891 resultados para Non-parametric methods
The objective of this research was to investigate monthly climatological, seasonal, annual and interdecadal of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in Acre state in order to better understand its spatial and temporal variability and identify possible trends in the region. The study was conducted with data from Rio Branco municipalities, the state capital, Tarauacá and Cruzeiro do Sul considering a 30-year period (1985-2014), from monthly data from weather stations surface of the National Institute of Meteorology. The methodology was held, first, the consistency of meteorological data. Thus, it was made the gap filling in the time series by means of multivariate techniques. Subsequently were performed statistical tests trend (Mann-Kendall) and homogeneity, by Sen's estimator of the magnitude of this trend is estimated, as well as computational algorithms containing parametric and non-parametric tests for two samples to identify from that year the trend has become significant. Finally, analysis of variance technique (ANOVA) was adopted in order to verify whether there were significant differences in average annual evapotranspiration between locations. The indirect method of Penman-Montheith parameterized by FAO was used to calculate the ETo. The results of this work through examination of the descriptive statistics showed that the ETo the annual average was 3.80, 2.92 and 2.86 mm day-1 year, to Rio Branco, Tarauacá and Cruzeiro do Sul, respectively. Featuring quite remarkable seasonal pattern with a minimum in June and a maximum in October, with Rio Branco to town one with the strongest signal (amplitudes) on the other hand, the Southern Cross presented the highest variability among the studied locations. By ANOVA it was found that the average annual statistically different for a significance level of 1% between locations, but the annual average between Cruzeiro do Sul and Tarauacá no statistically significant differences. For the three locations, the 2000s was the one with the highest ETo values associated with warmer waters of the North Atlantic basin and the 80s to lower values, associated with cooler waters of this basin. By analyzing the Mann-kendall and Sen estimator test, there was a trend of increasing the seasonal reference evapotranspiration (fall, winter and spring) on the order of 0.11 mm per decade and that from the years of 1990, 1996 and 2001 became statistically significant to the localities of Cruzeiro do Sul Tarauacá and Rio Branco, respectively. For trend analysis of meteorological parameters was observed positive trend in the 5% level of significance, for average temperature, minimum temperature and solar radiation.
This paper proposes an allocation Malmquist index which is inspired by the work on the non-parametric cost Malmquist index. We first show that how to decompose the cost Malmquist index into the input-oriented Malmquist index and the allocation Malmquist index. An application in corporate management of the China securities industry with the panel data set of 40 securities companies during the period 2005–2011 shows the practicality of the propose model.
This study aims at exploring the potential impact of forest protection intervention on rural households’ private fuel tree planting in Chiro district of eastern Ethiopia. The study results revealed a robust and significant positive impact of the intervention on farmers’ decisions to produce private household energy by growing fuel trees on their farm. As participation in private fuel tree planting is not random, the study confronts a methodological issue in investigating the causal effect of forest protection intervention on rural farm households’ private fuel tree planting through non-parametric propensity score matching (PSM) method. The protection intervention on average has increased fuel tree planting by 503 (580.6%) compared to open access areas and indirectly contributed to slowing down the loss of biodiversity in the area. Land cover/use is a dynamic phenomenon that changes with time and space due to anthropogenic pressure and development. Forest cover and land use changes in Chiro District, Ethiopia over a period of 40 years was studied using remotely sensed data. Multi temporal satellite data of Landsat was used to map and monitor forest cover and land use changes occurred during three point of time of 1972,1986 and 2012. A pixel base supervised image classification was used to map land use land cover classes for maps of both time set. The result of change detection analysis revealed that the area has shown a remarkable land cover/land use changes in general and forest cover change in particular. Specifically, the dense forest cover land declined from 235 ha in 1972 to 51 ha in 1986. However, government interventions in forest protection in 1989 have slowed down the drastic change of dense forest cover loss around the protected area through reclaiming 1,300 hectares of deforested land through reforestation program up to 2012.
