study, the soil column methodology used showed limitations to evaluate bioremediation because the control soil column, after being rinsed with water, also showed improvements as CE, RAS and PSI values were reduced. For some variables, the improvement noted in the control soil column surpassed those obtained with the soil amended with Lemna. Based on the best crop response amendment was vermicompost 3%.


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The parameters that control the stability of ZnO-nanoparticles suspensions and their deposition by electrophoretic deposition were studied, so as to organize the assembly and compaction of nanoparticles. The addition of cationic polyelectrolyte - Polyethylenimine (PEI) - with different molecular weights was investigated, in order to study their effectiveness and the influence of the molecular weight of the organic chain on suspensions dispersion. It was found that PEI with the highest molecular weight provided better dispersion conditions. Cathodic EPD was performed under previously optimized suspensions conditions and over electropolished stainless steel substrates. Experimental results showed that the EPD process in these conditions allows obtaining dense transparent ZnO thin films. Deposition times and intensities were optimized by analyzing the resulting thin films characteristics. Finally, the deposits were characterized by FE-SEM, AFM, and different spectroscopic techniques.


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La calidad del suelo es una herramienta de evaluación que puede facilitar la adaptación de prácticas de manejo que promuevan sistemas agropecuarios sostenibles. La investigación de este trabajo se inició con un diagnóstico participativo en 12 comunidades rurales de la provincia de Las Tunas en el año 2009 en el cual los productores identificaron los puntos críticos de calidad de los suelos de la región y sirvieron de punta de partida para seleccionar las variables físicas, químicas y biológicas a determinar en cinco sistemas de uso agropecuario (arboleda, pasto natural, pasto cultivado y dos sistemas silvopastoriles) en la zona La Veguita, municipio Las Tunas. El sistema arboleda se utilizó como referencia de las propiedades naturales del suelo. El pasto natural se distingue por el desarrollo de especies de baja productividad, sin embargo el pasto cultivado está representado por Pennisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT-115, y constituye una contribución a la tecnología de bancos de biomasa, para utilizarse en el pastoreo durante la seca. Los sistemas silvopastoriles están representados por Leucaena leucocephala Lam. en franjas y Panicum maximun vc. Likoni, los que se diferencian en su diseño, manejo y propiedades mineralógicas. El objetivo fundamental fue valorar indicadores de calidad de los suelos Luvisoles háplicos sobre granitoides, para diseñar e implementar tecnologías de manejo que permitan incrementar la capacidad agroproductiva de los suelos. Mediante el análisis de componentes principales se obtuvo un conjunto mínimo de indicadores físicos, químicos y biológicos que proporcionaron información útil referente a los procesos edáficos y se integraron para determinar un índice de calidad. En el sistema de uso, caracterizado por el pasto cultivado (Pennisetum purpureum) se estableció, en parcelas experimentales, un ensayo de corta duración, en el que se comparó el laboreo tradicional y el laboreo sin inversión del prisma, con y sin aplicación de compost. En ambos sistemas de labranza se evaluó el desarrollo del cultivo e indicadores de calidad del suelo. Los resultados mostraron que del conjunto de indicadores edáficos estudiados se seleccionaron 6 en los que la capacidad de intercambio catiónico, materia orgánica, potasio intercambiable, contenido de arena, densidad aparente y biomasa de lombrices explicaron la mayor variabilidad y sirvieron de base para evaluar la calidad de estos suelos. Se establecieron valores umbrales de referencia de indicadores de calidad, que permitirán evaluar y monitorear los sistemas de uso y manejo de la región. El sistema Silvopastoril 2 resultó el de mayor índice de calidad de los suelos tomando como referencia la arboleda por su condición natural. El manejo silvopastoril influyó predominantemente en mejores resultados productivos pero las características edáficas principalmente físicas, deben definir su diseño y manejo. El sistema de pastos cultivados con Pennisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT 115, alcanzó la mayor acumulación de carbono orgánico, sin embargo, el manejo limitó su calidad física y el funcionamiento productivo del sistema. De manera general los sistemas de uso no garantizan un índice de la calidad del suelo, puesto que se ve afectado por las propiedades edáficas y las prácticas de manejo. En el ámbito biológico, las lombrices constituyeron los organismos más numerosos con predominio en los sistemas silvopastoriles y arboleda. Los valores superiores de densidad y biomasa de oligoquetos y mayor diversidad de otros individuos de la macrofauna, indican que la presencia de árboles en los pastizales de gramínea potencia y diversifican las comunidades de macroinvertebrados del suelo. El