937 resultados para Microemulsão. Petróleo. Recuperação avançada. Arenito


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The main objective of this study was to analyze the reliability of blood lactate concentration ([La]), oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate (FC) in an intermittent protoco, performed at 95%VO2max with passive or active recovery in untrained subjects. Participated of this study, active healthy males with 20 to 25 years, which were doing aerobic exercises witha weekly frequency of 3 sessions at least. The individulas performed, in different days, the following protocols in a cyclergometer: 1) An incremental test until exhaustion to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and the intensity at VO2max; b) Two transitions at 95%VO2max for the determination of the VO2 kinetics parameters and; c) Two intermittent tests until exhaustion, with repetitions at 95% IVO2max and with durantion defined as being half of the duration of the slow component. The duration of the recovery was half of the duration of the effort (effort:pause of 2:1). This test was performed with passive (GP) and active recovery (GA). The VO2 and FC were measured continulously in both tests. Blood collections were performed for the determination of the [La]. There was significant correlação in both groups for VO2 (ATIVA - 0.94, PASSIVA - 0.75), [La] (ATIVA - 0.83, PASSIVA - 0.90) and FC (0.93) only for the passive group. Thus, it can be concluded that the cardiorrespiratory and metabolic responses present good realiability in an intermittent exercise with active or passive recovery


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Currently, the dam of Salto Grande is very degraded. Water quality is seriously amended, and lack of riparian vegetation, as well as the advance of feed crops and land occupation in areas that should be permanently preserved, only complicate this situation. The permanent preservation area is essential for the water sources protection, soil erosion control and consequent watercourse sedimentation. Through aerial photography, using GIS techniques, it was able to identify the outwards bounds of the dam, to demarcate the permanent preservation areas and generate maps for land use. With this data, in addition to studies and ideas of reforestation in different environments, the development of a plan for restoration of degraded areas surrounding the dam is easier to be done. This study confirmed that about 72% of land use in permanent preservation areas is not in accordance with specific laws, making necessary its recovering.


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The lack of proper planning in intervention works of runoff water on rural properties and rural public roads leads to economic damage and loss of environmental quality. The impact of the action without technical base is soil erosion, siltation of water sources, loss of the quality and availability of water, invalidating areas for cultivation and livestock. The conservation of headwaters requires beyond regeneration of the environmental characteristics the repair and management of the degraded watercourse in order to control erosion. This graduate work in Environmental Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Presidente Prudente proposes a headwater recuperation and management in rural area of Álvares Machado municipality, São Paulo State, through the method of deep drainage applied to the case of a rural road near the outcrop of water. This technique consists in the installation of draining structures in sub-areas of the road surface, or sub-gutter and/or in the platform border in order to conduct the underground flow of water and reduce the loss of sediment in water flow. Therefore, was performed a historic study of use and occupation of land in the municipality of Álvares Machado, portraying transformations of the landscape caused by human action. Geology, geomorphology, pedology and hydrogeology data were collected from the study area in order to establish the conditions that led into the current situation of degradation and formulate an effective intervention strategy for civil works


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The analysis of the extraction process in oil wells is presented exploring the challenges to the effectiveness of the procedure is shown step by step in the process. There is an analysis of the major tools and equipment needed in the drilling process, promoting the understanding of the challenges in the pre-salt layers, compared to conventional processes. The work is reinforced through studies of the influence of the corrosive compared not corrosive environment in drill strings


