992 resultados para N stable isotopes


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We present sea surface and upper thermocline temperature records (60-100 yr temporal resolution) spanning Marine Isotope Stage 3 (~24-62 kyr BP) from IMAGES Core MD01-2378 (121°47.27'E and 13°04.95'S; 1783 m water depth) located in the outflow area of the Indonesian Throughflow within the Timor Sea. Stable isotopes and Mg/Ca of the near surface dwelling planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) and the upper thermocline dwelling Pulleniatina obliquiloculata reveal rapid changes in the thermal structure of the upper ocean during Heinrich Events. Thermocline warming and increased delta18Oseawater (P. obliquiloculata record) during Heinrich Events 3, 4, and 5 reflect weakening of the relatively cool and fresh thermocline flow and reduced export of less saline water from the North Pacific and Indonesian Seas to the tropical Indian Ocean. Three main factors influenced Indonesian Throughflow variability during Marine Isotope Stage 3: (1) global slow-down in thermohaline circulation during Heinrich Events triggered by northern hemisphere cooling; (2) increased freshwater export from the Java Sea into the Indonesian Throughflow controlled by rising sea level from ~60 to 47 ka and (3) insolation related changes in Australasian monsoon with associated migration of hydrological fronts between Indian Ocean and Indonesian Throughflow derived water masses at ~46-40 ka.


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The central problem of late Quaternary circulation in the South Atlantic is its role in transfer of heat to the North Atlantic, as this modifies amplitude, and perhaps phase, of glacialinterglacial fluctuations. Here we attempt to define the problem and establish ways to attack it. We identify several crucial elements in the dynamics of heat export: (1) warm-water pile-up (and lack thereof) in the Western equatorial Atlantic, (2) general spin-up (or spin-down) of central gyre, tied to SE trades, (3) opening and closing of Cape Valve (Agulhas retroflection), (4) deepwater E-W asymmetry. Means for reconstruction are biogeography, stable isotopes, and productivity proxies. Main results concern overall glacial-interglacial contrast (less pile-up, more spin-up, Cape Valve closed, less NADW during glacial time), dominance of precessional signal in tropics, phase shifts in precessional response. To generate working hypotheses about the dynamics of surface water circulation in the South Atlantic we employ Croll's paradigm that glacial - interglacial fluctuations are analogous to seasonal fluctuations. Our general picture for the last 300 kyrs is that, as concerns the South Atlantic, intensity of surface water (heat) transport depends on the strength of the SE trades. From various lines of evidence it appears that strenger SE trades appeared during glacials and cold substages during interglacials, analogous to conditions in southern winter (August).


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Cold-water corals (CWC) are frequently reported from deep sites with locally accelerated currents that enhance seabed food particle supply. Moreover, zooplankton likely account for ecologically important prey items, but their contribution to CWC diet remains unquantified. We investigated the benthic food web structure of the recently discovered Santa Maria di Leuca (SML) CWC province (300 to 1100 m depth) located in the oligotrophic northern Ionian Sea. We analyzed stable isotopes (delta13C and delta15N) of the main consumers (including ubiquitous CWC species) exhibiting different feeding strategies, zooplankton, suspended particulate organic matter (POM) and sedimented organic matter (SOM). Zooplankton and POM were collected 3 m above the coral colonies in order to assess their relative contributions to CWC diet. The delta15N of the scleractinians Desmophyllum dianthus, Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa and the gorgonian Paramuricea cf. macrospinawere consistent with a diet mainly composed of zooplankton. The antipatharian Leiopathes glaberrima was more 15N- depletedthan other cnidarians, suggesting a lower contribution of zooplankton to its diet. Our delta13C data clearly indicate that the benthic food web of SML is exclusively fuelled by carbon of phytoplanktonic origin. Nevertheless, consumers feeding at the water sediment interface were more 13C-enriched than consumers feeding above the bottom (i.e. living corals and their epifauna). This pattern suggests that carbon is assimilated via 2 trophic pathways: relatively fresh phytoplanktonic production for 13C-depleted consumers and more decayed organic matter for 13C-enriched consumers. When the delta13C values of consumers were corrected for the influence of lipids (which are significantly 13C-depleted relative to other tissue components), our conclusions remained unchanged, except in the case of L. glaberrima which could assimilate a mixture of zooplankton and resuspended decayed organic matter.


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A high-resolution multi-proxy study of core MD99-2286 reveals a highly variable hydrographic environment in the Skagerrak from 9300 cal. yr BP to the present. The study includes foraminiferal faunas, stable isotopes and sedimentary parameters, as well as temperature and salinity reconstructions of a ca. 29 m long radiocarbon-dated core record. The multivariate technique fuzzy c-means was applied to the foraminiferal counts, and it was extremely valuable in defining subtle heterogeneities in the foraminiferal fauna data corresponding to hydrographic changes. The major mid-Holocene (Littorina) transgression, led to flooding of large former land areas in the North Sea, the opening of the English Channel and Danish straits and initiation of the modern circulation system. This is reflected by fluctuating C/N values and an explosive bloom of Hyalinea balthica. A slight indication of ameliorated conditions between 8000-5750 cal. yr BP is related to the Holocene Thermal Maximum. A subsequent increase in fresh water/Baltic water influence between 5750-4350 cal. yr BP is reflected by dominance of Bulimina marginata and depleted d18O-values. The Neoglacial cooling (after 4350 cal. yr BP) is seen in the Skagerrak as enhanced turbidity, increasing TOC-values and short-term changes in an overall Cassidulina laevigata dominated fauna suggesting a prevailing influence of Atlantic waters. This is in agreement with increased strength of westerly winds, as recorded for this period. The last 2000 years were also dominated by Atlantic Water conditions with generally abundant nutrient supply. However, during warm periods, particularly the Medieval Warm Period and the modern warming, the area was subject to a restriction in the supply of nutrients and/or the nutrient supply had a more refractory character.