sistema de labranza sin inversión del prisma propicia una mejor calidad física del suelo, manteniendo el carbono e incrementando los rendimientos del Penisetum purpureum cv CUBA CT 115. La labranza tradicional, a base de aradura y grada, afecta a los contenidos de materia orgánica en el corto plazo y mantiene capas compactas en el horizonte subyacente, además influye desfavorablemente al flujo del aire, agua y al desarrollo radical de los pastos. La aplicación de compost favoreció mejores resultados productivos en ambas tecnologías de manejo. Los resultados alcanzados recomiendan la implantación de tecnologías de manejo conservacionistas y la aplicación de materiales orgánicos que restituyan los elementos nutricionales requeridos por los pastos, por lo que no se justifica la continuidad del uso de prácticas tradicionales de laboreo con inversión del prisma que se realizan actualmente. ABSTRACT The soil quality is an assessment tool, which could facilitate the adaptation of management practices that promote sustainable agricultural systems. The present investigation was carried out with a participatory diagnostic in twelve rural communities from Las Tunas province in 2009, in which producers identified the critical soil quality points of region and served as a starting point to select the physical, chemical and biological variables, in order to determine on five agricultural used systems (grove, natural grass, cultivated grass and two silvopastoral systems) in La Veguita zone from municipality Las Tunas. The system grove was used as reference of natural soil properties. The natural grass is distinguished by the development of low-productivity species, however the cultivated grass is represented by Pennisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT-115, and is a contribution to the biomass banks technology, in order to use in grazing during the dry season. The silvopastoral systems are represented by Leucaena leucocephala Lam. in stripes and Panicum maximum cv. Likoni, which differ in their design, handling and mineralogical properties. The main aim of this study was to assess the quality indicators for haplic Luvisols on granitoids for designing and implementing management technologies in order to increase the agroproductive capacity of soils. A minimal set of physical, chemical and biological indicators by Principal Component Analysis was obtained, which provided some useful information regarding soil processes and their integration for determining an index of quality. In the use system, characterized for the cultivated grass (Pennisetum purpureum) a short term assay in experimental plots was established, where the traditional and prism without inversion tillage were compared with and without compost application. In both tillage systems were evaluated the crop development and soil quality indicators. The results showed that the studied soil indicators set, six were selected, specifically the ones with exchangeable cationic capacity, organic matter, interchangeable potassium, sand content, bulk density and earthworm biomass, which explained the higher variability and served as the basis for evaluating the soil quality. The Reference threshold values of quality indicators for evaluating and monitoring the use and management systems from the region were established. The silvopastoral system 2 had the highest quality soil index, taking of reference the grove system for its natural condition. The silvopastoral management influenced on better productive results, but the soil characteristics, particularly the physical properties to be defined its design and management. However, the cultivated grass system with Pennisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT 115, reached the greatest accumulation of organic carbon. However, the management limited its physical quality and productive performance of the system. In addition, the use systems do not guarantee an index of soil quality, since it is affected by soil properties and management practices. From the biological aspect, the earthworms are the most numerous organisms on the silvopastoral systems and grove. The higher values of oligochaetes biomass and density and the greater diversity of other organisms from macrofauna indicate that the tree presence on the pasture grasses allows enhancing and diversifying soil macro invertebrate communities. The non-inversion prism tillage system provides a better physical quality of soil, maintaining the carbon content and increasing the yields of Penisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT 115. The traditional tillage, using the plowing and harrowing affects the organic matter content in a short term and keeps on compact layers of underlying horizon, and adversely affects the air and water flow, and pasture radical development. The compost application favored the best production results in both management technologies. The results obtained recommend the implementation of conservation management technologies and the application of organic materials that restore the nutritional elements required by the pasture, so it does not justify the continued use of traditional tillage practices with prism investment that are currently being made.


