967 resultados para Martins, Max, 1926-2009 - Crítica e interpretação


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En la cub. además: Materiales de historia de la filosofía


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En la actualidad se confrontan dos grandes corrientes alrededor del tema de la definición de la necesidad: la que define la necesidad humana como un valor relativo que depende de opciones individuales y de las posibilidades que cada persona y su familia tienen para adquirirlas en el mercado (corriente liberal); y la que define la necesidad como un proceso determinante de la vida, cuya realización se constituye de esa manera en un derecho humano inalienable, al que debe accederse bajo una distribución equitativa para todos/as los/as miembros de una sociedad, acceso que debe construirse solidariamente para el máximo bien común (corriente solidaria).


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La investigación analiza el metabolismo social capitalista a través del estudio de su quinto proceso, la excreción. En una suerte de relación subsunción-autonomía, partimos de la construcción de una teoría crítica del metabolismo del desecho en la determinación social de la salud que aterriza en un estudio nacional de economía política y geografía crítica de la basura en el Ecuador, y termina con un estudio de caso que devela de qué manera esos procesos macro determinan las condiciones de vida, de salud o su pérdida en comunidades afectadas por sistemas de disposición final de residuos, especialmente recicladores/as informales y sus familias. El primer capítulo propone un abordaje conceptual de ruptura, que toma como marcos disciplinarios la crítica de la economía política, la ecología política, la epidemiología crítica y las teorías del Estado. El segundo capítulo realiza un análisis sociohistórico a nivel nacional, desde los años del neoliberalismo durante los que se gesta la crisis de la basura, hasta los años del gobierno actual en los que la crisis de la basura tiene un boom, con el colapso de muchos de los sistemas de disposición final, especialmente en cabeceras cantonales. El tercer capítulo analiza la determinación social, exposición, vulnerabilidad y perfil epidemiológico de trabajadores informales y sus familias, en el botadero a cielo abierto del cantón Portoviejo en Ecuador. La investigación finaliza evidenciando el peso que representa, en términos económicos para el Estado, mantener el subsidio de la gestión y administración de los residuos sólidos y propone el modelo de “Basura cero”, reparador del metabolismo social.


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Denna uppsats undersöker olika musikaliskt hörbara kännetecken som är specifika i Max Martins produktioner. Musikaliska kännetecken refererar till hörbara kännetecken i den här uppsatsen och kommer att beröra formen på verket, tonart, rytm, frasindelningar, sångens dynamik, melodin och känslan som artisten framför i sången. Först analyseras tre produktioner producerade och skrivna av Max Martin och sedan jämförs de med tre stycken produktioner som är producerade och skrivna av andra producenter och låtskrivare. Analysen sker genom en så kallad ljudhändelsebeskrivning för att få fram material som går att jämföras och det sker med hjälp av den komparativa metoden. I resultatet går det tydligt att se musikaliskt hörbara kännetecken som är specifika i Max Martins produktioner. Det går även att se vilka musikaliskt hörbara kännetecken som är gemensamma för alla inspelningar som har analyserats i uppsatsen.


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This dissertation aims at examining empirical evidences obtained in the light of taxonomies and strategies for measuring firms technological capabilities and innovation in the context of developing countries, motivated by the fact that debates and studies directed to innovation has been intensified, for the last thirty years, by the recognition of its vital and growing importance to the technological, economic, competitive and industrial development of firms and countries. Two main tendencies can be identified on this debate. At one side, it¿s the literature related to the developed countries logic, whose companies are, in majority, positioned at the technological frontier, characterized by the domain of innovative advanced capabilities, directed to its sustaining, deepening and renewal. At the other side, there are the perspectives directed to the developing countries reality, where there is a prevalence of companies with deficiency of resources, still in process of accumulating basic and intermediate technological capabilities, with characteristics and technological development trajectories distinct or even reverse from those of developing countries. From this last tradition of studies, the measuring approaches based in C&T indicators and in types and levels of technological capabilities stand out. The first offers a macro level, aggregated perspective, through the analysis of a representative sample of firms, seeking to the generation of internationally comparable data, without addressing the intraorganizational specificities and nuances of the paths of technological accumulation developed by the firms, using, mostly, R&D statistics, patents, individual qualifications, indicators that carry their own limitations. On the other hand, studies that examine types and levels of technological capabilities are scarce, usually directed to a small sample of firms and/or industrial sectors. Therefore, in the light of the focus and potentialities of each of the perspectives, this scenario exposes a lack of studies that examine, in a parallel and complementary way, both types of strategies, seeking to offer more realistic, consistent and concrete information about the technological reality of developing countries. In order to close this gap, this dissertation examines (i) strategies of innovation measurement in the contexts of developing countries based on traditional approaches and C&T indicators, represented by four innovation surveys - ECIB, PINTEC, PAEP and EAI, and, (ii) from the perspective of technological capabilities as an intrinsic resource of the firm, the development of which occurs in a cumulative way and based on learning, presents and extracts generalizations of empirical applications of a metric that identifies types and levels of technological capabilities, through a dynamic and intra-firm perspective. The exam of the empirical evidences of the two approaches showed what each one of the metrics are capable to offer and the way they can contribute to the generation of information that reflect the technological development of specific industrial sectors in developing countries. In spite of the fact that the focus, objective, perspective, inclusion, scope and lens used are substantially distinct, generating, on a side, an aggregated view, and of other, an intra-sector, intra-organizational and specific view, the results suggest that the use of one doesn't implicate discarding or abdicating the other. On the contrary, using both in a complementary way means the generation of more complete, rich and relevant evidences and analysis that offer a realistic notion of the industrial development and contribute in a more direct way to the design of corporate strategies and government policies, including those directed to the macro level aspects just as those more specific and focused, designed to increment and foment firms in-house innovative efforts.


