998 resultados para Metodologia E
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Engenharia Eltrica - FEIS
Ps-graduao em Televiso Digital: Informao e Conhecimento - FAAC
Ps-graduao em Engenharia de Produo - FEB
The aim of the present study was to verify, through the response surface methodology, the optimum conditions for the combined use of aqueous extract of white lupine (Lupinus albus L.) and tropical pitanga juice (Eugenia unifl ora L.) in the development of a drink. Therefore, the independent variables were represented by the volume of aqueous extract of lupine (mL) and by the volume of pitanga juice (mL). The dependent variables (responses) were obtained through sensory test of acceptance (appearance, aroma, taste and overall acceptability). The combined optimization of the variables pointed the second formulation (50mL of aqueous extract of lupine and 30mL of pitanga juice) of the experimental project as the most adequate. In conclusion it was possible to get a drink with attractive sensory characteristics using aqueous extract of white lupine and tropical pitanga juice. The usage of response surface methodology made possible the determination of regions of maximum acceptance for each attribute evaluated in the formulation of a drink with aqueous extract of white lupine and pitanga juice, with a minimum of tests.
Ps-graduao em Engenharia Mecnica - FEG
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Metodologia para seleo e implantao das Tecnologias da Informao e Comunicao no ensino da educao bsica
Ps-graduao em Matemtica em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Neste trabalho, apresentamos resultados de uma oficina desenvolvida sob a perspectiva da metodologia de projetos na sala de aula de Matemtica, num programa de formao continuada oferecido pela Secretaria de Educao do Estado de So Paulo Teia do Saber, na Universidade do Sagrado Corao USC Bauru SP. Por meio desta oficina, foi possvel constatar a viabilidade desta metodologia, bem como a importncia da formao continuada dos professores, principalmente por serem fornecidos dados de uma atividade bem sucedida, realizada por uma professora de Ja interior de So Paulo. Nesta oportunidade, portanto, esboamos nosso trabalho sobre a metodologia e destacamos a experincia da professora em sala de aula, tal como nos foi relatada.
The questions arise about the teaching and practice of the methodology of communication research. The aim is to reflect on the possibility of building research projects and develop research and scientific production in the area of social communication at the graduate level, articulating the epistemological interfaces, methodical, theoretical and methodological techniques for design of empirical research in communication, developed by Lopes (2010), adapting it to the Spiral model of knowledge creation, developed by Takeuchi and Nonaka (2008), to support the learning of the methodological procedures that involve scientific research in communication.
Operational Research (OR) is an eminent science to business competitiveness and the capacity of algorithms and spreadsheets that exist today allows people to apply them for a lower cost and with less complexity. However, spreadsheets linked to OR techniques, when directed to real problems, are still little explored in their full potential. In order to use them better, this article utilizes the Microsoft Office Excel to solve an optimization practical problem and decision-making of machining subcontracting. In general, although considered a frequent problem, is not of easy solution, optimize the mix of production versus outsourcing, because of the restrictions and resources available, it requests investments in specific software. In this way, this research aims to develop software to be called SOSU (Optimization Software for Machining Subcontracting). SOSU should introduce the best mix of internal and subcontracted machining for n types of parts that, over a certain period of time t, maximize capacity and meet all the demand at the lowest cost possible. The methodology adopted follows the bibliographic reference and it is assumed that the necessary data to prove from mathematical modeling of production areas and from a system of costs already structured. The nature of the problem justifies the application of Linear Programming (LP), Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is used for computational implementation and interface with the user and the supplement Solver to find the solution. The analysis of the experiments show that the SOSU optimizes resources and improves the decision-making process, besides an easy operation, it can be implemented or quickly adapted and without the need of large investments.
Proposta de metodologia para o gerenciamento automtico de sistemas fotovoltaicos de gerao distribuda
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
This work aimed to develop an optimization methodology for reservoir sizing in rainwater harvesting systems in order to increase the economic viability of projects in this area. For this, concepts of Operations Research were used so as to develop mathematical programming problems related to minimizing the life cycle cost and maximizing efficiency. The results obtained for different sizing methods were presented based on a case study, emphasizing the importance of tools that are able to provide a more accurate analysis and tend to significantly increase the economic viability of rainwater harvesting systems.
El fenmeno de la globalizacin est directamente relacionado a la expansin de mercados. stos no conocen fronteras e impactan la vida en todas las sociedades alrededor del mundo. En ese contexto, quedan fragilizados los que tienen menos poder de compra o poder tecnolgico. Para sobrevivir a esta tendencia, comunidades se estructuran de modo a promover el desarrollo econmico local. Son, as, conjugados esfuerzos por intermedio de planeamientos que involucran y estimulan la participacin de actores locales. Una de las metodologas que se ha mostrado eficiente para un proyecto participativo es la PACA, acrnimo de Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage. Este estudio busca presentar y reflexionar, por medio de una investigacin bibliogrfica, la posible interseccin entre planeamiento participativo y las Relaciones Pblicas, resaltando para tal, la metodologa PACA. En resumen, la metodologa PACA exige el establecimiento de un efectivo relacionamiento entre las personas y organizaciones involucradas para lograr sus objetivos. Es una tcnica de planeamiento participativo que conduce al desarrollo econmico local por promover la sinergia de actores de la comunidad. Como resultado de la investigacin fue posible identificar que las actividades que dan soporte a la metodologa PACA son intrnsecamente relacionadas a las actividades de Relaciones Pblicas, a medida que es funcin primaria de estos profesionales el uso de destrezas educacionales y comunicacionales para promover el establecimiento de relacionamiento entre individuos con organizaciones, instituciones y entidades.