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The objective of the present study is to develop fully renewable and environmentally benign techniques for improving the fire safety of flexible polyurethane foams (PUFs). A multilayered coating made from cationic chitosan (CS) and anionic alginate (AL) was deposited on PUFs through layer-by-layer assembly. This coating system exhibits a slight influence on the thermal stability of PUF, but significantly improves the char formation during combustion. Cone calorimetry reveals that 10 CS-AL bilayers (only 5.7% of the foams weight) lead to a 66% and 11% reduction in peak heat release rate and total heat release, respectively, compared with those of the uncoated control. The notable decreased fire hazards of PUF are attributed to the CS-AL coatings being beneficial to form an insulating protective layer on the surface of burning materials that inhibits the oxygen and heat permeation and slows down the flammable gases in the vapor phase, and thereby improves the flame resistance. This water-based, environmentally benign natural coating will stimulate further efforts in improving fire safety for a variety of polymer substrates.


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En la actualidad las industrias químicas, farmacéuticas y clínicas, originan contaminantes en aguas superficiales, aguas subterráneas y suelos de nuestro país, como es el caso del fenol, contaminante orgánico común y altamente dañino para los organismos, incluso a bajas concentraciones. Existen en el mercado diferentes metodologías para minimizar la contaminación pero muchos de estos procesos tienen un alto coste, generación de contaminantes, etc. La adsorción de contaminantes por medio de arcillas es un método ampliamente utilizado, encontrándose eficaz y económico. Pero la dificultad de adsorber un contaminante orgánico como el fenol motiva la creación de un material llamado organoarcillas. Las organoarcillas son arcillas modificadas con un surfactante, a su vez, los surfactantes son moléculas orgánicas que confieren a la superficie de la arcilla carga catiónica en lugar de aniónica, haciendo más fácil la adsorción de fenol. Para esta tesis se ha elegido el caolín como material adsorbente, fácilmente disponible y relativamente de bajo coste. Se ha trabajado con: arenas de caolín, material directo de la extracción, y caolín lavado, originado del proceso de lavado de las arenas de caolín. Ambos grupos se diferencian fundamentalmente por su contenido en cuarzo, ampliamente mayor en las arenas de caolín. Con el objetivo de desarrollar un material a partir del caolín y arenas de éste con capacidad de retención de contaminates, en concreto, fenol, se procedió a modificar los materiales de partida mediante tratamientos térmicos, mecánicos y/o químicos, dando lugar a compuestos con mayor superficie química reactiva. Para ello se sometió el caolín y las arenas caoliníferas a temperaturas de 750ºC durante 3h, a moliendas hasta alcanzar su amorfización, y/o a activaciones con HCl 6M o con NaOH 5M durante 3h a 90ºC. En total se obtuvieron 18 muestras, en las que se estudiaron las características físico-químicas, mineralógicas y morfológicas de cada una de ellas con el fin de caracterizarlas después de haber sufrido los tratamientos y/o activaciones químicas. Los cambios producidos fueron estudiados mediante pH, capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CEC), capacidad de adsorción de agua (WCU y CWC), distribución de tamaño de partícula (PSD), área de superficie específica (SBET), difracción de rayos X (XRD), espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), métodos térmicos (TG, DTG y DTA), y microscopía electrónica de transmisión y barrido (SEM y TEM). Además se analizó los cambios producidos por los tratamientos en función de las pérdidas de Al y Si que acontece en las 18 muestras. Los resultados para los materiales derivados de la arenas caoliníferas fueron similares a los obtenidos para los caolines lavados, la diferencia radica en la cantidad de contenido de caolinita en los diferente grupos de muestras. Apoyándonos en las técnicas de caracterización se puede observar que los tratamientos térmico y molienda produce materiales amorfos, este cambio en la estructura inicial sumado a las activaciones ácida y alcalina dan lugar a pérdidas de Si y Al, ocasionando que sus propiedades físico-químicas, mineralógicas y morfológicas se vean alteradas. Un fuerte aumento es observado en las áreas superficiales