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É inegável que as passagens B 560 e B 586 da Crítica da Razão Pura sejam paradoxais. Isso porque, embora Kant tenha afirmado haver uma possibilidade da liberdade na solução da terceira antinomia (B 560), de forma aparentemente contraditória a esse resultado, alega, numa passagem da nona seção do segundo capítulo do segundo livro da dialética transcendental, sequer ter tido o problema de demonstrar a possibilidade daquele conceito. Esse problema, correlato à dificuldade de compatibilizar- se aquelas passagens, é a causa motriz do engendramento deste texto dissertativo. Logo, por meio dele, busca-se explicar por que razão tais passagens não são contraditórias. Não o são, porque a acepção do termo “possibilidade” nelas empregadas é ambígua, ou seja, possui mais de um significado. Como veremos, distinguindo o significado dos conceitos de possibilidade aí envolvidos, pode-se defender uma possibilidade lógica da idéia transcendental da liberdade enquanto númeno. Mas seria tal possibilidade lógica do conceito da liberdade transcendental um princípio regulativo? Que princípio regulativo seria ele? Ao se analisar esse segundo problema dissertativo, delimitando-se a segunda questão à relação da possibilidade da liberdade com os princípios regulativos em seu uso empírico, conclui-se que estes conceitos têm acepções totalmente distintas. Isso porque, uma vez que eles possuem diferentes funções no itinerário da razão: enquanto um procura deixar em aberto um espaço numênico, o outro, abre espaço para o regresso empírico das inferências, a fim de que a razão especulativa não se atenha indevidamente a um incondicionado ilusório.


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O presente trabalho examina as normas brasileiras relativas ao provisionamento e à divulgação de passivos contingentes com vistas especificamente à sua aplicação para processos judiciais e administrativos, que representam o tipo de passivo contingente que mais impacta o resultado da maior parte das companhias nacionais, de todos os segmentos. O texto das normas, portanto, é confrontado com a realidade prática do mercado e as especificidades inerentes aos processos judiciais e administrativos. Além de contextualizar e explicar o funcionamento das regras aplicáveis, com destaque para o Pronunciamento Técnico nº. 25, do Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis, que se tornou obrigatório para as companhias abertas por meio da Deliberação CVM nº. 594, de 15 de setembro de 2009, é realizada sua análise crítica, identificando omissões que podem dificultar o desempenho das atividades de provisionamento de tais demandas pelos profissionais competentes, fomentando a falta de uniformidade desses registros entre as demonstrações financeiras das companhias, bem como possibilitando o gerenciamento de resultados. Em seguida, são avaliadas e propostas soluções para os problemas identificados, com destaque para o estabelecimento de valores percentuais aos critérios de classificação de risco e a definição de critérios para classificação de risco de perda e mensuração de valores de passivos contingentes, organizadas em forma de diretrizes de boas práticas de provisionamento e de divulgação de passivos contingentes decorrentes de processos judiciais e administrativos.


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This work has a study object the main thinking work of Johan Kaspar Schmidt well known as Max Stirner (1806-1856) - originally titled (in German), Der Einzige und sein Eigentun, and translated into Portuguese by the Portuguese publisher Antígona in 2004, under the title The Unique and its Ownership. This book was known in 1844 although its publication dated 1845 seen that the censor of that time rejected the publication request in that year - saying that ( ) in concrete passages of that work, not only God, Christ, the church and the religion are usually object of proposal blasphemy, but also because all social order, the state and the government are defined as something that should not exist simultaneously as one justifies the lie, perjury, the murder and suicide and denies the ownership right. After this first attack and rejection by its bearing the unique come to be others target, due practically to all the philosophical political thinkers its time including thinkers like Ludwig Feuerbach and Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels in spite of, on the other hand, having inspired formulations and reformulations of many of those thinkers that were against then in their times, as well as those thinkers that came after then such as Nietzsche himself. Even though this work was be victim of powerful attempts of erasing it of history, it has shown a great repercussion power and that is the main reason that led us to ask the following questions what is its big originality? , how could his author arrive at a so impactant perspective? What is its most legitimate political place? We endeavored in elaborate answers to those questions trough the exegesis of its text, taking in account both the scholarship environment where the author produced his intellectual life set - and the detailed reading of texts linked to discussion in focus, where this reading is always based upon the meaning and senses traced by the texts and its contexts as a precaution against the limits and the traps of the readings which shed light markedly on strict letter of the phrases constructs. Ours conclusions point at to the idea that a work like this , that subverts the characteristic ways of thought of the modernity, completely, continues being a utter odds, without rank in the history of thought and the moderns political practices, finding parallel possibility only, in a very special way, with a certain autharchic perspective of Ancient Greece


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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This research aims to analyze, based on the theories of French semiotics (or greimasian), the development of the critical text by Barbara Heliodora and drama criticism, a very popular genre in journalism and therefore of great relevance for scholars in the area. The corpus of this research will analyze nine texts by the author, giving priority to her early career (texts from 1957, 1958 and 1962) and her most recent texts (two from 2007 and one from 2010). The choice for greimasian Semiotics is justified because it is a methodology that provides all the necessary elements for interpretation of textual content and its relationship both in the business of the theater and journalism