982 resultados para Molecular sequence typing


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The pyrH-encoded uridine 5′-monophosphate kinase (UMPK) is involved in both de novo and salvage synthesis of DNA and RNA precursors. Here we describe Mycobacterium tuberculosis UMPK (MtUMPK) cloning and expression in Escherichia coli. N-terminal amino acid sequencing and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the identity of homogeneous MtUMPK. MtUMPK catalyzed the phosphorylation of UMP to UDP, using ATP-Mg 2+ as phosphate donor. Size exclusion chromatography showed that the protein is a homotetramer. Kinetic studies revealed that MtUMPK exhibits cooperative kinetics towards ATP and undergoes allosteric regulation. GTP and UTP are, respectively, positive and negative effectors, maintaining the balance of purine versus pyrimidine synthesis. Initial velocity studies and substrate(s) binding measured by isothermal titration calorimetry suggested that catalysis proceeds by a sequential ordered mechanism, in which ATP binds first followed by UMP binding, and release of products is random. As MtUMPK does not resemble its eukaryotic counterparts, specific inhibitors could be designed to be tested as antitubercular agents. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Four novel peptides were isolated from the venoms of the solitary eumenine wasps Eumenes rubrofemoratus and Eumenes fraterculus. Their sequences were determined by MALDI-TOF/TOF (matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry) analysis, Edman degradation and solid-phase synthesis. Two of them, eumenitin-R (LNLKGLIKKVASLLN) and eumenitin-F (LNLKGLFKKVASLLT), are highly homologous to eumenitin, an antimicrobial peptide from a solitary eumenine wasp, whereas the other two, EMP-ER (FDIMGLIKKVAGAL-NH 2) and EMP-EF (FDVMGIIKKIAGAL-NH 2), are similar to eumenine mastoparan-AF (EMP-AF), a mast cell degranulating peptide from a solitary eumenine wasp. These sequences have the characteristic features of linear cationic cytolytic peptides; rich in hydrophobic and basic amino acids with no disulfide bond, and accordingly, they can be predicted to adopt an amphipathic α-helix secondary structure. In fact, the CD (circular dichroism) spectra of these peptides showed significant α-helical conformation content in the presence of TFE (trifluoroethanol), SDS (sodium dodecylsulfate) and asolectin vesicles. In the biological evaluation, all the peptides exhibited a significant broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, and moderate mast cell degranulation and leishmanicidal activities, but showed virtually no hemolytic activity. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Phospholipases D (PLDs) are principally responsible for the local and systemic effects of Loxosceles envenomation including dermonecrosis and hemolysis. Despite their clinical relevance in loxoscelism, to date, only the SMase I from Loxosceles laeta, a class I member, has been structurally characterized. The crystal structure of a class II member from Loxosceles intermedia venom has been determined at 1.7. Å resolution. Structural comparison to the class I member showed that the presence of an additional disulphide bridge which links the catalytic loop to the flexible loop significantly changes the volume and shape of the catalytic cleft. An examination of the crystal structures of PLD homologues in the presence of low molecular weight compounds at their active sites suggests the existence of a ligand-dependent rotamer conformation of the highly conserved residue Trp230 (equivalent to Trp192 in the glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase from Thermus thermophofilus, PDB code: 1VD6) indicating its role in substrate binding in both enzymes. Sequence and structural analyses suggest that the reduced sphingomyelinase activity observed in some class IIb PLDs is probably due to point mutations which lead to a different substrate preference. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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Wolbachia are intracellular bacteria that commonly infect arthropods. Its prevalence among ants of the genus Solenopsis is high. In the present study, the presence and distribution of these endosymbionts was examined among populations of Solenopsis spp. from Brazil. A phylogenetic analysis based on the wsp gene was conducted to infer the evolutionary history of Wolbachia infections within the populations surveyed. A high frequency of Wolbachia bacteria was observed among the genus Solenopsis, 51% of the colonies examined were infected. Incidence was higher in populations from southern Brazil. However, little genetic variability was found among different Wolbachia strains within supergroups A and B. Our findings also suggest that horizontal transmission events can occur through the social parasite S. daguerrei. © 2012 Elsevier Inc..


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l-Amino acid oxidases (LAAOs) are flavoenzymes that catalytically deaminate l-amino acids to corresponding α-keto acids with the concomitant production of ammonia (NH 3) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2). Particularly, snake venom LAAOs have been attracted much attention due to their diverse clinical and biological effects, interfering on human coagulation factors and being cytotoxic against some pathogenic bacteria and Leishmania ssp. In this work, a new LAAO from Bothrops jararacussu venom (BjsuLAAO) was purified, functionally characterized and its structure determined by X-ray crystallography at 3.1å resolution. BjsuLAAO showed high catalytic specificity for aromatic and aliphatic large side-chain amino acids. Comparative structural analysis with prokaryotic LAAOs, which exhibit low specificity, indicates the importance of the active-site volume in modulating enzyme selectivity. Surprisingly, the flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor was found in a different orientation canonically described for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic LAAOs. In this new conformational state, the adenosyl group is flipped towards the 62-71 loop, being stabilized by several hydrogen-bond interactions, which is equally stable to the classical binding mode. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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Chromosome mapping and studies of the genomic organization of repetitive DNA sequences provide valuable insights that enhance our evolutionary and structural understanding of these sequences, as well as identifying chromosomal rearrangements and sex determination. This study investigated the occurrence and organization of repetitive DNA sequences in Leporinus elongatus using restriction enzyme digestion and the mapping of sequences by chromosomal fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). A 378-bp fragment with a 54.2% GC content was isolated after digestion with the SmaI restriction enzyme. BLASTN search found no similarity with previously described sequences, so this repetitive sequence was named LeSmaI. FISH experiments were conducted using L. elongatus and other Anostomidae species, i.e. L. macrocephalus,L. obtusidens, L. striatus, L. lacustris, L. friderici, Schizodon borellii, S. isognathus, and Abramites hypselonotus which detected signals that were unique to male and female L. elongatus individuals. Double-FISH using LeSmaI and 18S rDNA showed that LeSmaI was located in a nucleolus organizer region (NOR) in the male and female metaphases of L. elongatus. This report also discusses the role of repetitive DNA associated with NORs in the diversification of Anostomidae species karyotypes. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The purpose of this work was to purify a protease from Penicillium waksmanii and to determine its biochemical characteristics and specificity. The extracellular protease isolated that was produced by P. waksmanii is a serine protease that is essential for the reproduction and growth of the fungus. The protease isolated showed 32 kDa, and has optimal activity at pH 8.0 and 35 C towards the substrate Abz-KLRSSKQ-EDDnp. The protease is active in the presence of CaCl2, KCl, and BaCl, and partially inhibited by CuCl2, CoCl2 and totally inhibited by AlCl3 and LiCl. In the presence of 1 M urea, the protease remains 50 % active. The activity of the protease increases 60 % when it is exposed to 0.4 % nonionic surfactant-Triton X-100 and loses 10 % activity in the presence of 0.4 % Tween-80. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis, the protease showed the most specificity for the peptide Abz-KIRSSKQ-EDDnp with k cat/K m of 10,666 mM-1 s-1, followed by the peptide Abz-GLRSSKQ-EDDnp with a k cat/K m of 7,500 mM -1 s-1. Basic and acidic side chain-containing amino acids performed best at subsite S1. Subsites S2, S3, S′ 2, and S′ 1, S ′ 3 showed a preference for binding for amino acids with hydrophobic and basic amino acid side chain, respectively. High values of k cat/K m were observed for the subsites S2, S3, and S′ 2. The sequence of the N-terminus (ANVVQSNVPSWGLARLSSKKTGTTDYTYD) showed high similarity to the fungi Penicillium citrinum and Penicillium chrysogenum, with 89 % of identity at the amino acid level. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Many neuropsychiatric conditions have a common set of neurological substrates associated with the integration of sensorimotor processing. The teneurins are a recently described family of proteins that play a significant role in visual and auditory development. Encoded on the terminal exon of the teneurin genes is a family of bioactive peptides, termed teneurin C-terminal associated peptides (TCAP), which regulate mood-disorder associated behaviors. Thus, the teneurin-TCAP system could represent a novel neurological system underlying the origins of a number of complex neuropsychiatric conditions. However, it is not known if TCAP-1 exerts its effects as part of a direct teneurin function, whereby TCAP represents a functional region of the larger teneurin protein, or if it has an independent role, either as a splice variant or post-translational proteolytic cleavage product of teneurin. In this study, we show that TCAP-1 can be transcribed as a smaller mRNA transcript. After translation, further processing yields a smaller 15. kDa protein containing the TCAP-1 region. In the mouse hippocampus, immunoreactive (ir) TCAP-1 is exclusively localized to the pyramidal layers of the CA1, CA2 and CA3 regions. Although the localization of TCAP and teneurin in hippocampal regions is similar, they are distinct within the cell as most ir-teneurin is found at the plasma membrane, whereas ir-TCAP-1 is predominantly found in the cytosol. Moreover, in mouse embryonic hippocampal cell culture, FITC-labeled TCAP-1 binds to the plasma membrane and is taken up into the cytosol via dynamin-dependent caveolae-mediated endocytosis. Our data provides novel evidence that TCAP-1 is structurally and functionally distinct from the larger teneurins. © 2012.