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Este trabalho objetivou analisar a qualidade da água de três córregos tributários do rio Bauru, levando em conta a poluição causada por produtos orgânicos e industriais que vinham sendo descartados nos mesmos e as eventuais melhorias conseqüentes das medidas paliativas assumidas pelo DAE-Bauru, mediante a instalação de interceptores-coletores de águas residuárias ao longo Daqueles corpos de água, até que a Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos do município seja construída e se dê início ao seu funcionamento. O monitoramento destes corpos de água durante o período de estiagem e de cheias proposto nesta pesquisa, incluiu investigações sobre as variáveis químicas e físicas de amostras das águas, obtidas mensalmente em 7 pontos de coleta, localizados a montante e a jusante dos pontos de instalação dos emissários, ao longo dos córregos. As amostras de água foram posteriormente analisadas para fossem obtidas informações sobre a eficácia da instalação dos interceptores com relação ao processo de recuperação da saúde dos corpos aquáticos em questão. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, de um modo geral, as águas de todos os sistemas estudados ainda sofrem impactos, até porque ainda há aquelas que recebem o esgoto descartado “in natura”. No entanto, como ja era esperado, nos pontos de coleta localizados em segmentos dos córregos nos quais os emissários já foram instalados, o impacto ambiental é menor. Mediante a comparação dos resultados obtidos das análises das características físicas e químicas das águas dos sistemas estudados realizadas durante esta investigação com aqueles obtidos nos mesmos corpos de água, em 2007, pudemos observar melhorias da água em alguns dos pontos de coleta


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Aquatic ecosystems are suffering many impacts caused by human activities resulting from the activities occurring around them. With technological progress observed in recent years, this environment has received large amounts of chemicals from industries, agriculture and urban area that affect the aquatic biota. Among these sources of contamination, the oil industry has contributed to the pollution of aquatic environments with both effluents as produced water well as oil spills and their derivatives having toxicity to various organisms. With all the environmental issues has increased concern about water quality and has been used ecotoxicological tests with aquatic organisms to ecosystems to assess the toxicity of chemicals present in the water. In this context the microcrustacea Daphnia similis stands out as a freshwater organism very representative of the aquatic fauna of rivers and high sensitivity to environmental impacts. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the lethal toxicity of crude oil and produced water on this microcrustacea. The results showed that the microcrustacea presented high sensitivity to contaminants primarily crude oil. There was also the influence of environmental variables pH and temperature on the survival of organisms


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The Namorado Oil Field represents the beginning of the oil exploration in Brazil, in the 70s, and it is still a subject of researches because the importance of this turbidite sandstone in the brazilian oil production. The Namorado’s production level was denominated “Namorado sandstone”, it is composed by turbidite sandstone deposited during the Albian-Cenomanian. In order to define the structural geometry of the main reservoir, geological and geophysical tools like RECON and Geographix (Prizm – Seisvision) softwares were used, and its application was focused on geological facies analysis, for that propose well logs, seismic interpretation and petrophysical calculations were applied. Along this work 15 vertical wells were used and the facies reservoirs were mapped of along the oil field; it is important to mentioned that the all the facies were calibrated by the correlation rock vs log profile, and 12 reservoir-levels (NA-1, NA-2, NA-3, NA-4, NA-5, NA-6, NA-7, NA-8, NA-9, NA-10, NA-11 e NA-12) were recognized and interpreted. Stratigraphic sections (NE-SW and NW-SE) were also built based on stratigraphic well correlation of each interpreted level, and seismic interpretation (pseudo-3D seismic data) on the southeastern portion of the oil field. As results it was interpreted on two- and three-dimensional maps that the deposition reservoir’s levels are hight controlled by normal faults systems. This research also shows attribute maps interpretation and its relationship with the selection of the reservoir attribute represented on it. Finally the data integration of stratigraphic, geophysical and petrophysical calculations lets us the possibility of obtain a detail geological/petrophysical 3D model of the main reservoir levels of “Namorado sandstone” inside the oil/gás field


