995 resultados para NAO-indeksi
Este trabalho pretende investigar a eficiência do Programa “Luz para Todos” - LPT, na alocação de recursos financeiros para os estados mais carentes da nação. Para tanto, utiliza-se o ferramental da Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais (AEDE). Inicialmente, elabora-se uma análise univariada para o PIB estadual per capita, verificando-se dois clusters significativos para essa variável: um, com valores elevados e outro, com valores reduzidos. Em seguida, utiliza-se a mesma metodologia para avaliar os recursos alocados pelo Programa LPT, detectando-se os estados com valores significativos para essa variável. Por fim, é realizada uma análise bivariada confrontando a renda per capita estadual contra os recursos alocados pelo Programa LPT em cada estado. Os resultados sugerem que o Programa LPT cumpre parcialmente sua função social, pois dois estados “ricos”, Minas Gerais e Goiás, possuem como vizinhos, estados que receberam quantias abaixo da média do referido Programa.
Orthodontic therapy is known to be associated with the development of gingival recession. Several factors may be involved in the causal chain of this outcome, including anatomical and behavioral aspects. Among the anatomical aspects, the dimensions of the mandibular symphysis could play a predisposing role. This study evaluated the relationship between the mandibular symphysis dimensions prior to orthodontic therapy and the development of gingival recessions on the lower incisors and cuspids. Records from 189 orthodontically treated adolescents were evaluated, including radiographs, casts and intra-oral photographs. Symphysis dimensions were assessed by cephalograms. Gingival margin alterations were determined in photographs and cast models. Association between gingival margin alterations and symphysis dimensions was tested by chi-square (α=0.05). Occurrence of gingival recession increased after orthodontic therapy. No association was observed on average of symphysis dimensions and the occurrence of gingival recessions. It may be concluded that pretreatment symphysis dimensions may not be used as predictors of gingival recession after orthodontic therapy.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This article contains a brief summary of the thesis defended in Visual Poetics, whose title is “Digital and Non Digital Illustration: A Study of the Steps in the Production Process for the Optimization of Communication”. With the detailing of these major items, the mindset of the thesis was the research of the process of digital and not digital production.
In the soccer game, the player needs to be ready to attend the outlined requirements in differents extrategic moments. The fundamentals of soccer optimize their participation in a game, however, a correct execution of the movements can ensure their efficiency. From those fundamentals, we highlight the kick executed with the lower limbs characterized mainly by being an appeal of offensive played moving or stopped. Therefore, the objective of this review was to evaluate the kick's ability in the non- practitioners of this modality. Through a descripitive search, the objective followed by the protocol proposed by Mor-Cristian in 1979 was reached. The sample consisted of 48 individuals from both sexes, aged between 19 and 43 years old, students of Physics’ Education of a private University in the State of São Paulo - Brazil. The average of target 01 was 15.92 points, target 02 was 3.83, target 03 showed an average of 4.75 points and the target 04 had the average of 10.33. From the results we can observe that the target 01 have received the highest score over the other arcs. We conclude that the lower arches shown to be more likely to hit compared to the upper arches as being individuals who do not practice soccer.
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
This paper aims to analyze the Constitutionalist Movement in 1932, trying to understand, more specifically, the political end sought by the Front Unique Paulista, on a literal translation, union of the political parties of São Paulo (Republican Party Paulista and Democratic Party). The research is motivated by the need to understand the political project of FUP with the movement and the existing motivations why it was articulated. The comprehension of the constitutionalists' reasons is relevant to understanding the history of the revolution, from its origin to its outcome. Based on literature and its historical analysis, the paper will demonstrate that the Front, with the advent of the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, had as its main purpose regain political control of the state of São Paulo lost with the revolution of 1930. More than the vaunted concern with the implementation of a new constitution for the nation, the FUP leaders had intended to retrieve the lost power with the movement of 30 and the rise of Getulio Vargas to power. Under a banner to fight for a new constitution and the expected change from a totalitarian and centralized state imposed by Vargas for a more autonomous state, the cause of São Paulo enticed sympathy and support from the community, whose social history always harbored separatist ideas, even that they have never been carried out to its ultimate consequences
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC