974 resultados para Multiply charged anions
Minerals adsorb more readily amino acids with charged R groups than those with uncharged R groups, so that the incorporation of amino acids with charged R groups into peptides would be more frequent than that of amino acids with uncharged R groups. However, 74% of the amino acids in the proteins of modern organisms contain uncharged R groups. Thus, what could have been the mechanism that produced peptides/proteins with more amino acids with uncharged R groups than precursors with charged R groups? The lipid world offers an alternative view of the origin of life. In the present paper, several other mechanisms are also discussed.
The objective of this paper was to determine nitrate and nitrite anions in toasted fish skin tea, which the population of southern Rio Grande do Sul believes to have pharmacological properties for trating asthma. Two methods were compared, an official and one described by Guozhen et al., that has the advantage of not needing reduction of nitrate to nitrite on a Cd column. The samples were the skin of the fish species Balistes capriscus (peixe porco) and Menticirrhus littoralis (papa-terra), both crude and toasted, as traditionally used. The method of Guozhen et al. was used due to its performance (detection limit 0.005 µmol/L NO3- and 0.02 µmol/L - NO2- and mean recuperation of 100 and 97% respectively for each anion) and results similar to those of the official methods under conditions used by the population, the estimated daily intake, of the teas is equivalent to 0.03 to 0.05 mg of nitrate and 0.007 to 0.014 mg of nitrite. These values are in accord with safety recommendations and don't represent a health risk.
Classical and quantum theory of spin waves in the vortex state of a mesoscopic submicron magnetic disk have been developed with account of the finite mass density of the vortex. Oscillations of the vortex core resemble oscillations of a charged string in a potential well in the presence of the magnetic field. A conventional gyrotropic frequency appears as a gap in the spectrum of spin waves of the vortex. The mass of the vortex has been computed, and the result agrees with experimental findings. The finite vortex mass generates a high-frequency branch of spin waves. The effects of an external magnetic field and dissipation have been addressed.
Three compounds have been synthesized with formulae [3-MeRad][Ni(dmit)2] (1), [4-MeRad][Ni(dmit)2] (2) and [4-PrRad][Ni(dmit)2] (3) where [Ni(dmit)2]- is an anionic pi-radical (dmit = 1,3-dithiol-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate) and [3-MeRad]+ is 3-N-methylpyridinium alpha-nitronyl nitroxide, [4-MeRad]+ is 4-N-methylpyridinium alpha-nitronyl nitroxide and [4-PrRad]+ is 4-N-propylpyridinium alpha-nitronyl nitroxide. The temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility of 1 revealed that an antiferromagnetic interaction operates between the 3-MeRad+ radical cations with exchange coupling constants of J1 = - 1.72 cm-1 and antiferromagnetism assigned to the spin ladder chains of the Ni(dmit)2 radical anions. Compound 1 exhibits semiconducting behavior and 3 presents capacitor behavior in the temperature range studied (4 - 300 K).
Energiatehokkuus sekä ilmastonmuutos ovat aiheuttaneet pyrkimyksen vähentää kokonaisenergiankulutuksia erilaisissa rakennuksissa. Lämmitysjärjestelmissä tämä on näkynyt voimakkaana lämpöpumppumäärien kasvuna. Lämpöpumput vaikuttavat erilaisissa rakennus- ja lämmitystyypeissä myös sähköenergiankulutukseen. Lämpöpumppujen käytöstä saadaan eniten hyötyä lämmityskustannuksiin sähkölämmitteisissä rakennuksissa. Seurauksena on, että tällaisen rakennuksen sähkönkulutus ja siten myös sähkölasku pienenevät. Toisaalta muihin kuin sähkölämmitteisiin rakennuksiin asennettu lämpöpumppu kasvattaa sähköenergiankulutusta. Lämpöpumppuihin integroitu jäähdytysominaisuus myös tavallisesti lisää sähkönkulutusta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka lämpöpumput vaikuttavat sähköenergiankulutukseen. Vaikutuksia tutkitaan sähköverkkoyhtiöiden kannalta sähköenergian ja liikevaihdon osalta. Tarkastelussa käytetään neljää yleisintä lämpöpumpputyyppiä, ja niiden toimintaa verrataan eri rakennustyyppien lämmitysjärjestelmiin. Työssä käsitellään lämpöpumppujen toimintaa ja käytettävyyttä muiden lämmitysmenetelmien korvaajina tai lisänä. Tämän kirjallisen työn lisäksi on tehty laskentaohjelma, joka on perusteena työssä esitetyille tuloksille. Sen tarkoituksena on selvittää lämpöpumppujen vaikutukset sähköverkkoliiketoimintaan energiayhtiöissä. Vaikutukset yksittäiseen energiayhtiöön ovat eniten riippuvaisia lämpöpumppujen asennuskohteista, lämpöpumppujen toiminnasta ja lämpöpumpputyypistä. Kuluttajat tulevat määräämään vaikutusten suuruuden, koska lämpöpumppujen lukumäärällä ja käytöllä on sähköenergiankulutukseen huomattava merkitys. Vaikutus sähköenergiaan energiayhtiöiden kannalta voi yleisesti ottaen olla 2020-luvulle mentäessä merkittävä. Tutkittavassa verkkoyhtiössä vaikutuksen sähköenergiaan arvioidaan olevan 10 % luokkaa yhdeltä vuodelta verrattuna tämän päivän kokonaissähköenergiankulutukseen. Vaikutus verkkoliikevaihtoon on arviolta puolet pienempi. Tällaiset tulokset edellyttävät lämpöpumppumäärän moninkertaistumista nykyisestä, mikä on myös odotettavissa.