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A intervenção psicológica na prática esportiva pode ser realizada através de determinados programas psicológicos de treinamento assim como através de aconselhamento e acompanhamento. As metas principais que podem ser alcançadas através de medidas psicológicas de treinamento são a melhoria planejada e sistemática das capacidades e habilidades psíquicas individuais do rendimento, estabilização e otimização do comportamento na competição e aceleração e otimização de processos de regeneração psicológica. A lesão no esporte tem sido alvo de atenção da psicologia do esporte, em função do número crescente de atletas lesionados, influenciados pela alta exigência do esporte de rendimento, bem como do desejo humano de cada vez querer ir além. Essa demanda máxima em busca do rendimento durante as competições juntamente com o aumento das cargas de trabalho durante os treinamentos ajudam a produzir um progressivo crescimento no número de lesões. Participaram desta pesquisa quinze atletas de futebol, sexo masculino, sendo dez atletas da categoria profissional, um atleta da categoria sub-20 e quatro atletas da categoria sub-17. Eles se encontravam lesionados ou em fase inicial de retorno às atividades, da cidade de Limeira, interior do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa, de vertente qualitativa, utilizou-se de um questionário subjetivo (Apêndice) contendo perguntas relacionadas à atual lesão do atleta e também a recuperação fisioterápica e psicológica; para análise dos dados foram feitas leituras e propostas de aglutinação de elementos, por categorização da amostra. A ausência de um psicólogo, em especial do esporte nas equipes, no programa de reabilitação dos atletas entrevistados, fez com que não houvesse a implementação de técnicas de atendimento psicológico, tais como as de visualização...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The oil and biodiesel are oily substances which, if spilled or thrown out in the environment, can cause serious damages. In this context, bioremediation techniques can be used to the recovering of sites degradated by mineral or vegetable oil, besides them, the biodegradation. However, it is necessary that there are microorganism strains used to degradate the contaminant, previously selected for the fast, efficient and minimum impact remediation. The main objective of this study was to isolate microorganism strains coming from different ecological recesses and verify their potentiality on biodegradating oil and biodiesel. Strains of bacteria, fungi and yeasts were isolated from soils contaminated by hydrocarbons (diesel, gasoline, grease) before, by doing striations on culture plates. On the biodegradation tests, it was used the redox indicator, 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP), then, after the indicador’s discoloration, the absorbance of the suspension obtained was measured. 46 different microorganism strains were isolated, and the oil, when it was used as a carbon resource, it was degradate easier than the biodiesel. The experiments showed that, in a period, the site impacted by oil spills recovers itself by the biodegradation, in aerobic conditions, by the redox activity.


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This research aims to discuss the division of royalties from a legal perspective and its substitute role towards the non-taxation at source, in other words the taxation of destiny at the Brazilian petroleum industry. The analysis aims to deal with the historical evolution in relation to the aspect of royalties’ payment and its deviation of compensatory character in order to supply the ICMS function. There are some specific study objects in this research: 1. how the transformation of royalties’ payment led to financial compensation; 2. to whom the transference of mineral rent belongs – to the UNIÃO or to the fortunate regions which the oil is extracted; 3. would a tax reform be enough to minimize the competition of States and Cities towards the royalties? The research aims to clarify the real expectation that States have on the royalties’ payment. There is no compensation for damage to the environment as it is stated by the initial characteristic of the Constitution, and, by the contrast, from a compensatory character, there is a lacking of taxation from the sector mentioned before, this fact damages the producing states checked out by this research


