981 resultados para Near Infrared


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The ancient southern highlands on Mars (~3.5 Gyr old) contain > 600 regions that display spectral evidence in the infrared for the presence of chloride-bearing materials. Many of these locations were previously reported to display polygonal cracking patterns. We studied more than 80 of the chloride-bearing terrains using high-resolution (0.25-0.5 m/pixel) images, as well as near-infrared spectral data, to characterize the surface textures and the associated cracking patterns and mineralogies. Our study indicates that ~75% of the studied locations display polygonal cracks that resemble desiccation cracks, while some resemble salt expansion/thrust polygons. Furthermore, we detect, spectrally, the presence of smectites in association with ~30% of the studied fractured terrains. We note that smectites are a special class of swelling clay minerals that can induce formation of large desiccation cracks. As such, we suggest that the cracking patterns are indicative of the presence of smectite phyllosilicates even in the absence of spectral confirmation. Our results suggest that many chloride-bearing terrains have a lacustrine origin and a geologic setting similar to playas on Earth. Such locations would have contained ephemeral lakes that may have undergone repeated cycles of desiccation and recharging by a near-surface fluctuating water table in order to account for the salt-phyllosilicates associations. These results have notable implications for the ancient hydrology of Mars. We propose that the morphologies and sizes of the polygonal cracks can be used as paleoenvironmental, as well as lithological, indicators that could be helpful in planning future missions.


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We report on oxygenation changes noninvasively recorded by multichannel continuous-wave near infrared spectroscopy (CW-NIRS) during endovascular neuroradiologic interventions requiring temporary balloon occlusion of arteries supplying the cerebral circulation. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) provides reference data on the site, timing, and effectiveness of the flow stagnation as well as on the amount and direction of collateral circulation. This setting allows us to relate CW-NIRS findings to brain specific perfusion changes. We focused our analysis on the transition from normal perfusion to vessel occlusion, i.e., before hypoxia becomes clinically apparent. The localization of the maximal response correlated either with the core (occlusion of the middle cerebral artery) or with the watershed areas (occlusion of the internal carotid artery) of the respective vascular territories. In one patient with clinically and angiographically confirmed insufficient collateral flow during carotid artery occlusion, the total hemoglobin concentration became significantly asymmetric, with decreased values in the ipsilateral watershed area and contralaterally increased values. Multichannel CW-NIRS monitoring might serve as an objective and early predictive marker of critical perfusion changes during interventions-to prevent hypoxic damage of the brain. It also might provide valuable human reference data on oxygenation changes as they typically occur during acute stroke.


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Over the last ~20 years, soil spectral libraries storing near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectra from diverse soil samples have been built for many places, since almost 10 years also for Tajikistan. Many calibration approaches have been reported and used for prediction from large and heterogeneous libraries, but most are hampered by the high diversity of the soils, where the mineral background is heavily influencing spectral features. In such cases, local learning strategies have the advantage of building locally adapted calibrations, which can deal better with nonlinearities. Therefore, it was our major aim to identify the most efficient approach to develop an accurate and stable locally weigthed calibration model using a spectral library compiled over the past years. Keywords: Tajikistan, Near-Infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), soil organic carbon, locally weighted regression, regional and local spectral library.


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The delineation of shifting cultivation landscapes using remote sensing in mountainous regions is challenging. On the one hand, there are difficulties related to the distinction of forest and fallow forest classes as occurring in a shifting cultivation landscape in mountainous regions. On the other hand, the dynamic nature of the shifting cultivation system poses problems to the delineation of landscapes where shifting cultivation occurs. We present a two-step approach based on an object-oriented classification of Advanced Land Observing Satellite, Advanced Visible and Near-Infrared Spectrometer (ALOS AVNIR) and Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (ALOS PRISM) data and landscape metrics. When including texture measures in the object-oriented classification, the accuracy of forest and fallow forest classes could be increased substantially. Based on such a classification, landscape metrics in the form of land cover class ratios enabled the identification of crop-fallow rotation characteristics of the shifting cultivation land use practice. By classifying and combining these landscape metrics, shifting cultivation landscapes could be delineated using a single land cover dataset.


