996 resultados para NW-Deutschland
in Verb. mit dem Arbeitsausschuß deutscher Verbände bearb. von Wilhelm Ziegler. [Beitr.: Bernh. Dernburg, Wilhelm v. Schoen...]
unter Mitwirkung von Arthur Achleitner [und 17 weiteren] herausgegeben von Joseph Kürschner
In Fraktur
von Felix Perles
von Reinhold Lewin
Original am Oberrand knapp beschnitten, teil Textverlust
Using a Bongo-Net equipped with a multiple coded closing device, the vertical distribution of siphonophores has been observed in 100 m depth intervals at 13 stations off Cap Mirik (19°N) (from 0-500 m depth). This distributional pattern of the 15 siphonophores species found is discussed in relationship to the hydrography of this upwelling region. The following main features have been observed in comparision with the warmer oceanic water offshore: (1) a lower diversity, (2) a shallower distribution of some of the deep living species die to the lower temperature in the upper 300 m an a lower transparency, (3) no contribution to acoustic scattering by physonect siphonophores.