1000 resultados para Medicina Nuclear


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We describe a relation between the symmetry energy coefficients csym(ρ) of nuclear matter and asym(A) of finite nuclei that accommodates other correlations of nuclear properties with the low-density behavior of csym(ρ). Here, we take advantage of this relation to explore the prospects for constraining csym(ρ) of systematic measurements of neutron skin sizes across the mass table, using as example present data from antiprotonic atoms. The found constraints from neutron skins are in harmony with the recent determinations from reactions and giant resonances.


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The production of φ mesons in proton collisions with C, Cu, Ag, and Au targets has been studied via the φ → K + K − decay at an incident beam energy of 2.83 GeV using the ANKE detector system at COSY. For the first time, the momentum dependence of the nuclear transparency ratio, the in-medium φ width, and the differential cross section for φ -meson production at forward angles have been determined for these targets over the momentum range of 0.6-1.6 GeV /c. There are indications of a significant momentum dependence in the value of the extracted φ width, which corresponds to an effective φN absorption cross section in the range of 14-21 mb.


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The expansion of an isolated hot spherical nucleus with excitation energy and its caloric curve are studied in a thermodynamic model with the SkM∗ force as the nuclear effective two-body inter-action. The calculated results are shown to compare well with the recent experimental data from energetic nuclear collisions. The fluctuations in temperature and density are also studied. They are seen to build up very rapidly beyond an excitation energy of ∼9 MeV/u. Volume-conserving quadrupole deformation in addition to expansion indicates , however, nuclear disassembly above an excitation energy of ∼4 MeV/u.


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Bradyrhizobium japonicum is a symbiotic nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria that induce root nodules formation in legume soybean (Glycine max.). Using 13C- and 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we have analysed the metabolite profiles of cultivated B.japonicum cells and bacteroids isolated from soybean nodules. Our results revealed some quantitative and qualitative differences between the metabolite profiles of bacteroids and their vegetative state. This includes in bacteroids a huge accumulation of soluble carbohydrates such as trehalose, glutamate, myo-inositol and homospermidine as well as Pi, nucleotide pools and intermediates of the primary carbon metabolism. Using this novel approach, these data show that most of the compounds detected in bacteroids reflect the metabolic adaptation of rhizobia to the surrounding microenvironment with its host plant cells.


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PURPOSE: To report the clinico-pathological features of solitary fibrous tumor occurring in the ocular adnexa (OA) in a single center. To assess the presence of NAB2-STAT6 genes fusion in OA solitary fibrous tumor detected by nuclear overexpression of STAT6. METHODS: Retrospective study including orbital and OA solitary fibrous tumors treated between 2006 and 2014 in our center. The clinical, radiological, and histopathological findings were evaluated. STAT6 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Five patients were identified and presented with a chronic OA mass. The tumors were radiologically well delimited, highly vascularized and without bone erosion. All the patients underwent complete surgical excision. Pathological examination confirmed solitary fibrous tumor in all cases. All tumors demonstrated a nuclear expression of STAT6. There were no recurrences, with a mean follow-up of 5 years after surgery. Our review demonstrated that proptosis was the most common presentation occurring in 60 % of the cases. In the ocular adnexa, adverse histological criteria were found in 19.7 % of the tumors, and recurrences were observed in 48 % of these cases. Thirty-six percent of patients presented at least one local recurrence, and metastastic spread was found in 2.4 % of the cases. Tumor-related death was described in two cases. CONCLUSION: Ocular adnexal SFT are rare and usually present as a chronic orbital mass with proptosis. In the OA, solitary fibrous tumor demonstrates STAT6 nuclear expression, as documented in other locations. Recurrences are unusual and metastasis exceptional. Initial surgical resection should be complete in order to avoid recurrence.