y en la CEC en determinadas muestras, además entre los cambios producidos se encuentra la producción de diferentes zeolitas en porcentajes distintos con el tratamiento alcalino. Para la obtención de las organoarcillas, las 18 muestras se sometieron a la surfactación con hexadeciltrimetil amonio (HDTMA) 20 mM durante 24h a 60ºC, esta concentración de tensioactivo fue más alta que la CEC de cada muestra. Los camext bios anteriormente producidos por los tratamientos y activaciones, afectan de forma diferente en la adsorción de HDTMA, variando por tanto la adsorción del surfactante en la superficie de las muestras. Se determinó el tensioactivo en superficie por FTIR, además se realizó un análisis de componentes principales (PCA) para examinar la dependencia entre las relaciones Si/Al de las muestras en la capacidad de adsorción de tensioactivo, y para el estudio de la adsorción de HDTMA en las muestras se realizaron además del análisis termogravimétrico, aproximaciones con los modelos de Freundllich y Langmuir. Se persigue conocer las diferentes formas y maneras que tiene el tensioactivo de fijarse en la superficie de las muestras. En las organoarcillas resultantes se cuantificó el fenol adsorbido cuando éstas fueron puestas en contacto con diferentes concentraciones de fenol: 50, 500, 1000, 2000, y 2500 mg/l durante 24h. El contaminante sorbido se calculó por medio de cromatografía de gases, y se realizaron aproximaciones con los modelos de Freundllich y Langmuir. El comportamiento de adsorción de fenol en arcillas orgánicas es regido por las características de las muestras. De forma general se puede decir que las muestras de caolines lavados tienen más capacidad de adsorción de fenol que las muestras de arenas de caolín y que la activación alcalina ha proporcionado una mejora en la adsorción de fenol en los dos grupos. En consecuencia se han obtenido materiales adsorbentes heterogéneos y por tanto, con propiedades diferentes. Se ha evaluado el comportamiento global de las arenas de caolín por un lado y del caolín lavado por otro. Las arenas de caolín presentan altos niveles de cuarzo y su uso para ciertos tipos de industrias no son recomendados en ocasiones por el alto costo que el proceso de limpieza y purificación implicaría. Por ello es importante reseñar en este proyecto las aplicaciones que ofrecen algunas muestras de este grupo. Los ensayos acontecidos en esta tesis han dado lugar a las siguientes publicaciones: • Pérdida de Al y Si en caolines modificados térmica- o mecánicamente y activados por tratamientos químicos. A. G. San Cristóbal, C Vizcayno, R. Castelló. Macla 9, 113-114. (2008). • Acid activation of mechanically and thermally modfied kaolins. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Mater. Res. Bull. 44 (2009) 2103-2111. • Zeolites prepared from calcined and mechanically modified kaolins. A comparative study. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Applied Clay Science 49 (2010) 239-246. • Study comparative of the sorption of HDTMA on natural and modified kaolin. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, J. M. Castillejo, C Vizcayno. Aceptada en Clays and Clay minerals. • Capacity of modified kaolin sand and washed kaolin to adsorb phenol. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, C Vizcayno. Envío a revista sujeto a la publicación del artículo anterior. ABSTRACT Today’s chemical, pharmaceutical and clinical industries generate pollutants that affect the soils and surface and ground waters of our country. Among these, phenol is a common organic pollutant that is extremely harmful to living organisms, even at low concentrations. Several protocols exist to minimize the effects of pollutants, but most are costly procedures or even generate other pollutants. The adsorption of hazardous materials onto clays is perhaps the most used, efficient and cost-saving method available. However, organic compounds such as phenol are difficult to adsorb and this has led to the development of materials known as organoclays, which are much better at remediating organic compounds. Organoclays are clays that have been modified using a surfactant. In turn, surfactants are organic molecules that confer a cationic rather than anionic charge to the clay surface, improving it’s capacity to adsorb phenol. For this doctorate project, kaolin was selected as an adsorbent material for the removal of phenol given its easy sourcing and relatively low cost. The materials investigated were kaolin sand, a directly