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In this study, we describe the cDNA cloning, sequencing, and 3-D structure of the allergen hyaluronidase from Polybia paulista venom (Pp-Hyal). Using a proteomic approach, the native form of Pp-Hyal was purified to homogeneity and used to produce a Pp-specific polyclonal antibody. The results revealed that Pp-Hyal can be classified as a glycosyl hydrolase and that the full-length Pp-Hyal cDNA (1315 bp; GI: 302201582) is similar (80-90%) to hyaluronidase from the venoms of endemic Northern wasp species. The isolated mature protein is comprised of 338 amino acids, with a theoretical pI of 8.77 and a molecular mass of 39,648.8 Da versus a pI of 8.13 and 43,277.0 Da indicated by MS. The Pp-Hyal 3D-structural model revealed a central core (α/β)7 barrel, two sulfide bonds (Cys 19-308 and Cys 185-197), and three putative glycosylation sites (Asn79, Asn187, and Asn325), two of which are also found in the rVes v 2 protein. Based on the model, residues Ser299, Asp107, and Glu109 interact with the substrate and potential epitopes (five conformational and seven linear) located at surface-exposed regions of the structure. Purified native Pp-Hyal showed high similarity (97%) with hyaluronidase from Polistes annularis venom (Q9U6V9). Immunoblotting analysis confirmed the specificity of the Pp-Hyal-specific antibody as it recognized the Pp-Hyal protein in both the purified fraction and P. paulista crude venom. No reaction was observed with the venoms of Apis mellifera, Solenopsis invicta, Agelaia pallipes pallipes, and Polistes lanio lanio, with the exception of immune cross-reactivity with venoms of the genus Polybia (sericea and ignobilis). Our results demonstrate cross-reactivity only between wasp venoms from the genus Polybia. The absence of cross-reactivity between the venoms of wasps and bees observed here is important because it allows identification of the insect responsible for sensitization, or at least of the phylogenetically closest insect, in order to facilitate effective immunotherapy in allergic patients. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The peptide NS5A-1 (PPLLESWKDPDYVPPWHG), derived from hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5A protein, was immobilized into layer-by-layer (LbL) silk fibroin (SF) films. Deposition was monitored by UV-vis absorption measurements at each bilayer deposited. The interaction SF/peptide film induced secondary structure in NS5A-1 as indicated by fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) measurements. Voltammetric sensor (SF/NS5A-1) properties were observed when the composite film was tested in the presence of anti-HCV. The peptide-silk fibroin interaction studied here showed new architectures for immunosensors based on antigenic peptides and SF as a suitable immobilization matrix. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study reports, for the first time, that the recombinant hsp65 from Mycobacterium leprae (chaperonin 2) displays a proteolytic activity toward oligopeptides. The M. leprae hsp65 proteolytic activity revealed a trypsin-like specificity toward quenched fluorescence peptides derived from dynorphins. When other peptide substrates were used (β-endorphin, neurotensin, and angiotensin I), the predominant peptide bond cleavages also involved basic amino acids in P 1, although, to a minor extent, the hydrolysis involving hydrophobic and neutral amino acids (G and F) was also observed. The amino acid sequence alignment of the M. leprae hsp65 with Escherichia coli Hs1VU protease suggested two putative threonine catalytic groups, one in the N-domain (T 136, K 168, and Y 264) and the other in the C-domain (T 375, K 409, and S 502). Mutagenesis studies showed that the replacement of K 409 by A caused a complete loss of the proteolytic activity, whereas the mutation of K 168 to A resulted in a 25% loss. These results strongly suggest that the amino acid residues T 375, K 409, and S 502 at the C-domain form the catalytic group that carries out the main proteolytic activity of the M. leprae hsp65. The possible pathophysiological implications of the proteolytic activity of the M. leprae hsp65 are now under investigation in our laboratory.