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Contexto Una central nuclear, al igual que cualquier otro tipo de central generadora de energía eléctrica, mediante turbinas de vapor, está basada en un proceso termodinámico. El rendimiento de las mismas es función del salto entálpico del vapor, para mejorarlo las centrales están constituidas por un ciclo compound formado por turbina de alta presión y turbinas de baja presión, y un ciclo regenerativo consistente en calentar el agua de alimentación antes de su introducción a los generadores de vapor. Un ciclo regenerativo está basado en etapas de calentadores o cambiadores de calor para aprovechar al máximo la energía térmica del vapor, este proyecto está basado en la mejora y optimización del proceso de control de estos para contribuir a mejorar el rendimiento de la central. Objetivo Implementar un sistema de control que nos permita modernizar los clásicos sistemas basados en controles locales y comunicaciones analógicas. Mejorar el rendimiento del ciclo regenerativo de la central, aprovechando las mejoras tecnológicas que ofrece el mercado, tanto en el hardware como en el software de los sistemas de instrumentación y control. Optimizar el rendimiento de los lazos de control de cada uno de los elementos del ciclo regenerativo mediante estrategias de control. Procedimiento Desarrollo de un sistema de control actualizado considerando, como premisa principal, la fiabilidad del sistema, el análisis de fallos y la jerarquización del riesgo. Análisis y cálculo de los lazos de control considerando las premisas establecidas. Configuración de los lazos mediante estrategias de control que nos permitan optimizar y minimizar los efectos del fallo. Para ello se han utilizado parámetros y datos extraídos de la Central Nuclear de Ascó. Conclusiones Se ha modernizado y optimizado el sistema de control mejorando el rendimiento del ciclo regenerativo. Se ha conseguido un sistema más fiable, reduciendo el riesgo del fallo y disminuyendo los efectos de los mismos. El coste de un proyecto de estas características es inferior al de un sistema convencional y ofrece más posibilidades. Es un sistema abierto que permite utilizar e interconectar equipos de diferentes fabricantes, lo que favorece tanto el mantenimiento como las posibles ampliaciones futuras del sistema.


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The effects of dark-induced stress on the evolution of the soluble metabolites present in senescent soybean (Glycine max L.) nodules were analysed in vitro using C-13- and P-31-NMR spectroscopy. Sucrose and trehalose were the predominant soluble storage carbons. During dark-induced stress, a decline in sugars and some key glycolytic metabolites was observed. Whereas 84% of the sucrose disappeared, only one-half of the trehalose was utilised. This decline coincides with the depletion of Gln, Asn, Ala and with an accumulation of ureides, which reflect a huge reduction of the N-2 fixation. Concomitantly, phosphodiesters and compounds like P-choline, a good marker of membrane phospholipids hydrolysis and cell autophagy, accumulated in the nodules. An autophagic process was confirmed by the decrease in cell fatty acid content. In addition, a slight increase in unsaturated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids) was observed, probably as a response to peroxidation reactions. Electron microscopy analysis revealed that, despite membranes dismantling, most of the bacteroids seem to be structurally intact. Taken together, our results show that the carbohydrate starvation induced in soybean by dark stress triggers a profound metabolic and structural rearrangement in the infected cells of soybean nodule which is representative of symbiotic cessation.


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We analyze the results for infinite nuclear and neutron matter using the standard relativistic mean field model and its recent effective field theory motivated generalization. For the first time, we show quantitatively that the inclusion in the effective theory of vector meson self-interactions and scalar-vector cross-interactions explains naturally the recent experimental observations of the softness of the nuclear equation of state, without losing the advantages of the standard relativistic model for finite nuclei.