extracted material, and washed kaolin, which is the byproduct of the kaolin sand washing process. The main difference between the materials is their quartz content, which is much higher in the kaolin sands. To generate a product from kaolin or kaolin sand capable of retaining organic pollutants such as phenol, both materials were subjected to several heat, chemical and/or mechanical treatments to give rise to compounds with a greater reactive surface area. To this end the two starting materials underwent heating at 750ºC for 3 h, grinding to the point of amorphization and/or activation with HCl 6M or NaOH 5M for 3 h at 90ºC. These treatments gave rise to 18 processed samples, which were characterized in terms of their morphological, mineralogical, and physical-chemical properties. The behaviour of these new materials was examined in terms of their pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), water adsorption capacity (WCU and WCC), particle size distribution (PSD), specific surface area (SBET), and their X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermal (DTG, DTA) and scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) properties. The changes conferred by the different treatments were also examined in terms of Al and Si losses. Results for the materials derived from kaolin sands and washed kaolin were similar, with differences attributable to the kaolinite contents of the samples. The treatments heat and grinding produced amorphous materials, which when subjected to acid or alkali activation gave rise to Si and Al losses. This in turn led to a change in physico- chemical, mineralogical and morphological properties. Some samples showed a highly increased surface area and CEC. Further, among the changes produced, alkali treatment led to the generation of zeolites in different proportions depending on the sample. To produce the organoclays, the 18 samples were surfacted with hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) 20 mM for 24 h at 60ºC. This surfactant concentration is higher than the CEC of each sample. The amount of HDTMA adsorbed onto the surface of each sample determined by FTIR varied according to treatment. A principle components analysis (PCA) was performed to examine correlations between sample Si/Al ratios and surfactant adsorption capacity. In addition, to explore HDTMA adsorption by the samples, DTG and DTA data were fitted to Freundllich and Langmuir models. The mechanisms of surfactant attachment to the sample surface were also addressed. The amount of phenol adsorbed by the resultant organoclays was determined when exposed to different phenol concentrations: 50, 500, 1000, 2000, and 2500 mg/l for 24 h. The quantity of adsorbed pollutant was estimated by gas chromatography and the data fitted to the models of Freundllich and Langmuir. Results indicate that the phenol adsorption capacity of the surfacted samples is dependent on the sample’s characteristics. In general, the washed kaolin samples showed a greater phenol adsorption capacity than the kaolon sands and alkali activation improved this capacity in the two types of sample. In conclusion, the treatments used gave rise to adsorbent materials with varying properties. Kaolin sands showed high quartz levels and their use in some industries is not recommended due to the costs involved in their washing and purification. The applications suggested by the data obtained for some of the kaolin sand samples indicate the added value of this industrial by-product. The results of this research project have led to the following publications: • Pérdida de Al y Si en caolines modificados térmica- o mecánicamente y activados por tratamientos químicos. A. G. San Cristóbal, C Vizcayno, R. Castelló. Macla 9, 113-114. (2008). • Acid activation of mechanically and thermally modfied kaolins. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Mater. Res. Bull. 44 (2009) 2103-2111. • Zeolites prepared from calcined and mechanically modified kaolins. A comparative study. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Applied Clay Science 49 (2010) 239-246. • Study comparative of the sorption of HDTMA on natural and modified kaolin. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, J. M. Castillejo, C Vizcayno Accepted in Clays and Clay minerals. • Capacity of modified kaolin sand and washed kaolin to adsorb phenol. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, C Vizcayno. Shipment postponed, subject to the publication of the previous article.


