890 resultados para NMR Spectroscopy
The efficacy of fluorescence spectroscopy to detect squamous cell carcinoma is evaluated in an animal model following laser excitation at 442 and 532 nm. Lesions are chemically induced with a topical DMBA application at the left lateral tongue of Golden Syrian hamsters. The animals are investigated every 2 weeks after the 4th week of induction until a total of 26 weeks. The right lateral tongue of each animal is considered as a control site (normal contralateral tissue) and the induced lesions are analyzed as a set of points covering the entire clinically detectable area. Based on fluorescence spectral differences, four indices are determined to discriminate normal and carcinoma tissues, based on intraspectral analysis. The spectral data are also analyzed using a multivariate data analysis and the results are compared with histology as the diagnostic gold standard. The best result achieved is for blue excitation using the KNN (K-nearest neighbor, a interspectral analysis) algorithm with a sensitivity of 95.7% and a specificity of 91.6%. These high indices indicate that fluorescence spectroscopy may constitute a fast noninvasive auxiliary tool for diagnostic of cancer within the oral cavity. (C) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
We have investigated the detection of mechanical and disease stresses in citrus plants (Citrus limonia [L.] Osbeck) using laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Due to its economic importance we have chosen to investigate the citrus canker disease, which is caused by the Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri bacteria. Mechanical stress was also studied because it plays an important role in the plant's infection by such bacteria. A laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy system, composed of a spectrometer and a 532 nm 10 mW excitation laser was used to perform fluorescence spectroscopy. The ratio of two chlorophyll fluorescence bands allows us to detect and discriminate between mechanical and disease stresses. This ability to discriminate may have an important application in the field to detect citrus canker infected trees. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
In this paper, we present an analog of Bell's inequalities violation test for N qubits to be performed in a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computer. This can be used to simulate or predict the results for different Bell's inequality tests, with distinct configurations and a larger number of qubits. To demonstrate our scheme, we implemented a simulation of the violation of the Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt (CHSH) inequality using a two-qubit NMR system and compared the results to those of a photon experiment. The experimental results are well described by the quantum mechanics theory and a local realistic hidden variables model (LRHVM) that was specifically developed for NMR. That is why we refer to this experiment as a simulation of Bell's inequality violation. Our result shows explicitly how the two theories can be compatible with each other due to the detection loophole. In the last part of this work, we discuss the possibility of testing some fundamental features of quantum mechanics using NMR with highly polarized spins, where a strong discrepancy between quantum mechanics and hidden variables models can be expected.
The structure of laser glasses in the system (Y(2)O(3))(0.2){(Al(2)O(3))(x))(B(2)O(3))(0.8-x)} (0.15 <= x <= 0.40) has been investigated by means of (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y solid state NMR as well as electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) of Yb-doped samples. The latter technique has been applied for the first time to an aluminoborate glass system. (11)B magic-angle spinning (MAS)-NMR spectra reveal that, while the majority of the boron atoms are three-coordinated over the entire composition region, the fraction of three-coordinated boron atoms increases significantly with increasing x. Charge balance considerations as well as (11)B NMR lineshape analyses suggest that the dominant borate species are predominantly singly charged metaborate (BO(2/2)O(-)), doubly charged pyroborate (BO(1/2)(O(-))(2)), and (at x = 0.40) triply charged orthoborate groups. As x increases along this series, the average anionic charge per trigonal borate group increases from 1.38 to 2.91. (27)Al MAS-NMR spectra show that the alumina species are present in the coordination states four, five and six, and the fraction of four-coordinated Al increases markedly with increasing x. All of the Al coordination states are in intimate contact with both the three-and the four-coordinate boron species and vice versa, as indicated by (11)B/(27)Al rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) data. These results are consistent with the formation of a homogeneous, non-segregated glass structure. (89)Y solid state NMR spectra show a significant chemical shift trend, reflecting that the second coordination sphere becomes increasingly ""aluminate-like'' with increasing x. This conclusion is supported by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) data of Yb-doped glasses, which indicate that both borate and aluminate species participate in the medium range structure of the rare-earth ions, consistent with a random spatial distribution of the glass components.
The present work shows study of the CO(2) capture by amidines DBN and PMDBD using (13)C solid-state NMR and thermal techniques. The solid state (13)C NMR analyses demonstrate the formation of a single PMDBD-CO(2) product which was assigned to stable bicarbonate. In the case of DBN, it is shown that two DBN-CO(2) products are formed, which are suggested to be stable bicarbonate and unstable carbamate. The role of water in the DBN-CO(2) capture as well as the stability of the products to environmental moisture was also investigated. The results suggest that the carbamate formation is favored in dry DBN, but in the presence of water it decompose to form bicarbonate. Thermal analysis shows a good gravimetric CO(2) absorption of DBN. Release of CO(2) was found to be almost quantitative from the PMDBDH(+) bicarbonate about 110 degrees C.
The existence of quantum correlation (as revealed by quantum discord), other than entanglement and its role in quantum-information processing (QIP), is a current subject for discussion. In particular, it has been suggested that this nonclassical correlation may provide computational speedup for some quantum algorithms. In this regard, bulk nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been successfully used as a test bench for many QIP implementations, although it has also been continuously criticized for not presenting entanglement in most of the systems used so far. In this paper, we report a theoretical and experimental study on the dynamics of quantum and classical correlations in an NMR quadrupolar system. We present a method for computing the correlations from experimental NMR deviation-density matrices and show that, given the action of the nuclear-spin environment, the relaxation produces a monotonic time decay in the correlations. Although the experimental realizations were performed in a specific quadrupolar system, the main results presented here can be applied to whichever system uses a deviation-density matrix formalism.
The successful measurements of a sublattice magnetism with (51)V NMR techniques in the sigma-phase Fe(100-x)V(x) alloys with x=34.4, 39.9, and 47.9 are reported. Vanadium atoms, which were revealed to be present on all five crystallographic sites, are found to be under the action of the hyperfine magnetic fields produced by the neighboring Fe atoms, which allow the observation of (51)V NMR signals. Their nuclear magnetic properties are characteristic of a given site, which strongly depend on the composition. Site A exhibits the strongest magnetism while site D is the weakest. The estimated average magnetic moment per V atom decreases from 0.36 mu(B) for x=34.4 to 0.20 mu(B) for x=47.9. The magnetism revealed at V atoms is linearly correlated with the magnetic moment of Fe atoms, which implies that the former is induced by the latter.
The local order and distribution of Na in the mixed alkali metaphosphate glasses K(x)Na(1-x)PO(3) were analyzed, with the aim to identify segregation or a random mixture of both cation species. X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy and several nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques were applied, including (31)P and (23)Na high-resolution spectroscopy, (23)Na triple quantum-MAS NMR, rotational echo double resonance between (31)P and (23)Na, and (23)Na NMR spin echo decay. The structural picture emerging from these results reveals the similarity in the local Na environments in the glasses but also subtle structural adjustments with increasing degree of K replacement. While both cations are intimately mixed at the atomic scale, the (23)Na spin echo decay data suggest a detectable like-cation preference in the spatial distribution of the ions. These structural properties are consistent with those determined in Li-Rb metaphosphates, indicating that the origin of the mixed alkali effect observed in the conductivity of Na-K metaphosphate glasses may also be explained by structurally blocked ion diffusion.
A recently developed dual-beam configuration that optimizes the thermal lens technique has been used to obtain the absorption spectrum of pure water from 350 to 528 nm. Our results indicate the minimum linear absorption coefficient smaller than 2 X 10(-5) cm(-1) between 360 and 400 nm. This value is lower than previous literature data, and it is blueshifted. Absorption coefficients as small as 2 X 10(-7) cm(-1) can be measured for water using 1 W of excitation power. A detection limit of similar to 6 X 10(-9) cm(-1) (P=1 W) for CCl(4) was estimated, which represents, to the best of our knowledge, the highest sensitivity obtained in small absorption measurements in liquids. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
This paper presents a description of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of quadrupolar systems using the Holstein-Primakoff (HP) formalism and its analogy with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) system. Two nuclear spin systems constituted of quadrupolar nuclei I=3/2 ((23)Na) and I=7/2 ((133)Cs) in lyotropic liquid crystals were used for experimental demonstrations. Specifically, we derived the conditions necessary for accomplishing the analogy, executed the proper experiments, and compared with quantum mechanical prediction for a Bose system. The NMR description in the HP representation could be applied in the future as a workbench for BEC-like systems, where the statistical properties may be obtained using the intermediate statistic, first established by Gentile. The description can be applied for any quadrupolar systems, including new developed solid-state NMR GaAS nanodevices.
The valence and core levels of In(2)O(3) and Sn-doped In(2)O(3) have been studied by hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (hv = 6000 eV) and by conventional Al K alpha (hv = 1486.6 eV) x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The experimental spectra are compared with density-functional theory calculations. It is shown that structure deriving from electronic levels with significant In or Sn 5s character is selectively enhanced under 6000 eV excitation. This allows us to infer that conduction band states in Sn-doped samples and states at the bottom of the valence band both contain a pronounced In 5s contribution. The In 3d core line measured at hv = 1486.6 eV for both undoped and Sn-doped In(2)O(3) display an asymmetric lineshape, and may be fitted with two components associated with screened and unscreened final states. The In 3d core line spectra excited at hv = 6000 eV for the Sn-doped samples display pronounced shoulders and demand a fit with two components. The In 3d core line spectrum for the undoped sample can also be fitted with two components, although the relative intensity of the component associated with the screened final state is low, compared to excitation at 1486.6 eV. These results are consistent with a high concentration of carriers confined close to the surface of nominally undoped In(2)O(3). This conclusion is in accord with the fact that a conduction band feature observed for undoped In(2)O(3) in Al K alpha x-ray photoemission is much weaker than expected in hard x-ray photoemission.