We present an extensive photometric catalog for 548 CALIFA galaxies observed as of the summer of 2015. CALIFA is currently lacking photometry matching the scale and diversity of its spectroscopy; this work is intended to meet all photometric needs for CALIFA galaxies while also identifying best photometric practices for upcoming integral field spectroscopy surveys such as SAMI and MaNGA. This catalog comprises gri surface brightness profiles derived from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging, a variety of non-parametric quantities extracted from these pro files, and parametric models fitted to the i-band pro files (1D) and original galaxy images (2D). To compliment our photometric analysis, we contrast the relative performance of our 1D and 2D modelling approaches. The ability of each measurement to characterize the global properties of galaxies is quantitatively assessed, in the context of constructing the tightest scaling relations. Where possible, we compare our photometry with existing photometrically or spectroscopically obtained measurements from the literature. Close agreement is found with Walcher et al. (2014), the current source of basic photometry and classifications of CALIFA galaxies, while comparisons with spectroscopically derived quantities reveals the effect of CALIFA's limited field of view compared to broadband imaging surveys such as the SDSS. The colour-magnitude diagram, star formation main sequence, and Tully-Fisher relation of CALIFA galaxies are studied, to give a small example of the investigations possible with this rich catalog. We conclude with a discussion of points of concern for ongoing integral field spectroscopy surveys and directions for future expansion and exploitation of this work.
In ring-tailed lemurs, Lemur catta, the factors modulating hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) activity differ between wild and semi-free-ranging populations. Here we assess factors modulating HPA activity in ring-tailed lemurs housed in a third environment: the zoo. First we validate an enzyme immunoassay to quantify levels of glucocorticoid (GC) metabolites in the faeces of L. catta . We determine the nature of the femalefemale dominance hierarchies within each group by computing David's scores and examining these in relation to faecal GC (fGC). Relationships between female age and fGC are assessed to evaluate potential age-related confounds. The associations between fGC, numbers of males in a group and reproductive status are explored. Finally, we investigate the value of 7 behaviours in predicting levels of fGC. The study revealed stable linear dominance hierarchies in females within each group. The number of males in a social group together with reproductive status, but not age, influenced fGC. The 7 behavioural variables accounted for 68% of the variance in fGC. The amounts of time an animal spent locomoting and in the inside enclosure were both negative predictors of fGC. The study highlights the flexibility and adaptability of the HPA system in ring-tailed lemurs.
Identifying 20th-century periodic coastal surge variation is strategic for the 21st-century coastal surge estimates, as surge periodicities may amplify/reduce future MSL enhanced surge forecasts. Extreme coastal surge data from Belfast Harbour (UK) tide gauges are available for 1901–2010 and provide the potential for decadal-plus periodic coastal surge analysis. Annual extreme surge-elevation distributions (sampled every 10-min) are analysed using PCA and cluster analysis to decompose variation within- and between-years to assess similarity of years in terms of Surge Climate Types, and to establish significance of any transitions in Type occurrence over time using non-parametric Markov analysis. Annual extreme surge variation is shown to be periodically organised across the 20th century. Extreme surge magnitude and distribution show a number of significant cyclonic induced multi-annual (2, 3, 5 & 6 years) cycles, as well as dominant multi-decadal (15–25 years) cycles of variation superimposed on an 80 year fluctuation in atmospheric–oceanic variation across the North Atlantic (relative to NAO/AMO interaction). The top 30 extreme surge events show some relationship with NAO per se, given that 80% are associated with westerly dominant atmospheric flows (+ NAO), but there are 20% of the events associated with blocking air massess (− NAO). Although 20% of the top 30 ranked positive surges occurred within the last twenty years, there is no unequivocal evidence of recent acceleration in extreme surge magnitude related to other than the scale of natural periodic variation.
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom (AD) är den vanligaste formen av demenssjukdomar och antalet människor som insjuknar i AD förväntas öka kraftigt med tiden. Dessutom kännetecknas personer med AD ofta av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom (BPSD) som kan innefatta agitation, depression, vanföreställningar, oro, ångest, hallucinationer, sömnrubbningar, rastlöshet och apati. Dessa symtom kan orsaka lidande hos patienten och är svåra att hantera för både vårdgivaren och anhöriga, samt försvårar omvårdnadsarbetet. Syftet var att beskriva icke-farmakologiska metoder och effekter av dessa metoder vid omvårdnad av personer med Alzheimers sjukdom som har beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt bestående av 16 utvalda kvantitativa forskningsartiklar har genomförts. Artiklarna publicerades mellan år 2006-2016. Resultat. De studerade icke-farmakologiska metoderna var musikterapi, vissa typer av massage, reminiscence-terapi, vårdhundterapi och ljusterapi. Resultaten visade att icke-farmakologiska metoder kan ha en varierande effekt på BPSD. Litteraturöversikten visade att musikintervention var mest effektiv för att minska agitationsbeteende. Individualiserad musik i samband med speciella minnen minskade stress, fobier hos personer med svår demens. Intervention av handmassage, aromaterapi, taktil massage och terapeutisk beröring minskade aggression och agitationsbeteende. Vissa studier visade dock att fotmassageintervention och vårdhundterapi kunde öka verbal aggressivitet hos personer med demens, medan en annan studie visade att djurassisterade aktiviteter kunde minska nedstämdhet medan glädje och generell uppmärksamhet ökade. Effekten av ljusbehandling var förbättrad sömn, minskad depression, agitation och ätstörningar. Slutsats. Icke-farmakologiska metoder kan minska beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom hos personer med Alzheimers sjukdom, dock med varierande effekt. De varierande resultaten kan tolkas som att icke-farmakologiska metoder bör individanpassas och att det behövs vidare forskning inom området.
Cette recherche part d’un double intérêt. Pour la spiritualité, dont on entend beaucoup parler dans un 21e siècle inquiet et en quête de nouveaux repères. Et pour le cinéma, ou 7e art, phénomène culturel phare des temps modernes, qui reflète abondamment les problématiques et questionnements du monde. À une époque où on observe une tendance à l’homogénéisation culturelle, résultat de la mondialisation économique, cette thèse traite du « cinéma transnational ». Elles aussi, les œuvres de ce cinéma traversent l’espace planétaire, mais tout en conservant un solide ancrage local et une singularité artistique. Ce sont en bonne partie les films que l’on retrouve dans les festivals internationaux, tels Cannes, Venise et Berlin. Le cinéma traduisant toutes les interrogations possibles du présent, plusieurs films apparaissent donc porteurs d’un questionnement à portée spirituelle. Et ce, avec des moyens non discursifs, propres à l’art cinématographique. Ils invitent aussi à la rencontre de l’autre. L’objectif de la thèse consiste à décrire comment, par l’analyse d’une douzaine de films transnationaux, on peut dégager de nouveaux concepts sur la façon avec laquelle se vit la spiritualité à notre époque, en relation avec l’autre, et pourquoi cette spiritualité s’accompagne nécessairement de considérations éthiques. Pour accomplir cette tâche, la thèse s’appuie sur les travaux de deux philosophes, Gilles Deleuze (France) et Stanley Cavell (États-Unis), qui ont marqué les études cinématographiques au cours des dernières décennies, par des approches jugées complémentaires pour cette recherche. Le premier a développé sa pensée à partir de ce qui distingue le cinéma des autres arts, et le second, à partir de l’importance du cinéma pour les spectateurs et les spectatrices. Enfin, la thèse se veut une théologie, ou pensée théologico-philosophique, indépendante d’une tradition religieuse et au diapason des réalités du 21e siècle.