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Bakers are repeatedly exposed to wheat flour (WF) and may develop sensitization and occupational rhinoconjunctivitis and/or asthma to WF allergens.1 Several wheat proteins have been identified as causative allergens of occupational respiratory allergy in bakery workers.1 Testing of IgE reactivity in patients with different clinical profiles of wheat allergy (food allergy, wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, and baker's asthma) to salt-soluble and salt-insoluble protein fractions from WF revealed a high degree of heterogeneity in the recognized allergens. However, mainly salt-soluble proteins (albumins, globulins) seem to be associated with baker's asthma, and prolamins (gliadins, glutenins) with wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, whereas both protein fractions reacted to IgE from food-allergic patients.1 Notwithstanding, gliadins have also been incriminated as causative allergens in baker's asthma.2 We report on a 31-year-old woman who had been exposed to WF practically since birth because her family owned a bakery housed in the same home where they lived. She moved from this house when she was 25 years, but she continued working every day in the family bakery. In the last 8 years she had suffered from work-related nasal and ocular symptoms such as itching, watery eyes, sneezing, nasal stuffiness, and rhinorrhea. These symptoms markedly improved when away from work and worsened at work. In the last 5 years, she had also experienced dysphagia with frequent choking, especially when ingesting meats or cephalopods, which had partially improved with omeprazole therapy. Two years before referral to our clinic, she began to have dry cough and breathlessness, which she also attributed to her work environment. Upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms increased when sifting the WF and making the dough. The patient did not experience gastrointestinal symptoms with ingestion of cereal products. Skin prick test results were positive to grass (mean wheal, 6 mm), cypress (5 mm) and Russian thistle pollen (4 mm), WF (4 mm), and peach lipid transfer protein (6 mm) and were negative to rice flour, corn flour, profilin, mites, molds, and animal dander. Skin prick test with a homemade WF extract (10% wt/vol) was strongly positive (15 mm). Serologic tests yielded the following results: eosinophil cationic protein, 47 ?g/L; total serum IgE, 74 kU/L; specific IgE (ImmunoCAP; ThermoFisher, Uppsala, Sweden) to WF, 7.4 kU/L; barley flour, 1.24 kU/L; and corn, gluten, alpha-amylase, peach, and apple, less than 0.35 kU/L. Specific IgE binding to microarrayed purified WF allergens (WDAI-0.19, WDAI-0.53, WTAI-CM1, WTAI-CM2, WTAI-CM3, WTAI-CM16, WTAI-CM17, Tri a 14, profilin, ?-5-gliadin, Tri a Bd 36 and Tri a TLP, and gliadin and glutamine fractions) was assessed as described elsewhere.3 The patient's serum specifically recognized ?-5-gliadin and the gliadin fraction, and no IgE reactivity was observed to other wheat allergens. Spirometry revealed a forced vital capacity of 3.88 L (88%), an FEV1 of 3.04 L (87%), and FEV1/forced vital capacity of 83%. A methacholine inhalation test was performed following an abbreviated protocol,4 and the results were expressed as PD20 in cumulative dose (mg) of methacholine. Methacholine inhalation challenge test result was positive (0.24 mg cumulative dose) when she was working, and after a 3-month period away from work and with no visits to the bakery house, it gave a negative result. A chest x-ray was normal. Specific inhalation challenge test was carried out in the hospital laboratory by tipping WF from one tray to another for 15 minutes. Spirometry was performed at baseline and at 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, and 60 minutes after the challenge with WF. Peak expiratory flow was measured at baseline and then hourly over 24 hours (respecting sleeping time). A 12% fall in FEV1 was observed at 20 minutes and a 26% drop in peak expiratory flow at 9 hours after exposure to WF,


