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The electrocaloric effect (ECE) of 0.85PbMg(1/3)Nb(2/3)O(3-)0.15PbTiO(3) (0.85PMN-0.15PT) thin films deposited on (111) Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrate by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has been calculated. The reversible adiabatic temperature was calculated indirectly using the Maxwell's relation Delta T = -T/C rho integral(E2)(E1) (partial derivative P/partial derivative T)(sigma,E)dE. Permittivity and P-E measurements show an anomaly at 11 degrees C on heating only. This anomaly previously reported are claimed to arise due to the PNR depolarization upon heating. The absence of this anomaly during cooling suggests that no structural phase transition takes place. A negative electrocaloric effect is observed which is explained by the increase in the entropy term.


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The formation and growth of continental crust in the Archean have been evaluated through models of subduction-accretion and mantle plume. The Nilgiri Block in southern India exposes exhumed Neoarchean lower crust, uplifted to heights of 2500 m above sea level along the north western margin of the Peninsula. Major lithologies in this block include charnockite with or without garnet, anorthosite-gabbro suite, pyroxenite, amphibolite and hornblende-biotite gneiss (TTG). All these rock types are closely associated as an arc magmatic suite, with diffuse boundaries and coeval nature. The charnockite and hornblende-biotite gneisses (TTG) show SiO2 content varying from 64 to 73 wt.%. The hornblende-biotite gneisses (TTG) are high-Al type with Al2O3 >15 wt.% whereas the charnockites show Al2O3 <15 wt.%. The composition of charnockite is mainly magnesian and calcic to calc-alkaline. The mafic-ultramafic rocks show composition close to that of tholeiitic series. The low values of K(2)o (<3 wt.%), (K/Rb)/K2O (<500), Zr/Ti, and trace element ratios like (La/Yb)n/(Sr/Y), (Y/Nb), (Y + Nb)/Rb, (Y+Ta)/Rb, Yb/Ta indicate a volcanic arc signature for these rocks. The geochemical signature is consistent with arc magmatic rocks generated through oceanic plate subduction. The primitive mantle normalized trace element patterns of these rocks display enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and comparable high field strength elements (HFSE) in charnockite and hornblende-biotite gneisses (TTG) consistent with subduction-related origin. Primitive mantle normalized REE pattern displays an enrichment in LREE in the chamockite and hornblende-biotite gneisses (TTG) as compared to a flat pattern for the mafic rocks. The chondrite normalized REE patterns of zircons of all the rock types reveal cores with high HREE formed at ca. 2700 Ma and rims with low HREE formed at 2500-2450 Ma. Log-transformed La/Th-Nb/Th-Sm/Th-Yb/Th discrimination diagram for the mafic and ultramafic rocks from Nilgiri displays a transition from mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) to island arc basalt (IAB) suggesting a MORB source. The U-Pb zircon data from the charnockites, mafic granulites and hornblende-biotite gneisses (TTG) presented in our study show that the magma generation during subduction and accretion events in this block occurred at 2700-2500 Ma. Together with the recent report on Neoarchean supra-subduction zone ophiolite suite at its southern margin, the Nilgiri Block provides one of the best examples for continental growth through vertical stacking and lateral accretion in a subduction environment during the Neoarchean. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of hydrogen (H) charging on the shear yield strength (tau(max)) and shear transformation zone volume (Omega) of Ni-Nb-Zr metallic glass ribbons, with varying Zr content, were studied through the first pop-in loads during nanoindentation. Weight gain measurements after H charging and desorption studies were utilized to identify how the total H absorbed during charging is partitioned into mobile and immobile (or trapped) parts. These, in turn, indicate the significant role of H mobility in the amorphous structure on the yielding behavior. In high-Zr alloys, tau(max) increases significantly whereas Omega decreases. In low-Zr alloys, a slight decrease in tau(max) and increase in Omega were noted. These experimental observations are rationalized in terms of the mobility of the absorbed H in the amorphous structure and the possible role of it in the shear transformation zone dynamics during deformation of the metallic glass. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two isomorphous submicron sized metal-organic network compounds, Y-2(PDA)(3)(H2O)1]center dot 2H(2)O (PDA = 1,4-phenylenediacetate), 1 and Y1.8Tb0.2(PDA)(3)(H2O)1]center dot 2H(2)O, Tb@1 have been synthesized by employing solvent assisted liquid grinding followed by heating at 180 degrees C for 1' min and washing with water. Single crystal X-ray data of bulk 1 confirmed a three dimensional porous structure. The structure and morphology of 1 and Tb@1 were systematically characterized by PXRD, TGA, DSC, IR, SEM and EDX analysis. Dehydrated Tb@1 Tb@1'] shows a high intense visible green emission upon exposure to UV light. The green emission of Tb@1' was used for the detection of nitro explosives, such as 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (TNP), 1,3-dinitro benzene (DNB), 2,4-dinitro toluene (DNT), nitro benzene (NB), and 4-nitro toluene (NT) in acetonitrile. The results show that the emission intensity of dehydrated Tb@1' can be quenched by all the nitro analytes used in the present work. Remarkably, Tb@1' exhibited a high efficiency for TNP, DNB and DNT detection with K-SV K-SV = quenching constant based on linear Stern-Volmer plot] values of 70 920, 44 000 and 35 430 M-1, respectively, which are the highest values amongst known metal-organic materials. Using this material submicromolar level (equivalent to 0.18 ppm), a detection of nitro explosives has been achieved.