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Apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death, is critical to homoeostasis, normal development, and physiology. Dysregulation of apoptosis can lead to the accumulation of unwanted cells, such as occurs in cancer, and the removal of needed cells or disorders of normal tissues, such as heart, neurodegenerative, and autoimmune diseases. Noninvasive detection of apoptosis may play an important role in the evaluation of disease states and response to therapeutic intervention for a variety of diseases. It is desirable to have an imaging method to accurately detect and monitor this process in patients. In this study, we developed annexin A5-conjugated polymeric micellar nanoparticles dual-labeled with a near-infrared fluorescence fluorophores (Cy7) and a radioisotope (111In), named as 111In-labeled annexin A5-CCPM. In vitro studies demonstrated that annexin A5-CCPM could strongly and specifically bind to apoptotic cells. In vivo studies showed that apoptotic tissues could be clearly visualized by both single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) after intravenous injection of 111In-labeled Annexin A5-CCPM in 6 different apoptosis models. In contrast, there was little signal in respective healthy tissues. All the biodistribution data confirmed imaging results. Moreover, histological analysis revealed that radioactivity count correlated with fluorescence signal from the nanoparticles, and both signals co-localized with the region of apoptosis. In sum, 111In-labeled annexin A5-CCPM allowed visualization of apoptosis by both nuclear and optical imaging techniques. The complementary information acquired with multiple imaging techniques should be advantageous in improving diagnostics and management of patients.


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EphB4 receptors, a member of the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases, are found over-expressed in a variety of tumors cells including glioma cells as well as angiogenic blood vessels. Noninvasive imaging of EphB4 could potentially increase early detection rates, monitor response to therapy directed against EphB4, and improve patient outcomes. Targeted delivery of EphB4 receptor specific peptide conjugated hollow gold nanoshells (HAuNS) into tumors has great potential in cancer imaging and photothermal therapy. In this study, we developed an EphB4 specific peptide named TNYL-RAW and labeled with radioisotope 64Cu and Cy5.5 dye. We also conjugate this specific peptide with hollow gold nanoshells (HAuNS) to evaluate targeted photothermal therapy of cancers. In vitro, 64Cu-DOTA-TNYL- RAW specifically bind to CT26 and PC-3M cells but not to A549 cells. In vivo, Small-animal PET/CT clearly showed the significant uptake of 64Cu-DOTA-TNYL-RAW in CT26 and PC-3M tumors but not in A549 tumors. Furthermore, µPET/CT and near-infrared optical imaging clearly showed the uptake of the dual labeled TNYL-RAW peptide in both U251 and U87 tumors in the brains of nude mice. In U251 tumors, Cy5.5-labeled peptide can bind to EphB4-expressing tumor blood vessels and tumors cells. But in U87 models, dual labeled peptide only could bind to tumor associated blood vessels. Also, Irradiation of PC-3M and CT-26 cell treated with TNYL-PEG-HAuNS nanopatilces with near-infrared (NIR) laser resulted in selective destruction of these cells in vitro. EphB4 targeted TNYL-PEG-HAuNS showed more photothermal killing effect on CT26 tumor model than PEG-HAuNS did. In summary, tumors with overexpression of EphB4 receptors can be noninvasively visualized by micro PET/CT with 64Cu labeled or dual labeled TNYL-RAW peptide. Targeted delivery of TNYL-RAW conjugated HAuNS into tumors can greatly improve the treatment effect of photothermal therapy. The information acquired with this study should be advantageous in improving diagnostics and future applications in photothermal ablation therapy in clinical.


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Background: The aim of the present study was to contributing to researching physiological effects of arts speech therapy by (i) investigating effects of inner and heard speech on cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation, and (ii) analyzing if these changes were affected by alterations of the arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2). Methods: In 29 healthy adult volunteers we measured changes in cerebral absolute oxyhemoglobin ([O2Hb]), deoxyhemoglobin ([HHb]), total hemoglobin ([tHb]) concentrations and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) (over the left and right anterior prefrontal cortex (PFC)) using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) as well as changes in end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2) using capnography. Each subject performed six different tasks: three types of task modalities, i.e. inner speech, heard speech from a person and heard speech from a record, and, two recitation texts, i.e. hexameter and alliteration on different days according to a randomized crossover design. Statistical analysis was applied to the differences between the baseline, two task and four recovery periods. The two brain hemispheres, i.e. left and right PFC, and six tasks were tested separately. Results: During the tasks we found in general a decrease in PETCO2 (significantly only for inner speech), StO2, [O2Hb], [tHb] as well as in an increase in [HHb]. There was a significant difference between hexameter and alliteration. Particularly, the changes in [tHb] at the left PFC during tasks and after them were statistically different. Furthermore we found significant relations between changes in [O2Hb], [HHb], [tHb] or StO2 and the participants’ age, the baseline PETCO2, or certain speech tasks. Conclusions: Changes in breathing (hyperventilation) during the tasks led to lower PaCO2 (hypocapnia) for inner speech. During heard speech no significant changes in PaCO2 occurred, but the decreases in StO2, [O2Hb], [tHb] suggest that changes in PaCO2 were also relevant here. Different verse types (hexameter, alliteration) led to different changes in [tHb]. Consequently, StO2, [O2Hb], [HHb] and [tHb] are affected by interplay of both PaCO2 reactivity and task dependent functional brain activity.


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Purpose: Artistic speech therapy is applied in anthroposophically extended medicine to treat several diseases. The aim is to understand the physiology by investigating the effect of inner and heard speech on brain hemodynamics and oxygenation and analyzing whether these changes were affected by changes in arterial carbon dioxide pressure. Methods: In 29 healthy adult volunteers changes in cerebral absolute oxyhemoglobin ([O2Hb]), deoxyhemoglobin ([HHb]), total hemoglobin ([tHb]) concentrations and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) were measured by functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). End-tidal CO2 (PETCO2) was assessed by capnography. Each subject performed six tasks: inner speech, heard speech from a person and heard speech from a record with each two different recitation texts: hexameter and alliteration according to a randomized crossover design. Results: Significant changes during tasks: A decrease in StO2, [O2Hb], [tHb] and PETCO2 (only for inner speech); an increase in [HHb]. There was a significant difference between hexameter and alliteration. Particularly, changes in [tHb] at the left prefrontal cortex during tasks and after them were statistically different. Furthermore we found significant relations between changes in [O2Hb], [HHb], [tHb] or StO2 and the participants’ age, the baseline PETCO2, or certain speech tasks. Conclusion: During the inner speech, hyperventilation led to a lower PETCO2 (hypocapnia). During heard speech no significant changes in PETCO2 occurred. But decreases in StO2, [O2Hb], [tHb] suggest hypocapnia also here. Hexameter and alliteration led to different changes in [tHb]. Consequently, our parameters are affected by an interplay of both PETCO2 response and task dependent functional brain activity.


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The generation of collimated electron beams from metal double-gate nanotip arrays excited by near infrared laser pulses is studied. Using electromagnetic and particle tracking simulations, we showed that electron pulses with small rms transverse velocities are efficiently produced from nanotip arrays by laser-induced field emission with the laser wavelength tuned to surface plasmon polariton resonance of the stacked double-gate structure. The result indicates the possibility of realizing a metal nanotip array cathode that outperforms state-of-the-art photocathodes.


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OBJECTIVES To conduct a survey across European cardiac centres to evaluate the methods used for cerebral protection during aortic surgery involving the aortic arch. METHODS All European centres were contacted and surgeons were requested to fill out a short, comprehensive questionnaire on an internet-based platform. One-third of more than 400 contacted centres completed the survey correctly. RESULTS The most preferred site for arterial cannulation is the subclavian-axillary, both in acute and chronic presentation. The femoral artery is still frequently used in the acute condition, while the ascending aorta is a frequent second choice in the case of chronic presentation. Bilateral antegrade brain perfusion is chosen by the majority of centres (2/3 of cases), while retrograde perfusion or circulatory arrest is very seldom used and almost exclusively in acute clinical presentation. The same pumping system of the cardio pulmonary bypass is most of the time used for selective cerebral perfusion, and the perfusate temperature is usually maintained between 22 and 26°C. One-third of the centres use lower temperatures. Perfusate flow and pressure are fairly consistent among centres in the range of 10-15 ml/kg and 60 mmHg, respectively. In 60% of cases, barbiturates are added for cerebral protection, while visceral perfusion still receives little attention. Regarding cerebral monitoring, there is a general tendency to use near-infrared spectroscopy associated with bilateral radial pressure measurement. CONCLUSIONS These data represent a snapshot of the strategies used for cerebral protection during major aortic surgery in current practice, and may serve as a reference for standardization and refinement of different approaches.


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The two small asteroid-like bodies orbiting Mars, Phobos and Deimos, are low albedo and exhibit similar visible to near-infrared spectra. Determining the origin of these moons is closely tied to determining their composition. From available spectroscopic data Phobos exhibits two distinct types of materials across its surface, and data from both Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have provided additional details about the properties of these materials and their spatial relation to one another. Although no prominent diagnostic absorptions have been detected, systematic weak features are seen in some data. An extensive regolith is observed to have developed on both moons with characteristics that may be unique due to their special environment in Mars orbit. Understanding the character and evolution of the regolith of Phobos and Deimos is central to interpreting the moons׳ physical and optical properties. The cumulative data available for compositional analyses across the surface of Phobos and Deimos, however, remain incomplete in scope and character and ambiguous in interpretation. Consequently the composition of the moons of Mars remains uncertain.