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Oligoanions such as sodium triphosphate or GTP prevent and/or reverse vinblastine-induced polymerization of tubulin. We now show that the anions of glutamate-rich extreme C termini of tubulin are similarly involved in the regulation of the vinblastine effect. Cleavage of the C termini by limited proteolysis with subtilisin enhances vinblastine-induced tubulin polymerization and abolishes the anion effect. Only the β-tubulin C terminus needs to be removed to achieve these changes and the later cleavage of the α-tubulin C terminus has little additional effect. In fact, vinblastine concentrations >20 μM block cleavage of the α-tubulin C terminus in the polymer, whereas cleavage of the β-tubulin C terminus proceeds unimpeded over the time used. The vinblastine effect on tubulin polymerization is also highly pH-dependent between pH 6.5 and 7.5; this is less marked, but not absent, after subtilisin treatment. A working model is proposed wherein an anionic domain proximal to the extreme C terminus must interact with a cationic domain to permit vinblastine to promote polymerization. Both exogenous and extreme C-terminal anions compete for the cationic domain with the proximal anionic domain to prevent vinblastine-induced polymerization. We conclude that the electrostatic regulation of tubulin polymerization induced by vinblastine resides primarily in the β-tubulin C terminus but that additional regulation proximal in the tubulin molecule also plays a role.


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The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is the prototype ligand-gated ion channel. A number of aromatic amino acids have been identified as contributing to the agonist binding site, suggesting that cation–π interactions may be involved in binding the quaternary ammonium group of the agonist, acetylcholine. Here we show a compelling correlation between: (i) ab initio quantum mechanical predictions of cation–π binding abilities and (ii) EC50 values for acetylcholine at the receptor for a series of tryptophan derivatives that were incorporated into the receptor by using the in vivo nonsense-suppression method for unnatural amino acid incorporation. Such a correlation is seen at one, and only one, of the aromatic residues—tryptophan-149 of the α subunit. This finding indicates that, on binding, the cationic, quaternary ammonium group of acetylcholine makes van der Waals contact with the indole side chain of α tryptophan-149, providing the most precise structural information to date on this receptor. Consistent with this model, a tethered quaternary ammonium group emanating from position α149 produces a constitutively active receptor.


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The fluorescence of a polyanionic conjugated polymer can be quenched by extremely low concentrations of cationic electron acceptors in aqueous solutions. We report a greater than million-fold amplification of the sensitivity to fluorescence quenching compared with corresponding “molecular excited states.” Using a combination of steady-state and ultrafast spectroscopy, we have established that the dramatic quenching results from weak complex formation [polymer(−)/quencher(+)], followed by ultrafast electron transfer from excitations on the entire polymer chain to the quencher, with a time constant of 650 fs. Because of the weak complex formation, the quenching can be selectively reversed by using a quencher-recognition diad. We have constructed such a diad and demonstrate that the fluorescence is fully recovered on binding between the recognition site and a specific analyte protein. In both solutions and thin films, this reversible fluorescence quenching provides the basis for a new class of highly sensitive biological and chemical sensors.


