995 resultados para Napier, Macvey, 1776-1847.
Scale ca. 1:18,000.
Este mapa editado en la ciudad de Nueva York es de importancia excepcional en la historia de la relación entre México y Estados Unidos, entre otras cosas, debido a su función de servir de base, con todo y sus errores, en el Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo de 1848; documento que estableció los límites de la nueva frontera.
A espécie Prochilodus lineatus é de grande importância comercial na região dos rios Grande, Pardo e Mogi-Guaçu e tem como característica a formação de grandes cardumes, apta a desenvolver amplos deslocamentos migratórios. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar, por meio das características morfométricas e etária, se os curimbatás (P. lineatus) dos diferentes estoques migradores e residentes constituem uma única população, havendo interação entre as sub-populações no período de piracema (migração reprodutiva). Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 x 2, com quatro tipos de estoques (um residente e três migradores) e dois sexos (macho e fêmea) com trinta repetições, considerando cada peixe como unidade experimental. Foi observada variação de 80,19% para o primeiro componente principal e 8,09% do segundo componente principal fornecida pelas dez variáveis morfométricas dos estoques residentes e migradores. O estoque residente correspondeu aos maiores valores para todas as variáveis morfométricas. Houve sobreposição dos escores individuais das mesmas características entre os estoques migradores. Observou-se predominância de machos entre os estoques residentes e migrador I e II. As semelhanças morfométricas verificadas entre os estoques migradores indicam tratar-se de uma única população, com pequenas variações interpopulacional.
Introducción Ya en la primera fase del movimiento independentista hispanoamericano varios ciudadanos paraguayos formaron en Asunción, en mayo de 1811, un gobierno propio que declaró su desvinculación del virreinato del Rio de la Plata. En Octubre de 1813 la provincia se separó de España, y manteniendo su viejo nombre indígena de Paraguay, proclamó la República.
The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in Brazilian non-small cell lung cancer patients and to correlate these mutations with response to benefit of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Our cohort consisted of prospective patients with NSCLCs who received chemotherapy (platinum derivates plus paclitaxel) at the [UNICAMP], Brazil. EGFR exons 18-21 were analyzed in tumor-derived DNA. Fifty patients were included in the study (25 with adenocarcinoma). EGFR mutations were identified in 6/50 (12 %) NSCLCs and in 6/25 (24 %) adenocarcinomas; representing the frequency of EGFR mutations in a mostly self-reported White (82.0 %) southeastern Brazilian population of NSCLCs. Patients with NSCLCs harboring EGFR exon 19 deletions or the exon 21 L858R mutation were found to have a higher chance of response to platinum-paclitaxel (OR 9.67 [95 % CI 1.03-90.41], p = 0.047). We report the frequency of EGFR activating mutations in a typical southeastern Brazilian population with NSCLC, which are similar to that of other countries with Western European ethnicity. EGFR mutations seem to be predictive of a response to platinum-paclitaxel, and additional studies are needed to confirm or refute this relationship.
This work outlines the historic development of the concept and main theories of energy transfer, as well as the principal experiments carried out to confirm or refute the proposed theories. Energy transfer in coordination compounds is also discussed with a focus on rare earth systems.
It is presented a cladistic analysis of the Dicrepidiina aiming to test the monophyletism of the subtribe and to establish the relationships among the genera. The subtribe is composed by 36 genera and all of them, except Asebis, Lamononia, Neopsephus, Semiotopsis and Spilomorphus were included in the analysis. Fifty two species, especially the type-species of each genus were studied: Achrestus flavocinctus (Candèze, 1859), A. venustus Champion, 1895, Adiaphorus gracilis Schwarz, 1901, A. ponticerianus Candèze, 1859, Anoplischiopsis bivittatus Champion, 1895, Anoplischius bicarinatus Candèze, 1859, A. conicus Candèze, 1900, A. haematopus Candèze, 1859, A. pyronotus Candèze, 1859, Atractosomus flavescens (Germar, 1839), Blauta cribraria (Germar, 1844), Calopsephus apicalis (Schwarz, 1903), Catalamprus angustus (Fleutiaux, 1902), Crepidius flabellifer (Erichson, 1847), C. resectus Candèze, 1859, Cyathodera auripilosus Costa, 1968, C. lanugicollis (Candèze, 1859), C. longicornis Blanchard, 1843, Dayakus angularis Candèze, 1893, Dicrepidius ramicornis (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805), Dipropus brasilianus (Germar, 1824), D. factuellus Candèze, 1859, D. laticollis (Eschscholtz, 1829), D. pinguis (Candèze, 1859), D. schwarzi (Becker, 1961), Elius birmanicus Candèze, 1893, E. dilatatus Candèze, 1878, Heterocrepidius gilvellus Candèze, 1859, H. ventralis Guérin-Méneville, 1838, Lampropsephus cyaneus (Candèze, 1878), Loboederus appendiculatus (Perty, 1830), Olophoeus gibbus Candèze, 1859, Ovipalpus pubescens Solier, 1851, Pantolamprus ligneus Candèze, 1896, P. mirabilis Candèze, 1896, P. perpulcher Westwood, 1842, Paraloboderus glaber Golbach, 1990, Proloboderus crassipes Fleutiaux, 1912, Propsephus beniensis (Candèze, 1859), P. cavifrons (Erichson, 1843), Pseudolophoeus guineensis (Candèze, 1881), Rhinopsephus apicalis (Schwarz, 1903), Sephilus formosanus Schwarz, 1912, S. frontalis Candèze, 1878, Singhalenus gibbus Candèze, 1892, S. taprobanicus Candèze, 1859, Sphenomerus antennalis Candèze, 1859, S. brunneus Candèze, 1865, Spilus atractomorphus Candèze, 1859, S. nitidus Candèze, 1859, Stenocrepidius simonii Fleutiaux, 1891 and Trielasmus varians Blanchard, 1846. Chalcolepidius zonatus (Hemirhipini, Agrypninae), Ctenicera silvatica (Prosternini, Prosterninae), and species of the other subtribes of Ampedini (Elaterinae): Ampedus sanguineus (Ampedina), Melanotus spernendus (Melanotina) and Anchastus digittatus and Physorhinus xanthocephalus (Physorhinina) were used as outgroups. The results of the phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that Dicrepidiina, as formerly defined, does not form a monophyletic group. One genus, represented by Ovipalpus pubescens, was removed from the subtribe. The subtribe is characterized by presence of lamella under 2nd and 3rd tarsomeres of all legs. Also, it was revealed that the genera Achrestus, Anoplischius, Dipropus and Propsephus are not monophyletic. Due to the scarcity of information, all the studied species are redescribed and illustrated.
Caracterizar o estado nutricional de 3.254 Kaingáng de escolas indígenas de 12 terras indígenas do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Transversal de base escolar. Obtidas medidas de peso (P), estatura (E) e circunferência da cintura (CC) conforme Organização Mundial da Saúde - OMS (1995). Classificação do estado nutricional: crianças: índices E/I, P/I e P/E, de acordo com o National Center for Health Statistics (WHO, 1995) e E/I, P/I e índice de massa corporal/idade (IMC/I) de acordo com OMS (2006); adolescentes: IMC/I (OMS, 1995 e 2006) e E/I (OMS, 2006); adultos: IMC (OMS, 1995) e CC (OMS, 2003). Adolescentes representaram 56% dos avaliados, crianças 42,5%, adultos 1,4% e idosos 0,1%. Deficit estatural de 15,1% (OMS, 1995) e 15,5% (OMS, 2006) entre as crianças e de 19,9% entre adolescentes. Freqüências de excesso de peso foram: crianças: 11% (OMS, 1995) e 5,7% (OMS, 2006); adolescentes: 6,7%; adultos: 79,2%. Entre adultos, 45,3% estavam em risco aumentado para doenças metabólicas. Observada a transição nutricional no segmento, caracterizada por prevalências importantes de baixa estatura na infância e adolescência e sobrepeso proeminente em todas as faixas etárias.
We study the existence of weighted S-asymptotically omega-periodic mild solutions for a class of abstract fractional differential equations of the form u' = partial derivative (alpha vertical bar 1)Au + f(t, u), 1 < alpha < 2, where A is a linear sectorial operator of negative type.
The exploitation of aqueous biphasic extraction is proposed for the first time in flow analysis This extraction strategy stands out for being environmentally attractive since it is based in the utilization of two immiscible phases that are intrinsically aqueous The organic solvents of the traditional liquid-liquid extractions ale no longer used, being replaced by non-toxic, non-flammable and non-volatile ones. A single interface flow analysis (SIFA) system was implemented to carry out the extraction process due to its favourable operational characteristics that include the high automation level and simplicity of operation, the establishment of a dynamic interface where the mass transfer occurred between the two immiscible aqueous phases, and the versatile control over the extraction process namely the extraction time The application selected to demonstrate the feasibility of SIFA to perform this aqueous biphasic extraction was the pre-concentration of lead. After extraction, lead reacted with 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid and the resulting product was determined by a fluorimetric detector included in the flow manifold. Therefore, the SIFA single interface was used both as extraction (enrichment) and reaction interface. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
This study unveils histological features of the intestinal tract of juvenile striped catfish Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Linnaeus, 1776) in three size classes (weight, standard length): I - 36.84 +/- 10.19 g, 14.52 +/- 1.54 cm; II - 59.03 +/- 11.47 g, 17.17 +/- 1.06 cm; III - 89.72 +/- 18.70 g, 20.79 +/- 1.55 cm, respectively. Histological organization of the juvenile speckled catfish intestine bears features common to the carnivorous fish, but the organ presents some convolutions that indicate a certain degree of dietary flexibility, a surprising trend, common only to omnivorous Siluriforms. The architecture of the mucosa of the speckled catfish intestine indicates that the species concentrates digestion and absorption of nutrients in the medium intestine, a common feature among carnivorous Teleosts.
A 2(3-1) factorial experimental design was used to evaluate the performance of a perforated rotating disc contactor to extract alpha-toxin from the fermented broth of Clostridium perfringens Type A by aqueous two-phase system of polyethylene glycol-phosphate salts. The influence of three independent variables, specifically the dispersed phase flowrate, the continuous phase flowrate and the disc rotational speed, was investigated on the hold up, the mass transfer coefficient, the separation efficiency and the purification factor, taken as the response variables. The optimum dispersed phase flowrate was 3.0 mL/min for all these responses. Besides, maximum values of hold up (0.80), separation efficiency (0. 10) and purification factor (2.4) were obtained at this flowrate using the lowest disc rotational speed (35 rpm), while the optimum mass transfer coefficient (0. 165 h(-1)) was achieved at the highest agitation level (140 rpm). The results of this study demonstrated that the dispersed phase flowrate strongly influenced the performance of PRDC, in that both the mass transfer coefficient and hold up increased with this parameter. (c) 2007 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
We report the comparative proteomic and antivenomic characterization of the venoms of subspecies cascavella and collilineatus of the Brazilian tropical rattlesnake Crotalus durissus. The venom proteomes of C. d. collilineatus and C. d. cascavella comprise proteins in the range of 4-115 kDa belonging to 9 and 8 toxin families, respectively. Collilineatus and cascavella venoms contain 20-25 main toxins belonging to the following protein families: disintegrin, PLA(2), serine proteinase, cysteine-rich secretory protein (CRISP), vascular endothelial growth factor-like (VEGF), L-amino acid oxidase, C-type lectin-like, and snake venom metalloproteinase (SVMP). As judged by reverse-phase HPLC and mass spectrometry, cascavella and collilineatus share about 90% of their venom proteome. However, the relative occurrence of the toxin families departs among the two C. durissus subspecies venoms. The most notable difference is the presence of the myotoxin crotamine in some C. d. collilineatus specimens (averaging 20.8% of the total proteins of pooled venom), which is absent in the venom of C. d. cascavella. On the other hand, the neurotoxic PLA2 crotoxin represents the most abundant protein in both C. durissus venoms, comprising 67.4% of the toxin proteome in C. d. collilineatus and 72.5% in C. d. cascavella. Myotoxic PLA(2)s are also present in the two venoms albeit in different relative concentrations (18.1% in C. d. cascavella vs. 4.6% in C. d. collilineatus). The venom composition accounts for the clinical manifestations caused by C. durissus envenomations: systemic neurotoxicity and myalgic symptoms and coagulation disturbances, frequently accompanied by myoglobinuria and acute renal failure. The overall compositions of C. d. subspecies cascavella and collilineatus venoms closely resemble that of C. d. terrificus, supporting the view that these taxa can be considered geographical variations of the same species. Pooled venom from adult C.d. cascavella and neonate C.d. terrificus lack crotamine, whereas this skeletal muscle cell membrane depolarizing inducing myotoxin accounts for similar to 20% of the total toxins of venom pooled from C.d. collilineatus and C.d. terrificus from Southern Brazil. The possible relevance of the observed venom variability among the tropical rattlesnake subspecies was assessed by antivenomics using anti-crotalic antivenoms produced at Instituto Butantan and Instituto Vital Brazil. The results revealed that both antivenoms exhibit impaired immunoreactivity towards crotamine and display restricted (similar to 60%) recognition of PLA(2) molecules (crotoxin and D49-myotoxins) from C. d. cascavella and C. d. terrificus venoms. This poor reactivity of the antivenoms may be due to a combination of factors: on the one hand, an inappropriate choice of the mixture of venoms for immunization and, on the other hand, the documented low immunogenicity of PLA(2) molecules. C. durissus causes most of the lethal snakebite accidents in Brazil. The implication of the geographic variation of venom composition for the treatment of bites by different C. durissus subspecies populations is discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pharmaceuticals can exist in many solid forms, which can have different physical and chemical properties. These solid forms include polymorphs, solvates, amorphous, and hydrates. Particularly, hydration process can be quite common since pharmaceutical solids can be in contact with water during manufacturing process and can also be exposed to water during storage. In the present work, it is proved that NQR technique is capable of detecting different hydrated forms not only in the pure raw material but also in the final product (tablets), being in this way a useful technique for quality control. This technique was also used to study the dehydration process from pentahydrate to trihydrate.
The current taxonomy of two poorly known hermit crab species Pagurus forceps H. Milne Edwards, 1836 and Pagurus comptus White, 1847 from temperate Pacific and Atlantic coastlines of South America is based only on adult morphology. Past studies have questioned the separation of these two very similar species, which occur sympatrically. We included specimens morphologically assignable to P. forceps and P. comptus in a phylogenetic analysis, along with other selected anomuran decapods, based on 16S ribosomal gene sequences. Differences between samples putatively assigned to either P. forceps and P. comptus were moderate, with sequence similarity ranging from 98.2 to 99.4% for the fragments analyzed. Our comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences (16S rRNA) revealed diagnostic differences between the two putative species, suggesting that P. forceps and P. comptus are indeed phylogenetically close but different species, with no genetic justification to support their synonymization. The polyphyly of Pagurus is not corroborated here among the represented Atlantic species, despite obviously complex relationships among the members of the genus.