995 resultados para Naval Research Laboratory (U.S.)


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Ninety (90) hatchery bred fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus (mean weight: 0.96 ± 0.1g) were randomly placed in 15 plastic baths (25 litres each) at the Research laboratory and were exposed to different concentrations of oil products to determine their effects on the fish, to facilitate inferential deductions that will enhance effective aquatic environmental management. Three (3) replicate basins of 5 experimental treatments (crude oil, petrol oil, kerosene oil, engine oil and control) were used at a concentration of 1.25ml. L-1. The control experiment was devoid of oil treatment. Six (6) fingerlings were placed in each replicate basin, flooded with 20 litres of clean tap water and fed with nutrafin cichilid food, 2 times daily at 3% body weight. The results showed that the feeding behaviour and swimming performances of fish were reduced after 24 hours of the addition of the various oil pollutants. Mortality of fingerlings in the oiled basins increased as the hours of exposure increased (i.e. 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours). Recovery was not immediate in the treated basin while surviving fingerlings in the control basins grew up to post-fingerlings after 90 days (3 months). There were significant differences (P<0.01 and P<0.05) in the effect of crude oil and the petroleum products on the mortality rate of C. gariepinus when exposed to oil pollutants at 1.25ml. L-1 concentration


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The report looks at trials and results of sonic tracking devices. The report includes an appendix on a salmon tracking exercise using oxygen sensing ultrasonic transmitting tags which was carried out on the Ribble Estuary during the period 8th July 1982 to 19th July, 1982. The tags used were developed and manufactured by Aberdeen University and Zootelemetry Research Laboratory Ltd. of Aberdeen, working under contract from the Water Research Centre.


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A pesquisa LABORAV: uma cartografia da produção audiovisual na Faculdade de educação da Baixada Fluminense, tem como objetivo cartografar os efeitos das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, com ênfase no audiovisual, inseridas no ambiente educacional, e verificar se a produção de vídeo nas escolas pode apresentar-se como um contraponto à ideia de unificação do ambiente cultural vinda dos meios de comunicação de massa que predominaram no século XX. Vamos experimentar a produção audiovisual como algo capaz de produzir novos territórios existenciais a partir de processos de singularização. Nosso objeto de estudo são as atividades realizadas no Laborav, o Laboratório de Recursos Audiovisuais da Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense. Estamos observando de que modo os integrantes do grupo que participam das atividades do Laborav se apropriam dos equipamentos de vídeo e a subjetividade produzida nesta relação. Utilizaremos como referencial teórico os filósofos Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Michel Foucault, Michael Hardt e Antonio Negri entre outros do mesmo campo epistemológico, além da bibliografia técnica da área.


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A detailed study on arsenical creosote with reference to leaching, corrosion and anti-borer properties was carried out. Results showed that aging had very little effect on the preservative which suggested better fixation of the preservative into the wood. Corrosion of mild steel, galvanised iron, aluminium-magnesium alloy (M57S) and copper panels in the preservative was found to be negligible. Normal creosote and low temperature creosote of Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, both fortified with arsenic trioxide resisted borer damage on wooden panels for a period of over five months in the port of Cochin. The performance of low temperature creosote fortified with arsenic was found to be equally satisfactory when compared to normal creosote fortified in the same manner. A loading of 208.6 Kgs/ml³ for Haldu (Adina cordifolia) and 138 Kgs/m³ for Mango (Mangifera indica) in the case of normal creosote and 177 Kgs/m³ for Mango the case of RRL creosote were found to be sufficient for treating the wood.


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无尾类两栖动物的复杂的声行为对其繁殖与物种的识别具有重要的作用,而有尾类除了少数种类可以发出 微弱的“吱吱”声或吠声外,在过去一直被认为是基本不发声的。但是,最近的基于解剖学的证据的研究显示隐腮 鲵科(Cryptobranchidae)可能是一个例外。为了检验这一假说,作者对实验室严格控制的条件下的4只中国大鲵(An- drias davidianus)进行了观察。观察结果不仅表明动物在水下发声,同时也观察到了与之相关联的行为。作者对进 一步在野生条件下开展研究提出了建议。