L’isolement avec ou sans contention (IC) en milieu psychiatrique touche près d’un patient sur quatre au Québec (Dumais, Larue, Drapeau, Ménard, & Giguère-Allard, 2011). Il est pourtant largement documenté que cette pratique porte préjudice aux patients, aux infirmières et à l’organisation (Stewart, Van der Merwe, Bowers, Simpson, & Jones, 2010). Cette mesure posant un problème éthique fait l’objet de politiques visant à la restreindre, voire à l’éliminer. Les études sur l’expérience de l’isolement du patient de même que sur la perception des infirmières identifient le besoin d'un retour sur cet évènement. Plusieurs équipes de chercheurs proposent un retour post-isolement (REPI) intégrant à la fois l’équipe traitante, plus particulièrement les infirmières, et le patient comme intervention afin de diminuer l’incidence de l’IC. Le REPI vise l’échange émotionnel, l’analyse des étapes ayant mené à la prise de décision d’IC et la projection des interventions futures. Le but de cette étude était de développer, implanter et évaluer le REPI auprès des intervenants et des patients d’une unité de soins psychiatriques aigus afin d’améliorer leur expérience de soins. Les questions de recherche étaient : 1) Quel est le contexte d’implantation du REPI? 2) Quels sont les éléments facilitants et les obstacles à l’implantation du REPI selon les patients et les intervenants? 3) Quelle est la perception des patients et des intervenants des modalités et retombées du REPI?; et 4) L’implantation du REPI est-elle associée à une diminution de la prévalence et de la durée des épisodes d’IC? Cette étude de cas instrumentale (Stake, 1995, 2008) était ancrée dans une approche participative. Le cas était celui de l’unité de soins psychiatriques aigus pour premier épisode psychotique où a été implanté le REPI. En premier lieu, le développement du REPI a d’abord fait l’objet d’une documentation du contexte par une immersion dans le milieu (n=56 heures) et des entretiens individuels avec un échantillonnage de convenance (n=3 patients, n=14 intervenants). Un comité d’experts (l’étudiante-chercheuse, six infirmières du milieu et un patient partenaire) a par la suite développé le REPI qui comporte deux volets : avec le patient et en équipe. L’évaluation des retombées a été effectuée par des entretiens individuels (n= 3 patients, n= 12 intervenants) et l’examen de la prévalence et de la durée des IC six mois avant et après l’implantation du REPI. Les données qualitatives ont été examinées selon une analyse thématique (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014), tandis que les données quantitatives ont fait l’objet de tests descriptifs et non-paramétriques. Les résultats proposent que le contexte d’implantation est défini par des normes implicites et explicites où l’utilisation de l’IC peut générer un cercle vicieux de comportements agressifs nourris par un profond sentiment d’injustice de la part des patients. Ceux-ci ont l’impression qu’ils doivent se conformer aux attentes du personnel et aux règles de l’unité. Les participants ont exprimé le besoin de créer des opportunités pour une communication authentique qui pourrait avoir lieu lors du REPI, bien que sa pratique soit variable d’un intervenant à un autre. Les résultats suggèrent que le principal élément ayant facilité l’implantation du REPI est l’approche participative de l’étude, alors que les obstacles rencontrés relèvent surtout de la complexité de la mise en œuvre du REPI en équipe. Lors du REPI avec le patient, les infirmières ont pu explorer ses sentiments et son point de vue, ce qui a favorisé la reconstruction de la relation thérapeutique. Quant au REPI avec l’équipe de soins, il a été perçu comme une opportunité d’apprentissage, ce qui a permis d’ajuster le plan d’intervention des patients. Suite à l’implantation du REPI, les résultats ont d’ailleurs montré une réduction significative de l’utilisation de l’isolement et du temps passé en isolement. Les résultats de cette thèse soulignent la possibilité d’outrepasser le malaise initial perçu tant par le patient que par l’infirmière en systématisant le REPI. De plus, cette étude met l’accent sur le besoin d’une présence authentique pour atteindre un partage significatif dans la relation thérapeutique, ce qui est la pierre d’assise de la pratique infirmière en santé mentale. Cette étude contribue aux connaissances sur la prévention des comportements agressifs en milieu psychiatrique en documentant le contexte dans lequel se situe l’IC, en proposant un REPI comportant deux volets de REPI et en explorant ses retombées. Nos résultats soutiennent le potentiel du développement d’une prévention tertiaire qui intègre à la fois la perspective des patients et des intervenants.
OBJECTIVES The shear bond strength of three glass ionomer cements (GIC) to enamel and dentine was evaluated. STUDY DESIGN Sound permanent human molars (n=12) were grinded perpendicular to their axial axes, exposing smooth, flat enamel and dentine surfaces. The teeth were embedded in resin and conditioned with polyacrylic acid (25%; 10s). Twenty four specimens of each GIC: Fuji IX (FJ-GC), Ketac Molar Easymix (KM-3M ESPE) and Maxxion (MX-FGM) were prepared according to the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) (12 enamel and 12 dentine), in a bonding area of 4.91 mm² and immersed in water (37°C, 24h). The shear bond strength was tested in a universal testing machine. Non-parametric statistical tests (Friedman and post-hoc Wilcoxon Signed Ranks) were carried out (p=0.05). RESULTS The mean (±sd) of shear bond strength (MPa), on enamel and dentine, were: KM (6.4±1.4 and 7.6±1.5), FJ (5.9±1.5 and 6.0±1.9) and MX (4.2±1.5 and 4.9±1.5), respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the GICs in both groups: enamel (p=0.004) and dentine (p=0.002). The lowest shear bond value for enamel was with MX and the highest for dentine was KM (p<0.05). CONCLUSION It is concluded that KM has the best adhesion to both enamel and dentine, followed by FJ and MX.
Bakgrund: Demens är en progressiv sjukdom och antalet personer som får en demensdiagnos kommer inom några årtionden öka drastiskt. Sjukvården behöver komma fram med nya icke-farmakologiska metoder för att kunna hantera den stora ökningen av personer med demenssjukdom. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva om och på vilket sätt musiken påverkar personer med demens. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med induktiv ansats där artiklar med kvalitativ och kvantitativ metodik sammanställdes. Artikelsökning gjordes i databaserna Cinahl samt PsychInfo. De kvalitativa artiklarna analyserades med hjälp av Fribergs femstegsmodell och statistiken från de kvantitativa artiklarna sammanställdes i en tabell. Resultat: Det kvantitativa resultatet visade att musik hade en effekt med statistiskt signifikant skillnad på flera av de undersökta variablerna. Agitation och oro/ ångest minskade medan positivt engagemang/ deltagande ökade. Det kvalitativa resultatet genererade tre teman: kommunikation, sinnesstämning samt indirekt påverkan. Kommunikationen förbättrades, personer med demens upplevde glädje och personalen påverkades positivt av musiken vilket ledde till indirekt påverkan på personer med demens. Slutsats: Musik är en enkel och kostnadseffektiv intervention att använda sig av när det gäller personer med demens. Olika musikinterventioner kan användas vid olika situationer för att få den effekt som önskas. Det är även ett enkelt sätt att komma personer med demens närmare och få en större förståelse.
Esta dissertação é composta por 5 artigos.
Introdução: O trabalho portuário é composto por condicionantes socioambientais necessários à manutenção das funções operativas, mas que influenciam na produção de doenças osteomusculares. O conhecimento desses condicionantes instrumentaliza o raciocínio clínico da Enfermagem para o planejamento de ações em saúde. Desta forma, defende-se a tese de que “O conhecimento dos condicionantes socioambientais e pessoais do adoecimento osteomuscular do trabalhador portuário avulso fornece elementos ao processamento do raciocínio clínico da Enfermagem, para assistência em saúde do trabalhador”. Objetivos: identificar evidências científicas de adoecimento ocupacional do trabalhador portuário publicadas na literatura cientifica; caracterizar o tipo, a localização e a intensidade de sintomas osteomusculares relacionados com os condicionantes socioambientais do trabalho portuário; Relacionar as doenças osteomusculares autorreferidas por trabalhadores portuários e os condicionantes socioambientais deste trabalho. Percurso Metodológico: o estudo apresentou revisão sistemática, fundamentada no método Cochrane; e estudos descritivos e exploratórios de abordagem quantitativa, realizado por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada com 232 trabalhadores portuários avulsos. Os dados foram analisados no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 21.0, por frequência simples, proporções e testes inferenciais não-paramétricos. A tese integra o macro projeto de pesquisa “Saúde do Trabalhador, Riscos, Acidentes e Doenças Relacionadas ao Trabalho: Estudo com Trabalhadores em um Porto no Extremo Sul do Brasil”, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (CEPAS-FURG) sob parecer número 118/2013. Resultados: Na revisão sistemática, selecionaram-se 