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A precise determination of the neutron skin thickness of a heavy nucleus sets a basic constraint on the nuclear symmetry energy (the neutron skin thickness is the difference of the neutron and proton rms radii of the nucleus). The parity radius experiment (PREX) may achieve it by electroweak parity-violating electron scattering (PVES) on 208Pb. We investigate PVES in nuclear mean field approach to allow the accurate extraction of the neutron skin thickness of 208Pb from the parity-violating asymmetry probed in the experiment. We demonstrate a high linear correlation between the parity-violating asymmetry and the neutron skin thickness in successful mean field forces as the best means to constrain the neutron skin of 208Pb from PREX, without assumptions on the neutron density shape. Continuation of the experiment with higher precision in the parity-violating asymmetry is motivated since the present method can support it to constrain the density slope of the nuclear symmetry energy to new accuracy.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Knockout studies of the murine Nuclear Factor I-C (NFI-C) transcription factor revealed abnormal skin wound healing and growth of its appendages, suggesting a role in controlling cell proliferation in adult regenerative processes. Liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy (PH) is a well-established regenerative model whereby changes elicited in hepatocytes lead to their rapid and phased proliferation. Although NFI-C is highly expressed in the liver, no hepatic function was yet established for this transcription factor. This study aimed to determine whether NFI-C may play a role in hepatocyte proliferation and liver regeneration. METHODS: Liver regeneration and cell proliferation pathways following two-thirds PH were investigated in NFI-C knockout (ko) and wild-type (wt) mice. RESULTS: We show that the absence of NFI-C impaired hepatocyte proliferation because of plasminogen activator I (PAI-1) overexpression and the subsequent suppression of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) activity and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) signalling, a potent hepatocyte mitogen. This indicated that NFI-C first acts to promote hepatocyte proliferation at the onset of liver regeneration in wt mice. The subsequent transient down regulation of NFI-C, as can be explained by a self-regulatory feedback loop with transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-ß1), may limit the number of hepatocytes entering the first wave of cell division and/or prevent late initiations of mitosis. CONCLUSION: NFI-C acts as a regulator of the phased hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration.


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Law 15/2012 established in Spain four new environmental taxes and extended the scope objective excise duties on mineral oils to tax the use of natural gas and coal as sources of electricity. One of the newly created taxes falls on all electric power producers, and has as tax base the turnover. The second one tax hydropower production, and the other two fall on the nuclear industry. So, there are two new taxes in Spain on the production of electricity from nuclear sources. The first one is a tax on nuclear waste production; the second one is a tax on the storage of nuclear waste. However, these are not the only levies in the Spanish tax system affecting nuclear waste. At the State level there are already several charges on nuclear waste. At the regional level, on the other hand, two Autonomous Communities were taxing nuclear waste. The creation of these new State taxes will finish with the regional taxes, but the State will be oblige to compensate these regions for losing revenues. The purpose of this work is to carry out a critical analysis of the Spanish system of taxation on nuclear waste.


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In multifragmentation of hot nuclear matter, properties of fragments embedded in a soup of nucleonic gas and other fragments should be modified as compared with isolated nuclei. Such modifications are studied within a simple model where only nucleons and one kind of heavy nuclei are considered. The interaction between different species is described with a momentum-dependent two-body potential whose parameters are fitted to reproduce properties of cold isolated nuclei. The internal energy of heavy fragments is parametrized according to a liquid-drop model with density- and temperature-dependent parameters. Calculations are carried out for several subnuclear densities and moderate temperatures, for isospin-symmetric and asymmetric systems. We find that the fragments get stretched due to interactions with the medium and their binding energies decrease with increasing temperature and density of nuclear matter.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar o perfil dos alunos e as motivações que os levaram a cursar o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina (Radiologia) da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, bem como avaliar a produção científica, quantitativa e qualitativamente. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi enviado questionário contendo perguntas abertas e fechadas a 183 ex-alunos. Responderam 148 egressos. Avaliaram-se expectativas, destino profissional e produção científica. RESULTADOS: O aprimoramento técnico-científico (39,08%) e a evolução na carreira docente (26,82%) foram os aspectos que mais motivaram os egressos a cursar a pós-graduação. As mudanças decorrentes da finalização do curso foram: melhor conhecimento técnico (33,33%) e maior confiança no desempenho de suas funções (17,83%). Verificou-se que 60,42% estão atuando em instituições de ensino superior e 39,58% não, e que 84,93% dos artigos científicos sobre os temas das teses/dissertações foram publicados. CONCLUSÃO: O curso tem cumprido os requisitos essenciais para a formação de pesquisadores e docentes. Identificou-se a necessidade de atuação mais efetiva dos docentes do programa e de modificações curriculares, inserindo-se uma disciplina dedicada à elaboração de trabalhos científicos.