992 resultados para Multiple play trend


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Converging swirling liquid jets from pressure swirl atomizers injected into atmospheric air are studied experimentally using still and cine photographic techniques in the context of liquid-liquid coaxial swirl atomizers used in liquid rocket engines. The jet exhibits several interesting flow features in contrast to the nonswirling liquid jets (annular liquid jets) studied in the literature. The swirl motion creates multiple converging sections in the jet, which gradually collapse one after the other due to the liquid sheet breakup with increasing Weber number (We). This is clearly related to the air inside the converging jet which exhibits a peculiar variation of the pressure difference across the liquid sheet, DeltaP, with We. The variation shows a decreasing trend of DeltaP with We in an overall sense, but exhibits local maxima and minima at specific flow conditions. The number of maxima or minima observed in the curve depends on the number of converging sections seen in the jet at the lowest We. An interesting feature of this variation is that it delineates the regions of prominent jet flow features like the oscillating jet region, nonoscillating jet region, number of converging sections, and so on. Numerical predictions of the jet characteristics are obtained by modifying an existing nonswirling liquid jet model by including the swirling motion. The comparison between the experimental and numerical measurements shows that the pressure difference across the liquid sheet is important for the jet behavior and cannot be neglected in any theoretical analysis. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper we consider the problem of learning an n × n kernel matrix from m(1) similarity matrices under general convex loss. Past research have extensively studied the m = 1 case and have derived several algorithms which require sophisticated techniques like ACCP, SOCP, etc. The existing algorithms do not apply if one uses arbitrary losses and often can not handle m > 1 case. We present several provably convergent iterative algorithms, where each iteration requires either an SVM or a Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) solver for m > 1 case. One of the major contributions of the paper is to extend the well knownMirror Descent(MD) framework to handle Cartesian product of psd matrices. This novel extension leads to an algorithm, called EMKL, which solves the problem in O(m2 log n 2) iterations; in each iteration one solves an MKL involving m kernels and m eigen-decomposition of n × n matrices. By suitably defining a restriction on the objective function, a faster version of EMKL is proposed, called REKL,which avoids the eigen-decomposition. An alternative to both EMKL and REKL is also suggested which requires only an SVMsolver. Experimental results on real world protein data set involving several similarity matrices illustrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms.


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Filtering methods are explored for removing noise from data while preserving sharp edges that many indicate a trend shift in gas turbine measurements. Linear filters are found to be have problems with removing noise while preserving features in the signal. The nonlinear hybrid median filter is found to accurately reproduce the root signal from noisy data. Simulated faulty data and fault-free gas path measurement data are passed through median filters and health residuals for the data set are created. The health residual is a scalar norm of the gas path measurement deltas and is used to partition the faulty engine from the healthy engine using fuzzy sets. The fuzzy detection system is developed and tested with noisy data and with filtered data. It is found from tests with simulated fault-free and faulty data that fuzzy trend shift detection based on filtered data is very accurate with no false alarms and negligible missed alarms.


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In this paper, we address the fundamental question concerning the limits on the network lifetime in sensor networks when multiple base stations (BSs) are deployed as data sinks. Specifically, we derive upper bounds on the network lifetime when multiple BSs arc employed, and obtain optimum locations of the base stations that maximise these lifetime bounds. For the case of two BSs, we jointly optimise the BS locations by maximising the lifetime bound using genetic algorithm. Joint optimisation for more number of BSs becomes prohibitively complex. Further, we propose a suboptimal approach for higher number of BSs, Individually Optimum method, where we optimise the next BS location using optimum location of previous BSs. Individually Optimum method has advantage of being attractive for solving the problem with more number of BSs at the cost of little compromised accuracy. We show that accuracy degradation is quite small for the case of three BSs.


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We study small perturbations of three linear Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) close to Hopf bifurcation points. In analytical treatments of such equations, many authors recommend a center manifold reduction as a first step. We demonstrate that the method of multiple scales, on simply discarding the infinitely many exponentially decaying components of the complementary solutions obtained at each stage of the approximation, can bypass the explicit center manifold calculation. Analytical approximations obtained for the DDEs studied closely match numerical solutions.