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As mudanças demográficas decorrentes do envelhecimento populacional têm contribuído substancialmente para o aumento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis relacionadas à idade, dentre elas está a osteoporose, considerada um dos principais problemas de saúde pública, por sua prevalência crescente e pela associação a fraturas em diversas áreas do corpo, com graves repercussões clínicas e sociais. Com isso vem se buscando cada vez mais alternativas de exercício físico válidas para o combate e prevenção a estas doenças ósseas. Como possível alternativa têm se estudado os efeitos e benefícios dos treinamentos realizados em Plataformas Vibratórias, equipamento que através de baixa amplitude e alta freqüência pode vir a influenciar positivamente nas capacidades físicas. Portanto, devido à escassez de informações acerca dos efeitos do exercício na plataforma vibratória sobre a microarquitetura dos ossos em indivíduos idosos e já acometidos pela osteoporose, o objetivo deste estudo foi, com um modelo animal, descrever através de imagens de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), a reação do tecido ósseo de ratas idosas ovariectomizadas ao exercício em Plataforma Vibratória. Para execução deste estudo foram utilizadas 20 ratas Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus Albinus Wistar), separadas em 4 grupos: Sedentário Controle (S), Sedentário Ovariectomizado (SO), Treinado Controle (T) e Treinado Ovariectomizado (TO). Como protocolo de treinamento a plataforma vibratória foi regulada com freqüência de 35 Hz e amplitude baixa (1 a 2 mm) e consistiu de uma fase de adaptação ao exercício e à vibração e após este período uma fase de treinamento. Para análise a região do osso selecionada foi o terço proximal da diáfise do fêmur. Como resultado, obtivemos que para o grupo SO a indução à osteoporose foi positiva quando comparada ao grupo S, que ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The objective of this study was to compare the power corresponding to maximal lactate steady state determined through continuous (MLSSC) and intermittent protocol with active recovery (MLSSI). Ten trained male cyclists (25 ± 4 yr, 72.5 ± 10.6 kg, 178.5 ± 4.0 cm), performed the following tests on different days on a cycle ergometer: (1) incremental test in order to determine the anaerobic threshold (AT) and maximal power (Pmax); (2) two to five constant workload tests to determine MLSSC, and; 3) two to three constant workload tests to determine MLSSI, consisting on 8 x 4 minutes bouts interspersed by two minutes of active recovery at 50% Pmax (i.e., 46 min of exercise protocol). MLSS intensity was defined as the highest workload at which blood lactate concentration did not increase by more than 1 mM between minutes 10 and 30 of the constant workload. The workload corresponding to MLSSC (273.2 ± 21.4 W) was significantly lower than that corresponding to MLSSI (300.5 ± 23.9 W). With base on these data, it can be verified that the intermittent exercise mode utilized in this study, allows an increase of 10% approximately, in the exercise intensity corresponding to MLSS.


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When handling soil conservation practices isn’t applied correctly, they cause problems at the level of structure, cohesion and fertility in soils and lack of water availability. In the case of this monograph, conducted in a rural property located at Álvares Machado City, identified that most areas are intended for use activities of beef cattle and dairy and subsistence agriculture, which historically addition to withdraw native flora, resulting in problems such as compaction and increase soil exposure to climatic agents, generating a serious frame of erosion problems. In the case of water from rainfall, the soil exposed, causes the “splash” effect and therefore when it becomes runoff carries the spalled particles mainly for low land areas. Without the vegetation, especially trees or shrubs species, the velocity of runoff increases, initiating the appearance of furrows, which consequently may become a kind of ravine erosion and gully, which makes invalid any area in your surroundings... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O sistema estuarino do Rio Curimataú, uma planície lamosa amplamente coberta por vegetação de mangue e relativamente pouco impactada, foi estudado quanto à distribuição espacial da microfauna de foraminíferos e suas condicionantes. Vinte e cinco gêneros e quarenta espécies foram identificadas a partir dos sedimentos superficiais, considerando-se os indivíduos vivos e mortos presentes em 10 pontos ao longo do estuário, dos quais se extraíram ao menos 100 espécimes por amostra. O sistema pôde ser compartimentado em quatro sub-ambientes halínicos (hiperhalino, mesohalino, polihalino e euhalino), correspondentes, respectivamente, a quatro ecofácies de foraminíferos designadas de Ammotium spp., Miliammina fusca, Arenoparrella mexicana e Ammonia spp. Cada um destes segmentos ambientais foi caracterizado segundo os padrões de riqueza, diversidade e equitatividade das espécies. Os resultados deste estudo poderão servir para comparações a serem feitas com outros estuários tropicais modernos (impactados antropicamente ou não) e antigos. Tem aplicação, portanto, no setor de petróleo e gás, sendo de interesse às atividades de gestão ambiental de áreas litorâneas e de investigação da história geológica das bacias sedimentares