Based on solvation studies of polymers, the sum (1: 1) of the electron acceptor (AN) and electron donor (DN) values of solvents has been proposed as an alternative polarity scale. To test this, the electron paramagnetic resonance isotropic hyperfine splitting constant, a parameter known to be dependent on the polarity/proticity of the medium, was correlated with the (AN+DN) term using three paramagnetic probes. The linear regression coefficient calculated for 15 different solvents was approximately 0.9, quite similar to those of other well-known polarity parameters, attesting to the validity of the (AN+DN) term as a novel ""two-parameter"" solvent polarity scale.
The effects of solvents on different chemical phenomena, including reactivity, spectroscopic data, and swelling of biopolymers can be rationalized by use of solvatochromic probes, substances whose UV-vis spectra, absorption, or emission are sensitive to the properties of the medium. Thermo-solvatochromism refers to the effect of temperature on solvatochromism. The study of both phenomena sheds light on the relative importance of the factors that contribute to solvation, namely, properties of the probe, those of the solvent (acidity, basicity, dipolarity/polarizability, and lipophilicity), and the temperature. Solvation in binary solvent mixtures is complex because of ""preferential solvation"" of the probe by some component of the mixture. A recently introduced solvent exchange model is based on the presence in the binary solvent mixture of the organic component (molecular solvent or ionic liquid), S, water, W, and a 1:1 hydrogen-bonded species (S-W). Solvation by the latter is more efficient than by its precursor solvents, due to probe-solvent hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic interactions; dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-W is an exception. Solvatochromic data are employed in order to explain apparently disconnected phenomena, namely, medium effect on the pH-independent hydrolysis of esters, (1)H NMR data of water-ionic liquid (IL) mixtures, and the swelling of cellulose.
The behavior of Au nanorods and Ag nanocubes as analytical sensors was evaluated for three different classes of herbicides. The use of such anisotropic nanoparticles in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) experiments allows the one to obtain the spectrum of crystal violet dye in the single molecule regime, as well as the pesticides dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), trichlorfon and ametryn. Such metallic substrates show high SERS performance at low analyte concentrations making them adequate for use as analytical sensors. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the geometries and vibrational wavenumbers of the adsorbates in the presence of silver or gold atoms were used to elucidate the nature of adsorbate-nanostructure bonding in each case and support the enhancement patterns observed in each SERS spectrum.
The extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp) is constituted of subunits containing heme groups, monomers and trimers, and nonheme structures, called linkers, and the whole protein has a minimum molecular mass near 3.1 x 10(6) Da. This and other proteins of the same family are useful model systems for developing blood substitutes due to their extracellular nature, large size, and resistance to oxidation. HbGp samples were studied by dynamic light scattering (DLS). In the pH range 6.0-8.0, HbGp is stable and has a monodisperse size distribution with a z-average hydrodynamic diameter (D-h) of 27 +/- 1 nm. A more alkaline pH induced an irreversible dissociation process, resulting in a smaller D-h of 10 +/- 1 nm. The decrease in D-h suggests a complete hemoglobin dissociation. Gel filtration chromatography was used to show unequivocally the oligomeric dissociation observed at alkaline pH. At pH 9.0, the dissociation kinetics is slow, taking a minimum of 24 h to be completed. Dissociation rate constants progressively increase at higher pH, becoming, at pH 10.5, not detectable by DILS. Protein temperature stability was also pH-dependent. Melting curves for HbGp showed oligomeric dissociation and protein denaturation as a function of pH. Dissociation temperatures were lower at higher pH. Kinetic studies were also performed using ultraviolet-visible absorption at the Soret band. Optical absorption monitors the hemoglobin autoxidation while DLS gives information regarding particle size changes in the process of protein dissociation. Absorption was analyzed at different pH values in the range 9.0-9.8 and at two temperatures, 25 degrees C and 38 degrees C. At 25 degrees C, for pH 9.0 and 9.3, the kinetics monitored by ultraviolet-visible absorption presents a monoexponential behavior, whereas for pH 9.6 and 9.8, a biexponential behavior was observed, consistent with heme heterogeneity at more alkaline pH. The kinetics at 38 degrees C is faster than that at 25 degrees C and is biexponential in the whole pH range. DLS dissociation rates are faster than the autoxidation dissociation rates at 25 degrees C. Autoxiclation and dissociation processes are intimately related, so that oligomeric protein dissociation promotes the increase of autoxidation rate and vice versa. The effect of dissociation is to change the kinetic character of the autoxidation of hemes from monoexponential to biexponential, whereas the reverse change is not as effective. This work shows that DLS can be used to follow, quantitatively and in real time, the kinetics of changes in the oligomerization of biologic complex supramolecular systems. Such information is relevant for the development of mimetic systems to be used as blood substitutes.