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In this paper, we consider the security of exact-repair regenerating codes operating at the minimum-storage-regenerating (MSR) point. The security requirement (introduced in Shah et. al.) is that no information about the stored data file must be leaked in the presence of an eavesdropper who has access to the contents of l(1) nodes as well as all the repair traffic entering a second disjoint set of l(2) nodes. We derive an upper bound on the size of a data file that can be securely stored that holds whenever l(2) <= d - k +1. This upper bound proves the optimality of the product-matrix-based construction of secure MSR regenerating codes by Shah et. al.


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Phase diagram studies of succinonitrile-vanillin system show the formation of 2:1 congruent melting type compound. Crystallization velocities of pure components, succinonitrile-vanillin complex, and two eutectics have been determined at different undercoolings. On the basis of heat of fusion measurements, excess thermodynamic functions have been calculated. Microstructural studies revealed that impurities modify the morphology. FTIR spectral studies and computer simulation have shown the existence of hydrogen bonding in the eutectics and the congruent melting compound. On the basis of experimental results, the mechanism of formation of eutectics and its solidification behavior are discussed.


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Since the discovery 1] of gamma' precipitate (L1(2) - Co-3 (Al, W)) in the Co-Al-W ternary system, there has been an increased interest in Co-based superalloys. Since these alloys have two phase microstructures (gamma + gamma') similar to Ni-based superalloys 2], they are viable candidates in high temperature applications, particularly in land-based turbines. The role of alloying on stability of the gamma' phase has been an active area of research. In this study, electronic structure calculations were done to probe the effect of alloying in Co3W with L1(2) structure. Compositions of type Co-3(W, X), (where X/Y = Mn, Fe, Ni, Pt, Cr, Al, Si, V, W, Ta, Ti, Nb, Hf, Zr and Mo) were studied. Effect of alloying on equilibrium lattice parameters and ground state energies was used to calculate Vegard's coefficients and site preference related data. The effect of alloying on the stability of the L1(2) structure vis a vis other geometrically close packed ordered structures was also studied for a range of Co3X compounds. Results suggest that the penchant of element for the W sublattice can be predicted by comparing heats of formation of Co3X in different structures.


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We report a first principles study of the electronic properties for a contact formed between Nb-doped monolayer MoS2 and gold for different doping concentrations. We first focus on the shift of energy levels in band structure and the density of states with respect to the Fermi level for a geometrically optimized 5 x 5 MoS2 supercell for both pristine and Nb-doped structures. The doping is achieved by substituting Mo atoms with Nb atoms at random positions. It is observed that for an experimentally reported sheet hole doping concentration of (rho(2D)) 1.8 x 10(14) cm(-2), the pristine MoS2 converts to degenerate p-type semiconductor. Next, we interface this supercell with six layers of < 111 > cleaved surface of gold to investigate the contact nature of MoS2-Au system. By careful examination of projected band structure, projected density of states, effective potential and charge density difference, we demonstrate that the Schottky barrier nature observed for pure MoS2-Au contact can be converted from n-type to p-type by efficient Nb doping.