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As research becomes more and more interdisciplinary, literature search from CD-ROM databases is often carried out on more than one CD-ROM database. This results in retrieving duplicate records due to same literature being covered (indexed) in more than one database. The retrieval software does not identify such duplicate records. Three different programs have been written to accomplish the task of identifying the duplicate records. These programs are executed from a shell script to minimize manual intervention. The various fields that have been used (extracted) to identify the duplicate records include the article title, year, volume number, issue number and pagination. The shell script when executed prompts for input file that may contain duplicate records. The programs identify the duplicate records and write them to a new file.


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Multiple beam interference of light in a wedge is considered when the wedge is filled with an absorbing medium. The aim is to examine a method that may give values of both the real and the imaginary parts of the refractive index of the absorbing medium. We propose here a method to determine these quantities from simple techniques like fringe counting and interferometry, by using as the incident wave either a single Gaussian beam or two parallel Gaussian beams.


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The specified range of free chlorine residual (between minimum and maximum) in water distribution systems needs to be maintained to avoid deterioration of the microbial quality of water, control taste and/or odor problems, and hinder formation of carcino-genic disinfection by-products. Multiple water quality sources for providing chlorine input are needed to maintain the chlorine residuals within a specified range throughout the distribution system. The determination of source dosage (i.e., chlorine concentrations/chlorine mass rates) at water quality sources to satisfy the above objective under dynamic conditions is a complex process. A nonlinear optimization problem is formulated to determine the chlorine dosage at the water quality sources subjected to minimum and maximum constraints on chlorine concentrations at all monitoring nodes. A genetic algorithm (GA) approach in which decision variables (chlorine dosage) are coded as binary strings is used to solve this highly nonlinear optimization problem, with nonlinearities arising due to set-point sources and non-first-order reactions. Application of the model is illustrated using three sample water distribution systems, and it indicates that the GA,is a useful tool for evaluating optimal water quality source chlorine schedules.


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Plant organs are initiated as primordial outgrowths, and require controlled cell division and differentiation to achieve their final size and shape. Superimposed on this is another developmental program that orchestrates the switch from vegetative to reproductive to senescence stages in the life cycle. These require sequential function of heterochronic regulators. Little is known regarding the coordination between organ and organismal growth in plants. The TCP gene family encodes transcription factors that control diverse developmental traits, and a subgroup of class II TCP genes regulate leaf morphogenesis. Absence of these genes results in large, crinkly leaves due to excess division, mainly at margins. It has been suggested that these class II TCPs modulate the spatio-temporal control of differentiation in a growing leaf, rather than regulating cell proliferation per se. However, the link between class II TCP action and cell growth has not been established. As loss-of-function mutants of individual TCP genes in Arabidopsis are not very informative due to gene redundancy, we generated a transgenic line that expressed a hyper-activated form of TCP4 in its endogenous expression domain. This resulted in premature onset of maturation and decreased cell proliferation, leading to much smaller leaves, with cup-shaped lamina in extreme cases. Further, the transgenic line initiated leaves faster than wild-type and underwent precocious reproductive maturation due to a shortened adult vegetative phase. Early senescence and severe fertility defects were also observed. Thus, hyper-activation of TCP4 revealed its role in determining the timing of crucial developmental events, both at the organ and organism level.


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The present work combines two rapidly growing research areas-functional supramolecular gels and lanthanide based hybrid materials. Facile hydrogel formation from several lanthanide(III) cholates has been demonstrated. The morphological and mechanical properties of these cholate gels were investigated by TEM and rheology. The hydrogel matrix was subsequently utilized for the sensitization of Tb(III) by doping a non-coordinating chromophore, 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN), at micromolar concentrations. In the mixed gels of Tb(III)-Eu(III), an energy transfer pathway was found to operate from Tb(III) to Eu(III) and by utilizing this energy transfer, tunable multiple-color luminescent hydrogels were obtained. The emissive properties of the hydrogels were also retained in the xerogels and their suspensions in n-hexane were used for making luminescent coating on glass surface.


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In this paper we address the problem of transmission of correlated sources over a fading multiple access channel (MAC). We provide sufficient conditions for transmission with given distortions. Next these conditions are specialized to a Gaussian MAC (GMAC). Transmission schemes for discrete and Gaussian sources over a fading GMAC are considered. Various power allocation strategies are also compared. Keywords: Fading MAC, Power allocation, Random TDMA, Amplify and Forward, Correlated sources.