The removal of As(V) by a crosslinked iron(III)-chitosan adsorbent was evaluated under various conditions. The adsorption capacity of CH-FeCL was around 54 mg/g of As(V). The kinetics of adsorption obeys a pseudo-first-order model with rate constants equal to 0.022, 0.028, and 0.033 min-1 at 15, 25 and 35 ºC respectively. Adsorption data were well described by the Langmuir model, although they could be modeled also by the Langmuir-Freundlich equation. The maximum adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir model, was 127 mg g-1 of As(V). The inhibition by competing anions is dependant on their kind and valence.
The detection of anionic species is a field which is currently attracting increasing interest. Research is carried out not only to gain a better understanding of biological events that anions participate in, but also to ascertain the potential contribution of the anionic chemosensors to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of species of interest in the areas of industry, medicine, the environment, and chemistry. This review summarizes several aspects related to the main strategies used in anion sensing. Each strategy discussed is illustrated with its potential applications citing recent examples. The prospects for their use in several areas are also described.
Anion adsorption/desorption dynamics was studied as individual processes on surface of particles of a gibbsitic clay. The data suggest a remarkable gibbsite role as nitrate leaching retardant in soil. The opposite behavior of gibbsite towards adsorption/desorption of silicate and phosphate suggests the need of an adequate compromise solution regarding interval and rate applications of anions in cultivated gibbsitic soils. The high P adsorption verified in pH values lower than that reported for the point of zero charge of synthetic Al-hydroxides implies that this process takes place in pedogenic gibbsites through inner sphere complexation.
The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the apparent molecular size of aquatic humic substances on the effectiveness of coagulation with ferric chloride. Coagulation-filtration tests using jar test and bench-scale sand filters were carried out on samples of water with true color of approximately 100 Hazen units, prepared with aquatic humic substances of different molecular sizes (F1: < 0.45 µm, F2: 100 kDa - 0.45 µm, F3: 30 - 100 kDa and F4': < 30 kDa). For the water samples with lower apparent molecular size fractions, greater dosages of coagulant was needed to remove the color around 5.0 Hanzen units, mainly because these water samples contain higher concentrations of fulvic acids, which exhibited a larger number of negatively-charged groups.
Capillary electrophoresis has become a well-established and routine-based separation technique. It is based on the differences between charged analyte mobility in aqueous or organic electrolytes. Its major limitation is the sensitivity due to small sample injection volumes and the narrow diameter of the capillaries, especially when UV detection is used. There are a number of ways to increase the concentration sensitivity. This report shows some on-line preconcentration strategies to perform it in free solution capillary electrophoresis that are based on manipulation of the analyte electrophoretic velocity during the sample introduction (stacking, field amplification and transient isotachophoresis).
A simple and sensitive on-line flow injection system for determination of zinc with FAAS has been described. The method is based on the separation and preconcentration of zinc on a microcolumn of immobilized Alizarin Red S on alumina. The adsorbed analyte is then eluted with 250 µL of nitric acid (1 mol L-1) and is transported to flame atomic absorption spectrometer for quantification. The effect of pH, sample and eluent flow rates and presence of various cations and anions on the retention of zinc was investigated. The sorption of zinc was quantitative in the pH range of 5.5-8.5. For a sample volume of 25 mL an enrichment factor of 144 and a detection limit (3S) of 0.2 µg L-1 was obtained. The precision (RSD, n=7) was 3.0% at the 20 µg L-1 level. The developed system was successfully applied to the determination of zinc in water samples, hair, urine and saliva.
Oxocarbons ions are cyclic compounds presenting unusual electronic and vibrational properties. These molecules anions possess a high symmetry and degree of electronic delocalization, characteristics that have been discussed in several structural and spectroscopic investigations. Compounds in which one or more of the carbonyl oxygen atoms are replaced by other atoms or groups are called pseudo-oxocarbons. Compounds formed by substitution of the carbonyl groups by nitrogen groups former a new class named squaraines. Specificity the dicyanomethylene groups are interesting because of the possibility of further extension of the electronic delocalization and a new coordination site. These molecules also present interesting coordination properties which make these systems potentially useful in crystal engineering research.
The application of organo nanoclay 5-(4-dimethylamino-benzylidene) rhodanine-immobilized as a new, easily prepared, and stable solid sorbent for preconcentration trace amounts of Au(III) ions in aqueous solution is presented. The sorption of Au(III) ions was quantitative in the pH range of 2-4, and quantitative desorption occurred instantaneously with 10.0 mL of a mixture containing 0.5 mol L-1 Na2S2O3 and KSCN. Various parameters, such as the effect of pH, breakthrough volume, extraction time, and interference of a large number of anions and cations have been studied. The proposed method has been applied for determination of trace amount of gold in water samples.
We present in this work an experimental investigation of the effect of temperature (from 25 to 180 ºC) in the electro-oxidation of ethanol on platinum in two different phosphoric acid concentrations. We observed that the onset potential for ethanol electro-oxidation shifts to lower values and the reaction rates increase as temperature is increased for both electrolytes. The results were rationalized in terms of the effect of temperature on the adsorption of reaction intermediates, poisons, and anions. The formation of oxygenated species at high potentials, mainly in the more diluted electrolyte, also contributes to increase the electro-oxidation reaction rate.
In this work, hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide, had its adsorption and ion exchange properties combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxide to produce a magnetic adsorbent, HT-Fe. The removal of As(V) by a HT-Fe adsorbent was evaluated under various conditions. The Kinetic process was well described by a pseudo-second order rate model. The maximum adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir model showed to be dependent on pH, reaching values of 24.09, 10.19 and 7.44 mg g-1, respectively, for pH values of 4.0, 7.0 and 9.0. The inhibition by competition of anions is dependent on the type of ionic species.