16 publicações; todas as publicações pertenceram ao nível de evidência quatro, destacando o câncer pulmonar, doenças osteomusculares e isquêmicas, com nexo causal em riscos químicos oriundos da exaustão veicular e das cargas transportadas. Nos estudos descritivos, os sintomas prevalentes foram a dor leve em membros superiores (51,7%) e intensa a insuportável na coluna vertebral (19%). Os dois adoecimentos mais autorreferidos foram lombocitalgia (36,8%; n=50 – em terra e 28,1%; n=27 – a bordo) e tendinite (27,9% - em terra e 31,3% - a bordo). Discussão: O câncer pulmonar ocupacional foi causado por componentes químicos da exaustão veicular e do amianto transportado nas operações portuárias. Com relação à saúde muscular, a idade, o tempo e a jornada de trabalho mostraram-se condicionantes importantes na identificação de sintomas e adoecimentos, e o quanto estes fatores interveem na percepção da intensidade, contribuindo no autocuidado para prevenção e tratamento. Conclusão: O conhecimento dos condicionantes socioambientais relacionados ao trabalhador e caracterizados nos ambientes de trabalho deve ser atual e pregresso, o que somado à apreensão dos sintomas e adoecimentos autorreferidos pelos trabalhadores instrumentalizou o RC, identificando uma atuação profissional em longo prazo para dirimir os adoecimentos identificados. As características clínicas obtidas, em conjunto com a literatura, conduziram ao processamento do RC da enfermagem nesta realidade, sendo a informação em saúde um ponto chave para a promoção da saúde muscular dos trabalhadores.
Statistical association between a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype and a quantitative trait in genome-wide association studies is usually assessed using a linear regression model, or, in the case of non-normally distributed trait values, using the Kruskal-Wallis test. While linear regression models assume an additive mode of inheritance via equi-distant genotype scores, Kruskal-Wallis test merely tests global differences in trait values associated with the three genotype groups. Both approaches thus exhibit suboptimal power when the underlying inheritance mode is dominant or recessive. Furthermore, these tests do not perform well in the common situations when only a few trait values are available in a rare genotype category (disbalance), or when the values associated with the three genotype categories exhibit unequal variance (variance heterogeneity). We propose a maximum test based on Marcus-type multiple contrast test for relative effect sizes. This test allows model-specific testing of either dominant, additive or recessive mode of inheritance, and it is robust against variance heterogeneity. We show how to obtain mode-specific simultaneous confidence intervals for the relative effect sizes to aid in interpreting the biological relevance of the results. Further, we discuss the use of a related all-pairwise comparisons contrast test with range preserving confidence intervals as an alternative to Kruskal-Wallis heterogeneity test. We applied the proposed maximum test to the Bogalusa Heart Study dataset, and gained a remarkable increase in the power to detect association, particularly for rare genotypes. Our simulation study also demonstrated that the proposed non-parametric tests control family-wise error rate in the presence of non-normality and variance heterogeneity contrary to the standard parametric approaches. We provide a publicly available R library nparcomp that can be used to estimate simultaneous confidence intervals or compatible multiplicity-adjusted p-values associated with the proposed maximum test.
This thesis aims to investigate vibrational characteristics of magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) of the brain. MRE is a promising, non-invasive methodology for the mapping of shear stiffness of the brain. A mechanical actuator shakes the brain and generates shear waves, which are then imaged with a special MRI sequence sensitive to sub-millimeter displacements. This research focuses on exploring the profile of vibrations utilized in brain elastography from the standpoint of ultimately investigating nonlinear behavior of the tissue. The first objective seeks to demonstrate the effects of encoding off-frequency vibrations using standard MRE methodologies. Vibrations of this nature can arise from nonlinearities in the system and contaminate the results of the measurement. The second objective is to probe nonlinearity in the dynamic brain system using MRE. A non-parametric decomposition technique, novel to the MRE field, is introduced and investigated.