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Endothelial-selective delivery of therapeutic agents, such as drugs or genes, would provide a useful tool for modifying vascular function in various disease states. A potential molecular target for such delivery is E-selectin, an endothelial-specific cell surface molecule expressed at sites of activation in vivo and inducible in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) by treatment with cytokines such as recombinant human interleukin 1β (IL-1β). Liposomes of various types (classical, sterically stabilized, cationic, pH-sensitive), each conjugated with mAb H18/7, a murine monoclonal antibody that recognizes the extracellular domain of E-selectin, bound selectively and specifically to IL-1β-activated HUVEC at levels up to 275-fold higher than to unactivated HUVEC. E-selectin-targeted immunoliposomes appeared in acidic, perinuclear vesicles 2–4 hr after binding to the cell surface, consistent with internalization via the endosome/lysosome pathway. Activated HUVEC incubated with E-selectin-targeted immunoliposomes, loaded with the cytotoxic agent doxorubicin, exhibited significantly decreased cell survival, whereas unactivated HUVEC were unaffected by such treatment. These results demonstrate the feasibility of exploiting cell surface activation markers for the endothelial-selective delivery of biologically active agents via immunoliposomes. Application of this targeting approach in vivo may lead to novel therapeutic strategies in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis produces three classes of mycolic acids that differ primarily in the presence and nature of oxygen-containing substituents in the distal portion of the meromycolate branch. The methoxymycolate series has a methoxy group adjacent to a methyl branch, in addition to a cyclopropane in the proximal position. Using the gene for the enzyme that introduces the distal cyclopropane (cma1) as a probe, we have cloned and sequenced a cluster of genes coding for four highly homologous methyl transferases (mma1–4). When introduced into Mycobacterium smegmatis, this gene cluster conferred the ability to synthesize methoxymycolates. By determining the structure of the mycolic acids produced following expression of each of these genes individually and in combination, we have elucidated the biosynthetic steps responsible for the production of the major series of methoxymycolates. The mma4 gene product (MMAS-4) catalyzes an unusual S-adenosyl-l-methionine-dependent transformation of the distal cis-olefin into a secondary alcohol with an adjacent methyl branch. MMAS-3 O-methylates this secondary alcohol to form the corresponding methyl ether, and MMAS-2 introduces a cis-cyclopropane in the proximal position of the methoxy series. The similarity of these reactions and the enzymes that catalyze them suggests that some of the structural diversity of mycolic acids results from different chemical fates of a common cationic intermediate, which in turn results from methyl group addition to an olefinic mycolate precursor.


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Peroxynitrite (ONOO−) is a potent oxidant implicated in a number of pathophysiological processes. The activity of ONOO− is related to its accessibility to biological targets before its spontaneous decomposition (t1/2 ≈ 1 s at pH 7.4, 37°C). Using model phospholipid vesicular systems and manganese porphyrins as reporter molecules, we demonstrated that ONOO− freely crosses phospholipid membranes. The calculated permeability coefficient for ONOO− is ≈8.0 × 10−4 cm⋅s−1, which compares well with that of water and is ≈400 times greater than that of superoxide. We suggest that ONOO− is a significant biological effector molecule not only because of its reactivity but also because of its high diffusibility.


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Lipoproteins are emulsion particles that consist of lipids and apolipoproteins. Their natural function is to transport lipids and/or cholesterol to different tissues. We have taken advantage of the hydrophobic interior of these natural emulsions to solubilize DNA. Negatively charged DNA was first complexed with cationic lipids containing a quaternary amine head group. The resulting hydrophobic complex was extracted by chloroform and then incorporated into reconstituted chylomicron remnant particles (≈100 nm in diameter) with an efficiency ≈65%. When injected into the portal vein of mice, there were ≈5 ng of a transgene product (luciferase) produced per mg of liver protein per 100 μg injected DNA. This level of transgene expression was ≈100-fold higher than that of mice injected with naked DNA. However, such a high expression was not found after tail vein injection. Histochemical examination revealed that a large number of parenchymal cells and other types of cells in the liver expressed the transgene. Gene expression in the liver increased with increasing injected dose, and was nearly saturated with 50 μg DNA. At this dose, the expression was kept at high level in the liver for 2 days and then gradually reduced and almost disappeared by 7 days. However, by additional injection at day 7, gene expression in the liver was completely restored. By injection of plasmid DNA encoding human α1-antitrypsin, significant concentrations of hAAT were detected in the serum of injected animals. This is the first nonviral vector that resembles a natural lipoprotein carrier.