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Phyrobilisomes (PBS) are the major light-harvesting, protein-pigment complexes in cyanobacteria and red algae. PBS absorb and transfer light energy to photosystem (PS) II as well as PS I, and the distribution of light energy from PBS to the two photosystems is regulated by light conditions through a mechanism known as state transitions. In this study the quantum efficiency of excitation energy transfer from PBS to PS I in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 was determined, and the results showed that energy transfer from PBS to PS I is extremely efficient. The results further demonstrated that energy transfer from PBS to PS I occurred directly and that efficient energy transfer was dependent upon the allophycocyanin-B alpha subunit, ApcD. In the absence of ApcD, cells were unable to perform state transitions and were trapped in state 1. Action spectra showed that light energy transfer from PBS to PS I was severely impaired in the absence of ApcD. An apcD mutant grew more slowly than the wild type in light preferentially absorbed by phyrobiliproteins and was more sensitive to high light intensity. On the other hand, a mutant lacking ApcF, which is required for efficient energy transfer from PBS to PS II, showed greater resistance to high light treatment. Therefore, state transitions in cyanobacteria have two roles: (1) they regulate light energy distribution between the two photosystems; and (2) they help to protect cells from the effects of light energy excess at high light intensities. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The available experimental results have shown that in time-periodic motion the rheology of fluid mud displays complex viscoelastic behaviour. Based on the measured rheology of fluid mud from two field sites, we study the interaction of water waves and fluid mud by a two-layered model in which the water above is assumed to be inviscid and the mud below is viscoelastic. As the fluid-mud layer in shallow seas is usually much thinner than the water layer above, the sharp contrast of scales enables an approximate analytical theory for the interaction between fluid mud and small-amplitude waves with a narrow frequency band. It is shown that at the leading order and within a short distance of a few wavelengths, wave pressure from above forces mud motion below. Over a Much longer distance, waves are modified by the accumulative dissipation in mud. At the next order, infragravity waves owing to convective inertia (or radiation stresses) are affected indirectly by mud motion through the slow modulation of the short waves. Quantitative predictions are made for mud samples of several concentrations and from two different field sites.


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Theoretical research, laboratory test and field observation show that most of sediment rock has anisotropic features. It will produce some notable errors when applying isotropic methods such as prestack depth migration and velocity analysis to dada acquired under anisotropic condition; it also has a bad effect on geologic interpretation. Generally speaking, the vertical transverse isotropic media is a good approximation to geologic structure, thus it has an important realistic meaning for anisotropic prestack depth migration theory researching and precise complex geologic imaging if considering anisotropic effect of seismic wave propagation. There are two indispensable parts in prestack depth migration of realistic records, one is proper prestack depth migration algorithm, and the other is velocity analysis using prestack seismic data. The paper consists of the two aspects. Based on implicit finite difference research proposed by Dietrich Ristow et al (1997) about VTI media prestack depth migration, the paper proposed split-step Fourier prestack depth migration algorithm (VTISSF) and Fourier finite difference algorithm (VTIFFD) based on wave equation for VTI media, program are designed and the depth migration method are tested using synthetic model. The result shows that VTISSF is a stable algorithm, it generally gets a good result if the reflector dip is not very steep, while undermigration phenomena appeared in steep dips case; the VTIFFD algorithm bring us better result in steep dips with lower efficiency and frequency dispersion. For anisotropic prestack depth migration velocity analysis of VTI media, The paper discussed the basic hypothesis of VTI model in velocity analysis algorithm, basis of anisotropic prestack depth migration velocity analysis and travel time table calculation of VTI media in integral prestack depth migration. Then , analyzed the P-wave common imaging gather in the case of homogeneous velocity and vertically variable velocity . studied the residual correction in common imaging gather produced by media parameter error, analyzed the condition of flat event and correct depth in common imaging gather . In this case, the anisotropic model parameter vector is , is vertical velocity of a point at top surface, is vertical velocity gradient, and are anisotropic parameter. We can get vertical velocity gradient from seismic data; then the P-wave common imaging gather of VTI media whose velocity varies in vertical and horizontal direction, the relationship between media parameter and event residual time shift of common image gather are studied. We got the condition of flattening common imaging gather with correct depth. In this case the anisotropic model parameter vector is , is velocity gradient in horizontal direction. As a result, the vertical velocity grads can be decided uniquely, but horizontal velocity grads and anisotropic parameter can’t be distinguished if no priori information available, our method is to supply parameter by velocity scanning; then, as soon as is supplied we can get another four parameters of VTI media from seismic data. Based on above analysis, the paper discussed the feasibility of migration velocity analysis in vertically and horizontally varied VTI media, synthetic record of three models are used to test the velocity analysis method . Firstly, anisotropic velocity analysis test is done using a simple model with one block, then we used a model with multiple blocks, thirdly, we analyzed the anisotropic velocity using a part of Marmousi model. The model results show that this velocity analysis method is feasible and correct.