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Several lake ice phenology studies from satellite data have been undertaken. However, the availability of long-term lake freeze-thaw-cycles, required to understand this proxy for climate variability and change, is scarce for European lakes. Long time series from space observations are limited to few satellite sensors. Data of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) are used in account of their unique potential as they offer each day global coverage from the early 1980s expectedly until 2022. An automatic two-step extraction was developed, which makes use of near-infrared reflectance values and thermal infrared derived lake surface water temperatures to extract lake ice phenology dates. In contrast to other studies utilizing thermal infrared, the thresholds are derived from the data itself, making it unnecessary to define arbitrary or lake specific thresholds. Two lakes in the Baltic region and a steppe lake on the Austrian–Hungarian border were selected. The later one was used to test the applicability of the approach to another climatic region for the time period 1990 to 2012. A comparison of the extracted event dates with in situ data provided good agreements of about 10 d mean absolute error. The two-step extraction was found to be applicable for European lakes in different climate regions and could fill existing data gaps in future applications. The extension of the time series to the full AVHRR record length (early 1980 until today) with adequate length for trend estimations would be of interest to assess climate variability and change. Furthermore, the two-step extraction itself is not sensor-specific and could be applied to other sensors with equivalent near- and thermal infrared spectral bands.


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Recently, sub-wavelength-pitch stacked double-gate metal nanotip arrays have been proposed to realize high current, high brightness electron bunches for ultrabright cathodes for x-ray free-electron laser applications. With the proposed device structure, ultrafast field emission of photoexcited electrons is efficiently driven by vertical incident near infrared laser pulses, via near field coupling of the surface plasmon polariton resonance of the gate electrodes with the nanotip apex. In this work, in order to gain insight in the underlying physical processes, the authors report detailed numerical studies of the proposed device. The results indicate the importance of the interaction of the double-layer surface plasmon polariton, the position of the nanotip, as well as the incident angle of the near infrared laser pulses.


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Sublimation, the direct transition from solid to gas phase, is a process responsible for shaping and changing the reflectance properties of many Solar System surfaces. In this study, we have characterized the evolution of the structure/texture and of the visible and near-infrared (VIS–NIR) spectral reflectance of surfaces made of water ice mixed with analogues of complex extraterrestrial organic matter, named tholins, under low temperature (<-70° C) and pressure (10-⁵mbar) conditions. The experiments were carried out in the SCITEAS simulation setup recently built as part of the Laboratory for Outflow Studies of Sublimating Materials (LOSSy) at the University of Bern (Pommerol, A. et al. [2015a]. Planet. Space Sci. 109–110, 106–122). As the water ice sublimated, we observed in situ the formation of a sublimation lag deposit made of a water-free porous (>90% porosity) network of organic filaments on top of the ice. The temporal evolution of the tholins and water ice spectral features (reflectance at the absorption bands wavelengths, red slope, from 0.40 to 1.90lm) are analyzed throughout the sublimation of the samples. We studied how different mixtures of tholins with water (0.1 wt.% tholins as coating or inclusions within the water particles), and different ice particle sizes (4.5 ± 2.5 or 67 ± 31lm) influence the morphological and spectral evolutions of the samples. The sublimation of the ice below the mantle produces a gas flow responsible for the ejection of mm to cm-sized fragments of the deposit in outbursts-like events. The results show remarkable differences between these samples in term of mantle structure, speed of mantle building, rates and surface area of mantle ejections. These data provide useful references for interpreting remote-sensing observations of icy Solar System surfaces, in particular the activity of comet nuclei where sublimation of organic-rich ices and deposition of organic-dust particles likely play a major role. Consequently, the data presented here could be of high interest for the interpretation of Rosetta, and also New Horizons, observations.


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The surfaces of many objects in the Solar System comprise substantial quantities of water ice sometimes mixed with minerals and/or organic molecules. The sublimation of the ice changes the structural and optical properties of these objects. We present laboratory data on the evolution of the structure and the visible and near-infrared spectral reflectance of icy surface analogues of cometary ices, made of water ice, complex organic matter (tholins) and silicates, as they undergo sublimation under low temperature (<-70°C) and pressure (10-⁵mbar) conditions inside the SCITEAS simulation chamber. As the water ice sublimated, we observed in situ the formation of a porous sublimation lag deposit, or sublimation mantle, at the top of the ice. This mantle is a network of filaments made of the non-volatile particles. Organics or phyllosilicates grains, able to interact via stronger inter-particulate forces than olivine grains, can form a foam-like structure having internal cohesiveness, holding olivine grains together. As this mantle builds-up, the band depths of the sub-surface water ice are attenuated until complete extinction under only few millimeters of mantle. Optically thick sublimation mantles are mainly featureless in the near infrared. The absorption bands of the minerals present in the mantle are weak, or even totally absent if minerals are mixed with organics which largely dominate the VIS–NIR reflectance spectrum. During sublimation, ejections of large fragments of mantle, triggered by the gas flow, expose ice particles to the surface. The contrast of brightness between mantled and ice-exposed areas depends on the wavelength range and the dust/ice ratio considered. We describe how the chemical nature of the non-volatiles, the size of their particles, the way they are mixed with the ice and the dust/ice mass ratio influence the texture, activity and spectro-photometric properties of the sublimation mantles. These data provide useful references for interpreting remote-sensing observations of comets and also icy satellites or trans-neptunian objects.