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Prior studies of phylogenetic relationships among phocoenids based on morphology and molecular sequence data conflict and yield unresolved relationships among species. This study evaluates a comprehensive set of cranial, postcranial, and soft anatomical characters to infer interrelationships among extant species and several well-known fossil phocoenids, using two different methods to analyze polymorphic data: polymorphic coding and frequency step matrix. Our phylogenetic results confirmed phocoenid monophyly. The division of Phocoenidae into two subfamilies previously proposed was rejected, as well as the alliance of the two extinct genera Salumiphocaena and Piscolithax with Phocoena dioptrica and Phocoenoides dalli. Extinct phocoenids are basal to all extant species. We also examined the origin and distribution of porpoises within the context of this phylogenetic framework. Phocoenid phylogeny together with available geologic evidence suggests that the early history of phocoenids was centered in the North Pacific during the middle Miocene, with subsequent dispersal into the southern hemisphere in the middle Pliocene. A cooling period in the Pleistocene allowed dispersal of the southern ancestor of Phocoena sinusinto the North Pacific (Gulf of California).


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Introduction: Although Enterococcus faecalis is a member of the normal microbiota, it is also a major cause of nosocomial infections. Some strains of E. faecalis produce capsule, which contributes to pathogenesis through evasion of host defenses, and its production is dependent on the capsule (cps) operon polymorphism. This study investigated cps locus polymorphism in distinct lineages of E. faecalis isolated from canals of root-filled teeth with periapical lesions. Methods: Twenty-two E. faecalis isolates were evaluated regarding the cps operon polymorphism and genetic diversity. The 3 known CPS types were determined by polymerase chain reaction. This information was correlated with multilocus sequence typing data, which were used to define genetic lineages. Results: cpsA and cpsB were the only detected genes within the cps operon in 62.5% of E. faecalis strains (14/22), indicative of genotype CPS 1, which lacks capsule expression. The essential genes in the cps operon for capsule production were detected in the remaining strains, whereas 3 belonged to genotype CPS 5 and 5 strains to genotype CPS 2. A total of 14 sequence types (STs) were resolved in 22 E. faecalis isolates. Comparison with the E. faecalis international multilocus sequence typing database revealed that 9 STs were previously found, and that the 5 STs were novel. Conclusions: Certain E. faecalis genotypes from canals of root-filled teeth with periapical lesions belong to lineages associated with capsule expression and production of multiple virulence factors, which might account for their increased pathogenic potential. (J Endod 2012;38:58-61)


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Introduction: Enterococcus faecalis is a member of the mammalian gastrointestinal microbiota but has been considered a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections. In the oral cavity, it is commonly detected from root canals of teeth with failed endodontic treatment. However, little is known about the virulence and genetic relatedness among E. faecalis isolates from different clinical sources. This study compared the presence of enterococcal virulence factors among root canal strains and clinical isolates from hospitalized patients to identify virulent clusters of E. faecalis. Methods: Multilocus sequence typing analysis was used to determine genetic lineages of 40 E. faecalis clinical isolates from different sources. Virulence clusters were determined by evaluating capsule (cps) locus polymorphisms, pathogenicity island gene content, and antibiotic resistance genes by polymerase chain reaction. Results: The clinical isolates from hospitalized patients formed a phylogenetically separate group and were mostly grouped in the clonal complex 2, which is a known virulent cluster of E. faecalis that has caused infection outbreaks globally. The clonal complex 2 group comprised capsule-producing strains harboring multiple antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity island genes. On the other hand, the endodontic isolates were more diverse and harbored few virulence and antibiotic resistance genes. In particular, although more closely related to isolates from hospitalized patients, capsuleproducing E. faecalis strains from root canals did not carry more virulence/antibiotic genes than other endodontic isolates. Conclusions: E. faecalis isolates from endodontic infections have a genetic and virulence profile different from pathogenic clusters of hospitalized patients’ isolates, which is most likely due to niche specialization conferred mainly by variable regions in the genome.