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A fundamental understanding of the information carrying capacity of optical channels requires the signal and physical channel to be modeled quantum mechanically. This thesis considers the problems of distributing multi-party quantum entanglement to distant users in a quantum communication system and determining the ability of quantum optical channels to reliably transmit information. A recent proposal for a quantum communication architecture that realizes long-distance, high-fidelity qubit teleportation is reviewed. Previous work on this communication architecture is extended in two primary ways. First, models are developed for assessing the effects of amplitude, phase, and frequency errors in the entanglement source of polarization-entangled photons, as well as fiber loss and imperfect polarization restoration, on the throughput and fidelity of the system. Second, an error model is derived for an extension of this communication architecture that allows for the production and storage of three-party entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. A performance analysis of the quantum communication architecture in qubit teleportation and quantum secret sharing communication protocols is presented. Recent work on determining the channel capacity of optical channels is extended in several ways. Classical capacity is derived for a class of Gaussian Bosonic channels representing the quantum version of classical colored Gaussian-noise channels. The proof is strongly mo- tivated by the standard technique of whitening Gaussian noise used in classical information theory. Minimum output entropy problems related to these channel capacity derivations are also studied. These single-user Bosonic capacity results are extended to a multi-user scenario by deriving capacity regions for single-mode and wideband coherent-state multiple access channels. An even larger capacity region is obtained when the transmitters use non- classical Gaussian states, and an outer bound on the ultimate capacity region is presented


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This research is concerned with the development of tactual displays to supplement the information available through lipreading. Because voicing carries a high informational load in speech and is not well transmitted through lipreading, the efforts are focused on providing tactual displays of voicing to supplement the information available on the lips of the talker. This research includes exploration of 1) signal-processing schemes to extract information about voicing from the acoustic speech signal, 2) methods of displaying this information through a multi-finger tactual display, and 3) perceptual evaluations of voicing reception through the tactual display alone (T), lipreading alone (L), and the combined condition (L+T). Signal processing for the extraction of voicing information used amplitude-envelope signals derived from filtered bands of speech (i.e., envelopes derived from a lowpass-filtered band at 350 Hz and from a highpass-filtered band at 3000 Hz). Acoustic measurements made on the envelope signals of a set of 16 initial consonants represented through multiple tokens of C1VC2 syllables indicate that the onset-timing difference between the low- and high-frequency envelopes (EOA: envelope-onset asynchrony) provides a reliable and robust cue for distinguishing voiced from voiceless consonants. This acoustic cue was presented through a two-finger tactual display such that the envelope of the high-frequency band was used to modulate a 250-Hz carrier signal delivered to the index finger (250-I) and the envelope of the low-frequency band was used to modulate a 50-Hz carrier delivered to the thumb (50T). The temporal-onset order threshold for these two signals, measured with roving signal amplitude and duration, averaged 34 msec, sufficiently small for use of the EOA cue. Perceptual evaluations of the tactual display of EOA with speech signal indicated: 1) that the cue was highly effective for discrimination of pairs of voicing contrasts; 2) that the identification of 16 consonants was improved by roughly 15 percentage points with the addition of the tactual cue over L alone; and 3) that no improvements in L+T over L were observed for reception of words in sentences, indicating the need for further training on this task


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This memo describes the initial results of a project to create a self-supervised algorithm for learning object segmentation from video data. Developmental psychology and computational experience have demonstrated that the motion segmentation of objects is a simpler, more primitive process than the detection of object boundaries by static image cues. Therefore, motion information provides a plausible supervision signal for learning the static boundary detection task and for evaluating performance on a test set. A video camera and previously developed background subtraction algorithms can automatically produce a large database of motion-segmented images for minimal cost. The purpose of this work is to use the information in such a database to learn how to detect the object boundaries in novel images using static information, such as color, texture, and shape. This work was funded in part by the Office of Naval Research contract #N00014-00-1-0298, in part by the Singapore-MIT Alliance agreement of 11/6/98, and in part by a National Science Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship.