998 resultados para Mato Grosso - Historiography


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INTRODUÇÃO: Populações de Triatoma sordida Stål, 1859 foram investigadas quanto à suscetibilidade à deltametrina. MÉTODOS: Análise por meio de bioensaios por aplicação tópica em 11 populações de T. sordida procedentes dos Estados de Goiás, Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. RESULTADOS: As estimativas de DL50 e RR50 demonstraram elevados níveis de suscetibilidade (DL50 < 1 e RR50 < 2). Entretanto, as análises do coeficiente angular da curva dose resposta revelaram que as populações de triatomíneos dos municípios de Firminópolis/GO, Posse/GO, Poxoréu/MT, Douradina/MS e Aparecida do Taboado/MS apresentam maiores probabilidades de evolução de resistência, portanto, mais propícias a tolerar o tratamento com deltametrina. CONCLUSÕES: Detectaram-se pequenas alterações de suscetibilidade e baixos níveis de resistência, porém as alterações temporais de suscetibilidade deverão ser continuamente monitoradas, a fim de nortear adequadamente as ações de controle dos vetores da DC.


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This study evaluated the microbiological quality of hamburgers and the microbe community on the hands of vendors in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil, in relation to vendors´ awareness as to what constitute acceptable food-handling practices as part of a broad-spectrum research programme on street foods in Brazil . Sale of the hamburger known as the 'baguncinha' is common and widespread in urban Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Food inspectors encounter various difficulties in carrying out inspections. One hundred and five hamburgers samples were evaluated using conventional methods including tests for facultative aerobic and/or anaerobic mesophytic bacteria, coliform counts at 45 °C, the coagulase test for Staphylococcus, Gram-staining for the presence of Bacillus cereus, Clostridium sulphite reductase and Salmonella spp. The hamburgers were categorized as unsuitable for human consumption in 31.4% of samples, with those testing positive for coliforms and Staphylococcus at unacceptably high levels by Brazilian standards. High levels of microbiological contamination were detected on the hands of the food handlers and mesophytic bacterial counts reached 1.8 × 10(4) CFU/hand. Interviews were carried out by means of questionnaires to evaluate levels of awareness as to acceptable food handling practices and it was found that 80,1% of vendors had never participated in any kind of training.


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OBJETIVOS: desenvolver uma metodologia de intervenção e aplicá-la às equipes das Secretarias Estaduais de Saúde (SES) objetivando incorporar a prática de monitoramento e avaliação da atenção básica através de processo de capacitação e realização de atividade real de planejamento e programação em saúde. MÉTODOS: foi desenvolvido um processo de ensino-aprendizagem-trabalho que incorporou ao processo de capacitação uma atividade de planejamento em saúde. A qualidade dos dois processos é assegurada através do estabelecimento de princípios e critérios para a organização da capacitação, para a elaboração da proposta metodológica de monitoramento e avaliação e para a condução didático-pedagógica do curso. RESULTADOS: a metodologia foi aplicada nos Estados de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Tocantins (TO) e Amazonas (AM), respeitando as particularidades locais em termos de organização da SES e da qualificação e capacidade dos técnicos responsáveis pela atenção básica. Foram produzidas propostas metodológicas estruturalmente semelhantes, mas diferentes nas suas prioridades e propostas de desenvolvimento. Dois anos após o término da intervenção, efeitos desse trabalho ainda estão sendo identificados. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados obtidos em MS, TO e AM revelam a capacidade que a abordagem baseada na tríade ensino-aprendizagem-trabalho possui para a institucionalização de novas práticas de trabalho nos serviços de saúde.


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A participação social no Brasil evoluiu de movimento operário e de sindicatos, culminando na institucionalização através de Conselhos. Na área da saúde, foi legalizada pela Lei 8142/90. O objetivo deste estudo é conhecer a prática do controle social exercida em Conselhos de Unidades e sua influência nas políticas de saúde do município de Campo Grande, MS. Foram feitos cinco estudos de caso, tendo como fonte principal as atas de reuniões e como referencial de análise um documento do Ilpes/Claps (1975). Os Conselhos organizam-se em plenário, com coordenador, secretário, composição hoje paritária, representatividade reduzida e periodicidade mensal. O processo decisório contempla principalmente elementos técnico-administrativos e técnico-operacionais. No período 1998-2002, o controle social fortaleceu-se por encaminhamentos mais concretos, mas a capacidade de deliberação precisa ser fortalecida por uma capacitação que inclua elementos técnicos, políticos e administrativos, representatividade, fortalecimento da cidadania, divulgação intensa das atividades dos Conselhos, inclusive na mídia, maior mobilização social e articulação entre os vários Conselhos e instâncias municipais que fazem interface com o setor de saúde.


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A violência, em todas as suas apresentações, tem crescido de forma avassaladora no país, elevando os indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade por causas externas. O uso das armas de fogo, muitas vezes, faz vítimas fatais ou que podem permanecer sequeladas. Tal fato tem aumentado o ônus do estado com internações hospitalares e acréscimo dos anos de vida perdidos da população jovem, que constitui a grande maioria dessas vítimas. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo objetivou fazer um levantamento das vítimas de ferimentos por arma de fogo, atendidas pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência no município de Campo Grande-MS, no período de abril de 2005 a abril de 2007, nos dois primeiros anos de funcionamento, desde a implantação desse serviço na capital do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Realizou-se estudo descritivo, baseado em análise documental do sistema de informação do SAMU do município de Campo Grande-MS. Foram descritos 233 atendimentos. Os resultados evidenciaram 213 vítimas do sexo masculino, a faixa etária mais acometida foi dos 20 aos 24 anos de idade, a cabeça e o pescoço foram as partes do corpo mais atingidas e a região Sul do município de Campo Grande foi a que concentrou maior número de atendimentos. Conclui-se que a violência por arma de fogo em Campo Grande-MS atinge a camada economicamente ativa da população e provém de regiões de bolsões de pobreza e desigualdade social, justificando a implantação de um serviço como o SAMU.


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Mazama gouazoubira, o veado-catingueiro, é uma espécie de cervídeo de porte pequeno, que pode ser encontrado na América do Sul, desde o sul do Uruguai até o norte de Mato Grosso, no Brasil. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever as membranas fetais e a placenta de M. gouazoubira no terço inicial de gestação. As amostras coletadas foram analisadas macroscopicamente e microscopicamente. O exame do útero demonstrou uma gestação univitelina e um embrião com crown-rump de 13mm. Na análise do embrião pode ser observado o olho pigmentado, as saliências auriculares, o mesonefro e e metanefro em desenvolvimento, o fígado e sua proeminência externa, o estômago, os membros torácicos e os brotos dos membros pélvicos. A placenta apresentou-se oligocotiledonária e no útero puderam ser observadas nove carúnculas. O saco gestacional mediu 15cm de comprimento e, como observado no início da gestação dos ruminantes domésticos, os cotilédones não puderam ser identificados macroscopicamente. Uma fraca adesão foi observada entre as carúnculas e a membrana corioalantóica (cotilédones) que formavam os placentônios. A membrana corioalantóica demonstrou um alantóide bem vascularizado composto por uma fina camada de células de núcleos e citoplasmas alongados. Na outra face da membrana, o cório foi composto por células cúbicas, de citoplasmas escassos e núcleos grandes e arredondados, características de células trofoblásticas. Envolvendo o embrião visualizou-se o saco amniótico constituído de duas camadas passíveis de separação mecânica, que apresentaram morfologia similar, sendo formadas por um epitélio pavimentoso avascular. Não foi observado saco vitelino no estágio gestacional do espécime estudado. Conclui-se que a placenta de M. gouazoubira é oligocotiledonária, como observado em outros cervídeos, e que as membranas fetais apresentam semelhanças com a de outros ruminantes, incluindo as características citológicas. Estudos adicionais são necessários para determinar a presença do saco vitelino e quando ocorre sua regressão.


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The objective of this study was to report for the first time infection by Hepatozoon spp. and Babesia spp. in 10 dogs from the city of Cuiabá, State of Mato Grosso, central-western Brazil. A pair of primers that amplifies a 574 bp fragment of the 18S rRNA of Hepatozoon spp., and a pair of primers that amplifies a 551 bp fragment of the gene 18S rRNA for Babesia spp. were used. Six dogs were positive for Babesia spp., and 9 were positive for Hepatozoon spp. Co-infection of Babesia spp. and Hepatozoon spp. was seen in 5 dogs. Sequenced samples revealed 100% identity with B. canis vogeli, and H. canis. This is the first molecular detection of H. canis in domestic dogs from Cuiabá. Additionally, it is described for the first time the presence of B. canis vogeli circulating among dogs in Cuiabá.


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To identify natural infections by Leishmania spp. in insect vectors of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, we performed field studies in natural and anthropic environments in the Guaicurus Settlement (Bodoquena Range) of the Bonito municipality, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. From October 2002 to October 2003, a total of 1395 sandfly females were captured with Shannon and light traps and dissected in search of flagellates. The sample is composed of a total of 13 species, with Lutzomyia almerioi (59.9%) and Lutzomyia longipalpis (31.4%) predominant. Infections by flagellates were directly observed in three of the dissected of Lu. almerioi females (0.36%). To increase the sensitivity of detection, DNA extracted from pools of the 1220 dissected females (Lu. almerioi 808, Lu. longipalpis 399 and Nyssomyia whitmani 13) was subjected to small subunit rRNA-based polymerase chain reactions (SSU-PCR). DNA from Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi was detected in at least 0.37% of Lu. almerioi females and in 0.25% of Lu. longipalpis females. The DNA of the Leishmania (Viannia) sp. was detected in 0.12% of Lu. almerioi and in 0.70% of Lu. longipalpis. Leishmania (L.) amazonensis was found in 1.25% of Lu. longipalpis. Mixed infections of L. (Leishmania) sp. and L. (Viannia) sp. were found in 0.50% of Lu. longipalpis. When considering that each positive pool contained at least a single infected specimen, we found a 1.23% rate of Leishmania spp. infection among the total population of dissected female sand flies as determined by PCR. This is the first report of natural infection by L. (L.) infantum chagasi and L. (Viannia) sp. in Lu. almerioi. It is also the first report of infection by L. (Viannia) sp. in Lu. longipalpis. The observation that Lu. longipalpis and Lu. almerioi are naturally infected by agents of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniases suggests that these two species play a role in the transmission (continua) (continuação) of these diseases within the study area. Furthermore, the finding that Lu. longipalpis has been naturally infected by L. (L.) amazonensis and L. (Viannia) sp., and Lu. almerioi by L. (L.) infantum chagasi and L. (Viannia), suggests their participation as permissive vectors


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Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a triploid, vegetatively propagated crop introduced early during the colonization of Brazil. Turmeric rhizomes are ground into a powder used as a natural dye in the food industry, although recent research suggests a greater potential for the development of drugs and cosmetics. In Brazil, little is known about the genetic variability available for crop improvement. We examined the genetic diversity among turmeric accessions from a Brazilian germplasm collection comprising 39 accessions collected from the States of Goias, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, and Para. For comparison, 18 additional genotypes were analyzed, including samples from India and Puerto Rico. Total DNA was extracted from lyophilized leaf tissue and genetic analysis was performed using 17 microsatellite markers (single-sequence repeats). Shannon-Weiner indexes ranged from 0.017 (Minas Gerais) to 0.316 (Sao Paulo). Analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) demonstrated major differences between countries (63.4%) and that most of the genetic diversity in Brazil is found within states (75.3%). Genotypes from Sao Paulo State were the most divergent and potentially useful for crop improvement. Structure analysis indicated two main groups of accessions. These results can help target future collecting efforts for introduction of new materials needed to develop more productive and better adapted cultivars.


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The freshwater prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum is widely distributed in South America, and occupies habitats with a wide range of salinities. Several investigations have revealed the existence of wide intraspecific variability among different populations, although the understanding of this variability is still fragmentary and incomplete. We compared and characterized inland and coastal populations of M. amazonicum from Brazil, using molecular data (16S and COI mtDNA) to describe the degree of variability, structure, and relationships among them. Genetic divergence rates among populations showed variability at the intraspecific level. All the analyses evidenced significant genetic divergence among populations, structuring them in three groups: I-inland waters of the Amazonian Hydrographic Region (HR); II-Parana/Paraguay HR; and III-coastal systems of northern and northeastern Brazil. Phylogenetic reconstructions revealed that the populations form a single monophyletic clade, which supports their characterization as a single species. Clade I was a sister clade of that formed by clades II and III, which were themselves sister clades. Populations from Sertaozinho/Miguelopolis and Avare, introduced into the state of Sao Paulo, may have originated from natural populations in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul and Para, respectively. Geographical isolation probably contributed to the observed variation, and if this isolation continues. M. amazonicum may undergo speciation within its broad geographical distribution. The sequences obtained here can be used as name-tags for population identification, and the DNA barcodes are useful to identify the origin of specimens used in different freshwater-prawn cultures or introduced populations of unknown origin.


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Phototherapy is noninvasive, painless and has no known side effect. However, for its incorporation into clinical practice, more well-designed studies are necessary to define optimal parameters for its application. The viability of fibroblasts cultured under nutritional stress irradiated with either a red laser, an infrared laser, or a red light-emitting diode (LED) was analyzed. Irradiation parameters were: red laser (660 nm, 40 mW, 1 W/cm(2)), infrared laser (780 nm, 40 mW, 1 W/cm(2)), and red LED (637 +/- 15 nm, 40 mW, 1 W/cm(2)). All applications were punctual and performed with a spot with 0.4 mm(2) of diameter for 4 or 8 s. The Kruskal-Wallis test and analysis of variance of the general linear model (p <= 0.05) were used for statistical analysis. After 72 h, phototherapy with low-intensity laser and LED showed no toxicity at the cellular level. It even stimulated methylthiazol tetrazolium assay (MTT) conversion and neutral red uptake of fibroblasts cultured under nutritional stress, especially in the group irradiated with infrared laser (p = 0.004 for MTT conversion and p < 0.001 for neutral red uptake). Considering the parameters and protocol of phototherapy used, it can be concluded that phototherapy stimulated the viability of fibroblasts cultured under nutritional deficit resembling those found in traumatized tissue in which cell viability is reduced. (C) 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.3602850]


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The taxonomic identity in microbial eukaryotes remains an impediment to discussing ecology, biogeography and phylogeny, mainly due to a lack of standards in organism descriptions and few comparative works. The lobose testate amoebae (Arcellinida) present an ideal study system, as progress is severely hindered due to taxonomic confusion. In the present survey, we have examined the morphology, biometry and ecology of 2400 individuals in the genus Arcella Ehrenberg, 1832, collected from the Tiete River in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We then contrasted these new data with 26 previously described species, varieties and forms, looking for consistencies and trying to establish distinct entities. Using a combination of morphology and multivariate statistics we were able to determine 4 distinct taxa (Arcella hemisphaerica, Arcella discoides, Arcella gibbosa and Arcella brasiliensis), each of them encompassing a number of other non-distinct nominal taxa. We describe in detail each of the 4 taxa with notes on ecology and biogeography, and list the indistinguishable names in an effort to make identification and taxonomy in the testate amoebae a more objective and precise exercise by clarifying the taxonomic identity.


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Large-scale soy agriculture in the southern Brazilian Amazon now rivals deforestation for pasture as the region`s predominant form of land use change. Such landscape-level change can have substantial consequences for local and regional hydrology, but these effects remain relatively unstudied in this ecologically and economically important region. We examined how the conversion to soy agriculture influences water balances and stormflows using stream discharge (water yields) and the timing of discharge (stream hydrographs) in small (2.5-13.5 km2) forested and soy headwater watersheds in the Upper Xingu Watershed in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. We monitored water yield for 1 year in three forested and four soy watersheds. Mean daily water yields were approximately four times higher in soy than forested watersheds, and soy watersheds showed greater seasonal variability in discharge. The contribution of stormflows to annual streamflow in all streams was low (< 13% of annual streamflow), and the contribution of stormflow to streamflow did not differ between land uses. If the increases in water yield observed in this study are typical, landscape-scale conversion to soy substantially alters water-balance, potentially altering the regional hydrology over large areas of the southern Amazon.


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Tropical ecosystems play a large and complex role in the global carbon cycle. Clearing of natural ecosystems for agriculture leads to large pulses of CO(2) to the atmosphere from terrestrial biomass. Concurrently, the remaining intact ecosystems, especially tropical forests, may be sequestering a large amount of carbon from the atmosphere in response to global environmental changes including climate changes and an increase in atmospheric CO(2). Here we use an approach that integrates census-based historical land use reconstructions, remote-sensing-based contemporary land use change analyses, and simulation modeling of terrestrial biogeochemistry to estimate the net carbon balance over the period 1901-2006 for the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, which is one of the most rapidly changing agricultural frontiers in the world. By the end of this period, we estimate that of the state`s 925 225 km(2), 221 092 km(2) have been converted to pastures and 89 533 km(2) have been converted to croplands, with forest-to-pasture conversions being the dominant land use trajectory but with recent transitions to croplands increasing rapidly in the last decade. These conversions have led to a cumulative release of 4.8 Pg C to the atmosphere, with similar to 80% from forest clearing and 20% from the clearing of cerrado. Over the same period, we estimate that the residual undisturbed ecosystems accumulated 0.3 Pg C in response to CO2 fertilization. Therefore, the net emissions of carbon from Mato Grosso over this period were 4.5 Pg C. Net carbon emissions from Mato Grosso since 2000 averaged 146 Tg C/yr, on the order of Brazil`s fossil fuel emissions during this period. These emissions were associated with the expansion of croplands to grow soybeans. While alternative management regimes in croplands, including tillage, fertilization, and cropping patterns promote carbon storage in ecosystems, they remain a small portion of the net carbon balance for the region. This detailed accounting of a region`s carbon balance is the type of foundation analysis needed by the new United Nations Collaborative Programmme for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).


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The Brazilian Amazon is one of the most rapidly developing agricultural areas in the world and represents a potentially large future source of greenhouse gases from land clearing and subsequent agricultural management. In an integrated approach, we estimate the greenhouse gas dynamics of natural ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems after clearing in the context of a future climate. We examine scenarios of deforestation and postclearing land use to estimate the future (2006-2050) impacts on carbon dioxide (CO(2)), methane (CH(4)), and nitrous oxide (N(2)O) emissions from the agricultural frontier state of Mato Grosso, using a process-based biogeochemistry model, the Terrestrial Ecosystems Model (TEM). We estimate a net emission of greenhouse gases from Mato Grosso, ranging from 2.8 to 15.9 Pg CO(2)-equivalents (CO(2)-e) from 2006 to 2050. Deforestation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions over this period, but land uses following clearing account for a substantial portion (24-49%) of the net greenhouse gas budget. Due to land-cover and land-use change, there is a small foregone carbon sequestration of 0.2-0.4 Pg CO(2)-e by natural forests and cerrado between 2006 and 2050. Both deforestation and future land-use management play important roles in the net greenhouse gas emissions of this frontier, suggesting that both should be considered in emissions policies. We find that avoided deforestation remains the best strategy for minimizing future greenhouse gas emissions from Mato Grosso.