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Multi-year observations from the network of ground-based observatories (ARFINET), established under the project `Aerosol Radiative Forcing over India' (ARFI) of Indian Space Research Organization and space-borne lidar `Cloud Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization' (CALIOP) along with simulations from the chemical transport model `Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport' (GOCART), are used to characterize the vertical distribution of atmospheric aerosols over the Indian landmass and its spatial structure. While the vertical distribution of aerosol extinction showed higher values close to the surface followed by a gradual decrease at increasing altitudes, a strong meridional increase is observed in the vertical spread of aerosols across the Indian region in all seasons. It emerges that the strong thermal convections cause deepening of the atmospheric boundary layer, which although reduces the aerosol concentration at lower altitudes, enhances the concentration at higher elevations by pumping up more aerosols from below and also helping the lofted particles to reach higher levels in the atmosphere. Aerosol depolarization ratios derived from CALIPSO as well as the GOCART simulations indicate the dominance of mineral dust aerosols during spring and summer and anthropogenic aerosols in winter. During summer monsoon, though heavy rainfall associated with the Indian monsoon removes large amounts of aerosols, the prevailing southwesterly winds advect more marine aerosols over to landmass (from the adjoining oceans) leading to increase in aerosol loading at lower altitudes than in spring. During spring and summer months, aerosol loading is found to be significant, even at altitudes as high as 4 km, and this is proposed to have significant impacts on the regional climate systems such as Indian monsoon. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Restricted area heterojunctions, an array of lead sulfide colloidal quantum dots (PbS-CQDs) and crystalline silicon, are studied with a non-destructive remote contact light beam induced current (RC-LBIC) technique. As well as getting good quality active area images we observed an anomalous unipolar signal response for the PbS-CQD/n-Si devices and a conventionally expected bipolar signal profile for the PbS-CQD/p-Si devices. Interestingly, our simulation results consistently yielded a unipolar and bipolar nature in the signals related to the PbSCQD/n-Si and PbS-CQD/p-Si heterostructures, respectively. In order to explain the physical mechanism involved in the unipolar signal response of the PbS-CQD/n-Si devices, we propose a model based on the band alignment in the heterojunctions, in addition to the distribution of photo-induced excess majority carriers across the junction. Given that the RC-LBIC technique is well suited to this context, the presence of these two distinct mechanisms (the bipolar and unipolar nature of the signals) needs to be considered in order to have a better interpretation of the data in the characterization of an array of homo/heterojunctions.


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A poly(Nile blue) modified glassy carbon electrode (PNBMGCE) was fabricated by electropolymerisation of Nile blue (NB) monomer using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and was used for the determination of paracetamol (ACOP), tramadol (TRA) and caffeine (CAF). The electrochemical investigations showed that PNB - film formed on the surface of glassy carbon electrode (GCE) improved the electroactive surface area and displayed a remarkable increase in the peak current and a substantial decrease in over potential of ACOP, TRA and CAF when compared to bare GCE. The dependence of peak current and potential on pH, sweep rate and concentration were also investigated at the surface of PNBMGCE. It showed good sensitivity and selectivity in a wide linear range from 2.0 x 10(-7) to 1.62 x 10(-5) M, 1.0 x 10(-6) to 3.1 x 10(-4) M and 8.0 x 10(-7) to 2.0 x 10(-5) M, with detection limits of 0.08, 0.5 and 0.1 mu M, for ACOP, TRA and CAF, respectively. The PNBMGCE was also successfully applied for the determination of ACOP, TRA and CAF in pharmaceutical dosage forms. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A composite material containing uniformly distributed micrometer-sized Nb particles in a Zr-based amorphous matrix was prepared by suction cast. The resulting material exhibits high fractured strength over 1550 MPa and enhanced plastic strain of about 29.7% before failure in uniaxial compression test at room temperature. Studies of the serrations on the stress-strain curves and the shear bands on the fractured samples reveal that the amplitude of the stress drop of each serration step corresponds to the extent of the propagation of a single shear band through the materials. The composite exhibits more serration steps and smaller amplitude of stress drop due to the pinning of shear band propagation by ductile Nb particles.


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El presente trabajo experimental se realizó con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto de la variación proteica sobre los rendimientos productivos en conejos de engorde y la evaluación económica de los Tratamientos. Se utilizarán 27 gazapos de 40 días de edad, de la raza Neozelandés Blanco (NB), con un peso vivo inicial promedio de 0.612 Kg. Se realizó sexaje de los animales resultando 12 hembras y 15 machos. Se utilizaron tres tratamientos. A los animales del grupo uno (T1) se les suministró pellet con 13% PB. En el segundo grupo (T2) o testigo se suministró pellet con 15% PB y el tercer tratamiento se suministró pellet con 17% PB. Para las evaluaciones estadísticas se empleó un diseño completamente aleatorio (DCA), con tres tratamientos y tres repeticiones por tratamiento. Cada repetición estaba constituida por tres gazapos distribuidos aleatoriamente a los que se le registraron diariamente consumo de alimento y semanalmente aumento de peso vivo, ganancia media diaria e índice de conversión alimenticia. Las variables analizadas estadísticamente por medio del análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) fueron la Consumo Promedio de Alimento (Kg/día), Ganancia Media Diaria (Gr/día) y el índice de conversión por cada tratamiento, Duración del período de Ceba y los Costos Totales por Tratamiento. Para las variables dependientes se obtuvieron los siguientes valores : %P T1. 13%; T2. 15%; T3. 17% CA(Kg) T1: 0.0757 %; T2: 0.0785; T3: 0.0945 GMD (Gr/Dia) T1: 18.874; T2:17.990; T3: 17.902 ICA (Kg A/Kg PV)T1: 4.01; T2: 4.36; T3: 5.28 lnc. Peso (Kg) T1: 1.189; T2: 1.134; T3: 1.128 Durante el ensayo los animales del tratamiento T1 (13 16 PB) fueron los primeros en alcanzar el peso comercial (1.872 Kg) a los 63 días del engorde. En tanto en los tratamientos T2 (15 % PB) y T3 (17 % PB) los pesos finales registrados fueron 1.850 y 1.833 Kg de PV respectivamente. En el ANDEVA realizado para las diferentes variables, se observó que el efecto de los tratamientos sobre Consumo alimenticio, Ganancia Media Diaria e índice de Conversión Alimenticia resultó no significativo concluyendo que no existe diferencia entre los tratamientos. Sin embargo el Tratamiento con13% de PB (T1) fue el que presentó menor consumo, mayor ganancia de peso y mejor conversión Con la realización del análisis de los costos totales para un gazapo en engorde se determinaron valores de $20.01(T1),20.45 (T2) y 21.55 (T3). Al determinar los costos de alimentación por tratamiento se obtuvieron valores de C$ 27.91 para el13% de PB (T1), C$ 30.86 para el15% de PB (T2) y C$ 43.53 para el 17% de PB (T3). Pudiendo concluir que el tratamiento con 13% de PB (T1) fue el que presentó menores costos de alimentación y por lo tanto se obtuvo mayor utilidad.


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Este experimento fue realizado en el Centro Experimental de Granos Básicos " Humberto Tapia Barquero " con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de cinco niveles y tres formas de aplicación del Nitrógeno y la interacción entre ambos factores en el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del maíz (Zea mays L.) variedad NB-12 bajo labranza cero. Los niveles estudiados fueron: 0 (testigo) 50, 100, 150 y 200 kg N/ha. Se utilizó urea como fuente de nitrógeno la cual se aplicó en tres formas diferentes: al voleo, en bandas sobre el surco y en bandas incorporadas. Los resultados indican que a partir de los 49 días después de la siembra (DDS) cada nivel de nitrógeno aplicado tuvo efectos significativos sobre las variables de crecimiento y desarrollo, obteniéndose los mayores efectos con los niveles de 150 y 200 kg N/ha los que resultaron estadísticamente similares entre sí.


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En cuatro diferentes localidades de Nicaragua se evaluaron siete genotipos de maíz (Zea mays L.): un híbrido (B-833), dos variedades de polinización libre (NB-6 y NB-12) y cuatro variedades criollas (Lucrecia, Maicena, Valenzuela y Colorado) en el ciclo de postrera del año 1992, con el objetivo de analizar las características agronómicas de cada uno de ellos, y comparar el rendimiento de los materiales criollos con respecto a los comerciales o mejorados y determinar su grado de estabilidad al sometérseles a distintas condiciones ambientales y de manejo, según el método de análisis de estabilidad modificado de Hildebrand & Poey. De acuerdo a los resultados se concluyó que el híbrido B-833 superó a todos los genotipos en estabilidad y la variedad criolla Valenzuela se ubicó por encima de las variedades NB-6 y NB-12. A pesar de que no todas las variedades criollas superaron a las comerciales, éstas poseen caracteres que pueden ser utilizados para el mejoramiento de los mismos y por ende aportar a la adaptación de éstos bajo condiciones ambientales específicas.